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Fantasy When Olympus Burns

Even though Ruina continued to smile, the disappointment was evident in her body language. "Okie dokie. Cya later!" She bade farewell to Fia, then gave Ollie a friendly wink and waved at him. Seeing that everyone was preoccupied, she made her way over to the mast and leaned against it. The mast protested furiously, but it's complaints were completely at utterly ignored. At least by the one leaning against it.

Now that she had no one to talk to, she started to zone out, listening to the waves beat against hull of the ship. It reminded her of her elder siblings. The loud, rhythmic crashing of the waves, reminded her of the rage her brothers would feel whenever she did something wrong. Of the sounds her bones would make when they cracked and broke with every lesson taught.

Like the times when she refused to break living things. Thinking back on it, she sure was stupid back then, wanting to avoid using her powers on living creatures. Fortunately her brothers had been there to correct her. They always did. They would beat her again, and again, and again, and again, until she finally learned. She never was very bright.

Laughing like a madman, albeit quietly, any observers might assume that she was having a marvellous time tormenting the poor mast. She then covered her ears with her palms. She didn't want to hear the waves anymore. "I want to get off..." She mumbled to herself as she started to feel discomfort at being on the ship, much like Fia.

Baconhands Baconhands Quillicious Quillicious
Chloe Vain
The smile on Chloe's face stuck as Jen giggled, Chloe had done well not only making her smile but even making her let out a giggle which overall made Chloe feel rather glad. Chloe watched as Jen seemingly checked herself out which just caused Chloe to smirk it was quite funny Jen did have a good body so it was something worth to be checked out. Chloe was slightly confused when Jen grabbed her hand but it seemed Chloe might finally get some information on this mission, from what she knew already it seemed everyone was in different squads and Chloe was on the same as Jen which meant she could just hopefully follow Jen. As Jen started talking Chloe when quiet which was rare while she really didn't want to do the mission she was going to have to, as the rest of the group went on with planning Chloe just looked lost. "Soo about this mission....what is it?" Chloe finally just decided to ask since it would just be easier.
Light Light Noivian Noivian The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof Alecto Alecto
Alexious Silverjoy
As Alexios was on the ship he just minded his own business as usual, he was mentally readying himself for the mission which really wasn't hard...or at least it wouldn't be if Alexios had any idea what the mission was damn him and his urge for power. Alexios just put his hand on the handle of his sword and shut his eyes from when the boat set off to now he was like that. He finally opened his eyes as he heard a voice talking to him, it was Demon maybe he had some clue on what the mission was. Alexios just simply listen to him first nodding his head like he knew what was going on. "Ready to crack skulls you say." Alexios said aloud so it had fighting in it Alexios continued nodding like he had a clue what was going to happen. "Yeah might telling me what the mission is about I have no clue." Alexios said letting out a light laugh.​
Skaggon Skaggon
Fia quickly found her way down into the lower decks and just as quickly, found herself a cabin. She moved quickly into one, closing the door behind her, temporarily forgetting about Ollie; she wanted to get this bit over and done with before anything serious happened, and she was sure Ollie's question would be a serious one. Much to her fortune, the door could be pulled to without her having to lock it; she'd be able to get out just by pushing on it. Fia kept her eye on the door as she got undressed; once she finished doing so she, turned around, back facing the wall.
The cabin itself wasn't exactly spacious, but there was enough room; she'd transformed in smaller spaces.
There was a tingling feeling in her fingers, a moment of tranquility, peaceful, as if the whole world had stopped rotating before she allowed herself to begin the process of transforming into a wolf.
It was systematic and Fia knew it well, a pain lanced through her and she tried her best not to cry out. Her vision faded slightly and instinct made her reach out for something to no avail. As the initial pain subsided, she crouched down as another pain began to wash over her entire body. Her back began to contort, forcing her spine to arch backwards. Her body was then thrown forwards and she was forced onto all fours, her shoulders cracking, breaking and reforming as her fingers shortened at their digits, her hands becoming paws. Rapid breaths, somewhat panicked, interceded groans of pain as the transformation continued. A feeling like a million needles stabbing into her covered Fia's body as her snow-white fur began to emerge, and her ears twitched as they became pointed, moving to the top of her head.
Fia felt her shins snap and reform and she couldn't help but let out a muffled, animal-like scream. Her feet, much like her hands had become paws. She felt a pressure begin to build at the base of her back as her tail began to form. Her fur now covered her body almost fully and Fia grimaced as she felt her teeth sharpen, becoming fangs. With a scream, she felt her face move forward, pushing into a muzzle. Her scream became a snarl as her features became entirely that of a wolf's, her fur now a thick pelt and her tail its full length.
The wolf stood still for a moment, panting, regaining its breath before shaking off its fur. Fia took a glance around, her ears twitching as she adjusted to her new form. She took a couple of shaky steps before she recollected herself and moved over to the door, and pushed it open with her muzzle.
Blue picks up on Avice's comment and gives her a small grin. "I think it'll be hard for me to stay far away from you, especially at the angle I'll be looking from." Blue winks at her and turns to address Chloe's question and knock out Avice's second question at the same time. "We-" At this moment the scroll within Umeko's possession begins to rattle and heat up, bursting out of the zipper of Umeko's bag. The scroll floats within the air above the ship and steams, attempting to catch everyone's attention. "Is it just me...or is the scroll burning up?" The scroll lands on the deck, completely open to reveal the new squads and mission details once more. Blue slowly walks up to the scroll and begins to read it, slowly shaking his head. "Things have changed guys!" Blue yells out towards the other mercenaries on the ship. "Looks like I still get to stare at Avice's ass though, that's a plus."
( You're all in the discord so you can check the squad template. The link is in the announcements. K Kiowa Lord Potato Lord Potato DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride Noivian Noivian Dirtbear Dirtbear Verdas Verdas Baconhands Baconhands Totorokoro Totorokoro Quillicious Quillicious The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof AnthonyWrath AnthonyWrath Skaggon Skaggon Alecto Alecto )

