When Heaven Meets Hell~ [Inactive]


a sad lil bean
jewlia submitted a new role play:

When Heaven Meets Hell~ - One island. Two towns. Total opposites. It's time for those two towns to become one.

Our story takes place on a small, urban island {Unum} off the coast of Florida. On this island, there are two towns. The towns both contain a certain type of people, complete opposites from the people in the other town.
You will play a teen role. {17-18}


Ah, the small town of Caelum {Latin for Heaven.}

The people here are taught from an early age to be respectful, polite,...
Read more about this role play...
jewlia updated When Heaven Meets Hell~ with a new update entry:

Almost Readyy!

Just waiting on one person to finish their skelly -cough- Evil -cough-
Jkjk take your time c;

So basically, we're going to start when the Demons {kids of Infernus} arrive at their housing {Which is with the Cael teens} and they all meet eachother.


So I'm hoping for some Cael x Demon romance/friendships/rivalries, but definitely interact with your own folk too cx

Thanks everybodyy.

We'll start tomorrow hopefully.
Read the rest of this update entry... 
"Like prisoners, we were lead through the town...

All eyes on us."

Mayor Herus lead the four Demons through Caelum in silence. He was not giving them a tour, they could do that on their own. He didn't want to seem too friendly to them, as he wanted them to respect him. It was easier to keep order that way. In his head, beneath the salt-and-pepper hair he cut so generously, he counted houses until they arrived at the last one on the lane. It was a bit larger than all of the others, to house all eight of the teens.

Four other teens had been chosen or had volunteered to stay with the Demons, in a large house that reminded Richard Herus of the reality TV shows that used to be allowed in Caelum. Once he had stepped up to the mayor position, he had banned all TV except for Caelum News. No magazines, no cell phones, no computers, etc. He wanted it to be a simpler time.

They entered the house, trailing behind him like ducklings to a mother duck, and standing before them in the living room, was the four Cael teens. "This is going to be your new home for the known future." He addressed them all, before turning to the Caels, "My children," He smiled, "Please do your best to keep these of Infernus in check. They do not know of our rules." Mayor Herus turned back to the Demons, "Listen to them. It's in your best interest." He forced a smile. "If any of you causes repeated disruptions or problems, you will not be allowed to live here anymore. I'm being very generous, so be respectful."

And with that, he left, and shut the door.

{ @IndiePrincess @HunterJumper @Mendaian @Evil Ephemera @asrai @KN1GHT @Imrealk }
When the Mayor entered the living room followed by the four demented teenagers behind him the atmosphere became very tense. His blue eyes scanned around the room looking at the other Cael teens, then turning his attention to the four new teens. After a few moments of observing the Infernus teen's, Graves simply ran his left hand through his black, and blue spiked hair, while lowing his head to avoid eye contact with them. He knew a few Infernus adult, and teens alike from his boat repair, and recovery business, but he never wanted to be actually in contact with these kids.

After the Mayor stepped out Grave's picked his head up, and let out a sigh of relief to try to break the tension. The mayor was a very interesting figure, but he caused such tension between both group's to teens. Which didn't lend much help to trying to break the ice between the two groups. In an act to try to break the ice. Graves simply stood up, and putt out a pack of Marlboro Gold's, with a simple zippo lighter. With another simple exhalation of a sigh, he looked around at the both groups. " So who here smokes?" He is voice echoed through out the entire room. After a moment Graves put a cigarette in the left corner of his mouth, and quickly took the lighter lighting it. After a deep inhalation from the cigarette, a cloud of smoke slowly began to be exhaled from his nose. " It seems we are gonna be stuck together for the next three months or so. Might as well put all of our differences aside while no one is watching us." The longer he spoke the more his Boston accent came out, which led to another hit form his cigarette. " So my name is Grave, and I was at the local shipyard. I smoke, and listen to music which the mayor deems demonic, and very Infernus-like. Now what about that rest of ya?" He point at the rest of the group with a grin on his face.
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xxxxxRhett was sitting in the living room quietly, his mind more focused on what he had agreed on rather than starting any conversation with the other Caels in the room. In a few minutes, a buttload of what the town called, "teens" would walk through the door and start trashing the place. Or at least that's what his parents said they would do. With his sheltered life, Rhett had never even met a citizen from Infernus, let alone set his eyes on one.

