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Fandom What Remains: End of the Multiverse (Character Sign-Up)

Trevor Philips

Grand Theft Auto V





Trevor Philips

Trevor Philips

Trevor Philips


Pump shotgun, pistol, assault rifle, combat knife.


Prone to having brief fits of uncontrollable anger.

"You're looking at it rationally - there are people who are useful to you, and people who ain't, and the people who ain't got to go. Me. I'm not rational. I don't care if you're useful or not. I feel like taking you out, Devo, so that's what I'm doing.”

Theme Song:
Name: Erik Bjornson

Nicknames: Highlander, Scotty, Kilty as charged.

Gender: HeteroSexual Male

Universe: For Honor fandom (OC)

Highlander ezgif.gif

He stands at 6'6, a burly build with a sword that is 5'4 feet long. He is aged 26, despite him looking older. His legs are dirtied from the upper calfs to just above his knees until you reach his kilt. Under his armor is a rather built body with some slight scarring due to forging or woodwork accidents, as well as bruising due to strikes against his leather armor made by dull blades or or parried axes. His gloved hands are calloused, and his gloves themselves are torn and marked at the palm due to his likes for half swording.

Personality: A hearty, big hearted, and short tempered Scottish giant. When he's on a rampage lookout. The man's a heavyweight drinker (he could down enough beer to drown a village and still be sober enough to drive a car (even though he hasn't a clue of what that is.) He jokes even when in combat, his heart is pure but his temper needs work. He is honorable but emotions take him over very easily. He loves tall places that overlook land and enjoys the cold since he grew up in a cold climate. He is never afraid of much, not even if it’s unusual, in fact if it’s no mere man he welcomes the challenge. At times he can be more gentle, serious, and concerned for one’s health as it is easy for him to make friends, but he knows it is just as easy to lose them.

Backstory: (Buckle in this one is kinda wild.) During the times just before the Scottish rebellion or Scottish war of independence (The Highlander movie: Braveheart timeline) there began an alliance between the Highlander tribes and the Scandinavian/Norse tribes. Legends said that a man from distant lands would come to Scandinavia, receive the blessings of Odin, and wield a powerful sword that had been stuck in the mountains after being forged by the hammer of thor, that will crush the enemies of the coalition of the Barbaric Tribes. In order to honor this legend, the Highlander kings assembled willing women and shipped them over to the Scandinavian peninsula to find a suitor and breed with that suitor to attempt to create the legend. The Scottish women quickly found their men and fell in love with them but one resisted against most suitors, A fair maiden known as Hilda Ulrica, a fiery, well thinking, and strong willed woman who could not be persuaded to love any men who attempted to woo her. Finally, came the day she found her perfect suitor, his name was Ragnvald Bjornson, a well known, clever, and strong warrior of the tribes the Scottish maids were sent to. They immediately fell in love, not long after they vowed to each other, unlike most other couples who just got straight to business *Wink wink*.

After they were married, it was not long after they tried for a child, only to find that Hilda may have been barren. Their despair was indefinite until, one day whilst Hilda was tending to a garden and her husband skinning a fresh catch, Hilda felt a power overtake her, she began to feel strange, they went to see a shaman and he had said that Hilda bears a child, they were overjoyed but got even more excited when they heard he would be born strong, he would laugh, and as he would grow he would become legendary. They patiently awaited for their Child to arrive, finally the day had come.

When the child was delivered in home they could not hear crying, the couple became scarred but the baby began laughing, the mother and father were both confused but nonetheless relieved the child was fine. They named him, Erik, after his grandfather who had passed in a battle some years ago in England. After a few years of growing, which were actually peaceful and not a hassle for Hilda, especially with the care of Erik, they took him to the Shaman once more in which the Shaman took Erik, and sat him down on a wooden stool. He began showing Erik runes, Erik chose one that seemed quite intriguing, it spelled "Danheim". The Shaman then began to recite sentences in Norse to see if there would be a word Erik would pick up on. None seemed to work, so instead the Shaman tried some Gaelic words. The one that stuck was “slighe”, the Gaelic word for "Way" or "Journey". The Shaman then told the couple that Erik would grow to be a warrior of great magnitude, or a leader of men.

After a few more years, Ragnvald finally took Erik hunting with him, Erik had been training to hunt for a wild now with bow, axe, and sword. They started the trip to the hunting grounds as they always do, with prayers to the gods, a good hot meal, and preparing their equipment. After they got under way it was not long before they reached their destination, the sacred hunting grounds of thousands of generations. The game they were hunting was deer, elk, wolves, and/or bears. They wanted to stock up before winter came, and they intended to use every part of any of the beasts, meat, bone, pelt, and all. When Ragnvald and Erik were setting up their camp, a pack of wolves had attacked them. Ragnvald could hold his own but he knew that he couldn’t let them get Erik, who had readied himself with a double-handed axe. Ragnvald called Erik to run which Erik refused to leave his father behind, Ragnvald managed to kill 2 wolves before another one had pinned him, he then had to watch as his son took on two at once. Ragnvald winced as he saw one of the two wolves pounce at Erik only to hear metal cutting flash and a doggish whimper. He saw that one of the wolves laid dead, as he was getting the wolf on him he told his son to fight hard. BErik nodded to Ragnvald before continuously countering the wolf. It was not long before they had reached a small drop off and Erik fell backwards the wolf pouncing down after him. With a fury Ragnvald broke the neck of wolf who had pounced him, and ran towards the ledge, not before long he saw the wolf rising, he yelled towards the wolf and readied himself, but in his positive surprise it was not the wolf coming back up it was Erik lifting it, who had called out, “Are you going to help me father or are you going to scream like a madman some more?” The two of them had a laugh before collecting the meat, bones, and pelts of the wolves and going back home.

