What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

Which Chosen do you choose?

  • Solars

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  • Lunars

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  • Sidereals

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  • Abyssals

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  • Terrestrials

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  • Alchemicals

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  • Infernals

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Solars ALL THE WAY! I mean, they have o established paradigm, they have no inherent responsibilties attached to thier exaltation. all they do is kick names and take ass! that is thier whole purpose in creation. and that is not even set in stone so if they wanted they could do whatever peoplle do, who are not kicking ass. oh yeah! SOLARS!
I voted Alchemical, just because they've been on my brain for the past few weeks. I've played a Solar and a Lunar too, and had fun with both, though the Lunars seemed pretty limited in what they could do, though what they do they wreck goddamn house at, and fuck me, their charms are expensive.
My current favorite Exalted type are Alchemicals. I'm currently playing one in a campaign and I love playing up my clarity level, along with my complete lack of understanding about the goings on in creation. My character is constantly asking questions and continuously coming to unusual, or down right wrong conclusions about the various wonders of this place everyone calls creation (See my signature for just such an occasion).

As for their combat ability, I've read many who say that they are lacking. I have found, on the other hand, that they are quite capable of holding their own in a fight against other Celestial Exalts. Solars and Abyssals beat them hands down, but that's to be expected.

Unfortunately, I'm starting to see a problem in their limited charm slots. While this hasn't been tested fully in my group yet, I have a feeling that most players will start gravitating towards the "open ended" charms (i.e. Man/God-Machine Protocol and Perfect Lotus Matrix...charms that open up other charms that don't have an installation cost), the more their personal essence pool starts to shrink. This has been my personal experience anyway. If it's true, it would be really sad to see a full Alchemical circle, that all weave protocols and practice some form of martial arts. :cry: This is just my opinion though and I could be completely wrong. :wink:

My second favorite Exalted type has to be Lunars, simply because of the versatility that comes with their ability to shape change. Hate the way their charm trees progress and the exp costs for their charms (this is why they are second), but love everything else about them.
Maryuoh said:
ava said:
solars, hands down. because they are so damned elastic! i have played a dynastic daughter who was about to be sold as Fair Folk food because she was prophecied never to exalt when she was bought by some monks instead (and raised by them),
Note that selling Dynastic children to the Fair Folk is against the Immaculate philosophy. In the same sense that killing your father and raping your mother over a church altar while singing hymns to Satan goes against the Christian ethos.

Ah crap

There goes my ticket to heaven. :twisted:

They are so cool that everyone either wants to recruit them or is frightened enough to wish desperately to get them out of the way.
Oh, and as for my favorite type


And it is all Queen's fault

"Here we are, born to be kings. We are the princes of the Universe."

Great Lyrics
My favorite Exalted are definitely the Solars because I like how bombastic they can be, but I am a major advocate for Lunar Exalted.  I thought they really got shafted by both the developers and by players' perception of them.  It looks like in 2E that WW changed most of the problems with them, such as having no Apperance Charms.  Hopefully, they'll also have less expensive Charm costs.
The Abyssals.

Doomed antiheroes, wicked and beautiful. Mightier than Life and powerless to change their destinies. Sheperds, guides, and wolves leading all to the mouth of the Void...wether they realize it or not.

Who but them can see and smell the furtive beauty of the flower of creation, fragrant blossoms doomed to die...life is a funeral and they've come to smell the roses.

I like their evil. Their appetite for detruction. Their struggle  in a cage of their own making. Their dreams of conquest, and their dreams of freedom. The idea of doom, and death, and beauty all holding hands while the lights dimm, and they all close their eyes afraid to sleep in utter darkness.

Everything living is dying, and everything dying is rotting. Watch them all dance and turn tricks with a chick called DEATH!
I like the solars First and formost...

I have fond feelings for Renegade abyssals, Out caste dragon blooded, and Siderals.

What I cant stand about Dynastic charachters is it requires (Especialy if you have to fight against "anathema" EXTENSIVE separation of OOC and IC Info.
While this may seem a bit weird I'd have to say that I like playing Mortals the best, and while you will have to exalt eventually if you want don't want the game to get stale I still find it most rewarding to accomplish something with a mortal because the Exalts are all so powerful.

