When Heaven Meets Hell~ [Inactive]

Alexa opened the door marked 4 and closed it behind her. She had a small backpack filled with odds and ends, nothing major. Alexa set it down and walked over to her bed, and flopped down on the it. The room was frighteningly white, nothing like the rooms at Infernus. Outside of her room she could hear the other people intermingling, which was something Alexa didn't do often. She stared up at the white ceiling, thinking.


((Wasn't much, I know. Just wanted to get my first post out there))
Graves focused heavily on his pace, his plan was not to get caught. The last thing he needed was to get busted by something he didn't plan for.The mayor was not a very pleasant man either. At first he kept trying to ignore the narcissistic Infernus girl, but soon realized she wouldn't shut up. Grave's took a minute to think to himself as he came to a stop. The thought which he pondered in his mind was either to tell her to look it up on her own. Or to actually invite her with him. Both idea's had their downfall, and their perks. For a moment Graves thought to himself 'I'm a rebel aren't I, and it seems this girl is too. Especially since she seems so desperate to do something. How about I see how far she'll go for that adrenaline high..'

Turning to face AJ, Graves looked over at her eyes. " To start with don't tell me how hot it is, we can obviously feel the same amount of humidity and temperature. Now I'm going to a beach. I'm going to get on my boat and enjoy the sunset. Your welcome to join me, but I don't need you complaining to me. If you want to go you have two minutes, I'm not waiting on you." After he finished speaking Graves crossed his arms over his chest waiting for her response. The more time he wasted waiting on this girl the higher chance we was definitely going to be caught.

Acacia raised a skeptical eyebrow at the Cael boy. He seemed like a total douchebag, but to be honest, she must have sounded so full of herself. The breeze coming in through the open front door blew her hair in small circles around her petite figure. What the boy named 'Graves' said hurt, but she honestly didn't know why. Maybe it was her expecting him to be nice, to be more Cael, or maybe it was just her own insecurities. Whatever it was, it didn't matter anymore. She was a Demon, unbreakable and uncaring.

"Alright. Have it your way." She took a staggered breath in, keeping her composure as to not show weakness, and turned to the others. Two minutes wouldn't give her time to put on a swimsuit, but she figured she could just swim in her bra/panties. That was the traditional way of night-swimming back in Infernus. "C'mon, guys, we wouldn't want the man to miss his sunset, now would we?" She looked from Rhett to Graves. "Someone lead the way?" Acacia offered it as a question, instead of a command. Sweeping her hair to one side, she walked quietly onto the front lawn to join Graves, her small feet bare.

@Mendaian @Evil Ephemera @KN1GHT @Imrealk - Hello? o-o
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To be honest Danny was excited. His immediate instinctive thought was, we can teach these Caels to have fun. Danny grinned a crooked smile and scratched the back of his head, excited about the arrangement. "I'm all for it." He quickly turned and ran up the stairs. He ran in to his overly decorated room and grabbed the draw string bag that carried the only items he possessed.

Throwing the bag over his shoulder, he ran out the room and jogged down the stairs. "Line up punks, we gotta get our asses outta here." He said with a grin while walking over to Acacia and Graves. I wanna get out of this damn house he said in his head, pretty much suffocating from the stuffy atmosphere.
Knowing he already had two morons behind him Graves continued to walked down the driveway up to the large rod iron fence which stood between them and getting out of this place. After taking a moment to attach his longboard to his backpack, he began to scale the ten foot fence. 'Man they really don't want any getting out do they..Blah f__k them.' Reaching the top of the fence was the easy part, the more tedious was getting past the two foot spiked banisters which was atop the iron fence to add a more "regal and ornate" look. The spikes were more of an annoyance vice anything else. At the current moment in time he just wanted to get away from this fence and everything it held within, especially since the points were a hair too close to areas which he deemed to be important. Once he finished swinging his left leg over the point and to the other side of the fence Grave's scaled down the fence turning to his left which the side walked continued.