As time had passed Erik had become larger and stronger, finally his mother had revealed to him why she, a scottish woman, was in the Scandinavian peninsula. Immediately he had went to the Shaman, begging him to tell him where he could find the mighty Sword. The Shaman knew of the legend well so he told Erik that only a pure hearted Scottish/scandinavian son could pull the Claymore from the mountain tops to the east of the village. Erik immediately went to the village rallying all scottish sons and saying, “My brothers we have been tasked with leading our brethren to victory, one of us will pull the sword from the mountain! We must prepare for this journey so bid farewell to your loved ones, gather your supplies, tents, and weapons, and let us sally forth for the greater good of our people!” The Scottish sons began chanting, drums were beaten in ceremony, as they gathered their things, and in a big group as soon as the formed a large loose formation, more like a crowd, they yelled with their voices high in unison, honoring their Scottish heritage following the chants of Erik, "Faugh A Balluagh!". They sang songs, made jokes, set up camp and played music, it was a journey many had enjoyed, frienships were formed, they hunted together, crossed a large river, finally came a true test of brother hood where they had been ambushed by a hostile bandit tribe, brothers were lost in a fight that the Scottish sons had fought viciously, Erik most notable. Their brothers who died due to the ambush and were not fast enough to ready themselves were mourned, they were buried properly. The Scottish band then continued their trek, and finally reached the base of the mountain. Each and every scottish son and traveled up the mountain, each one had tried their hand at pulling the sword, each one had failed. Finally all of their eyes were upon Erik, eyes pleading him to pull it to fulfil the quest. Erik gripped the sword handle with both hands, and yelled “Faugh A Balluagh!” before he pulled it from the mountain. The blade slid out smoothly for him, a lightning bolt had struck the swords blade and it lit up with a yellow flame, Erik focused and with his focus he had doused the yellow flame, he did it again and it brought back up, same happened again. All the Scottish men cheered, Erik laughed and sang with the men on their journey back. Finally when they had reached the town Erik had led them back in as he had led them out. He was embraced by his mother and his father, they had celebrated but Erik knew now that they had to return to Scotland to aid the Scottish. The Scottish sons and Erik had all made ready to leave the shore, it would be a long trip with no possible return, they said their last goodbyes, prayed to the Norse god of the sea and to the Gaelic god of wind, and made ready to sally forth once more. They had trained constantly, Erik quickly settling into his Claymore fighting style, and other being ready to handle the claymores of the Highlanders. Upon reaching the shores of Scotland they were welcomed by their fellow full blooded Scotsmen. Erik immediately took to his first fight, rolling through enemies with rather quick yet heavy swings, using his body as a counter weight rather than trying to keep full control of the sword, he managed to pull out longer combinations of moves and attacks in battle, out pacing and out-predicting most British foot soldiers. His Greatest battle came when he held a bridge with only a handful of men (12) against a force of five hundred, The battle ended with 4 wounded and 2 dead for the Scots, and 85 dead and another 13 wounded for the British, on which the British retreated. It was a proud moments for Erik and he and the remaining few who held that bridge. He had once to fight an entire regiment on his own and this is where the powers he held came in handy, because of it he cut down waves of infantry, blocked arrows, and shot a sharp light (he didn’t know he could do that he just pointed towards the captain) which killed the captain, forcing the British to retreat once more.

How he got here: During a large battle, a violent storm broke loose, blanketing the sky in darkness, the Highlanders, disorganized began to break in the fight against the more orderly english soldiers. In an attempt to rally them, Erik sought the help from the gods, he climbed upon a high rock on the field where he held his sword to the sky, struggling to keep it there he prayed, a strong bolt struck his blade but in turn covered him in the bright light, he was no longer on the rock that now burnt from Odin's wrathful strike. The Highlanders broke at this sight.

Skills: Erik grew up in a rather rugged and uncivilized environment, which means to him nothing is to go to waste, whatever wood he gets he can make it into a rather effective albeit appealing tool or trap, or use it to start and fuel a fire. Erik is not the most cunning when it comes to strategy or tactical thinking, but he can remember the basics of catching certain dodgey or trickey creatures, he knows how to skin most species in about 3-4 different ways to preserve the meat, and though he isn't the best cook, what he can make with a freshly killed rabbit, some herbs or spices, and a small fire would make for an exceptionally savory meal.

Erik is a mix between a heavy and fast fighting style due to his strong calves, and strong arms, he usually starts the fight in a tensed stance with his blade supported on it's handle by both hands and balanced on the top of one of his shoulders/ cradles it in his left or right shoulder/chest, and leaves it by throwing his sword over his shoulder and letting it slide down his back to where his forearms is just over his shoulder, or by the swinging with his blade extended to the left or the right and dropping it on the wind up, this allows him to dodge and attack. His defensive style is slow but does the most in terms of momentum damage with his heavy blade, he is also full of adrenaline during each attack making some of his attacks uninterruptible such as the really slow attacks that are easy to dodge. He can do crushing counters which is essentially him grabbing his hilt and a part of the blade, blocking an attack, and sliding his sword down another’s sword, axe, etc, cutting them along the abdomen before coming back with any attack of his choosing. He also has an offensive fighting style where he can engage straight into a Pommel strike, use his powers to make his blade negate blocks, get a little more hands on by kicking or grabbing and tossing an opponent down behind him, in this mode he will also balance the weight of the sword sword and his weight, allowing him to move a little more freely around with such a large blade, the technique is best known as the "Highlander Shuffle"

+A good Mix-up fighter

+Adrenaline allows short resistances to certain pains

+ An okay craftsman and blacksmith

+Very Skilled with a long blade

+Extremely strong

+Good Survivalist

+Very good at hand-to-hand

Powers: Erik himself does not have any powers, but it is his sword that his special, his sword is unbreakable and will remain sharp always. His sword contains a power which Erik has a good understanding of and can access these abilities whenever he needs them. This includes conjuring a fire from his blade, making a shield out of said fire, and being able to either stream fire from his sword like a flamethrower and shoot it like a ballista. He can also fly with his sword (That ability he does not know yet) and can conjure a lighting strike (which takes the longest to charge but does the most damage.)

