When Darkness Comes.

Mendaian said:
@Shena , Hey you want me to bring you into the rp? 
Will try not to Haru hah 
Figure its gonna take @jade162 9 years to reply anywhoooo
Sure. (: I was just starting back in. I've been reading this whole time. I might be a bit slow however. One of my mice is very amused with running under my fingers whilst I type and I'm kind of amused with it.
My cat is in a ball next to me while my mouse has resigned to running about my chest. xD
I have nine mice. xD And she swatted their cage once. She unleashed a fury. It woke me up and I was on my feet and across the room in an instant. I hissed and smacked her butt and she hasn't touched them since. She perks up looking at them but has learned to ignore them
I would have enjoyed to see a video of that, I think I would have been on my ass dying from laughter. Lol that image just made my night.
I adore animals and am very protective of each of them. In my room alone we have 9 mice and a bearded dragon. 3 cats and a dog roam throughout the house and then we have several fish in the room in the basement. The beardie and cat are eyeballing each other at the moment but the cat knows very well not to attack him for fear of the wrath of the lizard and I both.
I personally can barely deal with my two retarded felines. They are truly stupid, and i believe they were dropped on there heads lol
My cat (the one with me now) is bipolar and is either a cuddler or the most agressively solo cat you'll meet. The second cat hates everybody and will rub against you to pet her while hissing for you to stop. She's a confused mess. The last one is really old and quick to snap but is actually very sweet.
I believe all cat are inherently bipolar, it's just to what degree is to be determined when they grow up. So far I think that theory works for me.
You are jade? lol Plus don't you have school in the morning like the rest of us normal american people
xD I do. I'll end up falling asleep soon. ouo Then everyone has to stop. xD Lol

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I... Have no idea. Right now. xD At this exact moment, it's 11:42PM.

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Yes. You along with me are east coast. (: 
I can't sleep for the life of me. I'm excited for interaction. x:
xD Hooray? Just a warning O.o On school days I might answer once in the morning. Otherwise it has to wait till 3. xD So don't expect anything until then~

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Same. xD Sometimes later. But if it is later, I won't keep anyone waiting past 3:30, and I'll just have to reply from phone. ouo

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