xxxxxThat was when the Mayor walked through the door with four Infernus teens trailing behind him. His eyes scanned each of them over, before realizing how judgmental he might be appearing to them just before her averted his gaze. They didn't look as scary or demonic as the way his parents had described them to be, who were highly opposed to the situation Rhett offered to put himself in.` "They're demons." They said, "Their eyes glow red and they have no idea how to be good and respected human beings." So far, in the few seconds that he'd known them, their eyes weren't glowing red.

xxxxxThe mayor gave no effort to introduce them, but he probably never even made the effort to figure out their names anyways. In fact, he seemed to be indirectly talking down to them. Rhett looked up again, meeting the eyes of each of the new strangers. He would have to be nice to them. They had just lost everything they had, from their possessions to all of their family. Each and every one of them were broken in one way or another. If not from before, then from the recent hurricane that occurred. For a second, Rhett's heart felt heavy at the thought of it, and sadness seemed to seep into him at the thought of it. If he had lost everything in that hurricane, he would for sure be an emotional mess.

xxxxxAfter a bit of silence crept by, Graves, who Rhett knew as one of the far more rebellious Caelums was the first to speak up, pulling out a box of cigarettes as soon as the mayor left the building. He lit a cigarette in his mouth, and took a quick drag, smoke coming out through his nose. Rhett winced and took a small step away from Graves, though it really didn't do much to avoid the smell. The boy had never been entirely fond of smoking. The smell was terrible and all it did was ruin the user's lungs, and now that he would be living in a house with Graves, as well as probably four other smokers, his lungs were in danger too. For a moment, Rhett silently regretted not having taken this into consideration before agreeing to live here. He would just have to get used to it eventually.

xxxxxGraves continued to introduce himself, speaking of his hobbies and what music he listened to before asking the rest of the group. Rhett on the other hand, stayed quiet, as he felt the question was more directed towards the newcomers. Instead, he gave them all a small smile and a nod in an effort to not look like some sort of awkward, anti-social lunatic.

[[OoC:// Sorry about that, first posts are always the longest for me. >>" ]]

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Acacia Rose

These people really do look like angels. Her first thought when she entered the large, simple-looking house almost made her laugh out loud. It's all an act. They're all stuck-up and snobby and... Her thoughts trailed off as the mayor guy left. Acacia's gaze drifted to the window to her left side. She had been the last one in, and quickly realized she was the shortest of the eight teens in the room. This was not unexpected, but she had the overwhelming urge to roll her eyes. Most of the people of Infernus had never taken her seriously when she was younger and fearful. Once she got rid of that fear and was the first one to go cliff-diving off of Certain Death Dive (cliche, right?), her fellow Demons began to finally respect. She also learned that day that she loved the adrenaline. Ever since then, she had been an adrenaline junkie.

It was late spring outside, time for short-shorts and tank tops, but all of the Caels in front of her were somewhat modestly dressed. Acacia scratched at her wrist absentmindedly, watching some cherry blossoms float gracefully to the dirt road on the slight breeze out the window. She turned her head back as the Cael known as 'Graves' began to introduce himself.
Is that a nickname or his real name? She wondered, knowing that Demons all received nicknames for deeds they had done. Acacia was known as AJ to some (short for Adrenaline Junkie) because of her need to constantly go higher, run faster, and do reckless things.

She nodded in respect, awkwardly at the same time that the other Cael boy nodded. Acacia bit her lip, wanted to scream just to break the silence. She strode over to the white marble counter-top in the adjoining kitchen, where two pieces of paper lay. One of them had a list of Cael rules, Acacia rolled her eyes, and the other had room assignments. This caught her interest, so she picked it up and examined it.

Floor 1 (Rooms are all connected by bathrooms in between )

Left Side of the Hallway

Room 1: Rhett

Room 2: Acacia

Room 3: Graves

Room 4: Alexa

Right Side of the Hallway

Room 5: Knight

Room 6: Aaron

Room 7: Danny

Room 8: Hunter

"I'm going to unpack." Acacia didn't bother to introduce herself. It would happen eventually. She held up her pathetic, small backpack of things to show the rest of the group before taking a right past the kitchen, going up the stairs, and opening the door labeled '2'. Her bag dropped to the floor. She had never had a room so beautiful as this. Although it wasn't dark colors like she was used to, it was better than sleeping on a couch that smelled like beer and the sweat of a middle-aged man.

She had heard about the Caels' flare for interior decorating, but she couldn't even believe that this was for her. A tear made its way down her lightly tanned cheek and immediately she wiped it off. Crying was weakness. Crying because of a pretty bedroom was just stupidity. She left her bag on the ground and approached the bed in the center of the room, tracing the thin curtains with her rough fingers. "I don't belong here..." She thought out loud, leaving the door open.

