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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Light said:
Luna was staring at Angelica and barely registered what Gaige said. She was talking about Steve, she was the one he called sweetie. She didn't know how to tell this girl. Luna took a deep breath and decided to do it the only way she could. Sure she would make herself seem like the bad girl who stole his heart but Gaige deserved to know. "I was that girl Steve was talking about. Gaige I'm sorry but... Steve is dead. He died fighting for the Gods. Which is another reason why I decided to rebel against them. Not one God gave thanks for his sacrifice or showed sorrow for his death at all." Luna pulls out the dagger she had first given to him. "When I first found Steve, I gave him this dagger. Before he died he gave it back to me." Luna looked Gaige in the eyes, her piercing red ones showing a bitter sadness. "Steve most likely meant a lot to you. To be honest you could have loved him much better then I could have. I may have given it to him but I don't deserve it. I'd like you to have it." Luna gives Gaige the dagger. Luna turns her head away and starts to move her hair out of her face while she tries to blink back tears. Luna expected Gaige to be furious with her. After all, Steve did die because he came to assist her.

( Little do they both know Echidna is asleep while the other rebel demigod are throwing a party in her tower. )
(I know i thought it was pretty funny)
As she spoke tears rolled down Gaiges face. She stood up and hugged Luna from behind just like Steve had always done to her. "Thank you for telling me. You keep the blade I wouldn't have any use for it. I can see why he loved you." She let go and walked away wanting to be alone tears still rolling down her face.
Drumonkey said:
"I just need a bit and I just got done fighting the reanimated corpse of Landon so I'm not in the mood for all this extra. Look I know people who can talk to your mother but if you let me have some of this ore then we pretend like nothing happened and no one needs to know."
Several more Telkhines began to crowd around Dax snarling like a pack of rabid hell hounds, baring their claws, and readying their pick axes.

"G-g-oo! You-you kind n-n-ot welcome!" The lead telkhine growled in a stutter.

"Sme-sme-smell c-child of the Sea! N-not wel-wel-come!" Before Dax realized it he was swarmed by hundreds of aquatic sea-demons who'd appeared from the unknown.

"L-leave or d-d-de-ad!!"

Dante stood still, analyzing the situation, this wasn't good, Dax was surrounded.

(Lmao Light. Echidna would have their heads. Why would the Demigods even turn to her side. Traitors asf. v.v)
Ryan watched her little moment and sneered a bit. He thought of following her to check on her because she's part of the team. But he decided to let her suffer alone. He knew he would would only do more damage. He didnt actually care about her crying. He had said it to her twice that emotions are a distraction. He wouldn't say it again.

Decimus rose up mext to Dax. "Calm down. I'm Decimus. Just give him the damn ore. Or you can explain to the ruler of this place why you are being insubordinate!"
"This could've gone better. Look guys I don't want to kill you guys so please don't make me. Look let me go and I won't kill you." Dax leaned against his trident raising an eyebrow at the leader. "Oh look death boy is here I am so glad you are here I was going to start something in your realm and i don't know how well that would go over."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan watched her little moment and sneered a bit. He thought of following her to check on her because she's part of the team. But he decided to let her suffer alone. He knew he would would only do more damage. He didnt actually care about her crying. He had said it to her twice that emotions are a distraction. He wouldn't say it again.
Decimus rose up mext to Dax. "Calm down. I'm Decimus. Just give him the damn ore. Or you can explain to the ruler of this place why you are being insubordinate!"
(Is there a way to giva a "Your character is an asshole" rating if so I would spam it so hard)
Dante was still secluded behind the giant boulder, but he'd witnessed Decimus had appeared.

"He appears when he wants I see." He thought to himself.


The Telkhines snorted in what sounded like laughter.


"The g-go-ds n-n-oo long-er rule! M-mother Echidna only! H-Hades n-no l-longer have power in t-t-this realm!" The demons were right, since the gods imprisonment, all godly power had seemingly weakened. Echidna was the ruler now.

"A-A-Attack! K-kill them a-al-l!!" Hundreds.. No THOUSANDS of Telkhines rushed out of the mine, clawing one after the other, throwing their pick axes at Dax, and Decimus.