Highlander’s Rage: Erik sword is encased in a bright yellowish flame which can generate light but also increase the damage that he can output. He can also slash and cause waves of fire to flow through the air for a good distance. Or have the fire spew from the sword like a flamethrower, or focus the fire into a ball which will go farther and faster but cover less area.

Yggdrasil's root: An ability that allows Erik to shield himself or another person/people, within this shield he can heal himself or others as well whether it be open wounds, broken bone, or poison. The person being healed in question may still feel slightly sore in a certain area, depending on the severity of the wound itself. It can break the control effects of a parasite or telepathy, but only in its area of effect which is very small, and only lasts until Erik looses his energy. The parasite/one preforming telepathy has to have halted their abilities in order to fully cure the effects.

Riding Nidhogg: An ability where he can hold onto his sword and lead it like a torpedo through the air as if he was holding onto the the tail of the dragon Nidhogg.

Thor’s wrath: This is the longest charged attack and takes the most energy away for Erik, but the charge and cost is worth it. He conjures a storm by sending his fire into the sky then he holds his blade to the sky focusing the energy he sent to the sky down and finally a yellow lightning bolt pierces the sky and hits his blade, he points the blade down and the captured bolt fires towards the direction he pointed it towards as soon as he let’s it go.

Weaknesses: Erik is not very good at managing his stamina, his heaviest attacks also have a slow recovery, opening him up to any form of attacks. He is also susceptible to mortal wounds and if he loses his blade he loses his ability to perform at full capacity. His offensive form has flaws and creates openings and his defensive form is slow with certain heavies. His emotions can also launch him into doing something dumb and unplanned.

-Slow in Defensive form

-Only human (with a powerful sword but still.)

-Can die if bleeding out and has no source of healing or cauterization of the wound.

-Strong emotions

-His strongest attack leaves him open to any attack that is faster than it.

-He is unfamiliar with explosives and bullets

Equipment: Erik carries his heavy Claymore which is carried in a sheath on his back or he just lugs it around with it resting on his right shoulder, he has a 8 inch Scandinavian dagger, he has a bag full of bandages, herbs, and a canteen. He carries with him a bread bag which is full of bread, meat, and a reinforced bottle of mead, and some needle and thread.

Quote: "HA! Either the gods favor us this day, or death is too afraid to take us!" "Mead on the belly is warm, but the drink fouls your mind."

Companion(s): None

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Names: Lady Silver Miller aka The Girl Without Hands or The Girl With Silver Hands
Fandom: Fairy Tales (one of those collected by the Brothers Grimm)
Age: Early Twenties
Gender: Female
Species: Human

Personality: Miller is a very sweet and pious individual who lacks even the slightest sinful bone in her body. She tries to look to the bright side even when the Devil is knocking at her door, knowing that it surely will get better. Always looking for the best in everyone, she tries her hardest to make sure they are living in a kind and honest manner. She believes that no man or woman can truly be evil, there are only a few that can truly be irredeemably evil.

Backstory: Once upon a time there was a Miller who had suffered from much misfortune and as such was poverty stricken. The only assets he had to his name was his old, damaged mill an apple tree, a wife and his daughter. However this would all change during a chance encounter with an old man he met while he went out to chop some wood.

This mysterious stranger, this old man, offered the Miller great fortune for what lay behind the Mill. The Miller quickly accepted fully assured that the stranger just wanted the apple tree. So the deal was made and the stranger said he would return in three years. When he came back to his holdings he told his wife of the encounter who reacted in fear telling her husband that their daughter was behind the mill washing clothes.

Three years had past and the Devil came to make his claim; but as the daughter was still wet he was unable to claim her. So he commanded her to dry off, which she did but however she cried into her hands. Angered at this, the Devil demanded that the Miller chop off his daughter's hands so he could finally claim her. He refused as, how could a father do that to their daughter. But the daughter would not allow for the Devil to try to claim her father, so she chopped off her own arms. But much to the Devil's misfortune, she was still clean as her stumps were also covered in her tears so he had no choice but to let her go.

She was maimed and knew she could not stay so she wandered and relied on the goodness of others. And that was when she had stumbled upon the gardens of the King who quickly fell in love with her and vowed to protect her. Which he did for a spell, however the Devil had returned and began to maim and kill the kids of the girl that he knew was supposed to be hers.

The mother of the king was heartbroken and demanded that the girl leave, so that the Devil would no longer come and torture this place. And so the girl did, but due to her pious nature and the trials she went through, the heavens saw it fit to give her beautiful hands of silver. Eventually the king wandered the land to search for his wife, as he still loved her. After seven long, brutal years of searching he eventually found his wife and they reunited and he took her back home...

...Well that's what was supposed to happen anyway; because she did not make it home. She found herself separated from her husband once again, but this time in a strange land she knew nothing of.

  • Having a Pure Heart
  • Beautiful Appearance
  • Housekeeping
  • Tending to Others
  • Tending to a Mill
  • Cleaning

Silver Hands - She has functioning hands that are made of silver. As such they are contain the mythical power of silver, and naturally harm many supernatural spirits.

  • Gullibility
  • No Formal Education
  • No Combat Experience

Gear: Her Silver Hands

Companions: N/a
Goals: To return back home to see her husband. To bring about piousness and virtuousness to this strange place.
Fears: The Devil. Evil.
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Names: Maria, The Lone Wanderer
Fandom: Fallout 3
Age: 35
Gender/Sexuality: Female
Species: Human
While Maria didn't get the brains of her father, she did get his kindness. His determination to change the world. However, most of it has been replaced after years of surviving in the Wasteland and with the Brotherhood of Steel. Taking a more shoot first, ask questions later mentality when it comes to anything related to Raiders, hostile wildlife, the Enclave and Super Mutants. The latter with only a very few exempts. However, she did not become above using equipment the enemy left or lost to further her own goals and those of her allies. She has also become skeptical about those associating themselves with the Enclave and other organizations who claim to have their origins with the former US government. However, she is aware of the BOS's origin, making it the only exempt to date. Having taken quite some time to learn this when she wasn't busy with her duties, she did become aware of their origins. Her skepticism was almost entirely given thanks to the Enclave.

