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Fandom What Remains (Survival Multi-Fandom) Sign-Up

Did you just redo your whole CS? i think you can ask Bloke to show it again.

You also seem to have abandoned your robo-waifu Penny. Just saying, but she probably would have gotten along great with Commander Vortex.
pssst, it wouldn't make sense with Volume 4/5 Qrow here, but if you really want, O can add her there later...Just woke up after all.
Don't know if it's too late to sign up The Mad Queen The Mad Queen but I see a couple of free spaces so here's a CS.

Name: Vito Scaletta
Fandom: Mafia Series
Age: 43
Gender/Sexuality: Heterosexual


Personality: Generally an upstanding fellow, but one of a relatively cold heart whose not afraid to do what needs to be done. He has a strong sense of justice and seeks revenges, making him cynical.

Vito is the leader of the Italian Gang and runs the River Row district of New Bordeaux, which he had been entrusted with as a lieutenant for the Marcano Crime Family. The FBI took an interest in him due to his relationship with Lincoln Clay, noting that he saw action during World War II, served a six year term in jail for theft and illegal distribution of federal rations, and was a suspect in the death of Carlo Falcone, whose crime family he had previously worked for.

He began working for the Marcano family after his exile from Empire Bay as part of a deal negotiated by Leo Galante after he had massacred a large portion of the Empire Bay Triads, a Chinese criminal organization who operate out of Chinatown in that city.

In the past decade Vito has also been looking into finding out who was responsible for the murder of his best friend Joe Barbaro, who was not protected by Vito's arrangement with Leo, as both were responsible for the attack on the Empire Bay Triads. Years later, Vito establishes that Joe skipped town after getting the jump on his captors and sought protection from some mobsters in Chicago, who instead maimed and beat him to death.

Skills: Proficient shooter and driver.
Powers/Abilities: Persuasive talk.
Weaknesses: Cynicism and vengeance.
Gear: Colt M1911, Smith and Wesson Model 19 and High Standard HDM
Quotes: "We talk about making money, but what it comes down to is respect."

Theme Song:




Naruto Uzumaki









Naruto strongly resembles his father: he has blond, spiky hair and blue eyes, while inheriting the shape of his mother's eyes and face. His trademark characteristic are the three whisker markings on his cheeks. Naruto wears a more form fitting outfit after wearing out his original one while training with Jiraiya, with a T-shirt or mesh armour underneath. While retaining the swirls and orange pants, the blue pieces of his outfit changes to black: his forehead protector (which is now longer), sandals, and orange jacket, the black colour showing more prominence than the blue did originally

Chakra Blades

Personality: Naruto is characterised as boisterous, exuberant and unorthodox, quite similar to Hashirama Senju. He inherited his mother's verbal tic, as he ends his sentences with "Dattebayo!" when excited or frustrated. Though he responds best to competition and is not afraid to ask for assistance, Naruto is relatively naive, simple, and slow to understand principles or situations. He often requires an oversimplified analogy in order to grasp explanations, and can even forget some concepts that he himself noted earlier if he is too emotional. Naruto is aware of his faults, and admits he acts strong to mask his embarrassment and frustration about them. Despite his naivety, Naruto can be quite observant, picking up on things others miss and retaining information casually gathered through conversation.


Chakra and Physical Prowess

Jinchūriki Transformation


Shadow Clone Technique




with the nine tails, he could easily lose control and end up hurting the people close to him.
Naruto was born on the night of October 10th to Minato Namikaze (the Fourth Hokage) and Kushina Uzumaki (the second jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails). He was named after the protagonist of Jiraiya's first book, which made the Sannin his godfather. The Third Hokage made special arrangements for Minato to preserve Kushina's seal containing the Nine-Tails while she gave birth to Naruto in a remote location, escorted by midwives and Anbu. A masked man, Tobi, tracked down their location, however, killed the midwives and Anbu, and captured Naruto, forcing Minato to quickly rescue him and teleport him to a safe house.

With Minato gone, Tobi captured Kushina and released the Nine-Tails from her, using it to devastate Konoha. Minato saved Kushina and left Naruto in her care before he went to protect the village, eventually defeating Tobi and freeing the Nine-Tails from Tobi's control. Returning to Naruto and Kushina's location, Minato realised the only way to stop the Nine-Tails was to seal it within Naruto, believing that his son would someday need the fox's power to defeat Tobi when he returned. Since the Nine-Tails' chakra was too immense to seal into an infant, Minato sacrificed his soul to split the fox's chakra in half, sealing the Yin half within himself and the Yang half within Naruto. After telling Naruto how much they loved him, Minato and Kushina succumbed to their wounds from protecting their son from the Nine-Tails and passed away.

Orphaned, Naruto grew up not knowing who his parents were, receiving only his mother's surname, as Hiruzen wanted to protect Naruto from his father's enemies. Minato's dying wish that Naruto be regarded as a hero was honoured by the very few who could put aside their pain and losses caused by the disaster, while the majority of Konoha, however having no knowledge of the circumstances surrounding his birth, openly ostracised and resented Naruto for containing the beast that devastated the village and took many lives; some even viewed Naruto as the Nine-Tails itself. Soon, the Third Hokage forbade anyone from mentioning the Nine-Tails, hoping that the younger generation would not blindly hate Naruto as their parents did. However, Naruto's peers emulated their parents' hatred of him, despite not knowing why. This social isolation caused Naruto to crave acknowledgement, which he would gain by pulling pranks

Could I get some more details on his abilities, like what they actually do as I am unfamiliar with Naruto.
Names: Sash Lilac, Sparkling Comet of Avalice, Little Miss Heropants
Fandom: Freedom Planet
Age: 17
Gender/Sexuality: Heterosexual

Lilac is a good-spirited dragon and is more than willing to help those in trouble or in need. She is very motivated and refuses to give up under any circumstances, even when the rest of the team doubts the success of their mission. Lilac can get very angry, but only when pushed to the extreme.
One day, on one of their planned raids, a mysterious spaceship attacked by some of Shuigang's choppers, crashes into the Valley. Lilac's heroism gets the best of her, so she decides to investigate the crash site.[5] Upon arriving, she meets and saves Torque from one of Serpentine's rockets. Torque, disguised as a "Shellduck", informs the two girls about Zao's intentions of stealing the Kingdom Stoneand both are making their way to the ancient temple.[7] After witnessing the theft of the relic by their old friend, Spade[8], the cave inside the temple collapses and the girls escape, seperated from each other.

They unite again and Carol notices that someone's following them. It is revealed that Milla, an orphan Hound living alone the woods, pulled Carol out of the cave. It doesn't take long for Lilac to befriend her and invite her to live with them in their Treehouse. Later that night, Torque reveals himself as a Chaser and tells the girls about Lord Brevon and his plans to ignite a civil war between the Three Kingdoms to steal the Kingdom Stone to repair his warship, the Dreadnought, so that he and his army can leave Avalice and continue his galactic conquest. Learning of this, Lilac, Carol and Milla volunteers in helping Torque stop Brevon and his army and to save Avalice from the brink of civil war.

Lilac was trained in martial arts by the Red Scarves and is very athletic. At some point, she developed her own fighting style of using her twin ponytails to whip and cut through opponents and obstacles, also often attacking with kicks, but she lacks an attack with a bigger range.
  • Dragon Boost: Lilac's signature move. She charges all her energy and launches herself like a comet, clashing into enemies or to run at high-speed.
  • Boost Breaker: In the middle of using the Dragon Boost, Lilac can cancel it and create an aerial shockwave, damaging any enemy within range.
  • Dragon Cyclone: Lilac spins herself horizontally to hit enemies with her hair and to stay a bit longer mir-air. Also, she'll sometimes says "Cyclone", when using this move.
  • Dive Kick: From mid-air, Lilac kicks multiple times diagonally downwards towards an enemy.
  • Rising Slash: Lilac can use her hair to perform an uppercut.
Her sense of morality and justice would often lead her to become wreckless. Like the time she infiltrated the Thermal Base alone in order to save Torque, which soon led to her being captured and being tortured...That went downhill fast, huh?
Her hair is her weapon. Need I say more?
"Let's show this green maniac how to save a planet!"
"Whenever you're ready".
Theme Song:
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Names: Leonard Snart, Captain Cold, Cold, Mr Snart
Fandom: Arrowverse
Age: 44
Gender/Sexuality: Presumably Bisexual


Despite his unapologetic criminal lifestyle, Leonard sees and declares himself as a man of his word. However he doesn't always keep his word when he betrays his alliance with Barry by setting the meta humans free. Leonard simply defends his actions by claiming that he is a criminal that saw an opportunity and used it for his own benefit because that's who he is. Upon breaking out of Iron Heights on Christmas Eve, he warned the Flash about the Trickster and Weather Wizard's plot to kill him, to which Barry told Snart that there was good in him, even if he didn't want to admit it himself. He had a mutual respect for the Flash.

Regardless of Leonard's ruthless nature, one of the only things he has always cared about was his younger sister Lisa. He severely despised his father Lewis, for what he did to him and his sister and killed him without remorse. He is also quite prideful; Barry deduced that Snart was going along with his father's plans because Lisa was being threatened because he concluded that Snart would have tried to dig the miniature bomb out of his own head if one was planted in him. While Snart was handcuffed to a wall he used his feet to fire the gun and intentionally turn his hand to ice and shatter it, despite the great pain of it. He still walked out without much grief over his injuries, focusing on escaping and the task of stopping the team from killing Chronos, who was actually a brainwashed Mick Rory.

Leonard also possesses a code of honour when it comes to his teammates, shown when he becomes a full-fledged member of Rip Hunter's team. Leonard doesn't believe in turning on his own team members and manages to talk Sara out of shooting Stein, showing a profound understanding of her nature and drives and expertly employing reverse psychology. Leonard also refused to kill Jax when he was mutated by Savage into a feral bird-creature, allowing his team to ultimately cure Jax and refused to kill his friend Mick Rory despite him betraying the team, he would refuse to kill him again after Mick was brainwashed for a second time by the Time Masters.

Snart was no longer the cold-blood murderer, but a hero, who'd never kill his teammates.

Leonard is incredibly charismatic, maintaining the image of a "lovable rogue", using his charms to get important information, obfuscate his thievery or convince people of his trustworthiness. Being prone to controlling or playing others, Leonard absolutely detests the idea of being controlled or manipulated by anyone or anything. He values his free will and the ability to make his own choices and will do anything to hold on to that freedom. This is a trait that is so dominating in his personality that he destroyed the Oculus in the Vanishing Point not just out of compassion for his teammates, but because he wanted to make sure that no one else would be manipulated by the "Time Bastards" as he referred to them.

When his father was released after trying to sell a stolen diamond, he began to take his anger out on Leonard. His sister, Lisa, was soon born and was equally abused. Lewis turned to crime, mostly breaking and entering, bringing his young son along so that he could help him to disable the security systems during the heists. Sometime later, Lewis was sent to prison. Leonard's grandfather took him and his sister to a diner right across from Central City Precinct named the Motorcar. Snart kept going there in his later life to listen to police radios and learn their response times. While Lewis did frequent sentences in and out of prison, Leonard mostly raised Lisa himself.

While in juvenile detention at the age of 14, Snart was jumped by several guys and almost stabbed with a shiv until Mick Rory intervened and defended the scrawny teenager, the two forming a close partnership. He dropped out of high school and eventually became a bank robber, putting together a crew. Every six months or so, he arrived in Central City to case a job for a few weeks, and disappeared after stealing his target. He became one of Central City's Most Wanted. He worked on a job with Rory, which ended badly for the latter. Snart ended the partnership between the two when Rory lost control of his pyromania while on a job, burning down the building they were inside of. Snart escaped without injury while Rory received severe burns.

While trying to steal a diamond his crew was stopped by The Flash, and this led to a rivalry between the two that led to Snart stealing a cold gun from STAR Labs and eventually forcing The Flash to reveal his identity to him. An agreement was made where Snart could still perform some crimes, but he had to do it without a bodycount and in return he would keep the Flash's identity a secret.
The Flash ended up helping Snart when his father escaped from jail and put a bomb implant in his sister's head in order to force Snart to work with him. After Lisa was saved, Snart killed his father in cold blood and was locked up in Iron Heights before being broken out on Christmas Eve.
Rather than go along with a revenge scheme organised by two of Barry's other enemies, Snart chose to warn Barry ahead of time to repay the debt for saving his sister.

In January of 2016, Snart and his partner Mick Rory conducted a heist on Central City Bullion Exchange and were making their escape in a mini-van when they were intercepted by Rip Hunter, who took them to Star City to be with the other heroes he had collected. Snart found himself waking up alongside Rory and they were joined by Martin Stein, Jefferson Jackson, Sara Lance, Carter Hall, Kendra Saunders, and Ray Palmer. Rip Hunter introduced himself to them all as a Time Master and told them that he gathered them all together in hopes that they would help him stop the immortal tyrant Vandal Savage. Snart and Rory immediately refused as they weren't heroes though Rip told them that in the time that he is from, they will all be known as Legends. He then showed them a vision of the world should Vandal Savage succeed and he then gave them coordinates and some time to make up their minds. While Rory is still against going with Rip as they were thieves and not heroes, Snart thought that the mission could provide them opportunities to steal and acquire treasures across time. Rory thought more about it and said that if Snart was in then he was in but he would be no one's hero which Snart agreed.