But if I had to pick an exalt type I'd say probably the DBs. I like the whole elmental aspect of it.
The entire part about OOC / IC separation when playing Dragon Blooded should be just as big when you play Solars, since you shouldn't know anything about the two thousand big nasties out there and the real plans for creation etc.

But I've been blessed with a group that started out their Exalted careers in my chronicle, so they haven't read anything that isn't DB-based. Sure, they know that the Solars are the "real" heroes, but they've learnt the Realm-think before they learnt the Solar-think, which provides with a lot of good stuff.

Along with the fact, of course, that I think that the DB's are the real heroes. This doesn't mean that in my games, Solars are not glorious golden heroes who fight for the weak, or that DB's are less hedonistic and depraved, it just means that that the Solars are still people, and they still have the Great Curse. They are fully capable of becoming what Kejak says at the end of the book: First great heroes that Creation seems to need, then horrible monsters who usher the world into another dark age, where no Dragon Blooded can stop them again.

That is what my players are fighting against, for a new and better realm, against corruption of the system and against the anathema who wish to overthrow the last bastion of stability in the world.

:P All this as a response to the little tidbit about OOC/IC when it comes to Solars.. yep.
Learn to see the world the way it is? In grays. The Dragon Blooded at least can keep some degree of control over a pretty huge part of the world, and I'd wager that peasants there have it a lot better than in many many other parts of the Exalted world. The chance of being assaulted, raped or sold to slavery on the blessed isle is basically non-existant. That's what the Realm is there for.  The good of the masses and the stability.

There are thousands of Dragon Blooded who defend those ideals, the ideals of a peaceful empire, the ideals of an enlightened empire where monks go out to make sure the population can get married, where the days of ordinary people are touched by the Divine in the form of the Chosen of the Dragons.

How are those thousands of Dragon Blooded and mortals, monks of both kinds, plain evil or bad for the world? They might have misunderstood completely the bit about the Solars.. but the question one should ask oneself.. I'm not saying the Realm is good. It's just the lesser of evils out there, right now. And even with the slaves there, they have it a lot better than slaves out in the world where other interests rule.

Are the solars any better? It's stated in many places that Solars arent controlled by their patron god, which means they are heroes with a lot of destiny.. but why would they be the better choice? They even have something speaking against them, namely Limit Break. The dragon blooded have become the way they are through the Thousand Mazy Paths and some forms of misrule in the kingdom, hedonistic and corrupt, but that's just mortal things. It can be fixed through a new order. The curse is very small for the DB's.

The solars? They will go crazy unless they fix the Great Curse. They will plunge the realm into in-fighting, thousands, no, hundreds of millions will die because of their righteous crusade. Maybe it's better for their followers when they have taken over, but is it really better for everyone else? Is it better when the new Solar ruler enters limit break, or becomes as corrupted as the Dragon Blooded, only with powers MUCH grander than the DB's. What happens then? When its not 1rd circle demons, but 2nd and things far more dangerous that gets loose? When the ones that are supposed to protect people instead execute hundreds to make sure they stay in power? Why would it -not- happen, just cause they have Destiny 3?

In my honest opinion, I think it will need the Sidereals, Dragon Blooded and Solars all working together to save the world. I will not buy any explanation as "good" if it only involves a handful of lone Solar heroes rescuing entire creation and makes it all go well again. For me, it doesnt work like that in the rather realistic incarnation of Creation as I see it. They're human, only writ large. Their virtues are great, but their flaws as well.

One has to reconcile and realize that Solars are not meant to rule alone either, and unite the Exalted once more, side by side.

That would be the RL world

In Exalted the world isbright and colorful, before the mind numbing greyness of banality found it.

Remember Exalted is a Final Fantasy style Anime game.

and if you make the Parallels

Solars are meant as the core heroes

Lunars become some of the secondary heroes who start out antagonistic to the core heroes

The DBs and the realm are the 'Big military/corporate force' that seems like the villains at first but turn out to be just misguided and stupid... oh and completely helples against the Big Badguy.