Her bedroom (With bathrooms on either side.)


((OOC: You guys can choose what your bedroom looks like, but make sure it's light-colored for Caelum.))

Moving through the door, Knight entered the room. Holding a black suitcase, with only a few things. His eyes gazing on each individual in the room. Noting that once again he was the tallest, yet didn't mind, and shouldn't really. As he came to a halt slightly behind the mayor. He looked around the room he was in "wow....this is a lot different from what were use too" he thought.

Yet at the same time listened to the mayor. Hearing the door click behind him. His gaze went back to everyone, realizing the mayor left. grave stepped forwards, beginning to talk. And then another stepped forwards. Seeing that AJ he left watched her leave, still on edge from making such a change. Looking back over, he nodded in respect. "I'm Knight." A thought coming to mind. "Might as well start things off good...". Speaking again his gaze turned down the hall as he motioned to AJ, "That's AJ." Beginning to move his deep voice carried on "eh, I'm sure we will be able to talk soon but if you don't mind, I would like to unpack." He said in a friendly tone. With a smile he walked down the hall, reaching room 5. Opening it up he grinned. "We'll it could be worse." He spoke out loud.

((Would this room work?))

(I'm not really sure what the rooms look like, so I kinda gave it a swing))

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Well this is awkward... Danny thought. He strode over to the sheet of paper, seeing that his name was in between Aaron and Hunter. Graves rambled on even though Danny didn't answer his question. He chuckled. I envy him in that sense Danny thought . He was never the one to start a conversation. He went back to the group of people who still stood silently. "Well it looks like I'll be in the middle of Aaron and Hunter." He said, with a trace of friendliness in his voice. The room felt uneasy and tense. "And just so you know, since we'll be living together for a while," he began "I hope we can become friends." he said with a bow of his head and a smirk played on his lips. When he lifted his head, he noticed a girl. She had light brown hair, and green eyes. She was pretty, but she was from Caelum. That's a shame... he thought. "well, anyways, I'm gonna unpack too. See you nerds later." he said, and turned away from the group with a salute. He strode down the hall until he came across room number 7. He opened the door and nearly laughed out loud. Oh my god. This is where I'm staying?

"Caelum isn't so bad after all."
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Question. Are the bathrooms like ones for boys and the other for girls. Or is it co Ed? Mixed? I don't want to walk into one on accident.))

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I walked up stars not saying a word and jolted upstairs to room 8, it said Hunter on it. I opened the door and widened my eyes. It's way to infernus but at least it was big <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.6d2b37ce326ba06a99123ee2ab2f4ebc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16670" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.6d2b37ce326ba06a99123ee2ab2f4ebc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I went into a bag and pulled out a lighter and a cigarette. I just needed one at this point. I lit it and walked a out to the balcony looking around pulling my leather jacket closer to my body leaving my door to my room open. I breathed out the smoke forming.



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xxxxx"Way to make a first impression..." Rhett muttered to himself, as he turned to walk off to his room. The truth was, he had actually had his things unpacked and put away nicely from having arrived early, he just didn't want to be sitting awkwardly by himself in the living room. Rhett walked up to the room assignments for the second time today, examining the names once again. He would be living in the room on the far side of the left hallway, with some girl named Acacia as his neighbor. The only other name he recognized on the left hallway list was Graves. Sighing, Rhett thought back to the lousy introductions, where a boy named Knight had introduced himself, and another girl, AJ.

xxxxxHis eyes caught Knight's name for room five, but AJ was nowhere to be found.

His eyes lingered over the list for a bit longer. AJ... Where they the girl's initials? If that were true, it narrowed it down to Acacia and Aaron, but Aaron was also from Caelum, and from the many years knowing her, no one had ever called her AJ. That meant the girl that refused to talk to any of them just moments before would be living in the room just beside his. How fun. Hopefully she wasn't as aloof as she seemed.

xxxxxWith one last glance at the list, Rhett turned to his left and walked down the hallway. The doors to room three and four were closed, and from the looks of it, nobody was home. The door to room two, on the other hand was open, and just out of curiosity, Rhett peered inside. He took a glance around the room and his eyes widened. He hadn't expected the mayor to go all out for the Demons. The other rooms were probably just as bright and beautiful as this one. It was then when his eyes settled upon the girl standing in the room. Her dark clothes seemed to stick out like a sore thumb in such a bright room. A tear rolled down the girl's cheek, a completely unexpected sight to the boy, but it was gone as soon as it had appeared as she wiped it away.