"D-I-E!!" They all screamed in unison as if the two demigods death's were part of a music rehearsal.


Dante saw the build up.

"Shit!" He thought to himself, he had to stop from however, many more still lingered in the cave from getting through. He concentrated hard, imagining several sticks of TNT Dynamite to be at his side. His ring Atheneous glowed, and shimmered, he felt mildly fatigued, I guess Athena's power within the Underworld wasn't too common, he'd never actually felt sick using the rings power before.


No matter.. He yelled to his companions.

"Dax, Decimus! Try, and handle them! I'll take care of the mining cave so that more don't come running out! I'm counting on your two! Don't die on me!" With that, Dante ran towards the mine, dodging, and slashing through several sea-demons carrying his sword in his right hand, and the sticks of dynamite in the other. He wasn't going to let his friends be die!
Rebecca had returned and started to prepare for the party. Hopefully Morpheus would be back soon. "He better have got the damn duritos." The room was sound proof and ready to go all the needed was a Dj and snacks. She got up to the stand and started playing music. She did this on her free time at clubs before things went to shit.
(Sorry you can bitch about it later but for the sake of time csuse its 2am here....)

Decimus, now powered in Underworld, raised his hand as thousands of black spikes pierce through the monsters, killing them, leaving them there. "Get your ore. I have to finish my business." He disappeared
Thousands of Telkhines were killed, but more seemed to rush out in replacement of the others. Decimus had vanished, leaving once again Dax, and Dante alone. Several thousand more marched out attacking Dax, clawing at his face, gnawing at his legs, throwing their pick axes at his chest.
Tazmodo said:
As she spoke tears rolled down Gaiges face. She stood up and hugged Luna from behind just like Steve had always done to her. "Thank you for telling me. You keep the blade I wouldn't have any use for it. I can see why he loved you." She let go and walked away wanting to be alone tears still rolling down her face.
Luna took the blade and nods her head. She still felt badly about what had happened. "I'm sorry." She whispers to herself as she puts the daggers away and walks over to Angelica with the puppies. "Hey how are you?"
Angelica gave her an eyes closed, full tooth, ear to ear smile. Her heart was still broken. She could feel it every time it beat. Like there were millions of needles in there and every time she breathed they pushed deeper. Every time her heart pumped blood the needles wedged further. But she couldn't stay made at Luna. "They're great! Ray is being a grumpy puss right now" She spoke in baby talk "Arent you Ray? Aren't you?" She was holding the puppy to her face, rubbing their noses. She giggled wildly when he started licking her and fell back, the other three jumping on her and licking her. She was laughing "ahhh noo they're fighting me! I can't win! Too.... cute! Bleh"
(Sorry but no) Dax had immediately began spinning his trident holding them at bay any that got too close were cut down by the trident Dax managed to hold them at bay then Dax slammed his trident into the ground causing the earth to shake and the earth under him to rise. It took a bit out of him but he was still tiring.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Angelica gave her an eyes closed, full tooth, ear to ear smile. Her heart was still broken. She could feel it every time it beat. Like there were millions of needles in there and every time she breathed they pushed deeper. Every time her heart pumped blood the needles wedged further. But she couldn't stay made at Luna. "They're great! Ray is being a grumpy puss right now" She spoke in baby talk "Arent you Ray? Aren't you?" She was holding the puppy to her face, rubbing their noses. She giggled wildly when he started licking her and fell back, the other three jumping on her and licking her. She was laughing "ahhh noo they're fighting me! I can't win! Too.... cute! Bleh"
Luna smiles at the sight, Angelica was one of the few people who can make her really smile. "Angelica, can I hold Luna?" She scoots closer to Angelica, excitement visible in her eyes. She couldn't deny her own infatuation with the puppies. "Angelica do you remember that time you and I got our hands on that yacht then lived out on the sea together for a while?"
She giggled and handed her the puppy. "I named her after you if you didn't know" She thought about the question while holding the other 3. "Well yes I do.... why? Oooo are you going to tell me the story? I love stories!" She bounced and scooted closer to Luna, her hair flowing faster
The Telkhines countinued to lash out at Dax, but were cut short as a huge wall of earth rose from the ground blocking them from getting him.

