Other What would you do with $1Mil

Whatever student loans I have would be paid off first. Then I'd invest in some stocks, assuming like 65% is left over, then I'd donate like 15% to mental health organizations and awareness, and also sexual assault awareness, because there's no way I could have gotten through and been alive without the help of some of those organizations. Then I'd probably help out my parents a bit with that money, and then try to buy my own tiny place with a studio with whatever's left.
[QUOTE="Noire Tukino]Whatever student loans I have would be paid off first. Then I'd invest in some stocks, assuming like 65% is left over, then I'd donate like 15% to mental health organizations and awareness, and also sexual assault awareness, because there's no way I could have gotten through and been alive without the help of some of those organizations. Then I'd probably help out my parents a bit with that money, and then try to buy my own tiny place with a studio with whatever's left.

I'm glad you were able to get help to get through everything. My friend was also a victim of sexual assault, but she's doing much better now.
Kestrel said:
I'm glad you were able to get help to get through everything. My friend was also a victim of sexual assault, but she's doing much better now.
Like I said in my post, I wouldn't be here without the amount of help I had to get just to function on an almost semi normal basis. I still have my episodes, but I'm in a safer state of mind than I was a couple weeks after it happened.
Pay for college then invest in the stock market. Careful financial maneuvering comes first. Then I'd go do what I want.
[QUOTE="Noire Tukino]Like I said in my post, I wouldn't be here without the amount of help I had to get just to function on an almost semi normal basis. I still have my episodes, but I'm in a safer state of mind than I was a couple weeks after it happened.

That's good to hear. I'm glad you're here, and doing better.
My first step would ultimately be to pay off my student loans. So that'd leave me with about 920,000 left. From there I'd probably throw some my parents' way. Maybe like 20,000, because I feel I owe them at least half that for what they've done for me.

After that I'd probably invest in the equipment and tools to really help me settle into my career. And then I'd save up/invest the rest and donate as I'm able to.
Kestrel said:
That's good to hear. I'm glad you're here, and doing better.
Thank you :') It really means a lot. Some days are a struggle but I try to get by as best I can. Although i hope your friend is alright. Thank you for reaching out to me though :')
If I had $1,000,000... I'd buy myself a big house suitable for three or four people. I'd still be eating like I do. Chips and noodles and such. I just wouldn't spend all my money. I'd save as much as I could and try to make as much profit as possible. I'd be wealthy and quiet. I'd still wear nikes and hoodies.
[QUOTE="Noire Tukino]Thank you :') It really means a lot. Some days are a struggle but I try to get by as best I can. Although i hope your friend is alright. Thank you for reaching out to me though :')

I think she is, although last summer she moved and now lives 10 hours away. I'm hoping to see her this summer. If you ever wanna talk about serious stuff or chat about frivolous stuff, PM me.
I would not hesitate to buy a baby Black Panther.

I also would not hesitate to buy my way into being set for life with some major investments xD
Sorry but 1 million is NOT ENOUGH :( - Houses these days are worth a few million dollars. Yikes!
  1. Pay off any bills, debts or related things connected to my name.
  2. Invest in a large acreage of land (20 would probably work).
  3. Get the required equipment in order to become self sustaining (solar panels, windmills, tractors to till soil, etc).
  4. ???
  5. Profit.
  6. Donate half of leftover money to a charity and keep the other half for myself.

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