Backstory follows Fallout 3 storyline following good karma. DLCs have been played as well.

After everything, it took the BOS over 10 years to figure out how Mothership Zeta worked. Eventually weaponizing it with pre-war and salvaged Enclave weapons. They also began a new government, however, it did not receive a proper name for the time being. During this time, they fought hard to get out the Super Mutant menace from the Capital Wasteland. Thanks to the salvaged equipment from the Enclave and Mothership Zeta, the Brotherhood managed to make a final push against the Super Mutants. Now that they have the land, they need to rebuild what was destroyed centuries ago. This came to two major problems; a lack of resources and industrial capacity. Now that the Brotherhood established a strong presence in the Capital Wasteland, they started to send scouts towards the outside world in search for resources and possible allies with Maria as the CO of the expeditionary forces.

While Maria doesn't have her father's intelligence, she is very skilled with weapons. Her main focus lies with plasma weapons, energy weapons, and heavy weapons. This was helped a lot by her years of experience in the Brotherhood of Steel. Making her a valuable member. She is also quite well in seeing use in something others would destroy. Such as Mothership Zeta. While it took a long time to get it into working condition, the time it took paid off and it became one of the most valuable assets of the BOS.

Maria also started to train in melee combat. However, she is not very experienced in this as the Brotherhood of Steel did not have the necessary equipment or time to dedicate to this kind of combat. She usually tries to compensate for the lack of this with weapons made for close combat, such as a shotgun.

I do not know if these fall under these categories, but I will name a few of them up here.
Gun Nut (+5 small guns, +5 repair)
Commando (+25% accuracy in V.A.T.S. with two-handed weapons )
Rad Regeneration (With the Rad Regeneration perk, any crippled limbs will regenerate themselves when you have Advanced Rad Poisoning)
Party Girl (No chance for alcohol addiction )
Covert Ops (+3 to Science, Small Guns, and Lockpick)
Mysterious Stranger (Chance that the Stranger will finish off a target in V.A.T.S. )
Almost Perfect (All S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats raised to 9)


While using advanced power armor, it does not make her invincible. It also doesn't make her the agilest person.

Her skepticism makes it hard for her to find any allies with people who claim to be part of any organization, with the exception of the BOS, that has or had ties with the former US government.

Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit
Pipboy 3000
Enclave Hellfire Armor with Brotherhood of Steel paint job
Alien Blaster
A3-21's Plasma Rifle
Double Barrelled Shotgun
Frag Mines
Frag Grenades
Nuka Grenades
Plasma Grenades
Vengeance (gattling laser)
Jingwei's shocksword

Nuka Cola
Purified Water

1 BOS company (that's 150 men, includes combatants (Knights, Paladins etc.) and non-combatants (medics, scribes, quartermaster etc.), wearing salvaged Enclave equipment and BOS equipment. For the sake of their mission, they will never be all on her side at the same time. It will mostly be only Fawkes, but the company does fall under her command.

Quotes: (optional, just to give us a better feel of the character)

To find new resources, technologies, and/or allies for the Brotherhood of Steel.

To find the Enclave.

Theme Song:
Names: The Heir
Fandom: Darkest Dungeon
Age: Unknown, in his mid 30s?
Gender/Sexuality: Unknown, presumably male but sexuality unknown
Species: Human
Appearance: The Heir's true face is never shown in-game.
This is my personal guess but I could be wrong
Personality: There are many Heirs in the multiverse, each with different personalities. This Heir is a bounty hunter of sorts-he takes bounties placed on evils in Gladius III, and sends his heroes to take down said evil. However, the Heir isn't morally blind and can tell if something needs to be stopped immediately.
Backstory: The Heir was an ordinary man whose life changed upon a fateful day where he received a letter from a distant relative, calling himself only the Ancestor. The Ancestor appeared to have caused and summoned unspeakable horrors, including actually summoning eldritch abominations that lurked deep in the acres around a hamlet the Ancestor owned. The Ancestor, faced with the wrath of his people, killed himself, but not before writing a letter to the Heir to take over and right the Ancestor's wrongs.
The Heir took to his mission with enthusiasm. He led parties of heroes to these various evils, purging and slaying the evil as needed. However, the Hunger would strike at the universe the Heir resided in, and soon, the Heir found himself stranded in the middle of Gladius III, with only a party of heroes to assist in survival. How, none of them know.

Skills: The Heir has slightly elevated intelligence, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Powers/Abilities: None.
Weaknesses: The Heir is extremely weak in direct combat.
Gear: A quill pen and some parchment, as well as 16 cans of food, 8 torches, and 1000 pieces of gold.
Companions: His 4-man party of heroes.
Reynauld, the Crusader. Reynauld carries a broadsword and wears plate mail, as well as having the blessings of the Light with him which he uses either for defense or to strike a group of enemies.
Dismas, the Highwayman. Dismas carries a flintlock pistol and a dagger and wears a reinforced coat. Dismas' strength lies with his evasion.
Junia, the Vestal. Junia is a warrior nun. Junia can take the occasional hit because she wears light plate mail. She carries a mace and book, which she uses to either hit enemies, strike/stun them with powers of the Light, or heal her allies.
(Junia, unlike everyone else, does not have a comic regarding her biography.)
Paracelsus, the Plague Doctor.
Paracelsus only has light robes so she can't take a lot of hits. She can dish it out by tossing odd grenades that either melt away enemies or stun enemies unfortunate to be in the back. Paracelsus also carries a knife and odd medical equipment to tend to bleeding or disease.
Quotes: (Copy pasted from the DD wiki, critical hit quotes)
  • A righteous blow!
  • Crushed by justice!
  • I banish thee!
  • I judge thee guilty!
  • Thou art judged!
  • Truth prevails!
  • Didn't see that coming, did you?
  • I never miss.
  • Right where it hurts!
  • You're outmatched.
  • Ha haa!
  • Damn -- I missed your eyes!
  • Light take you!
  • Blacken our world no longer!
  • Begone, foul thing!
  • You shall suffer as I have!
  • Burn in the holy Flame!
  • You are DAMNED!
  • Look how they wither and die!
  • One more cadaver for the cart.
  • Become as dust!
  • Excise the tumor!
  • I'll keep this bit for later!
  • Bones break and flesh tears!