Finnegan stayed as far away from the railing as possible. He didn't want to go into the cabins since it would only make him feel worse. Instead, he waited above, nearly at the center focal point of the ship. In a way, it also allowed him to keep an eye on everything around him. In contrast to the events at the courtyard, things seemed much more peaceful. He noticed Ruina a few feet away from him, having a blast near the mast. Only upon closer inspection did he realize that he was wrong.

"I want to get off..." He could hear her say. Ruina seemed as much in discomfort as he was. Finnegan sighed, realising that this was one of those rare moments where he needed to interact with people. He got out his earphones and slowly (Emphasis on slowly) walked closer to Ruina and leaned against the mast. "Got your phone?" He asked, handing the earphones to her. "It doesn't really work for me, but music usually would help calm your nerves." He said, not looking at her. Finnegan felt sick, but he would not let it show.

His attention was caught by Blue, who had apparently noticed that the plans for them had changed. "Looks like I still get to stare at Avice's ass though, that's a plus." He said. Blue, you think staring at anyone's ass is a plus.

He wanted to see what Blue meant, however. Not about the ass, about the scroll.

Finn took a step forward and felt his stomach churn. "Ugh," He held his head and leaned back on the mast. Why don't you just kill me already, Poseidon?

Verdas Verdas Light Light

"Waaait!" Elias squeaked as she ran to the docks as fast as she could. She didn't hear the morning call and that resulted in her missing out on everything. I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry! She thought as she held back her embarrassed tears. Elias got to the docks just in the nick of time. "I'M SO SORRY I'M LATE MISS RHEA!" She cried as she ran past her and jumped on board. Once she was safe on the wooden floors of the vast buoyant vessel, Elias collapsed on the floor and stared at the sky, panting for air.


Why... She coughed, finally getting some air into her lungs. She knew she was going to be in for an earful, but her worries could wait until it happened later. Elias looked up to see Mason up on the mast above, spacing out in relief. A few moments later, her eyes flashed and she felt like her ears had popped. Elias sat up and cupped her hands over her mouth, "M-Mason! Look out for that bird!" She yelled, pointing to the sky. There was no bird in sight, but Elias knew that moments later, one would soar right at him.

