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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Tazmodo said:
As they were shocked Gaiges Deathtrap absorbed the electristy. "Do you think I would have prepared. Deathtrap now." He let a orb of electricity float into the air. It set off 3 beams at all three cats. It was enough to put down a cyclops. "That should stun them for a bit."
Eric could control himself he dodge the arrow and appeared behind Ryan. "Wait your turn." He kicked his back and sent him flying into the rubble next to Dove. And went back to her. He picked her up by the throat. Then staggered letting her go. He wailed in agony. "What is happening to me please help." He went back to his mad state and picked her up.
The cats stopped moving since they were stunned. The Judge emits a pulse then looks towards the Jury.The Jury emits a pulse as well and snarls at the Executioner. The executioner emits a pulse as well which also stuns the robot. It starts to make the robot shake and freeze like a computer would. It even lags in the way a robot would. Rikka summons a bow made of ice and fires an arrow made of ice at Gaige.

Drumonkey said:
Dax slammed his trident into the ground and the water surrounded him while the ground reared up throwing him up over the wall using the water too. Dax was adept at using water since he had lived in the ocean for years but he was starting to get tired. dax directed a geyser at Luna sending high force sea water at her and whatever was near her while sprinting towards Zeus using water as a barrier and his trident to clear himself a path.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Angelica stood in front of Luna, blocking her from the water. "Move little red!"

Ryan scanned him and watched. He was swinging wildly with anger, easy to dodge. But not enough to retaliate... yet. Ryan avoided the strikes and when he saw an opening appeared behind Eric and shot light arrows through his back. "No more hesitating" He flashed away
Luna nods her head and smiles. "Thanks." Her charkram comes back to her as she puts her physical enhancement spell to use. She speeds over to Zeus and has her undead soldiers throw themselves at Dex. To slow him down. She grabs Zeus and uses Necromancy to raise the body of the 100 headed Drakon, Ladon. A previous General. The rest of her undead perish though. Luna stands on one of the many heads. She throws Zeus into one of the mouths and has it swallow him. So that'll be a way to carry Zeus and make sure these demigod don't attack Ladon so they don't hurt Zeus in the process. At least 5 of the heads roar at Dex. While Orthus slowly closes in from behind on Dex.
Dax stops and curses quietly as he sees Landon appear and for the first time wishes they were on his turf, then an idea came to mind it was crazy but he had to do it. Dax called over his shoulder for his seamonkey to drop any shells it may still have and it dropped 8 shells in total around Dax then he raised his trident causing jets of water to shoot out the ground 15 feet high and then surround him. He then closed his eyes and willed all the water to move to his command until it made a water avatar trident and all with him in the chest eyes open watching Landon while Lyon watched Orthus. Maintaining this avatar took a lot of focus but it kept him envigorated and allowed him to fight Landon at his own size. Dex then sent a quick prayer to Zeus hoping to empower him enough to show where he was in Landon.
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Gaige withdrew Deathtrap. "Well while he recuperates I gues this'll do. She pulled out a shield she had made during the battle. It sirronded her while she made another weapon. It was a flame thrower fueled with greek flames that consume all.
Angelica put her hands on her hips and spoke with force. "Mister Eric stop it right now! Don't hurt my friend" She was pouting and frowing, arms crossed now
Eric turned towards her. Stoping the attack. "After what you had done. Made me insane, left me for dead, and worst of all play with my emotions." His eyes turned completely black lile endlesss pits of despair and insanity. He appeared behind her amd whispered into her ear. "I still remember the excruciating pain of what felt like hours of torture. Now it is my turn." He vanished to her side and gave her a powerful kick to her side and ribs.
Drumonkey said:
Dex stops and curses quietly as he sees Landon appear and for the first time wishes they were on his turf, then an idea came to mind it was crazy but he had to do it. Dex called over his shoulder for his seamonkey to drop any shells it may still have and it dropped 8 shells in total around Dex then he raised his trident causing jets of water to shoot out the ground 15 feet high and then surround him. He then closed his eyes and willed all the water to move to his command until it made a water avatar trident and all with him in the chest eyes open watching Landon while Lyon watched Orthus. Maintaining this avatar took a lot of focus but it kept him envigorated and allowed him to fight Landon at his own size. Dex then sent a quick prayer to Zeus hoping to empower him enough to show where he was in Landon.
Zeus's voice rings through Dex's mind. "Spawn of Poseidon... do you wish to help me?"