Goals: The Heir wishes to survive in this world, and if possible, return to his own world so that he may finish his work.
Fears: Death before his work is completed, running out of supplies.
Theme Song: The Hamlet
Names: Elizabeth-G115
Fandom: Halo
Age: 20 (2552)
Gender/Sexuality: Female/Asexual (?)
Species: Human
Appearance: 1531854216945.png

Personality: Elizabeth is solitary, opting to engage in cooperation for the sake of accomplishing an objective, or just out of continued long-term survival. She is highly proficient for a Spartan-III, able and known to wipe out small field outposts on her own after careful preparation and recon. Additionally, Elizabeth seldom speaks during operations or even off-duty, and her voice is light and quiet when she does. Described by Kurt as 'ensuring success above all else', Elizabeth is a dedicated, committed, and loyal soldier.

Backstory: Elizabeth was born into a solitary lifestyle on Reach, located in the city of New Alexandria. With both her parents working full time and limited resources to care for the young girl, they routinely left her in the care of an Naval Intelligence Agent operating under the cover of a babysitter. On the morning of her fifth birthday, the Office of Naval Intelligence raided her home shortly after her parents left the house, kidnapping the young girl and conscripting her into the Spartan III program. Graduating Gamma-Company, Kurt-051 pulled her and an additional unknown number of candidates from the assignment, issuing them MJOLNIR armor and assigning them on 'non combat roles', much to the dismay of Col. James Ackerson. Assigned to Theta Team, Elizabeth and her fellow compatriots would later participate in Operation: WINTER CONTINGENCY; defending Reach from the Covenant invasion. Her team were ordered to remain on Reach for as long as possible, overseeing the departure of the Pillar of Autumn just before the Covenant began glassing the planet. Elizabeth, and all surviving UNSC elements, were declared K.I.A following the planet's destruction.

Skills: Elizabeth was trained as the team's CQC Specialist, known for her exceptionally brutal efficiency in dispatching targets in close-quarters combat as well as clearing rooms full of hostiles. However, she is as just as capable of operating any weapon, vehicle or equipment provided she is given enough time to figure out how it works.

Elizabeth possesses several augmentations, notably of which are the following:

8942-LQ99: Skeletons become virtually unbreakable, allowing survival in harder impacts.

88005-MX77: Increased density of individual muscles, allowing heavier lifting.

8897-OP24: Color sharpness is significantly improved upon, and night vision is adapted.

87556-UD61: Greatly improves the individual's reaction time, decreasing the time taken to react by 300%. "Spartan time."

009762-OO: A mutagen that alters key regions of the subject's frontal lobe. Enhances aggression, strength, endurance, and tolerance to injury under stress. Kept in check by the antipsychotic and bipolar-integration drugs, colloquially known among the Gamma Spartans as "Smoothers".

009927-DG: Miso-olanzapine. An antipsychotic. Counters the mutagen's properties.

009127-PX: Cyclodexione-4. A bipolar-integration drug. Counters the mutagen's properties.

Weaknesses: Elizabeth, during the heat of combat, has a miniscule tendency to become unresponsive as the effects of adrenaline cause a temporary instability of the anti-psychotic and anti-bipolar cocktails. This will more often than not drive her into a killing frenzy, or worse, impair her ability to distinguish friend from foe.

Gear: Generation-One [GEN1] Mark V Powered Assault Armor /Mark V/ Variant: This armor was a substantial upgrade over the Mark IV; which provided hundreds of technological updates to the suit. The Titanium Alloy Outer Shell bears extreme resilience to most conventional small arms, the plating capable of withstanding about a magazine of concentrated 5.56x45mm fire per plate, 12 7.62x51mm shots per plate or 3 12.7x99mm AP rounds per plate. The refractive coating heat allows the chassis to withstand background heat and twenty direct strikes from Covenant plasma. Mark V shielding is capable of withstanding up to 2.45 gigawatts of energy before breaking; equivalent to two direct hits (torso or below) from a 14.5 APFSDS round or shell. They'll protect against directed energy, projectiles and melee strikes. Upon draining, a 5.45-second delay kicks into effect before the shields begin a 0.85-second recharge to one hundred percent. Frictionless surfaces make for very difficult grapples if one were to attempt to grab them. Lastly, by default, the powered assault armor doubles the user's strength (which is already three times their body weight by default) and multiplies their reaction time by a further factor of five.

x1 M45 Tactical Shotgun: This pump-action breech-loaded boomstick comes with a total magazine size of 6 shells and fires M296 8 Gauge Magnum. This weapon can tear though armor plating at close quarters, and is proven lethal enough to dispatch the energy shielding and compromise the armor of Spartans and Elite in one well-placed shot.

x2 M7 Caseless Submachine Guns: These 'pepper sprayers' come with eight magazines, four total per each SMG. With a fully automatic fire and a maximum capacity of 60 rounds per mag, these SMG's fire 5x23mm caseless rounds at a rate of fifteen rounds a second, and up to 900 rounds/min.

