What trait(s) annoys you most in characters?

Anything based off of anything from a creepypasta.

Characters with weaknesses that aren't really fucking weaknesses. 'e.g. works too hard' vs 'susceptible to brain aneurysms'

Characters with mind control powers.

Characters with really fuckin' edgy backstories.

Characters that are really young.
Its about an orphan boy going through troubles in an old time england or something... Its pretty dang good from what i heard and saw (a couple songs and scenes)
Young characters work given their story and traits are realistic. Something that was mentioned previously was that the 7-year-old characters that run around in a zombie rp with a teddy bear that are secretly ruthless killers. People who make characters like that or even remotely similar just bring shame and a bad image to people who can rp younger characters properly.
Young characters work given their story and traits are realistic. Something that was mentioned previously was that the 7-year-old characters that run around in a zombie rp with a teddy bear that are secretly ruthless killers. People who make characters like that or even remotely similar just bring shame and a bad image to people who can rp younger characters properly.

i agree, a 7 year old being a ruthless killer makes no sense. i made an adult character with the figure of a 12-14 year old who acts immature as a means to get herself out of trouble. truth was, she was an adult, even if other people didn't see her that way. i mean, she was a geek, but it was part of the persona.
i agree, a 7 year old being a ruthless killer makes no sense. i made an adult character with the figure of a 12-14 year old who acts immature as a means to get herself out of trouble. truth was, she was an adult, even if other people didn't see her that way. i mean, she was a geek, but it was part of the persona.

That's fair enough. What you did is quite a realistic factor IRL as well. Definitely an interesting thing to RP.
Its about an orphan boy going through troubles in an old time england or something... Its pretty dang good from what i heard and saw (a couple songs and scenes)

Dunno who that is but maybe

If you're into musicals, plays and shit like LesMis or Annie. Then I would highly suggest Oliver as it is a really good story about the tragedy that was Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution.
If you're into musicals, plays and shit like LesMis or Annie. Then I would highly suggest Oliver as it is a really good story about the tragedy that was Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution.

essentially, it is a Story about an Orphan being treated like Trash and forced to do slave labor during the industrial revolution, because that is what they did with orphans back then before child labor laws became a thing. little Oliver really had no choice but to work and accept the abuse, because they could have easily killed him and replaced him with a different orphan pretty darn easily. children didn't have as much protection back then, a mother had the right to sell her underage daughter's virginity to some complete stranger for cash back then, it was disgusting, and the mother got to keep it all, because children were treated like assets and not as people, "what? your daughter is turning 12? i will pay you 1,000 dollars for the right to claim her virginity!" Disgusting. back then, 1,000 dollars is like what a million dollars represents today.
If you're into musicals, plays and shit like LesMis or Annie. Then I would highly suggest Oliver as it is a really good story about the tragedy that was Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution.

I fucking despise musicals and plays and shit.
Okay but there's no need to be so rude?? Lots of people enjoy musical theatre. Just because you don't doesn't mean you have to be rude about it. 

I probably should remember to attach the /s on everything I take as a joke. Because it should've been obvious it was a joke after I said "Higher Theatrical Art Forms" and "Shrek" in the same sentence. @Windsock though is fucking rude, though I think s/he caught on with this response

I prefer Cory in the House and Johnny Test.

Anyways, I'll respect that this thread is supposed to be serious and stop now.
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I probably should remember to attach the /s on everything I take as a joke. Because it should've been obvious it was a joke after I said "Higher Theatrical Art Forms" and "Shrek" in the same sentence. @Windsock though is fucking rude, though I think s/he caught on with this response

Anyways, I'll respect that this thread is supposed to be serious and stop now.

>implying I didn't know immediately

>implying I do possibly like musicals

>implying I'm not a horrible mass of negativity given form

>making me use meme arrows

Aside, I don't like it when characters get re-used time and time again for everything. At least have a roster, y'know?
Would just like to bring up the thing about the 7 year old killers, it really depends how its done. Because it could be done really badly and edgy, however if the child is killing people for a living it kinda would do something to their mental health. You can say it makes no sense, but its an actual thing that does happen in real life. Children do kill people from very early ages, rebellious armies and terrorist groups in Africa and the Middle-east train children from a small age to kill and that is what they spend their life doing, and they start killing from a small age. And accidents at home do happen where children have been found killing, either on purpose or by accident. Its literally a simple google search and you can find many articles and stuff on this.

One thing that does really annoy me is when people make edgy characters and seek attention but refuses to join anything going on in the RP and just go after a girl character to suit their shitty fantasies they can't make come true in their sad miserable lives.
Would just like to bring up the thing about the 7 year old killers, it really depends how its done. Because it could be done really badly and edgy, however if the child is killing people for a living it kinda would do something to their mental health. You can say it makes no sense, but its an actual thing that does happen in real life. Children do kill people from very early ages, rebellious armies and terrorist groups in Africa and the Middle-east train children from a small age to kill and that is what they spend their life doing, and they start killing from a small age. And accidents at home do happen where children have been found killing, either on purpose or by accident. Its literally a simple google search and you can find many articles and stuff on this.

One thing that does really annoy me is when people make edgy characters and seek attention but refuses to join anything going on in the RP and just go after a girl character to suit their shitty fantasies they can't make come true in their sad miserable lives.

Oh, I never thought about that
Annoying characters.

Wah wah, my childhood was so terrible. My mother fed me broccoli so now I want to destroy the world. Wah wah.
Clay dolls.

Characters that are so bland and lacking in personality because the writer is afraid of not being the center of attention that they purposefully drain them of all interesting quirks aside from a boring trope so as to prevent them from ever making any enemies in-character. Often horribly inconsistent because they aren't even characters really. Just vague outlines.

Take a stand! Give them faults! Get on some nerves. Just...do a thing. I dare you, people who I am referring to.
  1. "I wrote myself into a character" characters. Now this is not to say that no one can do it correctly but I have never seen it done successfully. When a character has been written into a story line and I can tell the person wrote it 100% about themselves, it's bad. I also find that people tend to be very hostile about getting feedback about their, 'them' characters. They also seem to seriously minimize negative traits about this character and greatly inflate positive traits. There seems to be no middle ground with the character's actions, everything comes embellished to the end-th degree. I also tend to notice a lot of details that fall out of sync with the RPs universe on 'self' characters. People seem to get so wrapped up in writing themselves into the story that they miss out on or ignore key plot/universe laws of the world they are writing into. 
  2. Characters that come from insane money, estranged parents, or from the other side of the world. Any character on the Fringes of the RP really. If the RP is taking place in a school in Ohio, USA, its safe to say that having 5 of the characters coming from Japan is a little odd! Some of the best characters, I have ever seen, have the most basic/realistic backgrounds ever. Normally characters that have any sort of background story that relates to Batman or the latest origin story of the newest movie currently in theater, don't even last long enough to make any impact on anyone. 

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