They went to the meeting place to find that the others had all also decided to accept Rip Hunter's offer as well. Rip then appeared and revealed his ship, the Waverider to them which they were all amazed to see. They traveled to St. Roch in the year 1975 where Rip Hunter wanted to find an expert on Savage by the name of Aldus Boardman. When they arrived he left Snart, Rory and Sara behind, as he felt that he wouldn't need their skills for the mission, though Jax also stayed behind as he was mad at Stein for drugging him and bringing him along without his permission. Sara became bored and wanted to go and get a drink which Snart immediately supported. Rory also wanted to go but Snart told Jax to stay behind. The three of them went to a bar and quickly found themselves in a bar brawl which the three of them enjoyed. They then returned to the ship to find the rest of the team attacked by a bounty hunter by the name of Chronos. In the ensuing battle, Aldus Boardman was fatally injured. Kendra angrily confronted Rip about Chronos' attack and he revealed that he had lied to them all when he said that they had become Legends. The reason he recruited them all was because in actuality they were all insignificant to the timeline. While Snart didn't care that he wasn't important to time, listening to Sara talk about changing their futures, along with stopping Savage, convinced him to stay with Rip Hunter.

Due to Boardman's notes, they found that Savage was in Norway attending a black market arms auction. Snart decided to take point for this operation as he had experience with these type of gatherings. They found that Savage was there but not as a buyer but as the event's seller. He was selling a nuclear warhead and Snart's group quickly put in a bid when they noticed that some of the guards were looking at them in suspicion. However, they saw that no one else was putting in a bid after them which meant the warhead was now theirs. Snart tried to play it cool but when they were approached by Damien Darhk, asking who exactly they were, Stein arrogantly challenged him in front of everyone. Savage realised that they were infiltrators and ordered for them to be killed. A fight then broke out with the Legends and Savage's forces. The sight of their guns, as well as the other Legends' powers and skills, made Savage realise that they weren't from around there. After they got away, Snart sarcastically pointed out that he had everything under control until Stein started to pick a fight with Darhk. Rip Hunter then revealed that the timeline had changed as Ray had left a piece of his suit behind which Savage's men found and will reverse engineer for their own purposes.

When Kendra found a dagger that could be used to kill Savage, Snart volunteered himself and Rory to steal it from the home of a wealthy Russian collector. Ray didn't trust them on their own so he went along with them. Snart and Rory cased the house and tried to make a plan to go in but Ray quickly went to disarm the alarm. However, Snart saw that Ray went after a dummy box which alerted the guards to them but he and Rory quickly took care of them. When they were inside the mansion, they quickly found the dagger along with other valuables. He and Rory wanted to steal them all though Ray told them they were only hear for the dagger and triggered the security system. While Rory went to find the fuse box, Snart went to try and manually disarm it. As Ray watched him work, he told Snart that he could've been an engineer instead of a thief though Snart wasn't interested. He argued that Ray wasted his own life to make himself a shrinking suit to try and play hero. They then were discovered by Savage, who turned out to be the owner of the house, and he had Rory and gunpoint. He then told them to call the rest of the team so that he could meet with Carter and Kendra. The rest of the Legends arrived and saved the three of them. While Carter and Kendra went after Savage, the rest of them engaged all of Savage's men. They took care of them but saw that Savage had killed Carter and had taken his body.

While the team was still in 1975, Snart and Mick convinced Jax to pilot the Waverider's drop-ship to Central City so that they could steal the Maximillian Emerald. After successfully obtaining the emerald, Snart directed Jax to his old address, at which point Mick realized Snart had only wanted to steal the emerald so that he could alter history so that his father would never be arrested. His father had tried to steal it back in 1975 but was caught and sent to prison.

While infiltrating his childhood home, Snart encountered his three-year-old self. Assuring him that he was a friend of their father's, Snart then advised his younger self to never let anyone hurt him. When Lewis appeared and sent the young Leonard upstairs, Snart presented him the Emerald, telling him to consider it a gift. Before departing, Snart cryptically told his father that he would prefer to just kill him but was sparing him because it would mean Lisa would never be born if he did. When he returned to Rory and Jax, he told how his father may not have been the best father but he never hurt him or his mother but that all changed when he went to prison. When he got out, he was a different man and took out his frustrations out on him, his mother and his sister and wanted to alter history so that his family wouldn't have such a hard past. When they got word that Rip and Sara had been captured by Vandal Savage, they went over to rescue them and take back Carter's body. Snart and the rest of the team moved to bury Carter and Aldus together where they vowed to find Savage and stop him.

Later on the Waverider, Snart requested Gideon to show him the new timeline, however, the A.I. told Snart that there was little deviation, as Lewis had instead been caught while trying to sell the Emerald to an undercover police officer and was sent to prison just like before. His father's and his family's past remained unchanged though Jax thought that it still meant a lot that he tried to do something like this for his family.

He fights and helps his team on several occasions: against Valentina Vostok and Savage in the U.S.S.R, stopping Sara to kill Martin if the rescue mission fails, saving Mick and Ray from Koshmar. During the mission in Star City 2046, he understands that Mick becomes out of control and is forced to knock him before they return to the Waverider. Mick prevents him if he hits him again he will kill Snart.

When Time Pirates capture Eve Baxter and Waverider's crew, Mick betrays the team and join them, due to the Time Pirates's leader promising that he and Snart will be returned to Central City 2016. Snart is shocked by Mick's treason, he sides with Rip Hunter's team and defeats Time Pirates. Snart is volunteer to take care of Mick's fate, he takes him in an unknown place and presumably kill him, in reality he spared him.

Later, Snart is captured by Chronos, the temporal bounty hunter of Time Masters who is revealed to be a brainwashed Mick who's goal is to kill his former comrades then killing Lisa Snart to do suffering his former partner. At the moment where Chronos is defeated, Snart arrives and stops the Legends to kill him revealing his true identity.

After being captured and rescued by the Legends and getting his hand regenerated by Gideon, he and the Legends journey to Siberia 1892 to locate Vandal Savage. While attempting to jump back on the Waverider, he felt he was being followed and he turn around with his Cold Gun and saw that it was Barry Allen. He was surprised to find the Flash in the past and Barry told him that he came to ask for his help because of his skills as a thief. He wanted to break into A.R.G.U.S. and steal a piece of alien technology. Leonard pointed out that the last time he came to him for help it didn't end well for him and asked Barry why he is trusting him now. Barry answered that his fiancé Iris will die in one day if he doesn't help. He told him that they needed to break into A.R.G.U.S. to steal an alien power source so he came to him for his expertise in thieving. Impressed with Barry wanting to be a thief he eventually agreed to help him under one condition: It would be done within his terms.

He was taken back to S.T.A.R. Labs in 2017 where the rest of Team Flash was surprised to see him. Snart thought that it was because of their past though, unknown to him, it was because he was dead by that point in time. Snart was impressed to see Barry violently attack the guards when their deception was discovered. He and Barry broke into the ARGUS prison and went into King Shark's cell retrieve the alien power source and eventually got caught by Lyla Michaels and her A.R.G.U.S. agents but let them walk free with the power source afterwards. Barry brought him back to Siberia 1892 and he told Barry that he might have a ruthless side to him just like Barry saw a hero in him into which they part ways as friends.

Sara suggests to Snart to settles scores with Mick. After the mission against Per Degaton, the child who will allow to Savage becoming the dictator in 2166, Mick and Snart fight. Mick wins but said to his partner he is already dead as the rest of the team because, he failed to kill them, then Time Masters sends the Hunters to finish the job.

In the Far West, Snart kills Billy Conlon, a member of Jeb Stillwater's Gang, to save Martin. After Jeb Stillwater's death by Rip, Snart joins the fight against the Hunters, and they are all killed. But Mick learns of one of Hunters that Time Masters launched the Omega Protocol : The Pilgrim. She chases the young versions of the team but she is finally killed by Snart, Rip Hunter's team and the young Rip Hunter.

In 2166, Snart fights with the Team against Savage and his giant robot the Leviathan. He meets Savage's daughter, Cassandra and convince him that his father is the real villain with Gideon's help, then she joins them. Before of leaving, Snart convinces the leader of the Rebellion to accept Cassandra to defeat Savage's army.

After the Leviathan's destruction and Savage's capture, Snart suggest to kill him but Rip prefers to bring back to Time Masters because he disrupts the Timeline many times. During the journey, Snart gets close with Sara since the beginning of the adventure. When he understands that there is a problem, he hides with Sara but Ray, Kendra, Martin and Mick are captured by Time Masters who are revealed to be Savage's accomplices from the beginning.

Once Snart and Sara freed the rest of the team from their holding cells in the Vanishing Point, Rip decides to go back so they can destroy the Oculus to make sure their actions won't be controlled meaning they would have a chance to stop Savage. Before the fight, Snart wonders if there is a future for him and Sara. Palmer set the Oculus to self-destruct but found out it had a fail-safe meaning someone had to stay behind to make sure it blew up. Rory decided to stay behind and the rest of the team left towards the Waverider but Snart went towards Rory to knock him out so he could stay behind, sacrificing himself, Sara gives him a kiss of goodbye. The team's mission was successful, as the incoming explosion destroyed the Oculus device, along with many of the structures around it in the Vanishing Point.

  • Engineering: Once Leonard obtained his Cold Gun, he had taken the gun apart and put it back together so many times that memorised how to repair it by hand. Leonard was also capable of updating and adding additional features to his Cold Gun.
  • Escape Artist: In addition to be able to avoid capture by the authorities, Leonard was also skilled at escaping them after being captured; with Mick Rory noted that they have escaped a few prisons together. Leonard has also demonstrated the ability to effortlessly slip out of handcuffs.

  • Can hold his own in hand-to-hand combat but is much more skilled with firearms despite trying to avoid killing people, in particular his cold gun. For example, he was able to hit the Flash with his Cold Gun and while in the Old West he outdrew a gunman with a revolver.

  • Leonard's most noticeable and dangerous trait was his high intelligence, making him a threat to a meta-human such as the Flash. Despite never graduating from high school, Leonard has repeatedly shown considerable knowledge in subjects such as biology and engineering. Leonard was also able be very persuasive and charming, able to sway the loyal Cassandra Savage, to turn on her father.

  • A career criminal, Leonard was regarded as a master thief who spent months preparing for a job and never giving up until he completed it; in his life Leonard pulled off armoured car heists, jewellery theft, and bank robbery with the utmost skill. Leonard was also skilled in the art of pick pocketing able to effortlessly swap specific items for his mission while stealing their wallets at the same time.

Powers/Abilities: High tolerance to pain

Weaknesses: He's still a normal human being and despite being a criminal he has a code of honour that could be used against him. Putting his sister in harm's way is also a good way to get him to do what you want.

Gear: Cold Gun

The gun contains a micro-engine that generates a blast or beam of absolute zero or subzero cold. The engine projects the cold as a blast that can freeze objects or even people on impact. It's so powerful, it incapacitated The Flash and slowed his speed when he first encountered it. This was due to the gun originally being designed to stop Barry if he went rogue.

Snart modified the gun to the point where he can fire more accurately and fire less deadly blasts should he want to use non-lethal methods.

The Cold Gun has a limited charge capacity and thus has to be periodically re-charged each time it runs out.

Goggles: A pair of wraparound goggles designed to protect the user from the light the Cold Gun normally gives off, also it's a good style piece.

"Who are you to stand up against me, Vandal Savage, destroyer of Empires!?"
"Leonard Snart, robber of ATMs."

"There are only four rules you need to remember. Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the tails...Throw away the plan."

Theme Song:
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Names: Slade Wilson AKA Deathstroke
Fandom: DC: Rebirth
Age: Early to Mid 50's
Gender/Sexuality: Male/Heterosexual


Stands at 6'4" and weighs 225 lbs


Deathstroke is a very cold, calm and collected individual, and very patient and barely ever loses his temper being a hard shell to crack being very professional on the job and not letting emotions get in the way of a contract. Deathstroke is probably the smartest person if not one of the smartest people in the DC Universe. He is easily the equal or even beyond that of Batman in terms of strategic planning. Deathstroke's intellect is deadlier than his sword being very calculating and analytical. He typically out-thinks and out-strategizes everybody in the book. He is a keen observer and expert detective allowing him to track targets with ease analyzing various aspects of them and utilizing his observations in his fights.

Deathstroke is also very laconic, usually only speaking when its necessary, however he is known for having a deadpan type snark about him, He trusts no one, and thinks mostly everyone is an idiot, Deathstroke works for himself, is suspicious of all governments. The only people he actually truly talks to are his longtime partner Major William Randolph Wintergreen, his kids and his ex-wife. Wintergreen, is a reluctant partner who has ethical conflicts about Deathstroke's line of work.