She knew, because she saw it happen.
Jen Verga
Jen glanced over to Blue before rolling his eyes at his flirting, looking to Chloe her shoulders shrugged, Jen didn't really know either. Moving away from the group whilst Umeko read out the scroll due to her needing of changing. Yet, even still, Jen wasn't to bothered about what it was. One way or another it was going to be tough due to it being their first time on a mission. But as long as they worked together they'd be alright..hopefully.

(will finish this later, can't rn)

Mentions: Lord Potato Lord Potato Light Light Noivian Noivian The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof Alecto Alecto
Jen Verga
With the door open, Fia found her way back up on to the deck; despite her reluctance to change into it, whenever she was in her wolf form Fia always felt comfortable. Despite her phobia, Fia began to feel somewhat safer. A group was already beginning to gather around the middle of the deck, Blue announced that the scroll had changed and apparently was in a group with Avice. The white-furred wolf padded over to the scroll; she almost pitied Avice for having to be in the same group as Blue: he was vulgar, erratic and - since Fia couldn't think of a better term - an asshole. She weaved her way through the group, finally being able to get some detailed information about the mission; that was all fine. Then she looked at the squads. Squad three, part of infiltration, along with Jen, Gaige, Cleo, Elias and... Kristov and Chloe. Fia couldn't stop an angered growl from emanating in the back of her throat. A few seconds passed before she caught herself; Kristov and Chloe. She took a couple of steps backwards; this was going to be a long mission.
Blue picks up the scroll and begins reading it loud enough for the others to hear. He begins reading off the mission statement since it didn't change but the squad assignment did. "Squad 1 for search and capture will hold, Bellatrix, Demon, Umeko, Ariane, Mason, Finnegan, Elizabeth, Oliver, Jayden, and Ruina. The leader of this squad will be Finnegan. Squad 2 for Defense will hold, Alexios, Avice, and lil ol me. The leader of this squad is Alexios and by far is the coolest squad. Good day for you Avice, I still get to check you out." Blue sends her a quick wink and continues reading. Squad 3 will hold, Fia, Jen, Kristov, Gaige, Cleo, Chloe, and Elias. The leader of this squad is Jen. Guess that's how the squads are going to be set up! Everybody get that? Good, because I didn't want this old piece of ass anyways. It's wrinkly and shit...like Finnegan's face with all those frown lines." Blue throws the scroll over his shoulder and off the ship, letting it land and sink within the sea. The ship finally reaches the Forested Island's docks and anchors down. "Good timing! We're here anyways so I say we get going!" The ships plank extends itself so the kids can walk down it towards the docks. "Time to get your asses in gear!" Blue exits the scene and goes down the plank, already walking towards the sword beacons up the hill. ( Noivian Noivian Totorokoro Totorokoro DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride Baconhands Baconhands K Kiowa The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof Verdas Verdas AnthonyWrath AnthonyWrath Skaggon Skaggon Alecto Alecto Dirtbear Dirtbear Quillicious Quillicious Lord Potato Lord Potato )

Finnegan stayed put by the mast as Blue read the mission statement. It seemed like the mission in itself was the same, only the roles differed. He found it odd that this would happen, but decided that no good could come from questioning it. "Squad 1 for search and capture will hold, Bellatrix, Demon, Umeko, Ariane, Mason, Finnegan, Elizabeth, Oliver, Jayden, and Ruina. The leader of this squad will be Finnegan." Blue read. Finnegan acknowledged with a slight nod. He paid attention to the rest of the announcement while trying to not feel sick- unfortunately he still felt sick. Looking at Blue didn't make him feel any better.

"It's wrinkly and shit...like Finnegan's face with all those frown lines." Finnegan groaned internally. "Veeeery funny," He coughed, trying not to throw up.

Once they reached the island, Finn stormed out of the ship, happy to be back on land. He waited till the rest of his new Squad got off.