Companions: Hailey, her third-generation Smart AI, serving as Liz's Tactical Battlefield Assistant. She is able to remotely interface with networked systems, data collection, and environmental analysis.

Quotes: "I'm not like the others, and I know this. We sacrificed part of ourselves for defend Humanity; it doesn't make us any lesser on the inside."

Fears: Elizabeth fears failure, and loss. The uncertainty of both outcomes is enough to always keep her on her toes.

Goals: Elizabeth just wants to survive, and hopefully find a way back home. Though, it wouldn't hurt to make alliances along the way.

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Names: "Afro" real name unknown
Fandom: Afro Samurai
Age: Early thirties
Gender/Sexuality: Male/Straight
Species: Human

Personality: Afro is stern and serious man. Even with his life goal complete and becoming the number one he still act just the same as before. He is fully aware of the hell he has caused other with his blind motivation for one goal and at heart he does regret it but also known what has be done is done. So he moves on with life, moving forward on a life that he knows will only end in one way... live by the sword, die by the sword...

The story of the Afro Samurai began with his father decapitated in front of him as child. The reason for this is the that the umber 2 head band owner, Justice, killed him to obtain the number one head band and to achieve his own goals. After this traumatic event Justice gave Afro the number head band and told him to challenge him when he is ready. And so began Afro quests for revenge.

Eventually after that Afro lost the number 2 head band to thugs and then went under the study of Sword Master (That is the name given to him). Afro trained under for years with other students who he became friends and even family with, including Jinno and Otsuru. After years of studying and the only truly happy years of his life Afro learned that his master had the number 2 headband. After confronting him about it Sword Master told him to meet him under a bodhi tree. As the meat for battle they were interrupted by the other students... and soon after a group of thugs. The thugs killed almost everyone before being killed themselves. The only surviors were Otsuru, Jinno, and Afro. Sword Master in end was killed by Afro so he could claim the number 2 Head Band. This was the proper beginning of his journey of revenge.

Years of travel and blood shed later Afro beginning nearing Mt. Shumi and his rematch with Justice. Though his journey was detoured by The Empty Seven and there attempts to claim the number 2 headband. They almost succeeding in kill him but his child hood friend Otsuru saved him and nursed him back to health. Though it turned out later that she was working for the empty seven and copied Afro's memories for them. Though she was also told to kill him but in the end she couldn't bring herself to do it... She killed soon after killed by the Empty Seven. Afro continued his journey once more...

Afro soon made it to Mt. Shumi, were the Empty Seven had set up base to stop and take Afro's headband. Though this attempt would fail as Afro killed almost every one of them, except Brother 3 who choose not to fight him. After taking care of them and dread Afro Droid they had created, Afro made it to the bridge to throne room of the number one. There stood Kuma, a samurai with large teddy bear mask. A fight soon started between the two and Afro soon learned that Kuma was Jinno, now a cyborg. After a hard fought battle Afro defeat Kuma but did not kill him. With that battle done it was on to the next, so Afro enter the throne room and lair of Justice. The battle between Afro and Justice was a sight to see with Afro dodging and cutting down bullets as he charged at Justice. Once he got close Justice tried to kill Afro just like he did with his father, with his hidden third arm and a sword. But Afro as able to block and almost cleaning cut off his head. Though this was not the end to battle as Justice seemed to keeping moving and fighting, sending spikes from his throne at Afro. One of the spikes impaled Afro's afro and he used this chance to play dead so Justice would get close enough to finish off. And he did just that...

After claiming the head band Afro decide to quiet this life of death and destruction. Afro traveled to the middle of no where, made a home for himself, and set up a grave for his father. Years passed and Afro lived his life, carving statues of Buddha to try to atone for his many sins. But this did not last as Kuma returned with his sister Sio revenge for chaos that Afro had caused for his blind persecute of venges. The pair easily defeated Afro, took the number one headband, and took the jaw bone of his father. So once again Afro traveled out once more to get his father bone back as well as the number one head band. But before he could challenge the new owner of the number one head band he had to reclaim the number two headband.

After hunting down and killing the owner of the number two headband he began traveling to Sio's base. Once there he was attacked by the cyborg remains of Sio's family. While they fought hard they were killed by Afro. With nothing else in his way he went to Face Sio and Kuma but Sio had a secret weapon to face him: A clone of his father. The clone began beating up Afro, almost killing him before Kuma jumped in to stop the clone and save Afro. But while he saved Afro, Kuma got himself and Sio killed. But after there death Afro got up from his near death and this time was ready to finish the fight... With a clash blade Afro came out the victor and the owner of the number one head band once more. As left to now take hold his responsibility of being the number one... when a flash of blue light surrounded him...

Master Swordsman, he's able cut cleaning through people like butter and fight in mid air.
Peek human agility, speed, and strength
Very good at wood carving
Weaknesses: He has almost no social skills, and far to stubborn in terms getting venges, not letting anything get in his way.
The sword and sheath that belonged to his father and the number one head band

Ninja Ninja is Afro's imaginary friend and/or guardian of the number two headband. It's unknown what he truly is but he does seem to be "immortal" and can interact with items in the real world. Ninja Ninja in contrasts to Afro is very talkative jokerster who is also a voice of reason of sorts for Afro. Besides getting on Afro's nerves with his smart mouth comments keeps Afro stable, emotionally at least.
"Did I wake you motherfucka?"
(For this rp others can see and interact with him)
Quotes: "Watch your damn mouth..."
Goals: Find purpose in this new world
Fears: He is haunted by his past actions, even if he acts like it doesn't
Theme Song:
Fandom: Dragon Ball
Name: Monster Carrot (also known of Boss Rabbit of the Rabbit Mob)
Age: 51
Gender: Male
Species: Earthling (Animal Type)

Monster Carrot is a vicious and conniving mob boss who rules with an iron fist. While he personally does not like having to immediately interfere with matters beneath him, he will quickly rush to the scene if it demands his presence. He is a braggart who is well aware of his prowess in battle and a feared gangster leader. As such he carries a regal air mixed whimsy such as through his mannerisms and speech. Though despite his skills and braggart nature he is quick to back away from something he knows he cannot win.

