Other What would you do with $1Mil

Elephantom said:

Shopping list

1. Two .50 caliber machine guns

2. 7 slabs of one feet thick slab of steel

3. Bulldozer

4. 90 gallons of dry concrete

5. Vent and life support system

6. Rivet gun

7. Rivets

8. Various semi-automatic pistols and rifles

9. IED components

10. Electrical components

11. Wiring components

12. Button components

13. 900 lb of C4 and Shaped charges

14. Food and water for 100 years

15. Portable sleeping compartment

16. Lots of tobbaco (mind you, not cigarettes

17. Heavy caliber sniper rifles

18. Camera with bulletproof casing and glass

19. Camera connected screen

20. Dynamo for electricity generation

21. Stylish new wardrobe

Are you preparing for the zombie apocalypse or just the end of the world?
Sure, you could get a bunch of parrots or insane amounts of your favorite snack, perhaps equip yourself with some high-end technology, and so forth...

I might quit and renounce traditional jobs forever, and still be able to live for the rest of my life with a $55 budget per day (assuming an average 75 year lifetime).

[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]Sure, you could get a bunch of parrots or insane amounts of your favorite snack, perhaps equip yourself with some high-end technology, and so forth...
I might quit and renounce traditional jobs forever, and still be able to live for the rest of my life with a $55 budget per day (assuming an average 75 year lifetime).


It's sad when you look at that and feel like it's just not that much!

However, I would pay off all my outstanding debt and buy a nice chunk of property. Invest 20% of the remainder and bank the rest.

I would also go back to school to learn something, not sure what, but maybe a cool trade like Welding or something.
Hmm... I'd probably save it up for the future so I can buy more stock, pay for college, invest in some better animating equipment, take a lot of vacations abroad, give 10% to charity, and save up the rest for buying a house or retirement.
PlanetSpace said:
What would you guys do with $1 Million in cash.
List all the things you would do with $1 Million in cash.
Launch a project for an epic 2d animated fairy tale movie, too.
Pay off my debts, buy myself my own house and land, buy myself a few pets, buy myself everything I need and want, help family out if needed, put some aside for emergencies, some more aside for fun and possibly give the rest to charity
[QUOTE="Clarissa Silvermist]Pay off my debts, buy myself my own house and land, buy myself a few pets, buy myself everything I need and want, help family out if needed, put some aside for emergencies, some more aside for fun and possibly give the rest to charity

What kind of pets?
[QUOTE="Clarissa Silvermist]Maybe a fox or two, a wolf as well, then some huskies and malamutes and a few kitties

I've always wanted a pet fox. I have a Siberian husky, actually.
Kestrel said:
I've always wanted a pet fox. I have a Siberian husky, actually.
I love huskies and malamutes, as they are the closest breed to the wild wolf, I'm pagan agnostic with knoweldge of a few of my past lives, one of them being a wolf cub :)
[QUOTE="Clarissa Silvermist]I love huskies and malamutes, as they are the closest breed to the wild wolf, I'm pagan agnostic with knoweldge of a few of my past lives, one of them being a wolf cub :)

My best friend, my boyfriend and I are all obsessed with wolves.
Kestrel said:
My best friend, my boyfriend and I are all obsessed with wolves.
That's cool, yeah, I've had a few obsessions over the years, the main ones being wolves, pirates and the medival ages

My current one: finding a girl who is okay with open relationships xD
[QUOTE="Clarissa Silvermist]That's cool, yeah, I've had a few obsessions over the years, the main ones being wolves, pirates and the medival ages
My current one: finding a girl who is okay with open relationships xD

I love medieval times. It's one of my favorite time periods to roleplay.
Kestrel said:
I love medieval times. It's one of my favorite time periods to roleplay.
Me too, I don't mind modern, but fantasy medieval is one of my favorites, the possibilities for chivalrous romance...
[QUOTE="Clarissa Silvermist]Me too, I don't mind modern, but fantasy medieval is one of my favorites, the possibilities for chivalrous romance...

I like some modern fantasy, too.

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