Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

Iwaku, Toyhouse, Deviantart, world of warcraft, Discord. There was some other site that I don't remember the name from that had the search adds, and we'd do the actual roleplaying in email. And before we had the internet through snail mail. 🦕🦖
My first experience with roleplaying was NationStates, which is a government simulation browser game, and I remember I used to be really bad at it as a kid. Now that I'm an adult, that's obviously not the case for me anymore but it was an embarrassing experience for sure.
Dynasty Warriors/Romance of the Three Kingdoms rps Proboards/Zetaboards/Hyperboads -> Final Fantasy Crossovers/Panfandoms (where most of my preferences started) -> A private-ish RP only a couple of people may recognize if I name it (started out as a SAO/Isekai clone where I staff).

Everything else was such little time, it's not worth mentioning.
I stumbled upon it on Facebook it was a decent sized group roleplay group I loved it. That’s how I started and I realized I started writing more and more and my partners would only have 1-2 sentences so I moved away from that to go onto bigger fish which I was totally outclassed before I understood plotting I went to Discord to now here.
First started roleplaying in real life with my friend before finding a partner on deviantART. After that, I would use Shamchat and later Rolechat for finding partners. Then we'd usually take the RP to Chatzy or Discord. I also did do some group RPs in some Chatzy rooms but I prefer 1x1.
I was a long time member of Zervo for rp'ing before I joined here. It had a lot of issues but mostly it was great fun. I miss it
I just found this site last night, I was venturing onto the internet to find somewhere to find like minded individuals who enjoy RP because I'm currently on a site with about 25 active users and would like to increase that count, or find another that has a bit more. This site is really unique to my experience! and I love it.
I've been doing roleplay for a while, but I got my start on Quotev. That website doesn't support any messaging features now though so all that stuff is gone. Wanted to dive into Tumblr roleplay, but it's intimidating. Now, I'm here and I like the set up a lot!
I was first introduced to roleplaying on Quotev, and was a proud roleplay veteran on that site for over a decade. Ever since the site decided to pull the plug on its groups/messaging features in June though, I have been looking for some place that could replicate Quotev's style, but so far, I've been jumping between here and Iwaku

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