Backstory: Not much is known of Monster Carrot's life before he became Boss Carrot of the area known as Fungus Town nestled in the Diablo Desert. That of course remains the case as Monster Carrot does not like speaking of his backstory as it would tarnish the mystique he values and uses to strike fear in the hearts of others.

With that said, Monster Carrot spent many years honing his craft in the ways of martial arts and obtaining the necessary skills in order to operate a criminal enterprise. Through blood, sweat and tears, Monster Carrot forged the organization known as 'The Rabbit Mob' a ruthless organization that runs every single activity and shows no mercy to the area it occupies.

It wasn't a perfect life, as there was much more that could be ruled in that desert, but it was one that was satisfying to Boss Rabbit. He had an entire village under his control to provide him with whatever he desired and whatever his Mob wished. But all good things must come to an end...

This is where the forces of Son Goku, a mischievous and battle-hungry youth with a monkey's tail, entered the life of Monster Carrot. They were on the search for the legendary artifacts known as the Dragon Balls and they passed through this village on their way to obtain these seven magical balls. It was here that Bulma made the mistake of dressing up like a rabbit, causing the villagers to think she was part of the Rabbit Mob, and notifying the mob to these outsiders. Members of the Mob attempted to get Bulma to properly join them and upon her refusal went to violence. Of course this went poorly as Son Goku quickly dispatched them.

But what of Monster Carrot? Yes he arrived to defend his territory and he put up a valiant effort, even keeping Bulma as a hostage to keep Son Goku off guard and unable to truly fight him. However thanks to the efforts of Yamcha and Puar, who were following Goku's group in an attempt to snag the balls for themselves, they managed to free Bulma away and let Goku know that the power-pole would be very useful here.

After this horrible beating, Monster Carrot surrendered and turned Bulma back to normal before being exiled by Goku onto the moon where he and two of his organization were stuck pounding mochi as penance. And this is where Boss Rabbit would still be today...

...If Master Roshi didn't blow it up to stop a frenzied and metamorphosed Goku. This left Boss Rabbit drifting through space, wondering if it would ever stop. Which it eventually did as Monster Carrot found himself in the odd worlds of Gladius.

Martial Arts - Monster Carrot is an adept martial artist, while not to the extent of many that populate Earth, can hold himself fairly well in a close combat situation.
Criminal Leadership - A mob boss quickly learns the best way to intimidate, extort and control the ways of criminal scum and how to best illicit certain behaviors from them.
Driving - He can drive a motorized vehicle, in fact he had a personal vehicle that was designed to look like a rabbit.


Carrot Clutch - Monster Carrot can turn individuals into carrots or revert it via touch.
Jumping Mastery - Boss Rabbit is very good at jumping, and can easily clear large distances in a single bound with a horizontal leap and can reach high-flying birds with vertical leaps.
Space Survival - Monster Carrot can survive in vacuum like conditions and places with little to no atmosphere.

Distinctive Appearance
Poor-long range fighter

Gear: Nothing except the clothes on his back and a wooden hammer for pounding mochi.
Companions: None at the moment.
Quotes: "Haha you touched me." "You got beaten up by a child and call yourself Rabbits?"
Goals: To recreate the Rabbit Mob and conquer an even better city than what he had in
Fears: Monkey children. Staffs.
Name: Beastborn
Alias: The Wildman
Real Name: Doesn't have one
Fandom: Lisa The Painful
Age: Who knows
Gender/Sexuality: Male, fightsexual
Species: Human

Beastborn is a hulking, savage figure that evokes a caveman. 6ft6 and over 300 pounds of heavyset, sinewy and hirsute muscle, with piercing hazel eyes and bushy, tangled curly brown hair. His clothes, likely made by himself, somehow resemble a martial arts uniform (very common in Olathe), though made from mismatched animal pelts and furs. He has, however, taken to wearing tall boot-like sandals nowadays.

Once, Beastborn was a wholly animalistic creature incapable of speech who simply followed his instincts. After winding up in Gladius, however, the hulking savage's unfocused mind was forcibly shifted towards more human-like behavior and given the gift of speech. It was probably a mistake. Beastborn remains animalistic and instinct-driven but now he is also a crass, intense and assertive tough guy with a chip on his shoulder, feeling the need to prove his alpha status and avenge himself on this strange world. It does bear saying that he retains a pack mentality, so he'll go to great lengths for friends and allies, and he's either too dim or too straightforward to be particularly underhanded.

Beastborn hails from the world of Olathe, an apocalyptic wasteland where nearly all civilization has collapsed. An unknown, unexplained event called the Great White Flash ravaged the land and brought about the death of nearly all women, leaving behind an increasingly inhuman, perverse and violent population ruled by the law of the jungle and hounded by the spread of a hyperaddictive desensitizing drug known as Joy that eventually turns any user into a dangerous cannibalistic mutant. Beastborn was one of the most savage, dangerous men of this mad world through no fault of his own, as this particular man was raised by animals in the wild.

Beastborn carried a mostly isolated existence away from the troubles of man until he met one Brad Armstrong, a karate master in a search for the last remaining woman in the world who happened to be his kidnapped adoptive daughter. The savage attacked Armstrong when they encountered eachother by chance, but the karateka beat the stuffing out of The Wildman so convincingly that Beastborn took it as a sign of dominance and began following him around. This was his first true interaction with other humans: an adventuring party of mentally ill, violent men tearing their way through Olathe driven by Brad's force of personality. It was a hell of a time, but all good things must come to an end.