The Siddies are the true Villains. They caused all te problems through stupidity.

The Deathlords are the 'Big Badguy' FaFL make a perfect Sephiroth

Renegade Abyssals? anyone remember Vincent Valentine?
I don't agree, at all. Exalted is made to be a grey game. Not even Abyssals are truly evil. Every side can be seen from different angles.

Solars have limit break and are capable of just as much evil as most of the other factions. They are just people with destiny, they can still be enormously cruel, as proven by history. NOthing has changed, only more factors in the game.
here here to the dragon blooded being "misguided and stupid"

Well except outcastes's such as risa, ... The profane dragon, and Kirin.

Their anything BUT misguided or stupid.

since they've returned to their true place in the celestial order.

The solars have a RIGHT to rule the world.

anyway I go for more of a Final fantasy vibe in my game, which does mean at times that I reduce the Moral grayness of the world.

but Its an inevitable result of the game Im running.

The lunars I dont do much with.

The Siderals, arent evil though.

just Misguided and blinded with pride.

and some in both faction could be portrayed as noble crusaders, just emphasize this, and deemphasize that.
Im for the m ost part going to put the Terrestrials on the top of my list as favorite exalt, elemental aspects are really fun, and because of the nature of Terrestrials storyline's and intrigue most of their games have are where the good time's are
Sidereals, every time. Virtually immortal celestial beaureucrats with martial arts skills that could make the entire cast of the matrix require a change of underwear at the same time AND the ability to dictate fate, what's not to like?

I loved them from the minute I laid eyes on their splatbook (which is definately the best looking IMHO) and loved them even more when I realised how fun to roleplay their version of the great curse is.

Sure, the solars and abyssals may have the power but none of their charms (or anyone else's for that matter) even come close to sidereal martial arts charms. Use a prayer strip with charcoal march of spiders and you will not find a more essence-efficient way to kill lots of things very quickly and no other charm set has the instant healing power of citrine poxes of contagion (plus, spiritual diseases are hellishly fun to play with). So a twilight casts a solar-circle spell at you, so what? Prismatic arrangement of creation'll stop it in it's tracks just long enough for you to wipe the floor with him.

And besides all that, you also get the satisfaction of probably being the only group that knows what's really going on behind the scenes. :lol:
The Siderals, arent evil though.

just Misguided and blinded with pride.
trhis is why i like then being called Siddies

in ff5 ff6 ff7 and ff8 Sid was the well meaning do gooder who caused half the worlds problems
The choice was betwean Solars and Terrestrials. After some thinking (about 10 secs) I chose Solars since I haven't really had the chance to experience DBs to their fullest potential.
DBs can be great fun. It's a different playstyle though: If you wanna do something grand and amazing as a Solar, you think of clever ways for you to do it with your own might and force. If you want to do that as a DB, you gotta think of clever ways to be able to do it at all. And though often you find that you can't do it, it's beyond your ken, other times it's fun to creatively approach the problem rather than just being able to do it.

Still, I prefer playing Solars I think. After all, it's a game of great powers stomping around.. why not be a great power? :P
I would say Solars because they are the easiest to play and give you the most leeway in background creation and playstile.
I favor Dragon-Blooded, with Solars as a close second.  I like subtle political maneuvering and conspiracies, and Dragon-Blooded games are definitely well sutied to that type of game.  From a young age, they're learning to play the games of intigue, and that I think makes for an interesting story.
In my game the Siddies are the villains.  Not evil, necessarily, but they fear anything that they can't control.  Because of their powers over fate, they favor the Dragonblooded ruling, because the Terrestrials are bound by fate as strongly as mortals.  But the Celestials, especially the Solars, are free to forge their own destiny.  Fate doesn't hold them, and so the Bronze faction seeks to destroy them, and the Gold to find a way to control them.  There's kind of a theme developing in my game that pre-destination = slavery, and thus the Sidereals are in effect the secret tyrants of creation.  The intersting part is, my PCs are Dragon-Blooded, not Solars, which will make things much more interesting as they discover the Siddies in the background, pulling everyone's strings, and turning all the other Exalts against eachother.

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