Other What would you do with $1Mil

Buy a huge piece of land, build a house on it and then privacy fence the entire thing in, Have an agility course for my dog (Plus other dogs i would acquire.) A pond, For my dog....Probably some kind of screened in cat house for my cats and donate a lot of it to my local no-kill shelter
Invest about $30,000 into a Forex account. Buy about 20 acres of land and put a cabin on it..Get all the solar power stuff hooked up. Buy toys like 4 wheelers and a small fishing boat. And a truck obvi. Put the rest away for taxes.
Put it into a saving accounts to collect interest,

and save it for my kids o-o. Maybe keep a few thousands,

but for the most part keep it in the bank.

I'm already a Bum, so money ain't always there.
I'd get all the people willing to work for 1 dollar then make them all form a circle holding hands humming. Within the centre of the circle would be various woodland creatures.
I'd get the fishcakes out of here; I'd fly away and around the world.

Man, now that I think about it... I'd be the ultimate NEET.

I'd probably adopt a German Shepherd, too. I've always wanted to have a German Shepherd.
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Renjin said:
Noooo not the fishcakes!!!!
I didn't mean it literally (but maybe if I got to taste one and I found them delicious, you'll never see them again)...
Well I would put it in a money market mutual fund, then I'll re-invest the earnings into foreign currency accounts with compounding interest aaaand it's gone.


Wait, what?

Create a paramilitary corporation that will take over a few small African and Asian countries and ultimately fail because i take on America without any real Conventional missiles, Of course.

FutureCorp is coming, my friends, IT IS COMING!
To be honest I would take care of bills first. Lend some to my family, save of course, spend some one me and pay it forward to a stranger.
I'd pay off all my debt, upgrade my computer, buy a modest house with four bedrooms, get furniture for the house.

After that, I'd invest some and put the rest into savings.
Put it in safe securities and live of off the interest. Even only 1% of a lot of money is a lot of money.
Invest at least 100 grand. Get an STI for everyday use, a GXR1000 for fun. Then import an R32 and fully hook it up as my fun car. get a small house and I'll be set

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