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Fandom Dragon Ball X

Bisket couldn't believe it, his attack seemed to have actually helped Raditz. For some reason when the newcomer grabbed his tail Raditz didn't throw him off but instead escaped because Bisket's Dodon Ray pushed him, both of which struck him as odd. Anyway Bisket didn't have time to think about it as even with Ramune holding him down with more succes than any of them so far it was clearly only a matter of time until Raditz broke free again.

Time which Brisket wasn't planning to give him. As he charged towards Raditz Bisket dumped as much of his weights as he could without stopping while Ramune somehow managed to supplex the alien after the Carthu delivered a huge punch to his chest. Not wanting to give Raditz even a change to get out of that no doubt uncomfortable position Bisket grabbed onto his tail with both hands and hoped he was right about what happened earlier.
Orlock's eyes burned with fury as his Sousamen missed its mark. Raditz had avoided the deadly beams, but only barely, the chaotic movements on the battlefield throwing off Orlock’s aim at the last second. He cursed under his breath, the taste of his own failure bitter on his tongue. His anger only deepened as he saw the others struggling against the Saiyan, desperately trying to subdue him before he could do more damage.

Orlock’s lip curled in disdain as he watched Carthu’s reckless charge and Ramune’s stubborn refusal to let go, her feral grip keeping Raditz pinned just long enough for the others to act. Even now, Bisket moved in, grabbing the Saiyan’s tail again in a desperate attempt to keep him weakened. The sight filled Orlock with a mixture of contempt and grudging respect. They were fools, all of them, throwing themselves into a battle they barely understood—but they were buying him time, and that was all he needed.

The vampire gathered his energy once more, his aura swirling with dark power. Raditz had shown his strength, but he was beginning to falter. Orlock could sense the strain, the growing desperation in the Saiyan’s movements as he struggled to free himself from Ramune’s chokehold. It was almost poetic, in a way, to see such raw power being brought low by the tenacity of these earthlings. But Orlock was not here for poetry. He was here to end this.

As Carthu’s Super Dragon Fist connected with Raditz’s stomach, the force of the blow rippling through the Saiyan's body, Orlock seized the moment. His eyes glowed a deep, malevolent red as he focused all his rage, all his contempt into a single point. He had missed once; he would not miss again. "You’re finished," Orlock hissed through clenched teeth, his voice dripping with venom.

In an instant, twin beams of crimson light erupted from his eyes, cutting through the air with deadly precision. This time, there would be no hesitation, no room for error. Orlock aimed directly for Raditz’s head, intent on blasting a hole straight through his skull. The beams blazed forward, searing a path toward their target, aiming to strike while Raditz was still reeling from Carthu’s and Ramune’s combined assault. As the beams tore through the battlefield, Orlock watched with cold, calculating eyes, ready to see his enemy fall.

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