Jayden "Shachath" Fuertissimo

As Jayden climbed higher he heard blues announcement of the new squads," well that's just great, can't wait meet the new team." Jayden said with strain in his voice as he continued to climb.
' now is my chance to prove my worth to everyone, I'm going to give it my all on this mission.' Jayden thought to himself.

When Jayden finally reached the top figure head the raven stood unflinching patient for Jayden to arrive, although instead of flying away once more like Jayden thought it would. The raven instead moved closer and closer to him until they were within inches of each other. Suddenly the raven began to kaw loudly before belching up and small piece of paper and held it in its beak, before dismissing this in disgust Jayden wished to see what was so special about this piece of paper.

As Jayden unravelled the paper he could see it had writing on it," One eye for the past, one eye for the present, and one eye for the future."

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Echoing words reached Mason's ears. He looked down and gave a puzzled look to Elias, the cutie pie in the group. Her finger pointed to the sky, he traced the line towards the sky to see what she had meant. A large dark bird blinked into existence. It's caw surprised Mason and he waved his arms frantically and lost his balance on the makeshift peg leg. He stumbled backward, the raven flying over him to the front of the ship. Mason backpedaled until he reached the edge of the platform. His body fell, his arms reaching for anything and everything, losing thought of all actions he could take. He plummeted for a few seconds and smashed onto the deck a few feet from Elias. The air was rushed out of his lungs and he laid there gasping for air. He looked over to Elias after he got more function of his body, pain wrecking havoc on his body. A shaky thumbs up was formed and he gave a pained smile. His metal slides along his skin and formed his earrings and half an armband.
"Nice..... save." Mason put his head back against the wooden deck. Gazing at the blue sky that seemed strange for an underground city.
Jouska Jouska
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Chloe Vain
Just as Chloe was about to get some information on what was happening with the mission it just so happened to change again which was annoying, or was it since now she would get all the information she needs without being the last one to know what was happening...or so she hoped. So squad three along side Fia, Kristov, Gaige, Cleo and Elias it seemed like a pretty good squad. Chloe still had no idea what their was but now at least she had the information on who her teammates are which was a start she just planned to go with the flow right now.​

Chloe decided to just stick to herself and listen for now or at least that was the plan until she noticed Fia in her wolf form. Fia's wolf form was something that always interested Chloe not only did it look hella cool but the person under it was also cute, short, green eyes, brown hair and olive mostly unblemished skin which is something Chloe would like to grind her body against that's for sure. Chloe looked over a Fia in her wolf form before walking over to her and stroking her fur, it was so soft. "Damn Snow Angel I never knew how soft your fur was, why you gotta keep this to yourself?" Chloe asked, Snow Angel was Chloe's nickname for Fia referring to her snow white fur.​
Baconhands Baconhands
Dante' Clark
Once he was woken up by the alarms Dante' got dressed, got himself together, and left grabbing his trident, phone and headphones, and a pop tart on the way out. He placed his headphones upon his head as he walked towards the castle. Along the way was he not only listening to music but he was also eating a pop tart. He arrived in time to hear the mission and that he was in the search and capture squad, Squad 1. After hearing the important information he mad his way towards the docks where he leaned against the side of the ship listening to music, and waiting on the others.

Soon everyone was aboard the ship and it was moving. The trip didn't take as along as expect and they were already at the teleporter. Dante' walked off the ship and stood beside Finnegan who was the Alpha and the squad leader. He takes his headphones off his head, though keeps it around his neck. You ready for this Fin?? He asked him as he placed his hands behind his head. Totorokoro Totorokoro
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As minutes passed, Finn felt much better. He would've kissed the ground below him for existing, but then again- PDA isn't something Finn approves of. Even if it's towards an inanimate object.
"You ready for this Finn?" Finn glanced to see Dante approaching him. "As I'll ever be," he replied, his voice soft and cool, "If only the rest of the crew moved faster than a snail."

The Elder The Elder

Jayden "Shachath" Fuertissimo

After reading the note Jayden saw more to this raven than what meets the eyes," Well you seem like a crazy little critter aren't you. What do you think about sticking together for a while?" Jayden spoke to the raven, then without hesitation the raven flew up and landed on Jaydens shoulder." Hahaha I'll take that as a yes." Jayden chuckled," now what should we call you, hmm how about Velka?" The raven cawd in excitement, this made Jayden laugh even harder than before seeing Velka's joy at her new name.