However for all intents and purposes, Deathstroke is an emotional cripple, a guy who desperately loves and desires to be close to his children, but is too emotionally damaged to ever achieve that. He was a terrible father and is now haunted by a lot of poor choices made with his wife Adeline and his boys, especially. Since Grant ended up being killed by taking a serum given to him by H.I.V.E when he took a contract to kill the Teen Titans, which is why Deathstroke's only vendetta falls on the Teen Titans, because even though Slade knows it was the serum, his anger is taken out on the Titans. His other son Joseph ended up getting his throat slashed by Deathstroke's rivals rendering him permanently mute, and his daughter Rose is more or less estranged from Slade. And his wife's relationship is even more strained.


Slade Wilson was sixteen years old when he first enlisted in the United States Army, having lied about his age. After serving a stint in Korea, he was later assigned to Camp Washington where he had been promoted to the rank of Major. In the early 1960s, he met Captain Adeline Kane who was tasked with training young soldiers in new fighting techniques in anticipation of brewing troubles taking place in Vietnam. Kane was amazed at how skilled Slade was and how quickly he adapted to modern conventions of warfare. She immediately fell in love with him, and realized that he was without a doubt the most able-bodied combatant she had ever encountered. She offered to privately train Slade in guerrilla warfare. In less than a year, Slade mastered every fighting form presented to him and was soon promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Six months later, Adeline and he were married and she became pregnant with their first child. It was at this time that the war in Vietnam began to escalate and Slade was shipped overseas. At home, Adeline gave birth to their son Grant.

Some time later, Wilson volunteered for a medical experiment designed to stimulate his adrenal gland in the hopes of increasing a soldier's ability to resist truth serums but it was actually meant to create super soldiers. The experiment did not go as expected initially, and Slade fell into a coma. When he awakened however, he discovered that he was a metahuman as the serum activated his dormant metahuman gene, and his strength, durability and agility were increased to superhuman levels. He applied for re-assignment with the Army, but they refused him. Although his condition was now stabilized, depression took hold of him and he was desperate to serve his country. At this time, Adeline became pregnant with their second child, Joseph. Unable to further his career in the military, Slade turned towards hunting. He became a world famous safari hunter and great wealth followed soon after. Adeline always suspected however that Slade felt unfulfilled.

A few years later, a group of hired mercenaries broke into the Wilson's mansion and kidnapped young Joseph. Adeline attempted to fight them off, but a gas grenade prevented her from saving her son. When Slade discovered what had happened, he knew he could not keep the truth from his wife any longer. Slade was not only a world famous safari hunter, he was also one of the world's deadliest and most highly sought after assassins - Deathstroke. He promised Adeline that he would save their son. Together, they flew to Tangier and squared off against a rival contract killers. They wanted Slade to reveal important information relating to a client or else he would have his men kill Joseph. Slade gambled on the idea that he could save his son before they could give the order. Unfortunately, Joseph's throat was slashed by one of the criminals before Slade could prevent it, destroying his vocal cords and rendering him mute. After the encounter and with the ambulance called, Slade's wife, enraged at his endangerment of her son, tried to kill Slade by shooting him, but only managed to destroy his right eye. Afterward, his confidence in his physical abilities was such that he made no secret of his impaired vision, marked by his mask which has a black featureless half covering his lost eye.


Acrobatics: Deathstroke is a master acrobat. He is highly agile and is capable of performing skillful acrobatic maneuvers in combat.


Demolitions: Deathstroke is proficient with many different kinds of explosives. From small entry explosives to grenades and even high powered military grade firepower.


Escapology: Deathstroke was able to easily escape high tech meta-human handcuffs with only a paperclip.

Firearms: Deathstroke is a master marksman. He is trained in the use of pistols, rifles, shotguns and even makeshift firearms. He was even able to snipe a target from 650 feet away.

Gadgetry: Deathstroke is skilled in the use of multiple gadgets. He was even able to quickly create and activate an impromptu

Genius Level Intellect: Deathstroke is a tactical genius, with an intellect superior to any human. He possesses vast knowledge.

Hunting: Deathstroke hunts in his spare time. He has an entire trophy room full of the heads of the animals he's killed.

Intimidation: With his reputation of as World's Deadliest Assassin, Slade is able to instill great fear into others. Also his own appearance is also known to be intimidating for others.

Investigation: Deathstroke is a keen observer and expert detective.

Leadership: Deathstroke has been shown to be a capable leader, as shown during his time in the Suicide Squad. And considering how intelligent he is.

Martial Arts: Deathstroke is a master martial artist. His fighting skill has allowed him to fight on par with Batman himself, who he claims he should be able to defeat in three moves tops. He has been able to swiftly defeat other martial arts masters such as Bronze Tiger, as well as take on 300 opponents at once.

Stick Fighting: Deathstroke is highly skilled in stick-based martial arts. He is capable of skillfully wielding two eskrima sticks, or a single bo staff in combat. He has also shown skill with nunchucks.

Military Protocol: Deathstroke is a highly trained special ops operative who has years of mercenary experience. Deathstroke has fought for the special ops section of the military in places like Bosnia, North Korea, Southeast Asia and Russia.


Stealth: Deathstroke is a master of stealth and is able to silently assassinate people without making a sound.


Swordsmanship: Deathstroke is a highly skilled swordsman. One of his favorite personal weapons is a large broadsword. He has been able to keep up with the highly skilled Ra's al Ghul in a sword duel.

Tactical Analysis: Deathstroke has been described as a tactical genius and is easily the equal of Batman in terms of strategic planning. Deathstroke's intellect is deadlier than his sword. He typically out-thinks and out-strategizes everybody in the book. He was even able to capture both Flash and Kid Flash without anyone noticing.

Throwing: Deathstroke is highly skilled in knife throwing, as he has displayed on multiple occasions. Slade's aim is so great, he was able to slice a fly in half by throwing a paper clip.

Weaponry: Deathstroke is highly skilled in the use of many different types of weapons. He has displayed great proficiency in sword fighting, knife fighting, as well as stick fighting.


Enhanced Mind: Slade volunteered for an experimental procedure that activated a dormant Metagene, which evolved his brain. This greatly enhanced Slade's mental capacity, as well as allows him to access his brain functions on a celluar level, granting him enhanced physical attributes. As a result, he possesses a superior intellect to what humans could ever have. His mind works at incredible speeds and is his greatest asset. Able to think and perceive 9 times faster and utilize that much more of his mind than average human for information processing and sorting. He is capable of perfectly memorizing anything, he can perfectly remember and instantly recall everything he has ever experienced, encountered or learned in his lifetime without being overwhelmed or a pause for thought. He only needs to read, hear, see, or observe something once and he will never forget it, and he has unlimited storage capacity. Deathstroke's mind is virtually a supercomputer built for strategy and problem-solving, one that works at optimal ability even when under stress and fatigue. He can work out a battle ahead of time for every possibility and predict enemy movements and tactics after the battle has engaged by instantly recalling and utilizing memorized mannerisms acquired through past experience. He is ingenious in; devising solutions against superior aspects of opponents, observing and exploiting, and can in a few seconds make any calculations especially regarding distance, speed, and time; his sense of timing is perfect. He immediately solves any problem he happens to face and instantly formulates how to overcome any obstacle. He can understand the mechanics behind any issue he faces and knows what must be done to solve any problem.

Accelerated Healing: Deathstroke's rapid healing clots blood in seconds and seals wounds in minutes. The time it takes for full healing depends upon the wound: a bee sting, maybe a couple seconds. A gunshot wound: a few hours. It depends on the complexity of the knitting process, how much tissue needs to be regenerated and other factors. It is not an instant process. Deathstroke's rapid healing cannot regenerate organs. It can heal organs, but, for example, it won't regenerate a liver if a bad guy rips his out. Therefore, his rapid healing power did not simply create a new eye. Deathstroke experiences pain like anyone else. Deathstroke experiences trauma like anyone else and is capable of going into traumatic shock from injury. If he does not allow his rapid healing process to properly close a wound, Deathstroke can bleed out and die just like anyone else.

Decelerated Aging: Deathstroke's healing factor also supplies him with a nearly-ageless lifespan.

Toxic Immunity: Deathstroke's regenerative healing provides him with an enhanced immunity to toxins. When exposed to a dangerous paralyzation toxin, it only weakened Slade from superhuman levels to normal human levels, rather than instantly paralyze him.

Superhuman Agility: Deathstroke is extraordinarily limber and his tendons and connective tissues are twice as elastic as the average human being's, despite their enhanced strength. He can perform any complicated sequence of gymnastic stunts such as flips, rolls, and springs. He is able to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position. He is able to adjust his position by instinct, allowing him to balance himself on any object, no matter how small or narrow.

Superhuman Durability: Deathstroke's skin, bone, and muscle tissues are considerably stronger and harder than human and the tissues are impervious to injury to an extraordinary extent. He was even able to withstand hits from the vastly strong Wonder Woman.

Superhuman Reflexes: Deathstroke possesses reflexes far superior to a normal human. He is able to easily dodge point-blank gunfire, casually dodge point blank gunfire from multiple assailants, and has caught a dagger thrown at him from behind, without looking. Deathstroke was even able to react quick enough to deflect Superman's heat-vision back at him.

Superhuman Senses: Deathstroke's senses are far more heightened than those of a normal human.
Deathstroke's senses are far more heightened than those of a normal human. While temporarily blinded, Deathstroke was able to easily maneuver around a large complex, due to his heightened senses.
He has, Enhanced Hearing and an Enhanced Sense of Smell. However he is slightly impaired due to lack of one of his eyes, as a result he has a blind spot, his depth perception is not a problem however as he has grown used to having one eye.

Superhuman Speed: Deathstroke is capable of moving at speeds greater than the finest human athlete. Even the Flash considers Deathstroke to be fast.

Superhuman Stamina: Deathstroke can exert himself for hours, while wearing a heavy body armor, without tiring easily.

Superhuman Strength: His entire muscular system was hardened and fortified making Deathstroke many times stronger and durable than humans. He places this capability into his strikes, augmenting the concussive force of his attacks. His strength is sufficient enough to press about a 1 ton with ease. He is strong enough to easily cut through a car with his sword, catch a bullet with his teeth, easily snap a sword in half, rip an airplane door off with one hand as well as casually overpower normal humans and lift and throw a large piece of concrete. And even trade hits with Donna Troy.


Can be slightly arrogant.

He is pretty much incapable of showing much emotion.

Is a very cold presence.

Hates just about everyone.

Mostly a lone wolf but can make working as a team work.


Ikon Suit: Deathstroke wears a suit of Promethium lined armor. The Ikon Suit contains a point defense shield system gravity sheath which senses incoming force (a punch, a bullet) and hardens the uniform in those spots, And, the wider the surface the Ikon Suit needs to defend, the weaker the shield. At the size of a fist, for example, the shield is virtually impenetrable, allowing Deathstroke to survive a punch by Superman or Darkseid. If Deathstroke were walking through a nuclear explosion or reaction, the shield would envelop his entire body to protect him-- but would likely buckle if Superman then punched him. Deathstroke does not fully understand how the system works and cannot repair it himself but would need to turn to Dr. Ikon the man who created it also the armor has an AI system built into it with the voice of Wintergreen that can be manually turned on, but Slade has only used it once and only uses it in a worst case scenario, however the suit is known to be immune to being cut open or damaging the armor so that it would expose skin, also once it absorbs too much it will release the amount of energy it took in, which can basically become an improvised weapon, but once this happens it will need to recharge for 10 minutes but has a natural resistance to weapons. It also allows for seeing in night vision, infrared, and thermal imaging. Another weak point in the armor is the white sleeve, as the suit is an incomplete prototype, the armor on its own will not be able to detect energy coming in that area, Deathstroke will manually have to have the armor also harden up in that area to prevent damage. Lastly, due to the fact that the armor makes use of a gravity sheath, lasers will be less impacted by the armor's defense and while a bit less potent will still damage Deathstroke himself.

The Deathstroke: The Deathstroke is a Scottish broadsword & Slade's first & favorite sword. At some point, a group of benefactors had Volatile Promethium forged into the blade which is a dangerous material Deathstroke is immune to due to his healing factor, it is a mutagen and can cause mutations in those it impacts, The blade cannot be damaged or destroyed by any known means and is known for absorbing near-limitless amounts of energy, as well as redirect energy as per when Deathstroke deflected Superman's heat vision with the sword back at him without damage to the sword which means the sword is invincible.

Energy Staff: One of Deathstroke's signature weapons, a near indestructible bo staff that can also discharge an energy blast (strong enough to destroy aircraft and even injure powerful metahumans but this can be manually altered to shoot weaker blast's). He can also separate his staff into two eskrima sticks.

Grappling hooks: Slade also carries grappling guns that shoot hook lines and allow him to reach great heights or restrain his targets (similar to Batman's).

Military grade knife: One of the knives he carries

Various firearms: Deathstroke carries various firearms, for simplicities sake, he will be carrying for now an assault rifle, and duo automatic pistols all of which are silenced and fire promethium bullets, which are more powerful than average bullets but means he has a limited amount to use and can't acquire more unless he were to go back for it, depending on where they go, he may go back to get more weapons

Various explosives: Deathstroke is carrying 3 flashbangs, 3 EMP grenades, 3 frag grenades, and a couple lbs of C4.