"D-Damn DEMIGOD!" One Telkhine shouted. The demons then focused their attention on the boy slashing his way to their cave of stygian iron ore.



Dante thought to himself, as he witnessed an army of sea-demons rushing towards his direction. He had to think of something fast, or he'd become one with the Underworld (literally bones). Dante began to drag his sword heavily against the ground, the fine celestial bronze began to generate heat from the ground surface.

"Nice, so it will work."

Dante wasn't a demigod, he didn't have any godly powers, all he had were his wits, and his battle skills; those were enough to get him out of most troubling situations, but this.. This was on a totally different plain of trouble! As he neared the mining cave, he swiftly swung his swords heated-edge against one of the many ore deposits, simultaneously raising the TNT Dynamite near the initial contact -- A spark arose, igniting the dynamite.

"Hell yeah! Who said you had to be a demigod to kick monster ass?!"

He smiled wildly, throwing a stick of dynamite at the masses of Telkhines swarming in on him, then throwing the rest deep into the cave.


Dax front flipped off the mound and his trident changed to two swords as he walked towards the beasts. Poor kid all he has is TNT.
Gaige was sitting in the xlearing all alone with her thoughts. She stopped crying but was still down.

Deathrap appeared next to Ryan and picked him up. He had his armor form on so he couldn't stop him. He had a mind of his own and brought him to Gaige. "Fix her" he said and dropped him behind her.
When Ryan was dropped he fired arrow after arrow of light hiting Deathtrap, exploding, frying his circuits. The last one hit his head and blew it off. Ryan put the bow away. As he was firing he said. "No. I won't fix her. Because I told her. Emotions are a distraction! She's being weak! Nothing comes of crying over someone who didn't love you!" The headshot arrow exploded here. He started walking back
This pissed Gaige off she turned and trapped him in a field of kinetic arround him using a gauntlet she carried with her. "Listen you inconsiderate asshole if you ever harm him again I will end you. Now go calm yourself." She used the field to through him half a mile in the other direction.
(Hey don't underestimate Dante Grace!)

The explosion's pressure blew Dante to back, causing him to hit his head against the cave's wall. Further in Dante could feel the cave shudder, as another loud Boom! went of went off shaking the cave, and causing any other Telkhines to be trapped in the rubble. He got to his feet slightly dazed, Loyalty tightly grasped within his right hand.

[Loyalty; Sword of Trust: Dante Grace forged this blade with pure celestial bronze -- it later was blessed by the God of War; Ares, making it unbreakable, and allowing it to always re-appear in its sheathe if dropped, and/or lost. The more enemies the blade, and its owner slay, the more it grows in strength; the bond between sword, and master grows.


"Yo Dax! Let's have a little friendly competition. Whoever can kill the most Telekhines wins, loser has to carry the stygian iron ore!"

Dante quickly went to work, as hundreds of Telekhines slashed at him, he parried away their claws, as if he were an elegant dancer, every so often he'd call out the number he'd killed, swiftly going back to cutting off the sea-demons heads.

"Argh!" One of the Telekhines shrieked, as Loyalty sliced clean through its skull.

"497!" Dante cried out.
DizjayDeathPride said:
She giggled and handed her the puppy. "I named her after you if you didn't know" She thought about the question while holding the other 3. "Well yes I do.... why? Oooo are you going to tell me the story? I love stories!" She bounced and scooted closer to Luna, her hair flowing faster
Luna's mouth hung ajar. "After me?" Luna held the puppy close to her. "Well I was just thinking back to the time when you thought it would be a good idea to fall asleep on the deck underneath the stars. I woke up directly beside the edge of the boat. You were there too... holding onto me tightly." Luna slightly giggles to herself, something she hadn't done in a long time. Luna puts the puppies back inside the box and picks the box up. "Come on! Let's go check out that house over there, it may have some food for the puppies in there." Luna walks off towards the house, expecting her to follow.

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