Once the two were well acquainted Jayden lit a smoke as they both gazed out at the scenery, focusing on the wondrous beauty of the world around him. Suddenly he heard a large crash behind him, Jayden turned to see Mason on the ground."Well Velka, Mason there seems to have taken a pretty nasty fall. Let's go check if our new team mate is ok." A crazy idea popped into Jaydens mind, he smiled gleefully as he put on the perfect song for what he was about to do.

The moment the song started took Pandora's Box off of his back and began using it to surf down the figure head with Velka flying beside him, Jayden was filled such overwhelming excitement he couldn't contain himself from laughing and yelling nearly as loud as he could. He had forgotten just how much fun he could make out of the world around him, as Jayden rode down he swayed himself towards a large spine on the figure head and used it as a ramp to launch himself into the air.

Jayden felt as if he were in the air for an eternity even though it were only mere seconds, he gave one final War cry in the air before landing on the base of the figure. Just before he reached the deck of the ship Jayden jumped and somersaulted forward grabbing Pandora's handle mid-spin and landed on his feet before sliding onto the deck where Mason was laying.

"So how are you doing over there Patches?" Jayden said as he dusted off Pandora's Box while Velka landed on his shoulder once more.

Dirtbear Dirtbear
Blue felt stupid after remembering something. "Oh crap." Blue races back on the boat and picks Bellatrix up, bridal style. "Yeah I know. I'm an idiot, my bad." Blue carries her off the boat and sets her down once they've set foot on the grass. "Yeah, I messed up. My bad Trix. Give me your worst..." ( The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof )
Fia was about to leave the ship, then somebody stroked her fur. Her muscles tensed and she instinctively let out a defensive growl, snapping her head round to face the potential danger, her teeth bared in a show of aggression. As soon as she saw who it was, the growl intensified to a snarl; the pink hair, the scandalously dressed form and the air of disease around her, combined with that frankly shrill voice - all of it could only belong to Chloe.
"Damn Snow Angel I never knew how soft your fur was, why you gotta keep this to yourself?"
That nickname, which didn't seem at all affectionate to Fia, had persisted despite Fia's protests to it, and Fia had made it known that this petting in her wolf form only served to annoy her; she'd warned against it multiple times over the years, and yet somehow it wasn't getting through that thick skull of Chloe's. The wolf turned entirely to face the flirtatious girl. She waited a couple of moments and then lunged forwards, snapping her jaws at Chloe. Fia stopped herself; she was an inch away from actually biting Chloe but never had intention to harm her - it was supposed to serve as a final warning.
With that, Fia left the ship, her phobia basically forgotten as she padded down the plank onto the docks and started making her way up towards the Sword Beacons.
Lord Potato Lord Potato
Blue felt stupid after remembering something. "Oh crap." Blue races back on the boat and picks Bellatrix up, bridal style. "Yeah I know. I'm an idiot, my bad." Blue carries her off the boat and sets her down once they've set foot on the grass. "Yeah, I messed up. My bad Trix. Give me your worst..." ( The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof )
Bellatrix had been standing on the middle of the ship the most time during the trip, her face even paler than usual, but she did a good job not showing much signs of fear. It however was a bit weird that she didn't even move when the boat had stopped and reached the island. Suddenly, however, Blue picked her up and carried her from the ship bridal style, causing her pale face to light up with some red around the cheeks. When he had put her down, Bellatrix looked at him. He asked her to give him her worst and apologized. Well, he apologized in his special way. Bellatrix just stared at him. "You're such an idiot. First leaving me all alone on that driving grave and then carrying me as if I was your wife..." She turned him her back and looked to the ground. "I was really scared Blue... I would have needed you there pretty badly..." She turned to him again, her eyes a bit watered, but there were no tears. "Whatever. We all mess up sometimes I guess... try to remember on our way back." She looked to the ground yet again. "If I make it back, that is."
Location: Ship
Interactions: Alexios ( Lord Potato Lord Potato ) & Blue ( Light Light )