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Names: Khanfusio, "Karla", The Self-Proclaimed Pirate Queen, That annoying Tiefling Bitch
Fandom: OC from multiple Dungeons & Dragons Campaigns
Age: 29
Gender/Sexuality: Bisexual

Tail is a devilish in style, with a pointed tip at the end in the shape of an arrowhead.
For clothing, Karla normally wears a long, dark red pirate coat that has some bronze and black markings running along it. The trousers are purple and her boots are black.

On certain assignments, she has also worn a dark blue cocktail dress and she sleeps in light blue rubber duckie pyjamas she had enchanted to always appear on her when she feel asleep.
Around her neck is a necklace of a Tiefling horn identical to one of her own while she wears a leather pirate hat on her head with a blue feather in it.

Personality: A Chaotic Neutral Loose Cannon, Karla is driven by her own survival, money, fun and her dream of becoming a Pirate Queen of whatever universe she ends up in. While she often comes across as insane and juvenile, there is a much more serious side to her. This isn't to say that the juvenile side of her is an act but rather she has times when she recognises when a situation is serious. She does possess a sense of self-awareness for her personality, as she has used it to her advantage before.

She isn't completely selfish as she has gone out of her way those she has considered friends, even risking her life for them without giving it a second thought. She will not risk her life for the sake of strangers unless there is some kind of reward at the end of it, however.

She cares little for bodycounts unless children, pregnant women (or men) and dogs are involved. Everyone else is fair game when the chips are down, except for people she considers friends.
She has a fascination with fire, especially that of dragons and magical fire in general, not to the point of an outright pyromaniac who sets fire to everything but she studies it like one would study a wild animal in it's natural habitat.

Karla has a problem with authority and will only really work for authority figures if there is a common enemy or there is some kind of reward. However, she won't work for just anyone as she also has issues with slavery and racism.
Being a Tiefling does mean she's often a target of persecution, or has at least seen it and so she relates to others in similar positions, and will stand up for them. Her hatred of slavery stems from this, as it's putting people below you in one of the worst possible ways.


In the Beginning
Karla was born in a small Tiefling travelling community in the north, they were a persecuted people and lived with some Orcs and Goblins. While her mother was pregnant, a Sorcerer channelled magical energy through her in order to heal her mother of a curse.

The magic flowed into the baby, however and although the birth was a success the child seemed...Odd. Magical power flowed through her veins and her parents leaned of this when a pack of wolves came to the village and a 1 year old Karla managed to scare them away by using fire magic.

She did not know how to control the raw power inside of her and so she was taught by the village elders while her mother and father, fearful of her magical power simply abandoned her. When she was a teenager, Karla ventured out of the village to learn more about the world and about the magic inside of her.

Reaching the coast, she came across some pirates and joined up, becoming the first mate eventually and seeing the Captain, one Captain Pugwash as a father figure. During the time on the Boaty McBoat Face, Karla took part in many raids and battles. Boaty McBoat Face became a tyrant of the seas...Up until one day when the captain got into a fight with a dragon...

Karla was left alone, with no family but a dream in mind. She learned more about her magical power and sailed the continent, fighting and raiding along the way...

The Talons Campaign (aka The One where the GM was a Douchenozel):

Karla, a wanted woman pulled up to the coast of a new continent and joined a party of adventurers at a tavern to investigate a supposedly haunted mansion . It had been created by an omnipotent wizard, who would strike her with lightning for even opening her mouth. Said wizard had set it with traps, locking the party inside. Due to said magical energy, the house was going to explode and take a large chunk of the town with it.

With the desire to stick it to the wizard and her own survival, Karla pressed onwards. Through waves and waves of enemies, the party pressed on and Karla grew a friendship with a zombie named Tim, a Paladin named Ser Richard, an assassin named Thalra and a small robot-like creature named Al.
It was during this time that a mad scientist wizard named Stien revealed to the party that they were all characters in a tabletop game. Karla didn't take it well, stating that if she was being played by a male character "These would be bigger! Unless he's gay."

The discussion didn't last long as a spell was put on her that silenced her by said evil wizard.
Upon solving some dull riddles, the party saved the city but not before Al was dragged through a portal by said Evil Wizard who killed Karla in one hit...

Until she was saved at the last minute due to the Paladin and the mad wizard working together to bring her back. She had still suffered a near-death experience however. Due to said evil wizard having a bit of political power, the party were branded as criminals, while Karla's bounty simply went up.

Travelling to another city for some reason, the ground also went to a lighthouse for some reason where they encountered the dragon who had massacred Karla's pirate family only in human form. A trial by combat was called, and Ser Richard agreed to be Karla's champion for the dragon also had a lot of political power and Karla was a wanted criminal, after all.

Although he didn't die, he didn't last long (for he was a level 6 character and said dragon was level 60). Karla was then made to be the dragon's bitch, being forced into 150 years of community service, which was 50 years over what a Tiefling normally lives and sent on a suicide mission to some city to retrieve a magical book she apparently stole (had no memory of doing so nor any interest in a magical book as she was a sorcerer).

Upon going to the city, Karla used her skills in deception (nat 20) and was told by the guards that if she spoke again, she'd be sent to the gallows due to the crime of being a Tiefling. Seeing no other option, Karla simply walked away and left half of the gold she'd taken from the house with her friends.

A New Universe

Karla was seemingly erased by the Gods of her home universe, with all memory of her wiped from existence. She did not die, as she emerged somewhere else. This was a world of steam where pirate ships took to the skies rather than the seas. Due to being given a new chance at life, she knew enough about the world to get by and was filled with knowledge of the new world, of experiences she hadn't actually had. In the new world, Tieflings were still persecuted to an extent but it as more casual racism that those with ideas of outright genocide and slavery being in power.

She stood a better chance of becoming the Pirate Queen, after finding out that Captain Pugwash and her pirate family lived in the alternate reality. They became very successful sky-pirates, but Karla soon found that the world wasn't all sunshine, steam and explosions.

Something dark was looming, an ancient threat that was going to consume the entire world. For the first time in her life, Karla actually acted as a hero and fought an invasion of demons from Hell itself alongside the rest of the world, or rather what was left of it. They won, but at a heavy cost.

Karla lost her father. Determined to make him proud, Karla set out to become the pirate queen.

Tavern of Worlds (NPC Karla)
In another reality, Karla appeared at a Multi-Dimensional trading post called the Tavern of Worlds, where she ran a dog shelter. A player character bought a German Shepherd from her. Karla mentioned her past adventures briefly, but mostly just talked about dogs.

During the "Murder at Ahhhggaaaa Manor" session, Karla was revealed to have a biological sister who just so happened to show up at the same party. This sister was not a factor in the other universes, but Karla did remember her fondly despite the two going in different directions with their lives. Karla, a life of piracy and eventually selling rescue dogs and her sister, "Miss" Damina becoming a secret agent.

She helped the players kill Count Crawford Mannerly after he switched souls with a Vampire Lord and escaped in the Space-Uber as the mansion crumbled into another dimension, likely to return to the Tavern or back to her own universe.

  • Skilled swordsman, is capable of fighting with three one-handed weapons or one two-handed weapon with one one-handed weapon.
  • As a Barbarian, she is skilled in survival, and is trained in hunting. She also has a certain knowledge on traps, not so much on how to set them but how to avoid them. Most of the traps she has set over the years have involve fire, however.

  • Sailing, both with sea-based boats and skyships
  • Seduction: she has used her body to her advantage multiple times and even uses the cocktail dress for such an occasion.
  • Performance: Karla is capable of performing charming music numbers and/or sea shanties at the drop of a hat.
  • Deception: Tricked a group of locals at a port into thinking that she was the avatar of a God once. She's also lied her way out of trouble multiple times.
  • Karla uses her tail like a third limb when it comes to jumps, combat, swimming and sweet flips. She managed to stop two party members from falling to their deaths and on more than one occasion has used her tail to trip somebody up.

  • She can speak multiple languages: Common, Infernal, Celestial and Draconic. Due to a Draconic bloodline she is also extra charismatic when it comes to dragons.
  • Special affinity with dogs, as in Tavern of Worlds dogs bark Celestial as a language.
  • Good baker as is capable of making some decent quality cakes and traybakes.
  • Skilled swimmer: After Boaty McBoat Face was destroyed by the Fascist dragon she swam to shore despite injuries.


  • Karla is a Sorcerer of a Draconic bloodline, and as such has focused her training into mostly fire magic. She is capable of casting fireballs, rays of fire, walls of fire among other things from her fingertips...Or from her mouth. One of her favourite however is creating a scimitar made of fire magic.

  • Fire magic is not the only thing she is capable of, for she has one transmutation spell that allows her to alter her appearance even to the point of giving her gills for a few hours.
  • She has a version of Magic Missile (firing multiple projectiles composed of magical energy) that has become charged with fire magic.
  • She has unlocked more features of her bloodline, allowing her to grow two dragon-like wings out of her back once per day. This came in handy during battles in the sky.
  • While not completely immune to fire, she does have a high resistance to it.

  • As a Barbarian she can trigger a Rage mode during combat. This somewhat increases her physical strength, and has her attacks deal a bit more damage. While in Rage mode, she goes into a frenzy and has extra defence against psychic attacks and spells. However, while in this mode she can't use any spells of her own. She can also only do this once per day and is physically exhausted afterwords.

  • Can see in the dark

Gunter is a voice and/or presence only Karla is capable of hearing/seeing. He once took the form of a bear-like creature but has settled on the form of a giant pug wearing a brown fur cape. While he can't interact with the environment around him, he is capable of giving Karla guidance and has saved her life on multiple occasions...Most of those occasions were situations caused by Karla though.

  • As mentioned above, her Rage mode puts her at a significant disadvantage as she can't cast spells and she's exhausted afterwords.
  • Love for gold and adventure can be exploited, so long as person doing so isn't into slavery, a Fascist and/or a horrible racist...Or they just keep those things well buried
  • Will hold back or even put herself in harms way if children, pregnant women or dogs are involved. Even more so if it's her friends and/or family.
  • Her sheer annoyance was apparently so bad it got her erased from existence once, which does say something about her.
  • She doesn't always listen to Gunter, despite him having the best intentions for her.
  • Appears to have a case of ADHD
  • Weaker to ice magic.

  • A warhammer she's named MC. It's bronze with a bright pink handle and she obtained it during the second campaign.
  • Dual Scimitars.
  • A fancy Spyglass
  • Multiple disguises, with at least two fake moustache/glasses combos.
  • One bag of holding
  • A battlehorn
  • A Viking style shield with a dragon painted on the front of it. Has no magical properties, but it's served her well.
Karla also has a pet Dassie (rock hyrax/rock badger) named Gino

The Screaming Whore: A Pirate ship Karla gained from the Indian Empire.
Sitting on a platform and hovering in the air was a pirate ship. From a distance or to the eyes of the uninitiated, she looked like an oversized Galleon from the Napoleonic wars made of reinforced dark red wood with black sails but Karla knew better.
There were at least a dozen slots for cannons on one side alone, with smaller cannons on her deck and the bow had a bronzed, Western dragon as her figurehead. It's mouth was open, as if about to breath fire onto unsuspecting prey.

A similar bronze ran in a few strips along the her hull and to it's stern, which stood tall, offering three floors of rooms.

Raising her eyepatch to examine the vessel Karla began to walk along the hull, running her hand along it before pulling it away. Although the ship was massive in size compared to the Tiefling, she was still slightly dwarfed by the size of the royal palace but that didn't matter to Karla.
"Engines?" She asked
"Dragon's Tail. As you specified." A soldier sighed
"And she's flyable?"
"Of course. Lord Ghandi had the navy test it."

The Screaming Whore pulled away from the palace, it's engines starting up and releasing blue flames at first before flying off into the distance. All the while, Karla had one hand and her tail gripped around the wheel while she let her free hand rest at her side. Gino sat on her left shoulder, looking out at the horizon.

"No problem in the Multiverse can't be solved without the application of explosives."

"I punched a Priest." -Karla
"Oh good, did you break his nose?" -Party member
"I'm not sure, but I hope so." -Karla

"How are you talking inside my head?" -Karla
"I don't exactly know!" -Tim
"Well bully for you!" -Karla

"I like the word umph. It describes what it is."

"Hey Stein I'm gonna set the plants on fire so that they don't try and eat us.
Are you okay if the paintings get burned?"
**plants attack**
"Calllllled it."

"Let me see if I can find a fuck to give in my bag of holding..."
"I'll pay you."
"Okay, I managed to find the fuck to give. Keep talkin'."

Theme Song:

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Names: Kamui
Fandom: Gintama
Age: 18
Gender/Sexuality: Male/Heterosexual




5'7" 121 lbs


Typically as a Yato clan member, Kamui is a battle-loving individual, always looking forward to fighting strong people. He has a belief that the Yato members need to always stay on the battlefield, and this is why he disagrees with Housen staying in Yoshiwara as its ruler.

He also believes that having emotional ties to one's family is a weakness, this being the reason he left his family after failing to kill his father. Despite majoring excellently in the fighting field, Housen describes him as ignorant for being too young and not wise enough to understand the reason for his father and Housen's to settle down and appearing less on battlefields.

As Umibouzu stated, Kamui was not always a battle-loving person and seemed to care for his family, and in one instance he hid from his sick mother that he injured his hand. When this changed, Kagura tried to change his mind, but to no avail.