With out acknowledging the others whom wanted to come with him, he pulled his long board out from his back and placed it on the ground. '
They have two minutes before I'm off.." Graves took a minute to brush himself off and make sure he hadn't cut himself. Looking at the watch on his right wrist Grave's placed his left foot on his long board and began to ride down the side walk. Giving the group the benefit of his doubt he moved at a slower pace than he would have wanted to. He had said he would take them to the beach or his boat which ever the deemed as worthy to them. He never said he would wait hand and foot on them to catch up to them. 'You would think living on an island for your entire life would deem you smart enough to know where the beaches were. The definition of an island is a body of land surrounded by water on all four sides.' Shaking his head after a moment of think to himself. 'It's a bunch of stupid people doing really stupid things.' Graves looked back and yelled to the others " Come on I'm not waiting up on you all!"


Acacia paused for a split second, and turned around, waiting for Rhett and the others. Worst case, if they decided they wanted to come later, Rhett could take them. He was Cael after all. He should know his way around. She bit her lip and turned back as Danny started after her and Graves. Their was a rather high fence, standing about a foot and a half above her head. Then again, it probably wasn't too high for the guys.

She placed her foot in a slot of the fence and climbed to the top, swinging her legs over. Acacia just sat there for a moment, looking around at all the houses, the light fading slowly from the sky. They had about five minutes before the sunset would happen. She jumped down gracefully, hitting the ground with no pain, as she had been taught the ways of scaling and hopping fences back in Infernus. It was a regular occurrence to hop fences on summer nights, and sneak into the Cael fairgrounds or Lake Caelum, which was more like a pond if you asked Acacia.

Acacia started to jog after Graves, knowing full well that Danny would be able to catch up easily. Her height was a major disadvantage for most situations, but her legs were strong and carried her easily through the streets. She lived for this kind of sneaking around. It gave her such a rush. "So, Mr. Graves, you sneak out often? This obviously isn't your first rodeo." She was just a few paces behind him, jogging at a constant speed.
Following Graves out the door, not caring if anyone was coming with, Danny glanced at the horizon, in total awe by it's simplistic beauty. It was just starting to go pink, with a light purple all around it. They were colors. Colors are normal in everyday life. But maybe in Infernus, because it's so busy and crazy, we never noticed a small treasure like the starting's of a sunset. But in Caelum, small things like this seem to be noticed.

Maybe the serenity and the calmness of the area forced you to see things differently, and maybe for the better. For one beautiful moment, Danny just stopped and looked, in complete and utter bliss. Well, until he realized Acacia just jumped the fence too. "Dammit." He swore. Carefully but swiftly, Danny scaled up the fence and brought himself around with the swing of his legs. Hopping off, he jogged up to the two. "Caelum seems way too different from Infernus to be neighboring islands." He said. "And I mean the scenery. I've never actually cared about the sunset until

you brought it up a minute ago. Things like that seemed to go over people's heads in Infernus...."

He directed himself toward Acacia. "What about you? Like, all we 'demons' supposedly only cared about fun. Did you ever think about stuff like this? It's kind of freaking me out how I suddenly have a change of heart..." he trailed off, indeed freaked out by this new way of thinking.
When he noticed the girl named AJ had caught up to him, Graves placed his right foot against the ground and kicked off the ground to speed up. Personally he did regret telling them where he was going, but it was too late to tell her to piss off. What did annoy him, was he blatant stupidity. With a sarcastic tone of voice he responded to her question. " So AJ do you always ask stupid questions which you know the answer to? Because this obviously seems like it isn't the first simpleminded question you ever asked someone. However to answer your blissfully ignorant question, no this isn't my first time sneaking out. Yes I do this often, hence why I do it without fear of the consequences. Now do you have any other questions for me?"

When Danny finally finished taking his sweet time to scale the fence and sprint up to them Grave's couldn't help but roll his eyes at him while shaking his head. "As much as I'd like to hope most if not all of the people of Infernus weren't completely oblivious to your natural surroundings, I'm your finally noticing the one thing you get to see every day. Now come on I'd like to get out on the water while the cops are still on their dinner break." Grave's called out to the both of them as he continued to speed up. The way to the dock wasn't far from the mansion, but their was one thing that would probably the most interesting part of the small journey. The Mansion sat on a large plot of land which was on the top of a hill. Without a moments notice Grave's hit began to speed up without his own power. A smile grew across his face the faster he went, by the time he reached the bottom he had a smile from one cheek to another. From where the decline stopped the docks were straight ahead. Allowing momentum to let him continue moving Grave's looked back for the others. '
They'll catch up eventually.'