xxxxxIt didn't take long for him to realize that it had been the girl who had walked off earlier, AJ, or Acacia, as list had stated. Rhett only watched silently as she ran her fingers through the curtains. It was obvious that she had never had a bedroom like this one, none of the other teens from Infernus had. "I don't belong here..." She said to herself. Rhett tilted his head in curiosity. She seemed to be a totally different person than earlier.

xxxxxIt occurred to Rhett that he had just been watching a complete stranger inside her own bedroom for an uncomfortable amount of time, and he turned and headed for his room. Hopefully no one had noticed him, for he probably looked like some perverted creep. Rhett slapped his palm to his forehead in embarrassment as he stepped inside his room, setting himself down on the couch beside his bed. His room was probably one of the smaller ones, but he liked it that way. It was simple, and he had even been given a small personal cooking area. He had never really liked giant bedrooms anyways..


[[ OoC:// Okay, I know this is still long, but what can I do? Rhett wanted to stare at girls. Dx ]]

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Acacia Rose


A rustle behind her, a flash of white... It was a slow and embarrassing realization to Acacia that someone had seen her. Someone that she would have to live with for God-only-knows how long had just seen her crying and caressing the curtains of the bed. She mentally slapped herself across the face, and sighed. Why in hell did she have to be so ... so ... vulnerable?

Whoever it was had fled to their room, probably after realizing how creepy that was. She didn't blame them, she blamed herself for not closing the door. The flash of white had retreated in the direction of the stairs, so Acacia walked slowly to the door, glanced around, and slipped into the room next to hers, Room 1. She left the door cracked behind her. Not fully closed, as to draw suspicion, but not open either, as she didn't want anyone to hear what she was about to say.

"Hey, um... I'm sorry about that. That isn't me." She looked down at her feet, then back up at him. Be confident, be cool, be Demon-like. Acacia brushed a hand through her chocolate-brown hair, curling slightly at the ends. Out of nervousness, she subconsciously rubbed at the door frame with the other small hand, sliding chewed-to-the-bone nails and rough calluses across the smooth, perfect frame.

"Just... please, don't tell anyone." Acacia hoped she wasn't freaking him out, barging in on him like this, but then again he had watched her so there wasn't much right to judge. Her eyes wandered around the slightly smaller room, taking in the couch-bed, and the miniature kitchen area. It was simple, unlike her room, and she liked it. She walked slowly over to the opposite end of the couch from the one he was sitting on, and ran a worn hand across the plush surface.

"This is a lot nicer than the couch I used to sleep on..." She muttered, her voice trailing off, before giggling a bit to herself. Suddenly her eyes widened, and she bit her lip hard, realizing she had done it again. Acacia sat down dejectedly on the edge of the couch. "I'm so sorry."
Graves watched as everyone scattered off in opposite directions, and couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he took another drag from the cigarette. I guess being talkative, and cooperative isn't something either group is really keen on doing.. After a moment of silence Graves watched as One girl which he found out later to be called 'AJ' walked out of the room. With her exit a another wave of silence hit the group, this time broken by a man by the name of Knight. Graves looked him up, and down saying nothing as the man spoke. The man was obviously more built than he was, but Graves didn't let that bother him. Once the kid named Knight left the room in an attempt to follow AJ, It was starting to become quite awkward between those who stayed.

Then came Danny a real character, probably so far the one whom seemed the most amicable of all the others so far. After another drag from his cigarette, which happened to be his final hit. After let out the last of the smoke from his lung, and into the room within direction of the other Cael known at Rhett. Whom promptly after this left the room along with Danny. When the other males left out of the room a sigh of disappointment was exhaled from Grave's mouth with it the last of the smoke.

To see what all the commotion was about in the kitchen grave's made his way out of the room, making his way towards the kitchen. Personally Graves didn't care much for being the center of attention, however he felt that something was going to start very soon between both factions Cael's, and Infernus. When Graves looked over at the counter top listing a specific set of rules which the teens must follow. F__k these rules… Go things rules were meant to be broken, how easily is to be determined. While reading down the list another list containing the rooms of each teen. A thought came to Grave's mind, which let a befuddled look on his face. Looks like we are gonna be here awhile, lovely. After a moment to find his name on the room list, Grave's went back into the original room which all of the teens were brought together. After a moment of looking at the others whom stayed in that room He grabbed his large army green seabag, and slung it on his back he went back to the door. " For anyone who was wondering the room list is in the kitchen." With that being said Grave's made his way up the nearby stairs, and down the hall way to room three.