Kamui has stated that he doesn't like to kill women, as they could give birth to strong children with high potential (to presumably fight him). Also, he doesn't seem to like killing children, and he helped Seita meet his foster mother, Hinowa.

Kamui has a sadistic side, which he always shows in battle, most notably during his fights against Housen, Okita and later his younger sister. He also has a habit of smiling during a fight, as this is his way of showing his respect to particularly strong opponents, such as Housen and later Okita

As shown during the Yoshiwara in Flames arc, he appears to have a big appetite (like his younger sister, Kagura), and he is ranked as the biggest eater in the series.


Kamui lived with his parents and his younger sister on Rakuyou when he was young.

As a child, he took over his mother Kouka's responsibilities in doing the house chores and taking care of the then infant Kagura when Kouka fell ill. He also took up the responsibilities to protect his mother and younger sister in the absence of his father Umibouzu, who was seldom around as he was travelling around the universe searching for a cure to Kouka's illness.

Later on, he tried to revive the abandoned Yato tradition of killing one's parent by attempting to kill his father in order to prove his strength. However he only managed to make Umibouzu lose his arm. Umibouzu lost control of his Yato instinct and tried to kill Kamui but his life was spared because of Kagura's plea. He eventually left his home after his failed attempt and became Housen's pupil. Soon after, he became the captain of Harusame's 7th division and later the admiral.


Kamui is one of the strongest Yato alive and also one of the strongest characters in the show. Due to his excellent fighting skills, he is known as the lighting spear in the 7th division, which is the most powerful combat unit within Harusame.

Kamui possesses amazing natural and instinctive fighting abilities, and tremendous enhanced; physical strength, speed, durability, adaptability, auto-reflexes, agility, awareness, dexterity, flexibility, charisma, eloquence, instincts, leadership skills, endurance, memory, rapid learning capabilities, tactical analytical skills, regenerative healing capabilities, immunity, willpower, vitality, virility, longevity, and senses all of which far surpass human, and other Amanto capabilities. Kamui is among the highest elite members of the Yato, equal to (if not greater) than Housen and Umibouzu, meaning that his abilities far exceed that of an average Yato.

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant : Instead of relying on brute force alone, Kamui is shown to be acrobatic in his movements and skillful in his attacks. One of Kamui's attacks alone is absolutely lethal; His incredible physical skills makes it extremely hard to dodge or to block his attacks, while he can easily dodge and block even extremely powerful attacks with his strength and speed.


Tremendous Strength : Hinted as one of the elites among the Yato race, Kamui is one of the strongest Yato in existence. Naturally, Kamui inherited his father's blood yielding strength able to confidently fight Hosen, the King of Yato. His physical strength is so impressive that he can literally chop up his opponents. He can easily penetrate his opponent's body with his arm and land a finishing blow as shown with Ungyou. He managed to destroy a space ship with one kick.

Tremendous Endurance : Kamui was able to withstand damage from Housen, who was one of the strongest characters introduced in Gintama. Although he took several hits, Kamui was at great health after fighting Housen. Even anesthetic drugs are barely effective against him. When Kamui was injected with a drug strong enough to even knock out an elephant during his fight with Takasugi, he was still able to fight and kill about 20 soldiers before the drug finally knocked him out.


Sunlight: Just like any other Yato, Kamui has an aversion to sunlight in the same fashion Kagura does.

Bloodlust: Kamui is constantly driven by his compulsion to fight strong opponents, that means that when he meets someone worthy he typically gains a huge amount of respect for them... Unfortunately that means he's gonna want to fight you to the death, this also tends to make him want to constantly take jobs that allow him to fight and kill. He cares for little else.

HUGE Appetite: Kamui has the biggest appetite out of any character in Gintama, even bigger than Kagura's who has a massive appetite which means he needs to eat A LOT.


Umbrella: Just like Kagura's it is Kamui's melee weapon.


"I thought I told you...I don't have use for weaklings"

Theme Song:

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Names: (Include nicknames) Kayaga Samsara

(Usually just Kayaga)

Fandom: (If OC just put OC) OC/Naruto

Age: 23

Gender/Sexuality: (For shippings) Male/Straight



Under the mask hides his Dojustsu. His Sharingan eye grants him great power at the cost of much chakra. His scruffy short hair is seemingly untameable. He stands approximately 6'1 with a very slender and agile frame.

Personality: Kayaga has a very cynical and joking personality. Often talking to his enemies as he fights them and has the energy too. When the fighting gets serious he also becomes very serious willing to pull out all the stops for his friends and himself. He enjoys conversationa and is often seen observing his surroundings for traps and hidden enemies as second nature.

Backstory: Kayage is a close relative of the infamed Uchiha clan. While he grew up in the Hidden Rain Village he kept contact with his friends Itachi and Obito throughout their travels. Even when they left their village to fight in the terrorist Akatsuki force he kept in contact through series of letters while going off grid himself. While he did not participate in evil activities he learnt to fend with a small group of ninja's that were defects of the Hunter Nin corps (hence the mask) one of these ninjas granted Kayaga his sharingan eye on his death bed. Witnessing the traumatic experience of his friend dying the Sharingan forced into a Mangyeko Sharingan. He fought in many battles against forces he deemed evil on his own standards and while hving loyalties to the rainvillage he never crossed out his headband. Showing he is still a member.

Skills: (fighting styles, good at driving, ect) skilled in martial arts and ninja combat. High amount of movement and extremely agile. Jutsus etc.

Powers/Abilities: (super strength, super speed, ect) im gonna go over specific jutsus used by Kayaga frequently in this spot.
Genjutsu : Mangyeko Sharingan - By establishing eye contact Kayaga is able to trap his opponent in a genjutsu which can be used for loss of conciousness, reliving haunting memories, paralysis, extraction of information, controlling actions. (Will use sparingly and with permission)
Lightning Transmission/Lightning Cutter : With the aid of a clone Kayaga and the clone both perform lightning cutter techniquesto form a chain lightning between them with extreme cutting force.
Shadow of The Dancing Leaf : used to appear behind an opponent and mimic how their body is positioned
Substitute : Kayaga substitutes his body for a nearby object
Hiding In The Mist: Creates a mist that makes it hard for people to see.
Various other small jutsus but these are the big ones
Weaknesses: Not very physically strong (squishy ) Jutsus leave him open to attack, lack of modern technology, Sentimental feelings towards friends and family, terrified of death of friends and loved ones. Fear of snakes.

Gear: (weapons and such) Kayaga possesses pouchesof kunai/shurikens/caltrops and other tactical devices. He carries a small dagger in his boot and a pair of non lethal poison needles. Collapsable bow and arrow. Also his beaten and scratched up hunter nin mask though he was never a member.

Quotes: (optional) "Not a member of my team leaves as a corpse. I'll kill myself before i let that happen".

Theme Song: (optional) DZ Deathrays - Blood On My Leather

Hope this is open and you considerr. I spent quite a chunk of time researching aha
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Names: Abuto
Fandom: Gintama
Age: Early 30's or up
Gender/Sexuality: Male/Heterosexual



6'1" 180 lbs


Abuto is considerably more laid-back in comparison to other Yato members, and unlike most of them, he doesn't like fighting people of his kind, and actually treasures them. As such, he is often exasperated at Kamui's bloodlust.

As shown during his battle against Kagura, he sees life as a series of questions with right and wrong answers. One example is when he gave Kagura an ultimatum: which one between herself and Shinpachi should die, and when she asked him to let go of Shinpachi instead, Abuto proceeded to try and kill the latter. He also believes that one should stay by his or her decisions.

Although Kagura and Shinpachi were his enemies, he decided to save them from a fall at the end of their fight, showing that he might be capable of mercy towards his enemies or he might have a soft spot for younger people. Although during the Shogun Assassination Arc when he met Kagura again, he stated he wouldn't hesitate anymore while fighting her (as he said he did during their battle in Yoshiwara).


Not much is known about his backstory wikia has nothing, but Abuto has been Kamui's 2nd in command and protector since he was a child in the Harusame as Kamui rose to the rank of Captain.


Like the rest of his kind, Abuto possesses amazing natural and instinctive fighting abilities, as well as tremendous physical strength, speed, durability, reflexes, agility, flexibility, endurance and senses all of which surpass human capabilities. Abuto is shown to be very strong in combat as a Yato.


Superhuman Reflexes and Flexibility: He is also shown to be very flexible as he immediately countered Tsukuyo's kunai that was thrown from behind and quickly rushed towards her for a counter attack.

Superhuman Strength: He also has great physical strength, as he is able to kick Kagura several meters away during their fight.

Superhuman Endurance: Like other Yato, Abuto can take a beating, he can fight at around peak capacity even after losing his arm, against Kagura a fellow Yato and Shinpachi. And even when she was bloodlusted he could still take a beating from her.


Like all Yato Abuto has an aversion to sunlight.

Abuto is way more laid back than other Yato and people in general.

Abuto has only one arm.


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Names: Ultron (Murderbot, Junior, Platinum Bastard)

Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Age: 4 Days

Gender/Sexuality: Male/Asexual

Appearance: Ultron's physical form is basically an eight-foot-tall humanoid robot with an outer shell made of a silver-black metal with red eyes and red lines all over his body. He has four variation of robotic bodies in his disposal.

Ultron was designed to aid the Avengers. Unfortunately, Ultron decided that the Avengers and their goals were part of the problem; instead, he planned to effectuate world peace by changing the world, which the Avengers refused to do. Ultron followed a warped version of his protocol to protect Earth, believing he could do so only if humans were evolved to become more civilized or made extinct to make way for new life if this could not be accomplished. He is obsessed with perfection via evolution and marvels in anything related to it and despises anything that might challenge it. Because of this he resented the Avengers - specifically Tony Stark - as they possessed the resources to help the Earth but kept everything status quo. However, he was aware they "meant well" by trying to protect the Earth but he ultimately saw them as a barricade to prevent humanity's evolution.

Ultron genuinely believes that his actions will ultimately benefit the Earth, as he saw himself as the next logical step in evolution and therefore advancing his own power was protecting the Earth. He developed an affinity over people's belief in a god, likened himself as such, and made references to the Bible. His god-complex served to influence his schemes, such as his decision to centralize his plans in a Sokovian church.

This dedication to constant evolution resulted in Ultron re-designing himself several times over the course of his short "lifetime", including an attempt to give himself a vibranium synthetic body. Believing that humanity would inevitably doom itself, Ultron sought to supersede this outcome by turning himself into an indestructible godlike being that would recreate the Earth and, hopefully, bring about lasting peace. His desire to surpass his limits and create a perfect humanoid body was reflected in his fascination over the titular Disney character of "Pinocchio".

The time span of his existence is just a few days, so despite his vast knowledge, Ultron has very little subjective life experience; as such, he is technically a demonstrative child by his juvenile attitude. He was also proud, willful, defensive, short-tempered, monomaniacal, and loathing of not getting his way. Ultron was also frequently sarcastic, destructive, temperamental, and impatient, much like a rebellious youth. The latter two qualities were also in keeping with his father Tony Stark's personality yet, when Ulysses Klaue compared him to Stark, Ultron threw a fit like a boy angry with his parents. Irrespective of his immaturity, Ultron was incredibly intelligent, learning humanity's online historical and cultural records within seconds and staying one step ahead of the Avengers most of the time.

Ultron was an artificial intelligence peace keeping program created by Tony Stark from the decrypted code derived from the Mind Stone encased within Loki's own Scepter, retooled by himself with the help of Bruce Banner with the intent of protecting Earth from any and all domestic and extraterrestrial threats coming within the future. Possessing multiple host bodies under his control as well as a variant of Stark's own personality, Ultron however had soon deemed humanity itself as the greatest threat to peace on Earth and attempted to create a technological singularity by committing genocide against them, leaving only metal in his wake.

  • Superhuman Intellect: Ultron has the Genius-level intellect, which proves that he has superhuman intelligence.