Ready to retaliate with another teasing remark, Avice stopped with her mouth open, eyebrows furrowing when she saw Fia dart towards the lower decks only to be followed by a blood-curdling scream. She is then further interrupted when the mission scroll began to make a fuss. The change in mission details had her raising her eyebrows in surprise. That's a rather drastic change. Going from infiltration to defending. She flexed her fingers for a few seconds, setting aside Blue's comment for now, as she thought over the mission details. Considering how many people are on the other squads, that could mean that they would get shit done faster, but at the same time... that number can also be a hindrance due to a difference in methods and opinions, which could prove disastrous. Either way, she was sure squad three will just be fine, even if it's just the three of them.

As the ship began to dock, Avice untied her jacket from her waist and slipped it on, taking comfort in the little protection the padding can give her as she followed after Blue. The nasty cut she received while she trained with a Zweihänder just finished healing up, thank you very much; she'll take all the precation she can have to prevent opening that again and possibly getting a worse injury.

The next few seconds had her stopping in her tracks in the middle of the deck. Because between Mason falling from the mast and landing beside Elias, and Fia returning to the main deck in her wolf form, Avice found herself torn. Where does she direct her concern first? Although it seemed Jayden and Chloe had it handled already, so Avice opted to step off the ship, pointedly gazing up at the Sword Beacons with narrowed eyes.

Blue blurred past Avice, and a few seconds later, walked past with Bellatrix in his arms just as her feet landed on the solid ground, "You know, I figured I'd be finally free of you, Blue. Guess I was wrong." Sniffing, she shifted her gaze towards the ship, looking for Alexios as she continued, "Maybe I'll just take point so it will be Alexios' ass you'll have a good look at."

Just then a frown tugged on her lips, she didn't really have any idea what they'll be defending, hm. So she called after Alexios, figuring he'd know what's up."Hey, squad leader, hurry up!"
Chloe Vain
A small smirked covered Chloe's face as she heard the defensive growl. This was what Chloe loved the anger of Fia it was so cute in Chloe's own unique way of the word, Chloe knew that Fia wouldn't hurt her or more she expected that she wouldn't. Chloe could tell just how angry Fia was the teeth being bore in anger, the growl turned to a snarl all of it was adorable mostly since Chloe knew the person under the wolf so seeing her like this was always a new experience. Chloe continued stroking her fur even as she growled and bore he teeth at Chloe fact is if Chloe ever felt like she was in danger she would just make a Rickets disease since it effects both humans and wolves it was perfect to stop someone like Fia.

Chloe began to watch closely as Fia turned around, while Chloe knew Fia the wolf form of Fia was different who knows what she might do like this. Chloe slowly started to create the Rickets disease in her body just in case coating her saliva and blood in it, if Fia was to bite Chloe that would be a nasty surprise for later and even if she doesn't bite her Chloe liked to be ready just in case. Fia lunged soon after and Chloe just stood there she had a good idea that Fia wouldn't hurt her and if that wasn't the case well Rickets would be her revenge. Chloe shut her eyes and bit her lips as she heard Fia's snapping jaws, Chloe looked up and down herself no blood which meant she was right Fia wouldn't hurt her. "Damn Snow Angel you scary." Chloe said sarcastically before watching Fia walk away "Unlucky for you I like that." Chloe muttered to herself licking her lips slightly. It seemed Fia had enough and was making her way up to the Sword Beacons and as was Chloe following just behind her.​
Baconhands Baconhands

Alexios Sliverjoy
As Alexios and Demon we're conversing it seemed that the squads had changed, no longer we're the teams how they were before instead it was just Alexios, Avice and Blue on a team. Now Avice was someone Alexios was happy to work with she went well with Alexios and can give that external factor that Alexios needs to use his powers easily, Blue on the other hand, while Alexios and Blue used to train often Alexios cannot stand Blue as of lately so this sound be interesting. "I guess it no longer matters does it Demon." Alexios said it was a rhetorical question and Alexios walked over to Blue and Avice just before the ship finished docking.