Acacia was less than pleased. She thought maybe she could start a conversation with the boy, but obviously he was just a pissy brat. She rolled her eyes as he droned on and on, insulting both her and Danny in the process, as well as all of Infernus. Graves sped up and was far ahead of them now. "I don't really know. I mean, I'll always be Demon." She said to Danny. A smirk crawled onto Acacia's face, it was time to run. Her legs started pushing against the ground harder and faster, resulting in an all out sprint. She was known back home for her speed, despite her height.

She slowed down as she was just a few feet behind Graves. "Yeah, actually, I do have another question for you. What the **** is wrong with you?" Acacia was jogging again now, "We're going to be living together for quite some time, so you might as well try to be somewhat nice. You know, everyone who came here has lost someone from their family to the hurricane, not to mention all of us lost countless friends and our own ****ing homes." She sped up a bit and grabbed his arm, attempting to stop his board as they arrived at the docks.

"We just want to get our minds off of it, alright?" She breathed in slowly and decided to stop with her emotional rant. Guys wouldn't understand it, especially not this macho ***hole. "We're going to have to deal with eachother for a while, so if you have a problem with me, then let's get it over with now." Acacia glared at him, sure that she looked ridiculous, but didn't care. She let go of his arm.
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When they arrived at the docks Grave's watch as she grabbed his arm to either pull him off or slow him down. Both of which he didn't care much for. Personally he was really regretting his open invitation to them both by this point and just wanted to punch his d***ed girl in her freaking teeth. With his emotions at near maximum capacity of dealing with stupidity he simply exhaled a breath of air from his lungs and looked at her. As he stared at her he got off of his board and places his right foot on the back of it stopping it in place. With his eyes dead locked with her, and couldn't help but place his hand into his short's pocket in order to restrain himself from sending this poor girl to the hospital. " I'm just wondering why you keep asking these questions when you even state the obvious answer after asking the original question. I wonder to myself if you even think before you speak, because if you are you need to think a lot longer."

After a moment of silence between the two Grave's gently picked up his longboard and gave AJ a small smile. " Your like most other Infernus members; Your an adrenaline junkie right? At the end of this dock it's a roughly thirty foot drop into the water. If you and Danny aren't too much of Cael's, then I reckon you'll probably want to jump off vice walking down to the beach. Oh and I recommend you don't jump off until I have the boat in the position to pick ya'll up." His voice held tone of trying to egg her on since he knew she was already in one of those moods. Grave's patted her on her shoulder and began to walk down the cement sidewalk heading west from the Dock. Looking back at her with a smirk on his face. " I know you won't do it so come on AJ, might as well take the boring way out."


"**** you. Get over yourself." Acacia shook her head, spacing out. What caught her attention was the dock in front of them. She was already thinking about jumping off when he mentioned it. Her mind snapped back to reality. She slid off her flannel shirt and then her Nirvana tank, revealing a lacy, black bra with a small red bow in the front. Next, off came her ripped jean shorts, revealing a matching lacy, black pair of panties. She placed her clothes under a nearby bush to hide them, just in case.

Acacia didn't care about being exposed like this, after all, it was just like being in a bikini. She was confident in her body, which wasn't perfect, but it was what she got and she wasn't going to be fake.
"Go ahead and pull the boat around, I'll be waiting." She plastered a sarcastic smile onto her face and shifted her weight to one leg.
Grave's gently pushed his longboard onto the side walk and jumped on. His shop wasn't too far away, and with a smile on his face he rode down the side walk. He figured by the time he got the boat around she'd either be gone because a cop arrested her for public indecency or she'd still be waiting. Both had their own interesting ending in Grave's mind, personally his heart wanted the latter option, while his deviant mind want the first option. 'What a conundrum heh.. Either way she's seem pretty open.' As he arrived at his workshop he opened the door with the key ring he had grabbed from his room. Once he was inside the rest was easy. He had three boats to pick from a white bullet boat, a white and sand colored fishing boat, or a small yacht. The choice was simple and easy seeing as he was with two adrenaline junkies. Clicking the red chain button he watched as a small crane gently lowered the boat into the open water at the back of the workshop.