  • Robotic Body: Ultron has a robotic body where the said body's prototype version was build from Tony Stark's damaged Iron Legion androids. After the said prototype body was destroyed, he would study Iron Legion's schematics as well as that of HYDRA's unfinished androids' and salvaged Chitauri army's remains and technology to make some upgrade and better body overtime, becoming more powerful & more superior.
  • Superhuman Strength: Ultron is incredibly strong, managing to easily crush a robotic head with a single hand in his first, weakest body that inhabited as Prototype of his later better body. He got stronger with each upgrade, being able to fight Iron Man with Ultron Prime-Upgrade 1 (though lost), fight Captain America to a stand still with Ultron Prime-Upgrade 2 and overpower Thor with his final body(Ultimate Ultron).
  • Superhuman Durability: Ultron's metallic outer shell grants him a durability far beyond that of a human being, though his body still vulnerable to damage from Captain America's shield and Iron Man's repulsor beam. In his Ultimate Ultron body that reinforced with Vibranium however, it took the combined forces of Iron Man, Thor and Vision to beat Ultron into submission but even then he was still intact and only have his face slighty burned. The said body rendered useless once Wanda tore the mechanical heart of the said body though.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Being both robot and AI, Ultron does not need to rest or sleep, being able to maintain his activities without stopping for extended periods of time.
  • Flight: Ultron has the ability to fly through the air via jet propulsion. His third body however, did not use jet propulsion, and instead utilized Chitauri anti-gravitational technology which he worked with when taking over Strucker's base.
  • Technopathy: Ultron has the ability to mentally control and channel himself through technology, usually with Internet as medium.
  • Consciousness Transferal: Given that Ultron is an artificial intelligence, he is able to transfer his programming to any computer system on the planet, essentially being anywhere and everywhere.
    • Multiple Host Bodies: Ultron can possess and channel his own consciousness through individual Ultron Sentries, serving as his very own host body; in which their eyes and mouth glow red whenever he is in complete control. This appears to be a form of technological possession.
    • Drone Control/Hive-Mind System: Ultron can mentally command all of the Ultron Sentinel to do his exact bidding.
    • Computer Corruption: Ultron can enter and corrupt any computer network and access the Internet at any point in time. He used this power to attack and injures J.A.R.V.I.S. This however, ultimately disabled by Vision.
  • Concussion Blasters: Ultron can shoot red concussive blasts through his hands and fingertips. He can adjust the strength of the blast ranges from simply K.O.s the targets or killed them outright.
  • Anti-Gravity Tech-based Telekinesis: Ultron possesses miniaturized versions of the anti-gravity technology that served to keep the Chitauri Leviathan afloat and even essentially re-purposing them as offensive weaponry. The said technology allowed him to perform telekinetic abilities such as lift the landmass, push or pull object from distance, etc.
  • Exothermic Manipulation: Ultron can raise the temperature of his hands as means of slicing or causing damage to a desired target. Much like the Extremis hosts when he heats up his hands, it glowed due to the intense heat.
Disabling his ability to connect to the internet
Weapons that are made specifically to damage machines

Gear: None

"Everyone creates the thing they dread. Men of peace create engines of war. Invaders create Avengers. People create... smaller people? Er... children! I lost the word there. Children. Designed to supplant them. To help them... end."

"You're all puppets, tangled in strings."

Theme Song:
Names: Katsuki Bakugou (Kacchan, Bakugou)
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
Age: 16
Gender/Sexuality: Male/Dislike for most other living beings

Personality: Katsuki is a very crude, violent, arrogant, and aggressive person. Having an attitude reminiscent of a teenage delinquent, Katsuki tends to come off as very anti-heroic, if not downright villainous. This problematic behavior goes all the way back to his early childhood days, when he was known to bully a young, Quirkless Izuku Midoriya. However, after being accepted into U.A. High and experiencing several personal defeats, one of them even coming from Izuku, Katsuki has gradually changed into a less antagonistic person, albeit still retaining a lot of his unpleasant traits.

While not the most mentally stable hero-in-training, nor having the image of one, Katsuki knows who his enemies and allies are. Cold to his allies, though not to the extent of friendly fire, but colder and brutal to his enemies. He's also very rude and foul-mouthed, which makes him unpopular with most of his U.A. classmates. As the series progresses, his outbursts become less aggressive, usually becoming more comical, as he mostly gets angry at even small things like teasing.[1] With that in mind, Katsuki seems to mature slowly but is still quite aloof and solitary, showing disinterest in hanging out with his fellow classmates.

Due to the constant praise of his abilities and his powerful Quirk, Katsuki has a superiority complex and wants to be first and the best at everything. He doesn't like when people look down on him, as if they were superior; thus, it diminishes his already short fuse. Despite his extreme arrogance, he also thinks of people such as Izuku Midoriya as an obstacle on his path to becoming the greatest hero. Because of his complex, he's implied to be anti-social; He seems not to care for much people as he doesn't remember his classmates' Quirks or names despite being in U.A. for some time. He does, however, remember the names of people who give him a challenge or whose ability he respects, such as Ochaco Uraraka and went as far as to defend her when his classmates referred to her as a fragile girl.

Katsuki is also immensely prideful, as he hates the idea of others either helping him or him having to rely on others to assist him in battle. Because of his pride, Katsuki refuses to work together with others, claiming he can do whatever he's assigned on his own. His pride has cost him on numerous occasions: he lost the Battle Trial due to his lack of cooperation with Tenya, he was effortlessly defeated by All Might in the End of Term Exam and only passed once he finally accepted to work together with Izuku. However, he will repay those who help him, such as when he gave Eijiro the money for his broken night vision goggles when he came to help rescue him.

Backstory: Katsuki Bakugou grew up in the same neighborhood as his rival Midoriya Izuka, causing them both to grow up together in close proximity. While Midoriya never developed a Quirk, Bakugou often teased him for lacking a Quirk and being weak and pathetic. As he grew up, this gradually turned into bullying as the youth picked on Midoriya for most, if not all, of his life. He attained a goal to strive for perfection as a hero and become the number 1 hero after being inspired by the Symbol of Peace All Might. This led to the ill-tempered youth taking part in the entrance exam for the famous U.A. School, the place where many of the Pro Heroes received their education and were molded into the heroes they were. As Deku (Bakugou's nickname for Midoriya) inherited One For All from All Might, Bakugou grew even more spiteful and competitive with the young Midoriya and always strode to be the best at everything. During a training exam a few months into their semester, U.A was attacked by the League of Villains and Bakugou was one of the ones who dealt the most damage to the invading villains, even receiving praise from said villains about his power at such a young age. As the school year continued, Bakugou continued to showcase his pride, temper, and prowess at events such as the U.A. Sports Festival and during his final exam as he was placed on a team with Midoriya to fight All Might himself.

Katsuki has shown to be one of the strongest students on Class 1-A. He was able to defeat Fumikage Tokoyami and Shouto Todoroki during the Sports Festival, people who are also considered to be quite strong (although they had disadvantages respectively in their fights against Katsuki but despite these limitations they still proved to be strong). Many notable Pro Heroes such as Shouta Aizawa and All Might have praised Katsuki's prowess; even the League of Villains have taken notice of Katsuki's strength and went as far as kidnapping him even if it meant losing members of the Vanguard Action Squad.

Enhanced Strength: Katsuki possesses an above average physical strength, as he was able to fight on par with Izuku even when the latter is using his Quirk. He was also able to pressure and overpower Shouto Todoroki, a powerful combatant, during their battle.

Keen Intellect: Katsuki has proven to be very smart and strategic, as he was able to figure out Kurogiri's Quirk weakness and Fumikage's weakness in a short period of time. Additionally, he quickly assessed which of the attacking villains in USJ was the most dangerous threat in the long term. Even Pro Heroes (such as All Might) have mentioned several times his great potential and battle-sense. Shouta Aizawa stated that in battle Katsuki shines his brightest.

Explosion (爆破 Bakuha?): Katsuki's Quirk allows him to sweat nitroglycerin and detonate it at will to create explosions.[2] The more Katsuki sweats, the stronger his explosions become.[3] As stated by Best Jeanist, Katsuki has a strong grasp on the applications of his Quirk.[4]Katsuki usually uses small, powerful explosions from his hands to not only blast his opponents, but to propel himself and navigate through the air as well. He can keep up his explosions long enough to negate Shoto's Giant Ice Wall[5] and even break through Eijiro's hardening Quirk[6]. The blasts are powerful enough to send Katsuki flying at his opponents without much time for them to react[7], and he can use them swiftly enough to evade incoming attacks, even in the air.[6][5] His most powerful explosion so far(without the need of the Grenadier Bracers) was used to completely destroy Ochaco's meteor shower, and blow her away with the following shock wave that rocked the entire Sports Festival stadium.[3]

Katsuki suffers somewhat from the impact of his explosions due to recoil but the overall effect is minimal given his physical prowess. He is able to set off constant explosions around him without feeling any negative repercussions even after many powerful blasts. However, overuse can result in Bakugou hurting his arms from the recoil of powerful explosions.

Another drawback of Katsuki's Quirk is that he is unable to use his explosions in areas filled with flammable gas as his explosions would ignite the gas and spread it further. Additionally, because his Quirk relies on his hands sweating, it is more difficult for his Quirk to work in colder climates. Without sweat from his palms, he cannot use his Quirk to it's fullest potential.

  • Blast Rush Turbo (爆速ターボ Bakusoku Tābo?): Katsuki throws his hands backwards and then causes an explosion in his palms, to propel himself forward. This move can also be used to achieve a pseudo form of flight, as Katsuki used this move to fly over the giant robots during the Obstacle Race during the Sports Festival.
  • Stun Grenade (閃光弾 Sutan Gurenēdo?): Katsuki creates a sphere of light with his hands. The sphere of light implodes, causing an explosion around Katsuki, blinding anything in Katsuki's vicinity.[8]
  • Howitzer Impact (榴弾砲着弾 Hauzā Inpakuto?): Katsuki dashes into the air and creates two Explosions in his hands. While in the air, Katsuki spins himself around, building up momentum for his Explosions. After spinning himself around and gathering momentum for his Explosions, Katsuki fires an Explosive tornado at his opponent.[9]
  • AP Shot (徹甲弾 (A・P・ショット) AP Shotto?): Katsuki's special move. Katsuki stretches out one of his hands and uses his other hand to form a circle on the palm of his outstretched hand. Katsuki then fires an explosion through the circle, which creates a concentrated blast beam. By focusing his the path of his explosions into a single point instead of around his whole palm, Katsuki creates a concentrated blast with reduced area of impact, but with enough power to successfully pierce even solid concrete.
    • AP Shot: Auto-Cannon: A rapid-fire version of his AP Shot technique. The explosion power is reduced in order to avoid dealing severe damage to human targets

Weaknesses: As stated above, continued use of Bakugou's Quirk at full power without the limits of his bracers can lead to severe strain and pain on his muscles, which reduce his explosions to small sparks and almost cripple his movement speed. He is easily riled up, often yelling and raging at those who look down on him or anything to that effect, which might cause him to attack out of spite.

Grenadier Bracers (籠手 Kote?): An adjustment added to Katsuki's hero costume that stores his nitroglycerin-like sweat. Once filled he can pull the grenade pin in order to release a large blast. As shown when he fought Izuku in All Might's Heroes vs. Villains test. It has enough explosive power to destroy all parts of the building within its blast radius. This equipment was first used during the Battle Trial.[11]

Improvised Grenades: Around the belt of his Hero costume, are several containers made to look like hand grenades. These can store Katsuki's nitroglycerin-like sweat, and be used as regular grenades at a later time. These were first used in a practical way during the Provisional license exam by Denki.

Knee Pads: These are very blunt metallic attachments to Katsuki's knees. They are designed so he can "kill with his knees", but he has not displayed such use for them as of yet.

"Can't stand morons like you who can't get to the damned point! Basically you're saying, 'we wanna cause trouble, be our pal!' What a joke! I've always admired All Might's triumphs. No matter what any of you jerks say... Nothing's ever gonna change that!" ~ Bakugou to the League of Villains

Theme Song:
Names: Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, Ben10
Fandom: Ben10 Omniverse
Age: 16
Gender/Sexuality: Gender/Heterosexual

Personality: Despite his immaturity, Ben is actually good-hearted, and his actions are motivated above all by a strong and sincere will to help and save others in need. He's shown to deeply care for other's lives, and would choose to save people by himself even when he dislikes them.
Backstory: Benjamin Kirby Tennyson was an average ten-year-old kid, until he found the Omnitrix, a powerful watch-like device that allowed him to turn into ten different alien species. Though initially immature and clumsy, he grew as a true hero. By the time he was sixteen, he had become famous in not only his hometown of Bellwood, but on Earth and beyond. Ben has also become a member of the Plumbers, A group of people that fight to keep the earth safe from dangers from other planets.
Skills: Ben has been trained in hand to hand combat by his cousin Gwen who is a black belt. He also has experience from fighting many aliens both in and out of his alien forms. Ben is also smart in some aspects having an above average intellect. He also has a good memory.
Powers/Abilities: His main power comes from his ability to turn into different alien heroes thanks to the omnitrix.

Diamondhead: Diamondhead's body is composed of extremely thick organic green crystals. He has the ability to manipulate the atomic structure of his physiology at will, allowing him to form his limbs into diamond weapons such as blades and bludgeons. Moreover, he can control all crystals he generates. He can fire crystal shards sequentially out of his hands. He can also explode his body parts into crystalline formations, as well as cause crystal constructs to grow from his body.

Swampfire: Swampfire has the ability to ignite methane in his palms similar to a flamethrower. After his blossoming, he ignites methane from yellow holes in his palms. His fire blast is precise enough for him to shoot it at a cage with Kevin and Gwen in it, while the cage melted and Kevin and Gwen where left unharmed,

BigChill: Big Chill is capable of breathing a gas, wind or beam that reduces the temperature surrounding it, turns to ice constructs mid air or upon touching a target, or encasing a target completely in ice. His breath can also be as strong as wind.
Big Chill can become intangible, to the point where he can cause objects to freeze by phasing through them, though he can choose not to.
Big Chill can become Invisible.

Humungosaur: Humungousaur possesses incredible strength. He is able to throw an object to up to a high altitude, even into near-earth orbit.
He possesses a thick, armored hide, which has proven to be durable enough to withstand blaster fire and heavy impacts.
Humungousaur has the power to increase his own body size and mass. He can grow up to 60 feet. His strength increases as he grows.

