Viewpoint RP veterans, what have you observed has changed over time in roleplays ?

I don't think the question was derailing the thread.
Nah, you're good. I'm a mouthy brute. I won't shut up about lit/semi-lit without imposing the constraint, when the topic is about how the scene has evolved, not about why that particular nomenclature is or is not flawed. I was imposing it more for myself if not anyone else, lol.
WOOP I FORGOT TO ANSWER TO EVERYTHING KUFDHBQSKEUHFN SORRY. But yeah ZombZomb don't worry about deerailing the convo. What y'all were talking about is interesting and I'm super down to read your ramblings. That counts for all of you, please. Ramble and explain and over explain al you want. I can't speak for everyone else but in my case, I'm always going to find it interesting worth the time to ponder over !!!!
The fandoms that are most popular tend to change over the years.
That surprised me actually! I was thinking people in roleplay forums tend to stick to written works that they are super familiar with, to really explore the weird crevices and sides of an already written story and twist/spin it with their own takes. And that usually takes a while to develop! Even for finding people that you are compatible with would probably be easier with older fandoms right?

But on the other hand I can kind of understand the thrill of "the next shiny new thing" inciting people to want to explore newer stuff even if they aren't familiar with it.
That surprised me actually! I was thinking people in roleplay forums tend to stick to written works that they are super familiar with, to really explore the weird crevices and sides of an already written story and twist/spin it with their own takes. And that usually takes a while to develop! Even for finding people that you are compatible with would probably be easier with older fandoms right?

But on the other hand I can kind of understand the thrill of "the next shiny new thing" inciting people to want to explore newer stuff even if they aren't familiar with it.
Not only that. Waves of new roleplayers arrive to the scene every few years with new fandoms that are valid for their generation.
Oh good, I'm really glad you don't mind people discussing it because I did like touching upon that topic.

The use of language and class systems shouldn't ever be used to make people feel inferior. Either way around.
It shouldn't feel disrespectful seeking people who communicate at a level, frequency, abundance I do and sacrifice my own creative worth for fear of offending someone.

That just makes me sick to my stomach. The fact that the way language is used. The fact that someone can't say they are more well read or literate then you because that offends you personally. It truly baffles my mind.

Achievements are not used to make others feel inferior.

However, if you feel inferior. Perhaps you should work harder to get to a place you want to be or just stick to the roleplaying you enjoy. To complain about other people's way of roleplaying is rather futile.

It's language. People use it in different ways to be creative and communicate to people.
There is no vendetta with it. It's just is a class system. And it's free to do so I mean it's not like your paying for an experience here.

So, as you can tell. I just woke up from a nap. *rubs eyes*
Even for finding people that you are compatible with would probably be easier with older fandoms right?
Absolutely not! I've got a handful of older fandoms I really enjoy digging into no matter when or why or how someone wants to explore them, but finding compatible partners is nearly impossible. And since no one wants to do crossovers, I'm out of luck until another blue moon passes by.

I will say, though, that it's much easier to make friends with niche and obscure fandoms, simply by virtue of you liking the same thing! So it's a double edged sword. Great friends, extremely low chance of finding said friends.
I'm "literate" by any measure, but I'm also not a huge fan of the word as used for RP planning. Everyone involved can read just fine, and the vast majority can write as well as they talk if they really wanted to. No one is illiterate, and it feels kinda crappy to people who actually can't read much to borrow the word for a new meaning like that.

Not RP, but I made a few fast friends over A Tale of Two Cities as a teenager because so few people actually want to do fandom stuff about that book. Good to know that rare fandom friendships are still going strong <3

I wonder where the Neopets/Gaia pickup games for kids and teens happen these days. I'd guess probably social media and MMOs? I was only ever in a couple (90s/09s kid, parents afraid adults would sneak onto the forums and kidnap me so I was only brave enough if they went out and left the dial up on), I was completely unprepared when I joined "we're half-animal became we were experimented on" on Neopets and someone's having their character get shocked by an NPC scientist with a cattle prod. I think I was expecting if to be more like when some neighbor kids would say "let's play cats" or "let's play wolves".

I guess I LARPed and used miniatures without dice (beanie babies, plastic animals and barbies count, right?) way more than I did casual text RP.

Do friends still force OCs and favorite canons into settings they don't belong in so they can RP together without being in the same fandoms? I had some good times doing that.

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