After a little time to allow the motor to warm up due to lack of usage, Grave's gently throttled the boat into gear as he moved the boat out of the workshop and into the bay. With the dock in sight Grave's whistled for Aj to jump signaling he was in position to pick her up. Putting the boat in idle he turned and grabbed a Corona Extra from the ice box near the back of the boat. He sat down in the captains chair putting his feet up on the side railing of the boat. " Come on AJ I'm not gonna wait all day!" He yelled up to her, and let out a yawn.


xxxxxRhett was in his room, changing into clothes more suitable for the beach. He had allowed the first group to head out first since he would probably take a little more than two minutes to change. As much as he wanted to just leave on the spot, visiting the beach in white slacks and a sweater probably wasn't a good idea. Instead, he changed into a simple white t-shirt and khaki shorts that went just below his knees. After slipping on a pair of sandals, Rhett threw a towel over his shoulder and headed down to the exit. "I'm going to the beach! Meet us there if you want!" He called to whoever could hear him inside the house before stepping out the door.

xxxxxThe boy took note of the three teens who had already gotten a considerable distance away from their home in such a short amount of time. He debated whether or not he should run up and join them, but he decided against it. Instead, Rhett strolled quietly down the street, watching as the group in front of him shrank as they got farther and farther away.

xxxxxIt didn't take long for Rhett to reach the fence that separated him from the beach. With a sigh, he turned and walked beside the fence until he found a familiar boulder. Rhett had only snuck out a few times, and each time, he had used the bolder to assist him in hopping over, the reason being that he wasn't as rebellious as Graves to be a natural at fence climbing, and he didn't want to risk ripping his pants open whilst passing the spikes at the top of the fence. That would be embarrassing. Rhett took a few steps back, pausing for a bit before dashing straight up to the boulder, jumping on top of it, and using one leg to push himself off of it as he vaulted straight over the obstacle, landing on the other side, with a far less than graceful stumble. He dusted himself off, despite the absence of dust and continued on his way.

xxxxxAs soon as his eyes set upon the dock, Rhett broke into a light jog. He hadn't expected to catch up to them this quickly. "Hey." He greeted, offering them all a smile and a wave, skipping past the formalities; but formalities didn't seem to be on Acacia's list as she immediately rid of her clothes, with only her undergarments left. Out of instinct, he averted his gaze towards everywhere but her. It seemed that the situation was more uncomfortable for Rhett than it was for Acacia herself. He slowly walked up besides Danny, giving the guy a friendly nod just as a loud whistle sounded from the water far below them. A short glance easily revealed that the source was Graves. The fact that Acacia was half-naked suddenly made sense. She was about to jump in the water. Rhett took a moment to peer over the edge. It had to be at least twenty feet-no.. thirty. After making a quick oath to never look down again, Rhett sighed and turned his head to face land. This was going to be fun...

[[ OoC:// Her yuh go. Rhett's slice of idiocy. Is it just me or is he the only Cael that isn't super rebellious? o-o;; ]]

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"Oh hey Rhett." Suddenly she felt a bit shy about shedding her clothes. He was so conservative and polite, and she was so... savage. "Care to join me?" She joked, knowing full well that a Cael would never jump off of that dock. It was unheard of. Acacia heard Graves's voice calling up to her, and she gave Rhett and Danny a look that said 'Duty calls.'

She rolled her eyes. This guy obviously had never met anyone from Infernus before, let alone Acacia, who was known for doing insane, reckless stuff just for fun. She approached the end of the dock and looked down. A grin immediately made its way onto her face. Acacia lived for heights. She backed up slowly, to the beginning of the dock, letting her feet drag along the wood planks, and then took off running.

As she ran, the breeze whipped her hair behind her, creating a tornado of brown curls. Her blue eyes focused on the gorgeous sunset about to occur as she reached the end of the dock and pushed off with her right foot. Her stomach was immediately in her throat, and she loved it. Unlike most, who would flail violently, she dove headfirst, her toes pointed and arms outstretched. Acacia felt her heartbeat in every inch of her body, radiating from her fingertips. She was falling for what seemed like a split second, and then she was underwater.