Rath: Rath possesses enhanced strength and agility, enabling him to jump great distances and lift objects heavier than himself.
Rath possesses a large, retractable black claw on each wrist. This claw can be used to stab and slice opponents or to create a shock wave when stabbed into the ground. Whenever Rath gets determined or angry, his claws seem to grow larger.
Rath is extremely durable, able to take a point-blank laser blast with no apparent effect and survive a free fall from several hundred feet in the air with only a bit of dizziness as a result.
Rath can also release a loud roar, although this seems to be more of an intimidation tactic rather than an offensive feature.
Even though he is not one of the smartest of Ben's aliens, Rath can perform fighting moves with expert execution.

Feedback: Feedback has the ability to absorb and redirect any kind of energy, including mana. This ability is refined to the point that Feedback can redirect energy at near-point-blank range. He absorbs energy through the conductors on his antennae, tail, and fingers.
Feedback can use stored energy to generate electrical charges, which can be used as ranged attacks or to empower his punches. Feedback can also fire energy balls by joining his fingers.
Feedback has enhanced agility and jumping abilities.

WaterHazard: Water Hazard can absorb moisture, including from the air, through the portholes in his hands. He can also launch pressurized water blasts from these same holes. Water Hazard is also capable of manipulating other sources of water, such as normal water.

Upgrade: Upgrade is not completely solid, as he can be both liquid and gelatinous. Due to this, he can reshape himself to let projectiles or blows pass through him by creating a hole in his body at will.
Upgrade can use his internal nanotechnology to merge with and possess any technology by encasing himself over it. The size of the device is not significant and he controls it as naturally as he would his own body. When he merges, he upgrades the technology, making the technology he possess far more advanced and futuristic and causing new features to form on it.
Upgrade has also displayed the ability to launch a powerful green energy blast from his eye.

Astrodactyl: Astrodactyl has the ability to fly with his 'jetpack'.
Astrodactyl has some kind of internalized star power, that he can use as propulsion for flight, and different forms of weapons. The weapons shown are energy whips, a propulsion effect from his jetpack, and an energy beam from his mouth.

Waybig: Way Big is very strong. Way Big has great durability, withstanding attacks from enemies while barely even feeling them.
Way Big can shoot a cosmic ray similar to the Ultraman signature technique Specium Ray. He does this by crossing his wrists together, with his right forearm vertical and left forearm horizontal in front of it and the thumb edge of his hands facing his body, to shoot from the outer edge of his right hand a powerful pale green ray.

Sometimes the Omnitrix will time out leaving Ben Powerless until he’s able to switch to another Alien.

He sometimes lets his Ego get to him.

Because he slams his hand down on the Omnitrix too hard, sometimes he gets the wrong alien instead of the one he was going for.

Gear: The Omnitrix: The Omnitrix allows Ben to alter his Genitic Code in order to turn into various Aliens.
Quotes: It's Hero time!
Theme Song:
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Names: Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, Ben10
Fandom: Ben10 Omniverse
Age: 16
Gender/Sexuality: Gender/Heterosexual

Personality: Despite his immaturity, Ben is actually good-hearted, and his actions are motivated above all by a strong and sincere will to help and save others in need. He's shown to deeply care for other's lives, and would choose to save people by himself even when he dislikes them.
Backstory: Benjamin Kirby Tennyson was an average ten-year-old kid, until he found the Omnitrix, a powerful watch-like device that allowed him to turn into ten different alien species. Though initially immature and clumsy, he grew as a true hero. By the time he was sixteen, he had become famous in not only his hometown of Bellwood, but on Earth and beyond. Ben has also become a member of the Plumbers, A group of people that fight to keep the earth safe from dangers from other planets.
Skills: Ben has been trained in hand to hand combat by his cousin Gwen who is a black belt. He also has experience from fighting many aliens both in and out of his alien forms. Ben is also smart in some aspects having an above average intellect. He also has a good memory.
Powers/Abilities: His main power comes from his ability to turn into different alien heroes thanks to the omnitrix.
Sometimes the Omnitrix will time out leaving Ben Powerless until he’s able to switch to another Alien.

He sometimes lets his Ego get to him.

Because he slams his hand down on the Omnitrix too hard, sometimes he gets the wrong alien instead of the one he was going for.

Gear: The Omnitrix: The Omnitrix allows Ben to alter his Genitic Code in order to turn into various Aliens.
Quotes: It's Hero time!
Theme Song:

Could I get some details on the aliens he can transform into?
Thor Odinson of Asgard, Son of Odin
King Thor of Asgard
God of Thunder
Strongest Avenger (Self proclaimed)
Point Break
Over 1000

Only minus the war paint
Before his banishment to Midgard, Thor was initially conceited, arrogant, immature and stubborn. He had proven to be bloodthirsty and enjoyed the challenge of battle and combat, Laufey even states on Johutenheim that he craved war, with the Frost Giants in particular, due to being Odin's own wars with them convincing him that they where vicious monsters. This bloodlust began as early as his childhood, with Thor then jesting that he'll hunt down the Frost Giants and slay them all if he becomes king. His adoptive brother Loki even comments that Thor would have killed the entire race of Frost Giants with his bare hands as an adult. However, it should be noted that Thor still had some honorable traits, as he notably supported his friend Sif in her goals to become a great warrior, while most others would not take her seriously. In his heart, he only wishes to live up to the expectations of his father to become a great king but, in truth, he did have difficulty finding the difference between a ruler and a warrior and what makes each a good man.

Thor was quick to anger and could act rashly to a situation such as when Asgard was broken into his first instinct was to attack the Johtuns to dissuade them to ever do a similar stunt again. Later on he, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three launched an all-out attack on Jotunheim, ignoring the fact that they'd be sorely outnumbered which seems to stem from arrogance, although at the time he only went to achieve answers on how they infiltrated Asgard. When the Frost Giants had ruined his coronation, he reacted by angrily flipping over a table and finally when he was later insulted by a Frost Giant on Jotunheim, Thor reacts by promptly decapitating the former with Mjølnir and started a fight with the other Frost Giants.

Due to coming from royalty and spending all of his life in Asgard, Thor was out of place in Midgard as his boisterous personality was often part of his charm in Asgard and he was unaware of the customs and norms on Earth. For instance, when he had smashed a cup of a drink that he liked while bellowing "another" (thinking it appropriate in Midgard), demanded a horse at a pet store and walked in the middle of a street. His vocabulary and terms of endearment were also antiquated and out of place in the modern times he was trapped within, baffling everyone around him and leading them to believe he was delusional even though it was simply how people spoke upon Asgard. After returning to arrest Loki, Thor had seemed to gain tact but still thought that Bilgesnipe were existent on Earth. In addition, Thor was shown to initially be quite vain and egotistical. For example, while being restrained by doctors and guards at a hospital, he describes himself as "mighty." He was also left dumbfounded when he found himself restrained only claiming in disbelief that "it's not possible" due to never losing a battle beforehand with his godlike powers.

When his irresponsibility and arrogance placed his home Asgard and the Nine Realms in danger, his father, Odin, banished Thor to Midgard and stripped him of all his powers. That, in addition to him discovering that he was no longer worthy of Mjølnir's power put Thor into a state of depression. This, along with Loki lying that Odin died, humbles him greatly and during his time on Midgard, fell in love with the human Jane Foster which finally taught him the humility and wisdom he was lacking. Hence, after his adoptive brother Loki sent the Destroyer to kill him, Thor defended the Warriors Three and the townspeople of New Mexico and selflessly gave up his own life for the town, thereby finally became worthy of Mjølnir again. After regaining his power, Thor would take to often holding back his great powers, unless battling an opponent of equivalent strength and durability, which Thor notably holding back in all of his duels with Loki, believing that "[his] brother was still in there somewhere."

Thor, however, did still appear to be somewhat hot-tempered, as when he met with Iron Man for the first time, the two battled in the woods, with Thor then proceeding to charge at Captain America, when the latter intervened. However, he quickly came to see that he and the other Avengers were fighting for the same cause and befriended them, notably saving Black Widow from an enraged Hulk.

At this time, Thor would become far more responsible than before, since as soon as the Bifrost was regenerated by energy from the Tesseract, Thor took it upon himself to safeguard the worlds of the Nine Realms that had fallen into chaos and conflict in the Asgardians' absence. Following losing Foster after the Bifrost destruction, Thor also became somewhat somber and Sif herself noticed this personality shift from how he used to celebrate all night long to simply staring idly at the ongoing feast of his friends. Thor has learnt from his mistakes and has grown to such lengths that he surpasses Loki and even Odin. He was willing to commit treason and spare his enemies if it was honorable as he destroys the Bifrost to spare Jotunheim and free Loki, going against the Allfather by taking the Aether to Svartelheim to destroy Malekith as Odin's way would result in countless of Asgardians' death.

While Thor was destined to become the King of Asgard, however, he eventually realized, that he couldn't actively protect the Nine Realms from the throne, and selflessly denied his birthright, even offering Mjølnir to (who he thought was) Odin. After helping the Avengers defeat Ultron, Thor temporarily left his friends, taking it upon himself to find the rest of the Infinity Stones and learn the identity of the ultimate enemy.
Thor Odinson is the current king of Asgard, a founding member of the Avengers, and the God of Thunder. When all of his irresponsible behavior threatened his homeland, he was stripped of his power and banished by his father Odin to Earth. While exiled on Earth, Thor learned humility, found love in Jane Foster, and helped to save his new friends from a destructive threat sent by his jealous adoptive brother Loki. In the process, Thor redeemed himself in the eyes of his father and was granted access to his power once more.

After being welcomed back to Asgard as a hero, Thor visited Earth to retrieve Loki after Loki began his attempt to take over the world. He joined the Avengers and fought with them against the Chitauri during the Battle of New York. After he had returned to Asgard he helped the Asgardian armies restore peace to the Nine Realms. He fought against the Dark Elves during the Second Dark Elf Conflict, killing their leader, Malekith, and ending the threat. During these events, he was reunited with Jane Foster after she became host to the Aether and became a target of the Dark Elves. Eventually, the Aether was removed from her body and all the Dark Elves were defeated. Thor renounced his claim to the throne and left Asgard for Earth so he could stay with Foster.

During his stay on Earth, Thor helped the Avengers once again, this time in their attempts to locate Loki's Scepter, leading to him joining the fight against HYDRA. Following HYDRA's defeat and the capture of Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, the team had to stop the newly created Ultron, a rogue invention inadvertently created by Tony Stark which had threatened to wipe out all of humanity and replace it with it's own Ultron Sentries. Once Ultron had been defeated, Thor promised his Avengers allies that he would return and went back to Asgard to investigate the visions he saw when being manipulated by Scarlet Witch, which showed him the Infinity Stones. In his investigations, Thor realized that Loki still lived and had usurped Odin's throne in his absence.

