Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

Iwaku, Toyhouse, Deviantart, world of warcraft, Discord. There was some other site that I don't remember the name from that had the search adds, and we'd do the actual roleplaying in email. And before we had the internet through snail mail. 🦕🦖
My first experience with roleplaying was NationStates, which is a government simulation browser game, and I remember I used to be really bad at it as a kid. Now that I'm an adult, that's obviously not the case for me anymore but it was an embarrassing experience for sure.
Dynasty Warriors/Romance of the Three Kingdoms rps Proboards/Zetaboards/Hyperboads -> Final Fantasy Crossovers/Panfandoms (where most of my preferences started) -> A private-ish RP only a couple of people may recognize if I name it (started out as a SAO/Isekai clone where I staff).

Everything else was such little time, it's not worth mentioning.
I stumbled upon it on Facebook it was a decent sized group roleplay group I loved it. That’s how I started and I realized I started writing more and more and my partners would only have 1-2 sentences so I moved away from that to go onto bigger fish which I was totally outclassed before I understood plotting I went to Discord to now here.
First started roleplaying in real life with my friend before finding a partner on deviantART. After that, I would use Shamchat and later Rolechat for finding partners. Then we'd usually take the RP to Chatzy or Discord. I also did do some group RPs in some Chatzy rooms but I prefer 1x1.
I was a long time member of Zervo for rp'ing before I joined here. It had a lot of issues but mostly it was great fun. I miss it

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