It took her a moment to realize which way was up, as she had gone headfirst. She kicked her legs furiously and broke the surface, taking a huge gulp of air. Acacia kicked slowly over to the boat.
"Holy ****, that was amazing." She climbed up the back ladder and stood on the back of the boat, sweeping her hair to one side and just enjoying the sunset.
As soon as Danny noticed the bit of awkwardness between Acacia and Rhett, he decided maybe being an asshole wouldn't best suit the occasion. Danny wasn't a heartless jerk so he knew how to act civilized. Well, somewhat civilized. After Acacia took her dive down he directed himself to Rhett. "So Loverboy, it's a surprise you wanna hang out with us Infernus kids." He said, looking out to the sunset. "After all, we're called demons for a reason." Danny stripped himself of his clothes until he was only left in his boxers and threw his clothes on top of the bush Acacia had put her's under.


Taking a running start, he bolted to the dock, eventually jumping off the edge, plunging in to the icy waters. Finally resurfacing after about five or ten seconds, he shook his head, the water droplets going in different directions in to the ocean. Pumping his fists in to the air he yelled "Holy sh*t, that was great!" With a big grin, he free-styled his way to the boat and climbed the ladder, joining Acacia in watching the sunset. "It's amazing the things you'll notice once you realize there's more to life than just taking risks and going nonstop. Even though that stuff's great, sometimes you kinda need to relax and take a break, you know?" Danny just shook his head and chuckled. "But I guess I'm wasting my time talking to you about it. For an adrenaline junkie like you, I guess there's no point. Plus I'm a guy, and I'm not supposed to talk about what I feel." He paused, looking at the sunset.

"But in a way It's funny. Some people you think you're so close to, end up being the farthest away. You realize that you're basically alone in the world." He sighed. "I miss my sister." His final words lingered in the air as the lump in his throat got bigger. "Sorry AJ." He walked to the ladder and sat down on the edge, wading his legs in the water as they sent a pulse of iciness up in to his bones. "Sh*t." He swore, mad that he just said all of that.

ooc/: I added the Colton pic so you could see what he looks like shirtless xD


Acacia listened intently to Danny's words. He apologized after, which made her feel guilty. "Just because I like the rush... doesn't mean I don't have a heart." She chose her words carefully, saying them in a way that wasn't defensive, but rather like stating a fact. "I'm sorry." She whispered in Danny's ear. Quickly, she rose to her feet and went to the edge of the boat.

"Up for a swim?" She smiled at Danny, but was also offering this to Graves, who had brought them here, after all. Acacia bit her lip to keep from smiling too wide as she spread her arms and fell back, diving backwards into the cold waters.

Acacia in a bikini

{OOC; Good idea @Imrealk xD I put mine too. ^}
Grave's watched as Aj first dove off the dock into the mildly cold Gulf/ Atlantic waters. She had good form from what Grave's could see. Taking another sip of beer from the bottle of beer in his right hand he looked to the west where the sun slowly set. With the clouds in the right position the sky seemed to be blood red with tints of orange and yellow further away from the sunset. These were the kind of night Grave's enjoyed and loved.Watching AJ swim over to the boat he looked back at her then back towards the west. Over hearing her speak to herself, he simply kept his mouth shut. He had done enough damage to the relationship between the both of them. Not to mention every guy who had been apart of this program had been hitting on her. He figured it would be best to keep his mouth completely shut.

Then came the second splash, Grave's looked over to spot Danny swimming over to the boat. '
I guess someone else isn't fearful. Glad to see we have a little company.' As Danny got on the boat, he began to spill out his life to AJ. It surprised him that Danny hadn't realized it wasn't just him and AJ. 'Maybe he wanted me to hear this conversation' After rolling his eyes to himself, he took another sip of his beer followed by a quick shake of his head.

" You know I can hear both of you right? " He turned in his chair and looked at both of them with an eyebrow raised. "If you two are going to get all lovely dovey with each other then do feel free to enjoy the bedroom under the boat." He pointed to the door near the captain's chair which obviously led down into the hull of the ship. " So tell me, does anyone know if Rhett is coming or not? I'd like to get going if he wasn't plan on coming."
Aaron sat quietly on the couch, eyes avoiding everyone else's, the whole time the mayor had been speaking to the group of teens gathered In the living room of the mansion. When she'd signed up to board a Demon, her assumption was just that: she'd be boarding a teen or two from Infernus, presumably in her home, not that she'd be boarding with teens from Infernus in a giant mansion. Somehow the mayor had conveniently forgotten to mention that part to her. Too late now, she thought to herself.

