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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

He nodded. "Yeah. I could tell. Dont worry. No one is going to die while good old Morpheus is here."

Angelica spoke in an almost sexual tone. "Mmmm... Buttercup you're going positively.. insaaane. I love it." She let out a slightly aroused breathe and licked her lips slowly, menacingly. "Do you remember me buttercup?"

He hadn't looked at her. He continued to face forward, his jaw clenching. "For more than the few minutes? No. I dont."

She chuckled. "Good. Does Damian?"

Thats when he looked at her. "I would suppose not."

She winked then went back to playing innocently with her dogs, going under the bed
Kalin stepped inside the room. "Alright, I'm getting tired of all the talk. If we aren't going to start the attack or start an orgy, I'm leaving on my own. I've been waiting to kill the bitch for a long time, and I'm not waiting anymore..."

Alex looked over at him. "I'm pretty sure that is not going to happen."

Kalin smirked, clicking his tongue as he started to leave.

Alex reappeared in front of him, holding his hands out. "No."
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Kalin stepped inside the room. "Alright, I'm getting tired of all the talk. If we aren't going to start the attack or start an orgy, I'm leaving on my own. I've been waiting to kill the bitch for a long time, and I'm not waiting anymore..."
Alex looked over at him. "I'm pretty sure that is not going to happen."

Kalin smirked, clicking his tongue as he started to leave.

Alex reappeared in front of him, holding his hands out. "No."

"If you leave the room and Dove takes my hand, just like this island you'll be blown apart. It isn't a good idea to leave." Luna looks out the window waiting for Dove to take her hand.
Drumonkey said:
"1,50- Damn they moved sorry I meant 1,684 man this is a bit of a work out I need a drink of water, how about you?" Dax chuckled as he easily cut down the creatures or he just dropped them into pits that lead somewhere.
Dante's sword simmered with such sensation in his hand, who couldn't figure if it were pure excitement, and his blood was heating up the blade's hilt, or if the blood of Ares actually had ran through the sword itself. He didn't care, as he slashed through a plethora more of sea-demons.


Dante yelled, as he began to cut through more, and more, the red aura beginning to elongate rapidly, taking on a monstrous shape, as if a demon's claw were harnessing itself. He couldn't stop something within him, told him to keep going, that these sea-demons deserved to die..

"NO MERCY!" A voice roared in his head.

Dante focused his strength into the ring, he needed something big, something flashy, something to end the entire horde of Telkhines in one go.. The ring shimmered, beginning to glow a faint white aura, and then it happened; a three large sticks of TNT appeared into his left hand, but this time, they were lit!

"Here goes dammit! Die you stupid ass marine-dog demons!!" Dante threw each stick of dynamite in separate directions, while slicing through several more hordes... BOOM! .. BOOM! .. BOOM!! The third TNT went off with a bigger bang, then the rest. Thousands of Telkhines flew up into the air, then disintegrated into dust. Momentarily clouding visuals.

The dust cloud began to clear, and only two lucky (or should he say unlucky) Telkhines survived.

"You want them Dax?" Dante gave off a slight smirk, although he did kind of feel bad for the sea-demons, as they trembled in fear.

"Eh, maybe we should let them live.. Not like they're much of a challenge in a pair of two.."
water tendrils grabbed them by the throat and then Dax was there his twin blades cutting them in half then he put them together and they became his trident. "cool let's go. You used enough TNT you must have the iron right?""
'Damn, didn't even give them a chance." Dante let off a weak laugh.

"Yeah, I blew up the mine, blocking off the ones trying to get outside, while leaving a small portion open so that we could retrieve the ore." Dante was already way passed fatigued, but he had to keep going. Dante imaged a huge duffel-bag, and a bucket. Sure enough, the ring glowed white, and both items appeared before him.

"The bags for the ore, I'll carry that, I need the strength training any who, the bucket is for once we reach the river of Styx, as manipulating the water will be impossible." Dante tossed the bucket towards Dax, and went over to the mine.

"Help me fill the bag."
Dax caught the handle of the bucket using his trident and followed Dante into the tunnel chuckling at the strength comment "Sure but I don't know how useful I am with gathering ore." Dax shrugged but continued to try and help his new friend.
Dove looked to Luna's hand, hesitating as she spoke, listening intently. After a long moment of consideration, Dove nodded reaching out and taking her hair.

((Oh bloody hell. Hand*))
CharChar45 said:
Dove looked to Luna's hand, hesitating as she spoke, listening intently. After a long moment of consideration, Dove nodded reaching out and taking her hair.
((Oh bloody hell. Hand*))
( Yaaayy! )

Dove could suddenly feel a connection with the entire island due to the many explosions set up. Suddenly the entire island starts to shake as the explosions go off. But they weren't explosions of flame. In every building and on every street. Explosions off spirits from the Astral Plane erupt into the air. Chains shoot out as well and they lash out and destroy everything in their path, grabbing as much as it can to pull into the Astral Plane. The spirits that shot into the air quickly grab monsters and actually devour their souls by contact. After that they possess their body and destroy other monsters and buildings. Ripping other monsters throats out as fires and explosions were going off. It was hell, truthfully a blood bath. Not a single street was spared from the red liquid. Even in the tower every room but theirs and Echidna was in the same state. Once all the monsters had been killed all the chains and souls a are sucked back into the Astral Plane. The portals close immediately. "Thanks Dove, you've officially raised hell. That's definitely going in the history books. Let's go!" Luna stands up though she seems dizzy. She pays it no mind though. She leaves the room and ignores the dead monster bodies and blood in the halls. Running straight towards the staircase and into Echidna's room. "We have come to aid you, my Lady." Luna has her chakrams appear in her hands.