After opening the door to be introduced to the room which he could spend well over a couple months in. It was a great sight at least, not only cause it was like he wanted, but it was an escape from everyone else.Hopefully he would be uninterrupted in his time to 'unpack', this was his time to stock his room with the item which he deemed to be important to him. This items so happen to be prohibited by the mayor himself.

Too bad, I don't care about his dang luck,

and rules.

Once Graves walked into his room, he gently closed the door behind him, and dropped his backpack on the ground, and took a deep breath.

Screw new beginnings… I'm happy the way I am..

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xxxxxRhett leaned back on the couch, resting his forearm over his eyes as he continued to beat down on himself for being such a creep. Sometimes, curiosity got the better of him, and it would always come back to bite him in the end. Not even a minute had passed when a voice invaded his thoughts. "Hey, um... I'm sorry about that. That isn't me." Eyebrows furrowed, Rhett sat up, an evidently confused look on his face. "What?" He asked to no one in particular. Sitting up, the confused boy looked around the room, before his gaze dropped onto the girl from earlier. She was standing by his bedroom door, one hand nervously toying with her hair, and the other on the door behind her.

xxxxxRhett's face went from confusion, to frozen shock, to the sudden realization the the girl was in his bedroom. A girl had walked into his bedroom. "Just... please, don't tell anyone." She said, before slowly making her way closer to him. Rhett said nothing, but instead, sat silently as she walked towards the opposite end of his couch, running her hand over the material just like she had done to the curtains in her bedroom. A smile found its way onto his face as a small giggle escaped her lips. Even though he had never even said a single word to the girl, he decided he wouldn't mind getting to know her.

xxxxx"Isn't you, huh?" He commented with a hint of teasing in his voice, surprising even himself. It wasn't like him to speak in such a way, and the thought of that just made him feel all the more awkward. Her previous smile disappeared suddenly as she bit her lip, apologizing. Honestly, Rhett was still a bit confused. She didn't even know his name and now she was in his room, sitting down on his couch.

xxxxxA short silence passed between them before Rhett decided to speak up. "Uh, it's okay. Don't worry about it. Your secret's safe with me" He said, in hopes of breaking the ice, or just to try and be less idiotic. "Rhett... I'm Rhett. You must be Acas- er... AJ." Rhett sighed in frustration. ~Just stop talking Rhett, you sound like an idiot.~ He thought, turning to look at her. "So, I'm-uh, sorry about earlier. I just kind of saw the door open and got curious." His eyes widened momentarily, as he realized how his apology could be taken as a misconception, and a terrible one at that. "I'm not a pervert, or anything." The idiotic words spilled out of his mouth in an effort to save himself, but he had only dug the hole even deeper. Rhett turned away from Acacia, leaning forward to rest his elbows onto his knees. "I'll just stop talking now." He muttered in a somewhat apology. He was never good with people. If anything, she probably though he was a complete weirdo. Just another person to add onto the long list of people that made an effort to avoid him.
I'm dying Danny thought. I need food ASAP. Gingerly sauntering out of his room, Danny peered in to a bedroom with the door open on the left side of the hallway. AJ was in there with someone. It was a guy. he smirked.

"Hey, you two might wanna close the door next time," He said with a wink. "And slow down a bit. You guys will have plenty of time to play around later." He said with a grin. "Later nerds." He said again, closing the door behind him. "Never would've though this would happen." He muttered to himself While walking down the stairs. Caels and Demons. A relationship like that would almost be like a death sentence. We wouldn't want to taint a perfect angel's reputation, now, would we? he thought. Approaching the kitchen, he grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl and moved to the living room. taking a bite and swallowing, he said, "You guys still shocked about what happened? You probably want to get used to it, we'll be together for a while, after all." with a grin, he took another bite of the apple.


Acacia smiled a bit, seeing as they were both acting extremely awkward. As Danny, someone she had known for quite a while, came in and started talking, her face reddened deeply and violently. She suddenly remembered where she was from and what she was supposed to be like, and calmed down. Confidence... Acacia forced a smirk and instinctively, both of her middle fingers shot up at Danny as he left.

She rolled her eyes and turned back to Rhett.
"Well, I'm going down to the kitchen." And with that, the petite girl stood up and walked across the room, about to leave. At the door, she stopped for a moment and turned, "I know you're not a pervert." She grinned for a split second and began to walk out. As she walked down the hallway about two feet, she called quietly back to him, "You can call me Acacia, by the way."