She didn't actually mind the idea of living with a bunch of other people; in fact, she loved the idea. But it was the idea, and only the idea, she loved. She knew that in reality she would probably be the odd man out in the house. She always had been, even in her own family, so she didn't see why this would be any different. Especially considering that these were not more teens from Caelum - she had a hard enough time with those as is. These were teens from Infernus, and they'd probably write her off as another stuck up Cael. To be fair, she wasn't exactly a Demon either, but she sure as hell wasn't a Cael either. She was just her, and that would have to be good enough for everyone else, both Cael and Demon.

She'd sat quietly even after the mayor had left, and was the last person to go to their respective room, silently padding up the stairs and slipping into her room, which she'd unpacked earlier, and flopped face first onto the bed. She'd brought her non-Cael clothes as well as her normal ones, figuring that she never know when she may need them. Her room was nice, but it wasn't home. Home wasn't really home, not without her family. It was too silent, eerily so. That's why she signed up for this. She was going mad in that house alone, and thought having someone else around would do her good. Now she had seven someone elses, all strangers. She didn't even know the other Cael's. She'd seen Them all around town but had never communicated with them beyond a smile or a nod passing on the street.


(bed is conveniently curtained off from the rest of the otherwise large room, perfect for teenage shenanigans)

Aaron had just begun to doze off on her plush queen sized bed, having not slept well since the storm, when she heard someone shout from downstairs about the beach. She picked her head up off the bed and sighed softly. This was where she was going to be living from now on, so she may as well make an effort. She shoved off the bed and went over to her closet, searching for a bathing suit. All her Cael suites we one pieces in garish prints and colors better suited for a child, so she went to the other side of her closet, where part of her inner Demon lay visible for the first time. She didn't have any non-Cael bathing suits though, so she thought of something she never would have considered before: going in a bra and panties. She may not have had any bikinis worthy or seeing the light of day, but she sure as sh*t had sexy undergarments. She was happy with the ones she was already wearing, so she grabbed a mini backpack and threw in her iPod, which would be confiscated by the mayor if found, her portable speakers, headphones, some chapstick, and went downstairs.

She didn't know who was at the beach and who had stayed, but she knew Graves and his family had boats, so if he had gone they'd probably be the jetty. She exited the house, shutting the door behind her, and made her way over the lawn to the fence. Aaron sighed under her breath and carefully climbed over, trying not to catch her clothes on it, and landed awkwardly on the other side, slightly off balance, more than slightly embarrassed, even though no one was around, but otherwise unharmed. She walked briskly but calmly to the jetty, scaling another fence and walking over to where someone she believed to be Rhett was standing awkwardly, and alone, in front of the drop into the water.

As Aaron got closer she could hear voices coming from down below, and she came to stand next to Rhett, nothing announcing her presence other than her shoes trending gently on the wood. She wasn't really a talker, but she would when she was ready. She turned slightly to look at him and tipped her head towards the water, as if to ask if he was going in.

((OOC: Sorry it's so long, but I wanted to get everything in. Also, I'll add a bedroom pic when I get home tomorrow and can use my laptop))
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Acacia raised a single, skeptical eyebrow, clearly displeased with Graves. Did he have to be so critical all the time? She had known Danny for most of her life, if not all, and he was dealing with loss. Of course he would want to talk about it. This might not be the ideal situation, but that didn't give the brat any right to tease Danny. "Have some respect." She muttered, her voice softly carried by slight, cool breeze.

"Of course he's coming. Right, Rhett?"
Acacia spoke up, calling up to Rhett. She noticed a new girl and offered her a welcoming smile. Obviously, this girl was not a Demon, but rather, a Cael. Acacia could use some female friends. Silently, Acacia swept her hair to one side and braided it, ending at her breasts. She tied it with a black hairtie that she'd been keeping on her wrist.

