When Heaven Meets Hell~ [Inactive]

When everyone had cleared the back of the boat Grave's slammed down on the throttle. The engines immediately responded with a fierce roar, the boat the reacted with lurching foreword with such force that majority of the boat was out of the water. A large grin grew across his face as the boat sped up into the open ocean. Looking down at the speedometer which read ' 46 knots', and without a care Grave's pushed the four engines to propel the boat even faster.Looking over the side of the boat it was easy to tell the boat was just skimming the top of the water, as the engines produced a wake behind then big enough to make jet skiers get out of the way. When they were far enough away from shore Grave's pulled off the engine's throttle as boat began to coast foreword coming to a halt soon after.

Having over heard the comment made by AJ about the truth or dare idea, all Grave's could do was roll his eyes when no one was looking. Pulling out a cigarette from pocket and playing it in his mouth he gingerly took a drag and turned to look at Aj with a look which signaled his displeasure of her suggestion. With that being done he looked over at Danny as he spoke in response to AJ's idea. Danny agreed with her over the idea of truth or dare. '
Such a simply stupid game being played by a bunch of half naked teens lovely…' Shaking his head and taking another drag of his cigarette. Finally came Danny's most ignorant comment of the entire day of volunteering Grave's to go first. Giving Danny the look of death from the other side of the boat Grave's looked over the side of the boat and flicked his ashes into the sea. " I think we all should go for a swim vice sitting around like a bunch of envirophoic teens. Now Danny since you've openly volunteered yourself for playing truth or dare, I do believe you should go first.

Sitting back down in his captain's chair Grave's turned to face the group, looking all around at everyone else's faces. Personally he didn't enjoy being the center of attention, however it seems he's become that and more. Then came the new girl whom Grave's hadn't taken to the proper him to introduce himself to. She was still in her bra/panties and was obviously trying beer for the first time as he watched her sniff the bottle. Holding back a simple laugh he watched as she slowly drank the beer. '
It seems she likes to use all five of her senses to figure out that it's self to drink hah' Rolling his eyes at himself he gently rubbed his eyes obviously middy exhausted from the day's work. " I take it your a pureblooded Cael." Looking down at Aaron as he spoke keeping a smile on his face. " My name is Graves as probably heard from the others. I don't believe I caught your name how ever, since I don't believe i've ever seen you around."


Watching the whole scene play out, she began to chew at her lip again. Many things began to bother Acacia, including that Danny and Graves looked like they were about to fight. Danny was just making a joke, and Graves just shot it down. However, she was getting used to him being a jerk. But then, he turned to the girl next to herself and tried to start up a conversation. And he was smiling like a child in a candy store. This began to bother her because he had been so furiously mean towards herself, but seemed to want to try to be nice to this new girl. It's because I'm not Cael... Her mind whispered.

This bothered her even more. Acacia would have to get used to it. She knew she would get weird looks and be stared down and be ultimately treated differently. She looked down at her feet, suddenly uncomfortable, and placed her beer in a cupholder beside her, unfinished. Her lips pressed into a tight line as she leaned back into the boat, tilting her head up at the sky, an ever-darkening shade of

"Danny... do you want to start?" Her voice was slow and cautious, as if she was extremely tired. Acacia was quite the opposite, actually, she was more awake than she had ever been before.
Aaron sensed eyes on her and looked up from her beer to find Graves staring intently at her with a smirk on his face. She wasn't the confrontational type so she surprised herself by meeting his eyes and staring right back, her gaze unwavering and her jaw set. When he started to speak, she broke eye contact to take four long swigs of beer.

"So, I take it you're a pure blooded Cael."
She shrugged her shoulders at this, not wanting to dignify him with a response. He may have been smiling, but the tone of his voice was a bit haughty and more than a bit mocking. She didn't know if he realized that was how he sounded, nor did she care. "My name is Graves as you probably heard from the others." Right, she thought. As if I wasn't present when you introduced yourself to the group just a few hours ago...

Aaron didn't answer him and instead turned her eyes away, noticing next to her AJ looking at the sky with a look on her face like she might be sick. Aaron out her beer down and leaned back too, nudging AJ with her shoulder and smiling softly over at her.
Danny could only laugh at Graves and his snarky comments. This guy is a piece of work, Danny thought to himself, smiling "You should stop flirting and get that stick out of your ass. It must be pretty uncomfortable," He spat, but with the sweetest of smiles. With a huff, Danny turned to the girl with brownish hair that he saw back at the house. He smiled at her, even though her head was turned to Acacia. Danny didn't say anything, but just kept his eyes on Acacia and that girl while he replied, "I guess I will go first, because Graves is getting his panties in a twist," He sighed.

Danny looked up at the sky that was now consisting of dark hues of orange and gold. It was quite beautiful, with it's sharp, vibrant colors that turned soft toward the outer areas of the sunset. A smile stayed played on his lips.

"So, anybody got a dare?" He flicked his head back and forth to the teens who had in fact volunteered him. He didn't bother putting truth in that sentence because it was rather pointless to him. He didn't like having to confess stuff about his personal life. He would much rather do something totally embarrassing in front of a bunch of teens than telling people stuff that's none of their business. he looked around, waiting for a reply.
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