Acacia flew silently down the stairs and entered the kitchen, blushing slightly at the sight of the others. She punched Danny playfully in the shoulder.
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After a deep breath from a moment to uncontrolled bliss of momentary freedom Graves threw his large seabag over on the white couch which sat in facing a large set of white french doors, and sun windows above them. Out the french doors led to a small balcony. After giving his room a once over for anything which the mayor snuck into the room design, he'd open up his seabag, and pulled out a speaker system. It took Graves a few minutes to completely hook it up, once it was completed he retrieved his IPhone from his back pocket. A small simple crossed his lips as he plugged in his phone, and cranked up the volume, as he began playing music from a band called Avatar.

With the music playing in the background, what seemed like a few minutes turned out to be more like twenty minutes to unpack. Graves was a tried, and true metaller, in between moving clothes, and posters, and other items which he brought with him to their proper location he was singing along with the music which he put on. Then the song called Black Waltz came on, and a large grin went across his face as he stopped what he was doing, and began to imagine he was on a ball room floor waltzing. It was times like these, that made Grave's feel like an actual normal teen. Not a prisoner in a cage, which was over seen by the mayor.

Once the song ended, he was out of breath from moving so much, and singing along. Graves opened up french doors, and pulled out his pack of cigarettes with his lighter. After watching the sunset begin to move towards twilight, he shook his head as he stuck the cigarette in his mouth lighting up. The nicotine felt good in his system, and to him today was somewhat of a good day. Excluding being forced to deal with a bunch of new people, and being away from his boat's it was a good day. He could still hear the music in the room, the artist had changed to amon amarth. A smirk came across his face as he exhaled the smoke from his lungs.

xxxxx~She has a nice smile.~ Rhett thought for just a millisecond before erasing the thought from his mind completely. No, no. He had been raised to hate the people from Infernus... but she was just so different from the rumors his parents had informed him of. So far, there had been no demon horns, or baby killings, so Rhett was pretty sure the coast was clear. There was no doubt that his parents were just over-exaggerating, by a lot.

xxxxxThat was when someone else decided to join their conversation. "Hey, you two might wanna close the door next time," Rhett's eyes widened, turning to the boy standing at the door to his room. He remembered him as Danny, one of the more social guys that had introduced himself to the group. It seemed like a lot of people enjoyed coming into his room today. Danny went on to give the two teens a few teasing words before leaving, closing the door behind him. Rhett took not of the blush that found its way onto Acacia's face, as well as the sudden change of attitude as she flipped the bird before Danny walked out.

xxxxxSo that was the image she usually sported. Rhett could understand, she had to live up to the Infernus reputation after all. He nodded in Acacia's direction with a smile as she got up to leave. "Yeah, I might go down there later." He informed her, leaning back on the couch. He needed a few minutes alone to process all the human interaction that had just went down. "I know you're not a pervert." She said before leaving the room, and this time, it was Rhett's turn to blush out of embarrassment, pressing his hands onto his face in self-loathing as soon as she stepped out of the room.

xxxxxRhett just lay there for a little while, with hands covering his face, before finally building up the courage to leave his room. As soon as he walked out the door, however, loud music began to play from a room farther down the hallway. It seemed pleasant, yet creepy at the same time. There were no lyrics. After taking a few steps towards the room, Rhett recognized it to be Graves's room, it was his kind of music after all. Seemed like he was getting comfortable. Just when he was about to turn and head down to the kitchen, loud screaming pierced through Graves's bedroom door. Rhett jumped, completely caught off guard from the sudden change in the music. In a flash, he turned on his heels and headed straight down the stairs. He'd had enough eavesdropping for one day.

xxxxxUpon reaching the kitchen, Rhett caught sight of Acacia. He just gave her a small smile before opening the fridge and rummaging around till he found himself a can of Coke. To take his mind off of the people around him, he simply just cracked the can open and took a swig of the drink as if it were some kind of source of alcohol before closing the refrigerator with his elbow and slowly walking to the living room "Hey." He simply said to the people within the room just after Danny had spoken. Due to his slightly late entrance, Rhett hadn't heard a single word from Danny and just chose to keep his mouth shut until he could figure out what they were talking about.
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Acacia nodded slightly in greeting to Rhett, hoping to not draw any extra attention from Danny or the other Demons. She fidgeted silently with her outfit, pulling the shorts down a bit and re-tucking her black muscle-tee. The red and black flannel was much too hot for Caelum weather today, but she kept it on, feeling a bit self-conscious around all of the modesty displayed here. Her ombre hair fell in small ringlets around her shoulders, ending just above her naval.