Making herself a bit more comfortable, she sat down in one of the seats near Graves. Acacia helped herself to a beer, popping the can's top with a
hiss. As she was about to take a sip, she winked sarcastically at Graves and raised her beer to him. The beer tasted fresh and bitter in her dry mouth. With her free hand, she subconsciously twirled circles around her belly-button piercing as her deep-blue eyes shifted to the impending sunset once more.

xxxxxRhett watched, almost in awe as Acacia took a running start, leaping easily off the cliff with a grin on her face. Well, wasn't she brave. He shoved his hands in his pockets, watching silently as she landed in the water. It wasn't till Danny spoke aloud when Rhett had snapped out of his trance. "So Loverboy, it's a surprise you wanna hang out with us Infernus kids." He said to him. Rhett looked up at him. "Well, I was skeptical at first, with all the things that my parents had told me, but I figured they couldn't be true." He replied, kicking a pebble off the dock as Danny pulled his own clothes off, throwing them to the side. Rhett didn't need a hint to know that he was going to have to be next. Oh god.

xxxxx"See you at the bottom." He said under his breath, more to himself than Danny, watching as he jumped off, just as in awe as he was when watching Acacia. Once Danny resurfaced, Rhett walked back from the Dock, his nervousness only increasing at the sound of Acacia's voice calling out to him. Just then, Aaron came up to him, greeting him silently. "Hey Aaron." He said almost breathlessly. Rhett offered her a friendly smile. It was almost a relief to see another Cael with them. "If you don't mind, I was just about to commit suicide." He joked, with a more than nervous laugh. "Catch you later."

xxxxxWith that, he took a running start, and jumped straight off the edge without a second to lose. He knew that if he hesitated for even a second, he'd chicken out. His eyes were closed, but as soon as he feet left the ground, Rhett dared to open his eyes, and a grin quickly found its way onto his face. He'd never done something like this before, and he loved it. The wind in his face, and just the rush of doing something like this... there was no way he would had ever even thought of doing this in his life time, yet he was doing it now.

xxxxxRhet pulled his knees to his chest, as he landed in the water with a large splash. The icy water felt refreshing under the hot sun. He kicked in the water until his head broke from the surface. The grin still hadn't left his face. "Wouldn't mind doing that again." He commented, swimming over to the boat and pulling himself up, swinging his legs into the boat.

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A ghost of a smile played at the corners of Aaron's mouth as she watched Rhett jump off the jetty and plunge into the water below. For a brief moment it seemed as if he was considering staying put, but evidently he'd decided to give risk taking a try. She ghost smile grew a little bigger when she heard his voice from below, clearly not regretting his decision.

She put her bag down on the dock and pulled her shirt over her head, before dropping it next to her bag, kicking off her flip flops, and stripping out her jeans so she was wearing nothing but her eggplant purple lace bra and panties. Thank god I didn't wear a thong today, she thought to herself as she carried her clothes to the bush that seemed to have become the resting place of everyone else's discarded garments. It was an odd sensation to be in her undergarments in public, but not as embarrassing as she'd expected it to be.

Aaron placed her clothes and backpack with the rest of the teens', and headed back over to where she could see everyone below in the water. She could see AJ and Danny near the end of the boat, and she walked a little ways down so that she would land near the two of them when she jumped in. Aaron backed up to the other edge of the jetty and then took off, her left foot planting on the edge of the wood and pushing her high and far out into the air.

And then she was falling, not screaming or shrieking the way one would expect a girl to, but quiet as ever, a giant grin lighting up her face as the water rushed up and embraced her.
Looking back at the two together, Grave's couldn't help but smirk to himself. While he wasn't the type of person to always be so critical, his comment seemed quite called for between the two. They seemed quite compatible for each other, then again Aj seemed to just want to be around anyone who wouldn't put her to sleep. Turning back around to see what made Aj so quite to see both Rhett, and a new girl up on the dock. Taking a slip of his beer, it seemed like this night was only getting better and better. With that being said it was only a matter of time before someone completely pissed off someone else. Looking down at the label of the beer, he began to boredly peel at the back tag. Then without any notice Grave's looked up to see Aj grabbing a beer from the cooler and taking a seat near him. To avoid eye contact, or a misunderstanding, he looked up to the dock waiting to see what would come next.

Without any warning to heads up Grave's watched Rhett jump off the dock without any hesitation. As he jumped, Grave's couldn't watch his jump due to the kid's utter ignorance to long distance diving. Just as he turned his head away from the horrific dive from Rhett, through-out the corner of his eye Grave's could see Rhett going into a cannonball form. Something any long distance diver knew curling your body into the shape could possibly kill the person, nor mortally injure them. With a frown on his face Grave's took the finally sip of his beer as he tossed it into the trash can to his right. With a shake of his head in disappointment, his eyes went back up to the dock to watch if anyone else was coming.