Ladon was Drakon. Which is a Hydra in a sense, most all Hydra dwell in the waters. Luna smiles to herself, knowing Ladon was a good choice. It wouldn't be affected too badly by the water seeing that it could live under their water. "If this were a battle of pokemon I would our type match up leaves your moves not very affective." Now that it's night Luna will be gaining power. She decides to rely on the Ladon and charge up on power instead of using it. Luna has the Ladon thrust 4 heads at him. Some go straight for Dex, thrusting their heads at the water. Orthus releases flames to turn as much water as he can into steam. The other head fires acid in hopes of it dissolving and spreading through the water.

Tazmodo said:
Gaige withdrew Deathtrap. "Well while he recuperates I gues this'll do. She pulled out a shield she had made during the battle. It sirronded her while she made another weapon. It was a flame thrower fueled with greek flames that consume all.
Once the arrow hits the shield it explodes into an icy formation. The ice encased both the shield and starts to spread upon Gaige. Freezing her back that's touching the shield. It starts to spread even faster along her body. Rikka starts to whip up a blizzard around them.
She screamed as they broke but didn't move "I was going to fix it but now I won't!" She grabbed his leg with one hand and summoned her scythe in the other and brought it down through his leg. Then she disappeared, the illusion fading, his leg fine, and tapped his shoulder, giggling. "Just kidding mister grumpy wumpy" she kissed his cheek "you're free. For now" and skipped back to Luna and climbed the Landon, sitting next to her "This is so cool!"
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Gaige finishes her flame thrower. Her shield shatters around her and she actives the flamethrower. Green flames sprew five feet forward in a controled beam. The flame thrower kept her warm in the blizzard. She mage a rimg of fire to protect her. Her deathtrap was almost ready.

Eric had finally been free. The constant flow of the faces he had seen while traveling through him had stopped. His mind was his own. He staggered a bit but started to regain balance. "Thank you but I'm still mad." He charged Ryan again. "Order are orders." He kicked him in the chest.
"Calling me spawn doesn't cement the deal for me any but sort of yeah." Dax whistled from inside the chest and hoped and prayed a bit that it would work out for him then Dax stomped his foot causing Orthus to be engulfed in water and drop into a pit 30 feet deep that began to close with a sharp snap after a minute. The poison ate away at the water but they geysers it was standing on just allowed the water to cycle into the ground sure nothing would be growing in this area for a while but that was ok. Then the entire water body dropped and moved under Landon then Dax planted his feet in the ground with the water swirling around him and trident next to him and pushed up making the water avatar again to topple the beast over while a sharpened tendril of water snaked out of the face of the avatar and began cutting open the stomach of Landon. Lifting Landon was a chore in itself the pavement under Dax's feet began to crack from the force and he called out from under Landon "Can anyone help me here I am fighting a giant hydra type thing!?"
He crossed his arms over his chest. "Oh for fuc-" and he was sent flying backwards. He drew his bow and landed skidding on his feet. He pulled the string and many light arrows appeared. I just have to distract him while we get the stupid God. Hurry up guys! He fired them one at a time at Eric, each faster than the last
DizjayDeathPride said:
He crossed his arms over his chest. "Oh for fuc-" and he was sent flying backwards. He drew his bow and landed skidding on his feet. He pulled the string and many light arrows appeared. I just have to distract him while we get the stupid God. Hurry up guys! He fired them one at a time at Eric, each faster than the last
(hurry up guys? hurry up guys? I am fighting Landon over here alone, I just might take my sweet time not dying thank you.)
Decimus sighed. "Its what? 5 vs 3 now? Alright" He got off the wall and rose up next to Dax. "Hades and Poseidon. What's the worst that could happen?" He looked at Luna. "Nothing personal Lady Luna. Im just bored"

Angelica pointed at him. "Oh my God is that Decimus!?! Heeeeey!! Long time no see!"