( @Kalin Scarlet @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo @Drumonkey )
The chaos went straight into Morpheus, flooding him with power. An entire island random massacre serving as a powercell. He didn't seem to care. Nothing about his demeanor changed. But he could feel the power exploding inside him. He walked casually behind Luna, getting to Echidna's room when he did, his hands in his pockets, his eyes closed. Every step seemed to radiate.

Ryan watched out the window. "Interesting..." and followed after Luna

Angelica came from under the bed. "The boogie monsters are gone? Whee!" She put her poodles in their box and soon Damian rose. He said he'll take them for now. She smiled at him and handed him the box. "Take care of them or Ill personally rip every one of your organs out slowly" she said in a cheerful tone, skipping after Luna
Chip stuck his head out of Angelica chest. "Why dont you ever play with me like you do those puppies." He said sniffling.

Rebecca looked out the window amazed. "Good job Dove." She gave her a hug then walked out to the hallway.

Eric looked out the windiw with a dark expression. "So much death." He walked slowly through the halls.

Gaige smiled madly. "That. Was. Awesome. Lests do it again next time." She walked down the hall and cloakes herawlf leaving behind one of her Gaigebots.
She tilted her head then kissed his. "Because you have the ability to ask silly. But you never do" she skipped into the room. "Hello big scary monster lady!"
Chip squirmed around going back in. "But the puppies don't have too." He said as he started pouting.

Eric appeared beside her. "Don't rempt the monster lady we supposed to take her bt surprise."
After the explosion, Kalin dashed off, pushing Alex out of the way.

Alex prepares to chase after him, but realizes that they're now in very real danger, and so he stays with the others as the battle approaches.
Dru silently followed the group and the closer they got to the Echidnas room he glowed faintly and began to release hope into all the demigods around him, they could all feel a slight surge of power and a feeling that could only be described as hope.
Morpheus finally made it to the room. His coat was blowing. He felt a weird pinge he could only remember as hope. He closed his eyes and shook his heaf, slowly joining the others. "Not much longer now. Hello again glorious echidna."
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]After the explosion, Kalin dashed off, pushing Alex out of the way.
Alex prepares to chase after him, but realizes that they're now in very real danger, and so he stays with the others as the battle approaches.

Drumonkey said:
Dru silently followed the group and the closer they got to the Echidnas room he glowed faintly and began to release hope into all the demigods around him, they could all feel a slight surge of power and a feeling that could only be described as hope.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus finally made it to the room. His coat was blowing. He felt a weird pinge he could only remember as hope. He closed his eyes and shook his heaf, slowly joining the others. "Not much longer now. Hello again glorious echidna."
Tazmodo said:
Chip squirmed around going back in. "But the puppies don't have too." He said as he started pouting.

Eric appeared beside her. "Don't rempt the monster lady we supposed to take her bt surprise."
Echidna looked at all the demigod around her. She was cornered. She only had her trump card left, the Father of all monsters Typhoeus. Echidna slithers out the window behind her. Typhoeus bursts out the ground as if it were laying dormant under the island and catches her.

Typhoeus was so huge that his head was said to brush the stars. He's man-shaped down to the thighs, with two coiled vipers in place of legs. Attached to his hands in place of fingers were a hundred serpent heads, fifty per hand. He was winged, with dirty matted hair and beard, pointed ears, and eyes flashing fire. He had two hundred hands each with fifty serpents for fingers and a hundred heads, one in human form with the rest being heads of bulls, boars, serpents, lions and leopards. As a volcano-daimon, Typhoeus hurled red-hot rocks at the sky and storms of fire boiled from his mouth. He seemed enraged as he hurled red hot rocks at the tower. Typhoeus smashed his fist through the building and into the hall in which Kalin ran off to. ( ! ) ( Yeah I'm attempting to kill him for running out on us like that. Also yes, the Greeks really do know how to make a terrifying monster. )

Luna curses at the sight. "We need to get to the top of the tower. The way we can get as close as we can to make hits on it's vital organs. Running through the city would make it easy for it to trap us with magma or stomp us out. If anything we could jump off the tower rooftop if he tries to attack us. I have a spell we could us just in case we must jump off though. Remember what I told you earlier! We can still win this!" Luna runs out the room and up the staircase until she reaches the roof. Ready to fight, whether they follow her or not.
Eric picked up Angelica and went up the stairs. "This'll be fun." He followed Luna to the top.

Rebecca pulled out her bow and climbed the steps. "Ryan please don't use your light I know its corrupted you." She reached the top. "What's the plan?"
Dru was next to her his katana out and at the ready. "I am sorry about what had happened, in the dream you know."
Gaige instantly went to work she didn't know what she was making her hands just acted on their own. Her mind focused on the target. "Not big but effective." She sent her Gaigebots to help.
Kalin noticed the rumbling, but continued on, regardless. When the giant monster punched through the hall, Kalin fell backwards, as the entire building came apart. Before he could react he slipped out into the open air. A pair of flaming wings extended from his back, as he took to the sky unexpectedly.

"Damn it, they let her go!" he said, sighing as he flew in the direction of the Echidna's dwelling place. He assumed the others would be there.

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