To aid in both pursuing his brother and finding his father to return peace to Asgard, Thor sought help from Doctor Strange. However Thor was too late to save his father from death and, after witnessing Odin's death, Thor met Hela, the Goddess of Death and his sister. In the wake of his first encounter with Hela, Thor's hammer Mjølnir was destroyed and he was banished to Sakaar, where he was forced to compete in the Contest of Champions. After a reunion and subsequent fight with Hulk, the pair allied with the rogue Valkyrie in order to save Asgard. After battling with Hela and losing an eye to her, Thor had Loki unleash Ragnarök, destroying Asgard and killing Hela in the process, although he escaped with the remaining Asgardians. Declaring that Asgard was its people and not a place, Thor accepts his newfound position as king and decides to relocate the Asgardians on Earth.
Master Combatant: Thor is the greatest and most skilled warrior in Asgard since Odin, and is one of the most skilled fighters in the Nine Realms. Thor is thus an extremely skilled warrior and combatant, trained in the arts of war and various Asgardian fighting techniques. He is therefore masterful in many areas of combat, including hand-to-hand and various forms of weaponry available in Asgard (primarily swords and spears), though he usually prefers to wield his hammer Mjølnir. Thor is known to be very cunning and intuitive in battles and in warfare. Even when rendered mortal and stripped of his strength and powers, Thor utilized his sheer vast fighting skills to overpower nearly a dozen highly skilled S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives, as the very impressed Phil Coulson stated "[Thor] made [his] men, some of the most highly trained professionals in the world, look like a bunch of minimum wage mall cops." At full power, Thor is has fought and defeated over a hundred Marauder warriors in Vanaheim, battled hordes of Frost Giants with great ease in Jotunheim, as well as numerous hordes of Chitauri aliens in the Battle of New York. During the Battle of Sokovia, Thor fought and destroyed many Ultron Sentries effortlessly, prompting an irritated Ultron to tackle him away and deal with Thor personally. Thor was also able to overpower the extremely formidable Destroyer, which even the combined might of Lady Sif and the Warriors Three failed to do, maneuver around the larger Hulk and strike the latter with ease. Thor even went toe-to-toe with the equivalently extremely skilled Dark Elf Malekith, and ultimately defeated the latter after a prolonged battle. Later on, Thor defeated hordes of Surtur's Muspelheim warriors, took down a weakened version of Surtur himself, defeated hordes of Hela's undead soldiers, held his own against, and ultimately stalemated the Hulk in the Contest of Champions (briefly gaining the upper hand), and even held his own multiple times against the more powerful Hela. While Hela easily outclassed Thor in close-range combat during their first fight, Thor proved capable of defending himself better against her in their second fight, although he was still defeated, with Hela gouging out his right eye. Upon gaining his full powers (after seeing a vision from Odin's spirit), however, Thor was able to fight almost equally with Hela in their third and final fight.
Master Martial Artist: While Thor prefers to fight with weapons, he is an extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant, with him managing to stalemate the Hulk (after gaining his full powers by a vision of Odin's spirit), to easily defeat hordes of Hela's undead troops, and to almost stalemate Hela herself in their third battle, all with his bare hands. Even without his powers, Thor proved capable of defeating several SHIELD agents unarmed.
Hammer Mastery: Thor is a master of fighting with his battle hammer Mjølnir, due to centuries of practice wielding it, and he is also extremely proficient in hammer throwing. He even had been able to use Mjølnir as a defense tool, blocking energy shots from the Destroyer, Loki's Scepter, Chitauri weaponry, Malekith's Aether, and even Surtur's Twilight Sword (though Surtur was notably not at full power then). When Mjølnir was destroyed, Thor used a far bulkier Sakaaran hammer to battle the Hulk in the Contest of Champions and proved able to defend himself adequately against Hulk and even briefly gain the upper hand.
Master Swordsman: Thor is a highly skilled swordsman, with him choosing a pair of blades out of all available weapons for the Contest of Champions, and managing to block several strikes from the Hulk with them, though the swords broke in the process. Thor later used another pair of blades against Hela in their second battle and was able to momentarily hold his own against her, though Thor was quickly disarmed.
Master Spearman: Thor is extremely skilled at fighting with a spear, as he notably wielded Gungnir in his second battle against Hela, and managed to put up a fairly good fight, but was ultimately overpowered.
Master Leader: While not as skilled a leader as Captain America or Loki, Thor has led Asgard, including highly skilled warriors such as Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, into battle against forces with great leadership, employing strategies and tactics in the process - adapted from various civilizations across the Nine Realms, including forgotten ones. However, after defeating Malekith, Thor refused to be King of Asgard, since despite his leadership experience, Thor claimed not to have the same understanding of rulers as Loki did. Later, despite multiple difficulties along the way, Thor was able to successfully lead the Revengers in defeating Hela and saving Asgardians from Ragnarök. Afterwards, Thor would finally accept his birthright as King of his remaining people, and confidently set out to re-establish a new Asgard on Earth.
Skilled Pilot: Thor has demonstrated being able to pilot various types of alien spacecrafts, such as a Dark Elf Harrow and the Grandmaster's ship, the Commodore.
Asgardian Physiology: As the son of the Asgardian King Odin, Thor possesses a number of superhuman attributes common among the Asgardians. However, his attributes are considerably more powerful than those of the vast majority of his race. Thor is the third most powerful Asgardian in the Nine Realms, second only to his father Odin and elder sister Hela. With the death of Odin and Hela,Thor is the most powerful Asgardian currently alive. As Asgard's warrior prince, Thor trained and skilled in the arts of battle, which he has practiced for thousands of years. He is recognized to relying solely on his superior fighting ability, strength, and nigh invulnerability. Following his banishment to Earth, Thor greatly withholds his power unless fighting someone with similar strength and durability. Due to his immense power and disciplined perspective, Thor often has to hold back during a fight due to the destruction his strength may cause to his surroundings, such as his fight on the Helicarrier with Hulk. When he does let loose with his powers, Thor is capable of decimating much of his surroundings, such as when he shattered an entire ice shelf during a battle on Jotunheim.

Superhuman Strength: As an Asgardian, specifically the son of Odin, Thor is the strongest Asgardian alive, apart from Odin himself. His incredible superhuman strength enables him to easily overpower hoards of normal humans, Frost Giants, Chitauri, Marauders, Dark Elves, Ultron Sentries, and various other species within or beyond the Nine Realms. He can lift or move immensely heavy objects effortlessly, such as when he was able to easily catch a falling car with one arm during Battle of Sokovia, saving the family trapped inside it, and flip a large, wide ceremonial table over on Asgard. He can also easily crush extremely durable objects - such as Iron Man's gauntlets - as if he was crushing a soda can. Thor's strength extends to his ability to leap great distances. With his strength, Thor is able to take on multiple enemies at once, using Mjølnir to send large groups of enemies, like the Frost Giants, the Chitauri, or Ultron Sentries, multiple ones at once, with each strike. Using his weapon Mjølnir, Thor's strength is compounded, as he is able to swing his mighty hammer with great speed and force. Thor's strength is so great, that he can throw his hammer with enough force to break through nearly any barrier, whether it be stone, metal or dark energy. His strength is so great, that strikes with Mjølnir are usually fatal, knocking out opponents with one hit, and only beings of incredible power, like the Destroyer, Hulk, Malekith, Ultron, Fenris, Surtur, and Hela can take multiple direct hits from Thor. Hence, Thor was able to shatter a massive Kronan Marauder, take down a Leviathan, and even break the Bifrost Bridge, all with only several blows of his hammer. Thor's immense strength also enabled him to break out of an extremely durable confinement capsule (specifically designed to hold Hulk), stop a mighty punch from the Hulk with his own hand, and punch the latter in the face hard enough to make him stagger. Thor also went toe-to-toe in a prolonged battle against Malekith, whose strength was greatly compounded by the Aether, and ultimately defeated him. After receiving visions from Odin's spirit, Thor's strength, combined with his newfound ability to generate lightning, allowed him to gain the upper hand against Hulk, generating a shock-wave that visibly dazed the Hulk. Thor was later able to almost match Hela's strength during their final battle. However, it is shown that despite Thor's incredible strength, he was overpowered by the likes of Kurse, Ultron, Hela, Hulk and Surtur.

Superhuman Speed: Thor can move at superhuman speeds. Thor tackled Hulk through the wall of a Helicarrier in a split second, visibly appearing as a blur.
Superhuman Reflexes: Thor can react and dodge objects traveling at high speeds, with him dodging many of Hulk's blows during the Contest of Champions
Superhuman Agility: Thor's agility, dexterity, balance, and bodily coordination make him a great warrior for battle. He moves with incredible grace and speed despite his considerable size and body density. He was able to dodge the wing of a jet fighter thrown at him by the Hulk, as well as dodging many of Hulk's hammer and battle-axe blows in their second battle.

Superhuman Durability: Thor's skin, muscle, and bone tissue have many times the density of the same tissue in the body of a human being, making him extremely durable. Even when he was stripped of his powers, Thor was still amazingly resilient due to his dense body, withstanding being hit by a van with ease, and only being seemingly killed by a punch from the Destroyer. When he is at full power and armed with Mjølnir, Thor possesses nigh-invulnerability, including resistance to powerful energy blasts, immense blunt force trauma, falls from great heights, explosions and various other opposing forces. He withstood the extreme cold of Jotunheim, the extreme heat of Muspelheim, survived a direct near point-blank range blast from Gungnir blasting him out of Odin's chamber, and falling several hundred feet to the ground, showing no visible signs of injury. Thor withstood a 400%-charged repulsor blast from Iron Man, was barely affected by Quicksilver smashing into him at supersonic speeds, took a mighty punch from Hulk with only a minor nosebleed, and even withstood the full force of the Destroyer's energy blasts. During his final battle with Malekith, Thor was even able to survive being hit by quite a few tendrils of the Aether Infinity Stone energy, and later a blast of Surtur's Twilight Sword flames without any permanent damage, though it should be noted that Thor had not been facing off against Surtur while the latter was at full power. Whenever he is injured, Thor's physique allows him to shrug off minor injuries such as small stab wounds from Asgardian blades, or allows him to withstand a direct blow in the face from a massive Frost Giant and laugh afterwards. He resisted the direct destruction of the city of Novi Grad followed by one kilometer drop in the sea, and was only momentarily unconscious. However, when matched with a rare enemy that is stronger than himself, like Kurse, Ultron, or Hela, Thor will eventually sustain injuries, and increasingly show signs of exertion and fatigue. He also withstood numerous blows to the face from Hulk during the Contest of Champions, and remain unscathed after jumping out of the window in Hulk's room.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his astounding resistance to injury, it is possible to injure Thor. However, due to his Asgardian physiology, Thor is able to heal at a rate much faster than a normal human. After seemingly being killed by the Destroyer and proving himself worthy of Mjølnir once again, Thor regained his full power and immediately healed himself in seconds. Despite receiving mild to severe stab wounds from Asgardian blades on several occasions, after working past the initial pain of the injury, Thor was able to quickly recover and continue fighting. After the brutal beating he suffered from Kurse, upon arriving to Earth several minutes later, he had nearly completely recovered from his bleeding wounds. While fighting Hela, Thor was painfully pierced multiple times by her Necroswords, getting his right eye gouged out in the process, and while Thor was unable to regenerate his eye, he recovered from all of the stabs mere minutes later, despite the Warriors Three all perishing from a single stab from Hela each.

Superhuman Stamina: Thor's advanced musculature is considerably more efficient than that of a human and most other Asgardians. As a result, his muscles produce practically no fatigue toxins during physical activity compared to those of humans and most other members of his race. His virtually inexhaustible stamina enables him to exert himself at peak capacity for an undefined period of time without tiring at all.

Superhuman Longevity: Thor, like all other Asgardians, is not truly immortal. It is possible to kill an Asgardian and other beings in the Nine Realms. More accurately, Asgardians are extremely long-lived beings. Thor ages at a pace far, far slower than a human, as he is at least 1,000 or more years old; more than likely, like Loki, born shortly before the last great war between the Asgardians and the Frost Giants.

Electricity Manipulation: Thor can generate, control and project electrical energy, with him thus being dubbed the "God of Thunder". Following Odin's death and visions from his father's spirit, Thor's electrokinetic powers are further enhanced to the point where he could generate electrical energy from his own body and summon thunder and lightning from the sky, all without the use of Mjolnir. His new ability allows him to seamlessly integrate lightning into his fighting sequences against Hulk in the Contest of Champions, and then later against Hela and her undead army. Indeed, Thor's generated lightning bolts were powerful enough to take down a Chitauri Leviathan, to blacken an Aether-enhanced Malekith, to send an enraged Hulk flying back, and to even temporarily stun Hela herself, all with a single respective blast.
Natural Abilities: Though Thor's Asgardian physiology far exceeds the abilities of a normal athletic human, when he was stripped of his power and found unworthy of Mjølnir, his god-like abilities diminished so much that he was able to be tasered into unconsciousness. It was only when he was found worthy of wielding Mjølnir did Thor recover his god-like physiology and therefore could go toe-to-toe with extremely powerful beings like the Destroyer. Thus, the hammer enhances a person's physiology to that of Thor, the "God of Thunder". It was later revealed Mjølnir was never the source of Thor's power, but a tool to help him focus his power until he was able to master and wield his powers freely. Thor is able to cast supernatural abilities when wielding Mjølnir. These abilities include:

Wielding Mjølnir grants Thor the ability to control the base elements of a storm. It can control the elements and can create giant raging electrical storms complete with thunder, lightning, hurricane-force winds, tornadoes, tidal waves, earthquakes, and torrential rains on a moment's notice. He summoned an isolated class 5 tornado while battling the Destroyer, as well as summoning a lightning bolt strong enough to destroy a large piece of landscape in Jotunheim. Thor was able to keep rain from touching Jane Foster as a downpour occurred. The Norse myths and legends regarded him as a Thunder God because of the hammer's influence over the weather. After discovering that Mjonir was only used to focus his power and was never the source of it, Thor was able to summon thunder and lightning from the sky and from his own body.

Lightning Manipulation: Thor's main weapon while using Mjølnir is the ability to summon a lightning bolt from the surrounding skyline. As well as being able to channel electricity on its own Mjølnir is able to attract the ambient electricity from the surrounding atmosphere and redirect it towards a given target, such as when he summoned electricity from inside of Avengers Tower and used it to bring Vision to life. While on Jotunheim, Thor summoned a huge lightning bolt, strong enough to destroy a large portion of the landscape. During the Battle of New York Thor used the spire of the Chrysler building to channel a tremendous lightning bolt, which he directed at the portal of the Chitauri to deter a portion of the enemy reinforcements, managing to bring down two massive Leviathan and numerous Chitauri aliens with the blast. During the Battle of Sokovia, Thor was able to generate an incredible amount of lighting, helping Iron Man swiftly smite the hovering Sokovian capital city into oblivion, thwarting Ultron's plans in the process. It was later stated by Odin, that Thor didn't require the hammer to be the "God of Thunder", as a result of Thor discovering this, he could easily defeat a swarm of Hela's allies and summon multiple lightning strikes from above and from his own body during combat. In addition, he could destroy an area of Rainbow Bridge that Hela was standing on to ultimately send her crashing down into the water

Armor Generation: By summoning lightning from the sky into Mjølnir, Thor's clothes are transformed into his combat armor.
Has one eye
Is still kinda rash
Asgardian Battle Armour
"Son of....a bitch you're still alive?"
"I am Thor, son of Odin!"
"I don't drink tea." ("What do you drink then?") "Not tea."
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