"You've been on the roof feeding off of us, or did you think I didn't notice sweetheart. Hello again. Sorry again" He drew his blades
Eeic had dodged the first few arrows but two had hit his right shoulder. "Ow that stings." He tried to pull them out but didn't worked. "Well shit" he ran up and punched his face with enough force to shatter a brick wall. All it did was knock him out. Eric knees buckled and he passed out due to the madness of his mind and the light arrows in his shoulder. The vanished and he collapsed.
Tazmodo said:
Gaige finishes her flame thrower. Her shield shatters around her and she actives the flamethrower. Green flames sprew five feet forward in a controled beam. The flame thrower kept her warm in the blizzard. She mage a rimg of fire to protect her. Her deathtrap was almost ready.
Eric had finally been free. The constant flow of the faces he had seen while traveling through him had stopped. His mind was his own. He staggered a bit but started to regain balance. "Thank you but I'm still mad." He charged Ryan again. "Order are orders." He kicked him in the chest.
The Judge, Jury, and Executioner get to work. They emit their pulse and suddenly a large dragon make of ice appears before Gaige, it's filled with Greek fire. The ice seems to be fine with the intense heat. The Greek fire seemed ready to burst free though. The Dragon went straight towards Gaige. It curls itself around her like a snake would if it were simply resting. It's head looks down onto her covering the only opening. It roars down upon her. ( ! )

Luna looks towards Decimus. "Don't you owe me though?"

Dex could feel some of his life energy being drained. Only a small amount though, nothing but fatigue would come to Dex. Zeus was able to glow and make himself known in the throat of one of the many heads. The stomach acids of the Ladin started to spill into Dex's avatar. Since he was holding Ladon above him and was cutting its stomach open. It's many heads start to rip and bite at the avatar. Luna herself uses a self destruct spell. Ready to detonate whenever she needs it to. ( ! )

( Yes I have gone mad.)

( @Drumonkey @DizjayDeathPride sorry forgot to tag you. )
Decimus stared at her. "Are you calling your favor now? Then what do you wish of me Lady?"

(Only I can send my arrows away and dont forget Ryan is tactical and scans for openings)

Ryan analyzed Eric's movements as he came without blinking, continuing firing. He exploded the arrows last second and fell on his back under the punch, shooting the last arrow in Eric's chest, blowing him away. He laid there, tired from having to forcefully create light
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus stared at her. "Are you calling your favor now? Then what do you wish of me Lady?"
Luna shakes her head. "No not now, I just assumed you would at least take to my side but forget it. Stay if you'd like. I'm not using my favor now."
Gaige wiggled her left arm free. "Time for my trump card. Get em Bob." She summon Bob the giamt robot of death.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Screenshot_2015-07-09-04-23-19.png.1405220fee58cbc57cc5cb72a8bc51a0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61243" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Screenshot_2015-07-09-04-23-19.png.1405220fee58cbc57cc5cb72a8bc51a0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Bob shot at the woman controling the dragon with 4 explosive rounds the size off her head even if it missed the explosion would kill her. Either she protects with the draghon or dies seeing as its the only rhing close enough.

Meanwhile Gaige pulls out the drill sheade earlier. "I knew would come in handy." Sje burrowed underground to saftey and appeared behind bob.



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He smiled lightly at her. "My Lady i told you. My loyalty is to Heather and Pierce, even if I support you. But you make a point. Very well." He drives his purple Underworld blade into the crack in the ground and drags it out. A purple mist comes up and the screaming of the Damned insues. The Damned claw out of the ground. "Attack anything that moves" He looks at her and winks. "There. Now it's a bit more fair. I do hope next time we meet I am completely on your side. Goodbye Angelica. It was good seeing you again." He bows and sinks into the ground, sending them away not too soon after
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Dax moves in his water body and shoots up the front of the Landon with a stream of fast moving water that stops in front of where Zeus was. Dax then used his trident to cut open the throat and pull out Zeus before the Landon fell back down and the water flowed back to the geysers Dax had made earlier.
(Why is it every time I go to bed all the action happens? Lol)

Dove winced as she was grabbed by the throat and thrown into the rubble, coughing and gasping from the grip. She looked over as Ryan was thrown next to her, yelping as she was picked up again, then dropped again. Her head spun. Dove winced, pushing herself up and coughing again, reaching back and pulling her swords from their sheath. She spun around, cursing as the ground shook, the undead rising from it, raising her blades, ready to fight back.

(Everyone has these awesome badass powers and doves just like I are smart >.<)
(Don't worry dear dove I sent the Damned away ^~^)

Ryan rolled over and got up, hobbling to where Dove was, happy to see she was alive. "Oh good. You didn't die. Fantastic." He spoke in pain and collapsed next to her, looking at the sky

Meanwhile in the monster castle, Morpheus is laying on the bed, groaning. "I'm booooooooooooored! I'm so booooooooooooooooored! Rebecca let's dooooooo something!"
"I doubt it. Why dont we go ask? We could have a massive party here for their first job completed.

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