When Darkness Comes.

xD Thank you. I like it.

And, I got it in Washington at a medieval times-restaurant-place, that gave you a show while you were eating. It was pretty cool actually. But I was bored and looking at what they had- And spotted that. So.. Yeah.
:D You know what I'm talking about?! 
xD ... Another girl there tried convincing me to buy another necklace- But personally I thought the one I have now looked better then the other two they had.
Heck yes! went there with my marchign band one year when we were going to Dysney, they killed out knight off first :/ . but we continued to yell like idiots for our guy even after he died XP 
well then thats good you founf one you liike
xD Yeah. That was fun. Our guy actually lasted in the final two. But ended up losing. IN AN EPIC BATTLE!!! 
I lost my voice after that... xD

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