Finally came the new girl, whom he had never actually met before. Grave's knew most of the Cael's by face and name. However this girl was seemed quite different. When she jumped, it seemed she knew exactly what she was doing, just like how AJ was. Pulling out his pack of cigarettes from the glove box to the right of the captain's chair, he gently pulled out a cigarette and light it without any hesitation. Standing up to get a head count of all those who decided to go on this little 'adventure', Grave's let out a cloud of smoke and cleared his throat. " I'll kindly ask that all of you clear from out from the back of the boat. I'm gonna be moving the boat out to deeper water, that way we won't have the five-oh coming to ruin our fun." Turning to the command center Grave's gently turned the four engines beneath the boat on and placed the boat in neutral. " Oh and two more things." He spoke out to the other as he turned around. " I recommend everyone hold on, and also I hope someone here knows how to either wakeboard, or water ski. Or else this will definitely be a very uneventful night." With that being said Grave's held the grin across his face and sat down in his captain's chair waiting for everyone to get ready.


Both Rhett and the other girl's dives were okay, but definitely not Demon-like. Normal teens long-distance dive for fun or an occasional thrill, but Acacia lived for diving, for jumping, for falling, and especially for the thrill. As the adrenaline rush began to fade, she chewed on the inside of her cheek. She always felt a little jittery after a thrill, not because of the fear, but because she always wanted so much more. To distract herself, she sipped at the beer and waited for Rhett and the other Cael girl to get into the boat and ready. Even with this new girl, Acacia was still the shortest. Noticing this, she rolled her eyes.

"We should play Truth or Dare," She offered, once everyone had settled. Her deep eyes scanned the boat, looking over Rhett, Danny, the girl, and Graves. Hopefully, she wasn't the only one who wanted to have fun here. Acacia's bra strap had fallen, so she adjusted it back onto her lightly tanned shoulder. She let her hair down from the braid and shook it out. It was still damp, but it was now textured and wavy.

"Anyone feel like starting?" A forced smile found its way onto her face.
Danny had been ignoring the other teens, too preoccupied with his own thoughts. He was also too busy watching the other Cael teens dive in to the ocean. He was glad that there were at least a few who could loosen up a bit. Danny began to chuckle at the thought of all of the other teens still at the house, being awkward and sitting alone. Danny was never a kind of guy who liked solitude. His greatest fear was being lonely, and so far, he had always had someone who was there for him.

As soon as Acacia had piped in something about truth or dare, his ears perked up. "Truth or Dare?" he asked, curiously, moving toward the group and sitting himself on the boat's floor. The warmth of the sun was still powerful, and it beat over Danny's back as the orange horizon imitated the heat itself. He looked around the group of teens and a cheeky grin formed. "I think Graves should start. I think he needs a dare," He looked at Graves. "but a truth's okay too." He looked around the teens, hoping for suggestions.
After hearing Graves's warning Aaron swam over to the end of the boat and hauled herself over the edge and into it. She stood, and walked over to the cooler with her arms crossed over her chest, suddenly self conscious about a bunch of strangers seeing her near naked. She realized it would make her seem extremely Cael like to try in vain to cover herself, so she put her arms by her side and tried to look at ease as she pulled out a beer and came to sit next to AJ.

She awkwardly popped open the beer, looking at it as if it were about to jump up and bite her. Aaron's parents had been lenient and allowed her and her brother to have wine with dinner, but they were an exception to the rule. Most Caels, even adults, rarely drank, if at all. And they certainly didn't let their children drink while underage. Despite her parents' easygoing nature, Aaron had never had any other kind of alcohol besides wine.

Aaron brought the beer to her nose and smelled it. It wasn't entirely unpleasant, and had a faint grainy undertone to it. She held it in front of her and eyed it, before bringing it to her mouth and taking a small sip. It was bitter, but no more so than she'd expected.

She took another, larger sip, and watched with interest as the others talked about whether or not to play Truth or Dare. Aaron personally had never played, but she wasn't opposed to the idea. It would probably be fun, and she'd already had more firsts today than she had in her entire life so one more first didn't seem like such a big deal.

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