Alexios listened to Blue's comment on Avice's ass and well that was one thing Alexios just had to agree with, Avice's ass could have any straight man enchanted. Alexios just shook his head now wasn't the time to be thinking of that. Alexios just shook his head as Avice's response not that he would mind it's just that then it wouldn't be Blue staring at Avice's ass most of the time but Alexios which just caused him to chuckle slightly. Alexios unsheathed his sword better to be safe from the start than be sorry. Alexios hear as Avice told him to hurry up it was about time he got his ass into gear. Alexios began jogging catching up to both Blue and Avice, he had been thinking of what to do how to position everyone. " Blue I want you on long range support you know what to do." Alexios said that bit was obvious, the two of them had a rather strange combo they had been working on. "Avice I want you running close range support while watching Blue's back if any make it past me I want you there to deal with them, I also want you to make me angry as everything starts." Alexios added while he found Avice much like himself a front liner her skill set made something like this perfect for her, with Blue watching both their backs, Avice watching Blue's everyone had one person watching them. "My job is going to be breaking up the enemy forces and taking as many out as possible trying not to let any pass but chances are they will which is why I want Avice behind me and not by my side." Alexios said this was his plan whether they would listen or not is another question. "Any ques....." Alexios paused for a second he made a plan without even knowing what they we're defending from. "Any questions?" Alexios said this plan worked for almost anything so it was good enough he just hoped it wasn't one huge enemy after all his plan works against several opponents not just the one.​
Light Light Alecto Alecto
Blue took that as Bellatrix being awesome enough to let him off the hook. "Don't worry Bella, all of us will make it out of here alive. I'll make sure to remember on the way back as well. I think the mission won't be that dangerous since it's our first." Blue noticed that his squad was grouping up together. "Trix you should probably get together with your squad to plan, they'll need you." Blue listens to what Alexios has to say, nodding his head slowly. Blue would have to put forth effort if they wanted to pull off...that plan. "Understood, got a good plan going there Alexios."

Blue looks at Avice with a grin as she makes her comeback. "Oh please, you know you'd miss me and be bored if I weren't in your squad. You act like you dislike me but you and I both know you just adore lil ol me. Trust me, no matter how difficult this task may be. I'll manage to get a couple glances, maybe even a tap if I'm lucky and close enough. Nah, you'll naturally follow me around to make it easy. Remember, I attract the most dangerous things." Blue gives Avice a stare that held hints of joking but desire as well. ( The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof Alecto Alecto Lord Potato Lord Potato )
Giving Finnegan a quick but genuine "Thanks." Ruina accepted the earphones from him, breaking out of her stupor. She didn't know he was capable of kindness like this, if at all. She was just about to wear them when Blue suddenly announced that the squads had changed. The scroll had apparently changed it's mind at the last possible second. At least Mason was in the same squad as her now. After he finished his announcement, she hastily got off the ship.

The Sword Beacon never ceased to amaze her. She wanted to destroy it so badly, but knew that would cause trouble to everyone. While she was still feeling somewhat... uncomfortable, her mood instantly lit up the moment she saw Blue and the others. She made her way down the plank, giving a cheery wave to the members of Squad 2 as she did so.
"Hey, Blue!" She said for the second time today, smiling her usual smile. "Aren't you guys excited for the mission? We'll get to break stuff!" The way she said that last part would've been more than enough to make any normal person uncomfortable.

Light Light Alecto Alecto Lord Potato Lord Potato

Elias flailed about as she kept warning Mason, who was on the mast. Unfortunately it seemed that it was all in vain. She squeaked loudly as he fell to the ground and rushed over to him. "Mason! D-don't get a concussion." She said, not really sure what else to say at this point.

"Nice..... save." He managed to say with a thumbs up and a goofy smile. Elias sighed, partly in relief that he seemed alright, and partly in guilt.
"Um... Does it hurt?" She asked, only regretting it the second she finished. Of course it hurts! He just fell from a height. "I mean, let's go get you some help." She said, finally saying something that would be useful.

Dirtbear Dirtbear

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