The silence was violent to her. She needed to get out, to do something, to feel the rush of air in her face as she jumped off of a tall building or cliff. But, alas, she was stuck here in this house, with her comrades and supposed enemies (who didn't seem very awful at all), feeling dead and bored.
"Can we do something?" She blurted, not blushing at all after. It needed to be asked, as these teens from Caelum looked like perfectly satisfied zombies, and her friends from Infernus looked like they were about to shoot themselves.

"Is there somewhere we could go?"
Acacia had heard rumors of fantastic swimming holes and waterfalls on the Cael half of the island, but didn't know for sure. "We could go swimming or just walk around or..." Her voice trailed off, a single eyebrow raising as she scanned the faces of the others in the kitchen/living room area.
Chuckling after the playful punch Acacia threw at Danny, he noticed her fidgeting with her clothes in an act to feel occupied. "Can we do something?" She suddenly blurted out, uncomfortable with the silence that surrounded us. She started naming ideas that sounded fun, but based on what Danny had seen today, are probably too fun for that stick-in-the mud Mayor Guy.

"I would easily say party, but I don't really think it would be that fun considering that that Mayor Guy apparently hates fun." Danny trailed off, lost in thought about what these people do with their lives. Probably work, work, work. How overrated is that? At least Infernus people actually do stuff other than decorate their houses and be prudish. Danny rolled his eyes. I think this pace just keeps getting less interesting. he thought.

"actually, swimming wouldn't be so bad," Danny started, fanning his face with his hand. "It's freaking hot." He said.
After taking a few minutes to indulge in the pristine view from his balcony, Grave finished the last his of his cigarette. While he let the realization of his new apartment home slowly set in a few thoughts began to set in as well. Why did I ever agree to this… I could be moving away to the mainland, and starting up my own life.. Grave let out a sigh of smoke, and rubbed his face trying to push the thoughts of his horrific place out of his mind. I need a drink..a serious drink at that. Maybe I can sneak out.. As the music began to drown out from the amount of concentration which he used to think about the current situation.

Once Grave's allowed his thoughts to formulate into a plan which he could easily execute. He had one of two options sneak out from the herd, and make his way to his boat. On the other hand he could simple not care, and walk out the front door, whether they follow him or not was not his own problem. A sneaky grin moved across his face for a moment as he made his way back inside his apartment room. After closing all the french doors to his balcony, he carefully took his time planning what he needed. Making his way over to his bedroom he pulled out a
Longboard from under his bed. After unplugging his IPhone from the stero-system, and grabbing his personal keys from his seabag Grave's stood by the door thinking if he needed anything else. Then an idea popped in his head he needed a backpack. Rushing over to his bedroom he found a small black backpack. Once he was sure he had all he need Graves walked out of his room locking the door behind him.

Grave's made his way down stairs, and into the kitchen to grab an apple. He spotted both Danny, and AJ speaking with each other. " Hey do me a favor, If the buzz kill comes back tell him I needed to go to the convince store." Grave's made eye contact with both of them, and gave them a small smile. " I'm going to go head out for a bit, I need to get out of this place. Try to not reproduce, that's the last thing Sir Buzzkill would want." Grave's couldn't help but laugh as he walked past both of them, and made his way out the front door. He was ready to get out on the sea, and hopefully spend a couple hours simply being where he loved to be.


The young woman nodded at Danny. He was a total stereotypical bad boy, but he had good ideas and a good heart, and she respected that. Acacia looked around the room, and seeing no objection so far, figured they would end up going out for a night swim, as it was darkening outside. The only problem was her lack of knowledge of the area. That would mean that they would need the Caels to guide them unless they wanted to get lost, or worse, caught.

"There's got to be a way to the beach from here..." She trailed off again, thinking. A problem that came with asking the Caels was their tendency to follow rules. Acacia didn't know if they could trust any of the teens from Caelum yet, it was too early to tell, but it was either take a leap of faith (and oh did she love the adrenaline of that) or stay in and die of boredom.

Needless to say, she took the risk. Her chance came when Graves stormed down the steps, uttered a few sarcastic words about the Mayor, made a crude joke, smirked, and began to leave. He was perfect for the task; a rebellious Cael who more than likely knew his way around.
"Hey wait!" She called, and advanced towards the door that he had just exited out of. "We want to have some fun..." Acacia gestured to the others in the kitchen/living room, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "Do you think you could help us with that?"

