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When Lines Are Crossed.


Five Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
An elf and a human? No one would have thought that after years of fighting each other that a member of each of could of the two races get along.
It was cold and dark. A young man was walking in the woods, knowing many elves lived here. He looked around as he walked quietly.
A young elf wandered through the woods, she knew she was safe because she was surrounded by elves. If they were there then no one could hurt her. It had been a long time since the elves had felt that they could trust anyone but their own race. If they did, they felt that, that trust would immediately proven wrong and they would be slaughtered. As she thought about this, she swung her bow off her back and kept a close eye out for anything that might become food. She also kept her eyes out for any danger.
Xoven walked through the woods, thinking about all the things that happened the day before. He was so deep in thought that he began to forget and lose track of where he was going. He suddenly tripped over some branches and made a loud thud against the ground.
Haryua heard a loud thud and her arms and bow followed the noise to its source. She walked a little closer, her eyes narrowing. When she was close enough, she could see that it was a young man. Her eyes narrowed more and she kept the bow trained on him. If he was a danger to her, she wanted to be prepared to make sure he wouldn't be. "Who are you and why are you here?" She asked in a harsh tone.
He was a little shocked and his eyes widened. He could barely see her in the dark, his light having gone out awhile ago. "Oh, uh, sorry. I...was traveling to the city through the forest." He stood up. "My name's Xoven. And you are?" He reaches out his hand with a soft smile. "I hope I didn't startle you."
She glared at him and hissed under her breath. " I am Haryua, and you need to get out the woods." she said. She lowered the bow, seeing that he was not a danger. Her eyes softened and she looked around.
He looked down. "I apologize. I didn't think it was forbidden to come here...I've heard of dangers, but I'm kind of used to that. It's a part of my job description anyway. It's nice to meet you by the way." It suddenly became obvious he had an open wound on his arm that was bleeding. He looked at it and started searching his knapsack for bandages.
She sighed and shook her head. "It's not forbidden, just dangerous for humans." she said. She set the bow down and looked at his arm. "Let me see that," she mumbled before gently taking a hold of his arm. She looked at it for a moment, then put her hand over it. When she gave it back to him, there was nothing more than a scar.
He widened his eyes a little bit. "Well, I'm not really a typical human. And thank you. I actually tend to gravitate toward danger, for some reason. Don't ask me why. It just kind of happens that way. I kind of like the forest better anyway. Besides, not much more to fear than dying."
"Your are welcome." she said. She sighed and shook her head. She decided not to tell him just how close he had come to dying.
He looked around quietly. "How far is the city from here? I don't usually travel this way." He scratched his head.
She looked at him closely, then sighed. She grabbed his hand and walked south. "Follow me and don't trip." She led him through the woods until they came to a moonlit pasture, where across from them was the city.
"Thank you," he said softly looking out. "Sure is beautiful at night." He looked to her. "As are you." He winked at her slyly.
She remained silent, her cheeks turned a little red from the compliment. She looked straight ahead, her hand still holding his. She had forgotten about that little fact and when she looked down, her face turned a little more red and she slid her hand away from his. She turned towards the forest and took her bow out again.
Xoven sighed. "Well, uh, thanks. I guess I should get going...wouldn't want to get lost again." He smiled genuinely. "You know you should venture out beyond the forest some time. It's interesting what or who you might find."
Haryua looked at him and nodded slightly. " We shall see, as for leaving the woods..I am already in enough trouble for associating with a human, no matter how different they claim to be from the rest of them." she said. She turned back around and walked back into the woods.

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