Not waiting for an answer, she explained.
"It's ****ing hot, and a perfect night for a swim. There's obviously a beach near here, but we could use some help getting to it." Acacia turned slightly, also offering towards Rhett, but he was utterly silent. "Since you're already on your way out... would you mind? It won't be a party or anything, just playing some games on the beach and swimming. We'd love for you to join us." She added the last part for safety, just in case he was a rule-follower after all.

((Last post of the night for me! Good night!))
Hunter stood on the long large balcony of her room as she over looked Caelum. Hunter thought to herself I should be. Taking chances.. Going places... I was never meant to be a Cael. Hunter sighed as she exhaled smoke. she tapped the cigarette and the ash fell. She watched it fall. Her white shorts and tank top looked awkward next to the black leather jacket she wore. She couldn't help but feel out of place. Her whole life she grew up In Caelum. But she doubted that she was suppose to be in Caelum when her parents commuted suicide. She couldn't help but feel they took their own lives because of Hunter. She was always told by other people, she was a mistake. These thoughts were clouding. Hunter's mind and she groaned in frustration. There was a white pot with a blue flower sitting on the balcony edge and she pushed it off letting it fall. She didn't care what people thought of her. She was a mistake after all.

xxxxxRhett took another drink from his can of soda just as Acacia walked into the living room. It was quiet and Rhett was dying inside. He hated situations like this. He was just about to open his mouth to speak when Acacia broke the silence instead, much to Rhett's relief. Turned out he wasn't the only one who felt the ghost of boredom haunting them, as she seemed rather desperate to start doing something, anything. He turned to Danny, who fully supported the idea of swimming.

xxxxxJust then, Graves, the man with impeccable and unusual music taste walked through the room, informing them that he would be on his way out. He sported his usual smirk and held a long board at his side. If Rhett hadn't known the guy for so long, he would have mistaken him for one of the demons. It seemed like he was already one step in front of everyone, already heading out the door.

xxxxxThe teen sat up at the mention of the beach. The weather outside was scorching, or, 'f***ing hot' as the others described it, and a swim would help them so much. Rhett liked the idea, but the only place to swim without getting in trouble with the mayor was the public pool, but Rhett felt the beach would be a better option in this case. "I know a place." He said aloud, taking a moment to glance around the room before continuing. "It'll take a little while to get there, but it's practically deserted." Rhett took his now empty can of soda and crushed it with his hand. "No people, and no mayor to deal with... Sound good?"
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1b06008_Knight3.PNG.b12a7322ad3bbce7aef1a98c50b0d673.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16930" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1b06008_Knight3.PNG.b12a7322ad3bbce7aef1a98c50b0d673.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Finally finishing unpack, Knight stood up. His hair slightly damp from a shower he just took, as a towel was wrapped around his lower waist. Scents of soap still lingering. Truly he was done a while ago yet was still taking in the place. Sighing he reached up, running a hand through his hair. Memories of the disaster awakening although he pushed them back right away. He spoke to himself "That's all in the past...I have to move forwards.." Grabbing a white tee he first stared at it for a second. "This stupid dress code..." he muttered, rarely Knight wore white, mostly the opposite, a black tee shirt. But nooooo white was preferred here, and this would be the only time he would complain.

Raising his arms up, he threw on the white tee. Fitting him just the right way, not to big yet not to tight. Just tight enough were his shoulders are and a little looser near his stomach. Noting the weather he looked down his bag, seeing that he only had a pair of jeans. One thought coming to mind that made him shudder "Shopping". throwing on the jeans, he walked out of the room, closing and flickering off the lights before the door clicked behind him. beginning to walk down the hall, he made his way to the kitchen, seeing that a few others where there.

he spoke with a smile. Seeing what some people called us Demons, and the new individuals he say earlier. The same thought coming to mind, "Be kind unless otherwise" yet he wasn't forcing to be kind, he really wanted to try and become friends with these new individuals. Walking to the fridge, he grabbed a apple, taking a bite and swallowing before he spoke "So whats going on?" he smirked. Turning around he looked at them, taking another bite of the apple.



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Hunter took one last drag of the cigarette before putting it out. She sighs and walks out of her room and shuts the door behind her. Hunter felt she should get to know the people she would be living with. Hunter walked down the stairs in her high top black converse to see a couple housemates down there. She slowed her pace. Hunter didn't like randomly barging in. She had to know people before she got.. Outgoing.. Hunter kept her pace slow and steady as she walked go the kitchen filling a cup with water and ice taking glances around the room.

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