Brad was a Joy addict, and with time and trials his psyche visibly deteriorated as he approached his daughter. Acting on instinct to protect the youth, and driven on by the rest of the party who wanted to stop Armstrong for their own reasons, Beastborn attacked the one that introduced him to humanity and was summarily beat down once more. Rather than meet his end, however, The Wildman awoke in the strange world of Gladius III, where a gang of slavers immediately marked him as a potentially valuable asset. The angry, confused savage was subdued at the cost of many, many men and resources and subjected to an invasive mental procedure to make him more malleable.

Unfortunately for the slavers, this had the unintended side effect of making Beastborn's thought process more coherent and humanlike, and this helped him focus on the fact that goddamn he was pissed. Whereas before his rage had been more of a primal animal matter now there was reasoning behind it, reason and those very human feelings of anger and spite that further sharpened his brutal fury and let him break free. Beastborn now stalks the concrete jungles, associating with unsavory elements to stand in for the brutal pack of Olathe, forever seeking to prove his dominance in the crudest, most animal way.

-Primal rage: It's hard to call The Wildman a martial artist, but he is definitely a superlative combatant that needs no weapons to contend with supernaturally empowered foes, spectacular gunmen, messed up flesh-eating monstruosities and everything inbetween. Innately, instinctively skilled, having learned from his Olathian companions and observed the same animal patterns that inspired countless kung fu schools, Beastborn is outstanding at utilizing his powerful frame to rip other creatures apart and posesses an ape-like knack for manhandling and throwing opponents around, especially if said opponents happen to be animals or animal-like.

-Other: Beastborn can thrive in the harshest of environments and is surprisingly good at sewing and cooking.

-The Wildman: In a world where strength rules supreme, Beastborn is an exceedingly gifted physical specimen superior to even highly trained normal human beings in all regards. Though hardly the fastest the savage is gifted with tremendous stamina, strength and damage tolerance as befit his caveman looks, making him capable of foregoing arms and armor, undertaking exertions that would outright slay lesser men, giving him exceedingly fast recoveries and a resistance against poisons, toxins and the like. His sharp animal instincts also let him rely on more than just his eyesight, and his strange circumstances makes his mind especially difficult to access let alone manipulate.

-Animal handling: Beastborn can outright communicate with all manner of animals and other creatures from his time spent living amongst them, which makes him outstanding at getting them to do what he needs them to do even if it's dangerous for them.

Will not use weapons or armor as a point of pride, technology is still almost completely alien to him, easily distracted by the right interventions, not the best at realizing when he's outmatched and needs to retreat.

Goals: Proving his alphaness, getting revenge on the world for his strange existence.
Fears: This world because he doesn't understand it so he hates it, never fitting in anywhere.
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Carrot Clutch - Monster Carrot can turn individuals into carrots or revert it via touch.

This is the only thing I take issue with, as although there is a no killing other people's characters rule, there's not much to stop him from just turning a PC into a carrot at the first sign of trouble.
Name: Hun
Real Name: Hung Sai-fon
Alias: The Purple Dragon
Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)
Age: 29
Gender/Sexuality: Male, fightsexual
Species: Human

A slender chinese american standing at a considerable 6 feet 4 inches but weighing around at a light 190 pounds for that size, Hun isn't necessarily the most immediately threatening figure in any given room. He is, however, certainly much more imposing when one sees his exceedingly well developed physique packed with lean muscle and the gangster tattoos on his upper body, made up of entwining patterns of purple and red dragons. For clothing Hun prefers an all white Mao suit ensemble as it's slick yet fairly formal, stands out from the normal suit getups of other goons and reminds him of home, along with perpetual purplish shades. Yes, he certainly looks familiar doesn't he?

Hun is a smooth criminal, exceedingly secure in his own badassery and almost always calm and collected, who relishes the fast and loose freedom of the outlaw life and the benefits that come with it. Believing that power and money are meaningless if they're not enjoyed, it is the notoriety The Purple Dragon savors in particular, but the gangster is also a dedicated martial artist with an intense warrior streak who loves the thrilling risks of his work. Driven, focused and brutal when he has to be, Hun still holds his own code of honor and greatly respects competence, self-reliance and those he sees as warriors, and he's loyal to his allies and often prefers to eschew underhanded methods.

A chinese-american who spent his youth in Hong Kong, Hung Sai-fon was driven to stand out from his peers from an early age. Though his family was well off and he received a good education he was a rebellious child, fascinated by martial arts movies and physical culture seen as unseemly in his family's circles. Still, it didn't take him long to convince his parents to let him enroll in a respected martial arts school in the area for his personal development, and from there he began acquainting himself first with competitive matches, then with the tradition of inter-school "street fights" in rooftops, then with the world of gangs in the rough and tumble neighborhoods of the city.

His parents were oblivious to the depths of Sai-fon's thuggery but he could not hide his escapades and fights forever, and so when he turned 18 they decided it was best to send him away to a hopefully safer and healthier life, lodging him with relatives first in Seattle, then in New York City. The change only made things worse. Away from the family for which he still held a level of respect, and ever more confident in his downright prodigious martial arts skills, Sai-fon threw himself headlong into the local underworld and quickly established himself as the rising young "star" to watch, the new eastern terror, a savage destroyer to match Attila. Thus was The Hun born.

Hun took control of a large local outfit, the Purple Dragons, and using them he soon established himself as the leading figure amongst the numerous asian gangs in the city. He even garnered the notice of the feared Foot Clan, said to be an ancient clan of deadly ninja turned international crime syndicate, and its powerful leader and martial arts master The Shredder. Things were going good for Hun until a robbery he led was interrupted by some dumb kid in hockey gear, and from there things would spiral out of control. Enter a quartet of giant mutant turtle vigilantes friends of the hockey kid, then Shredder revealed his own freakshow followers.

Things got complicated then. Hun would strive for recognition, his gang thoroughly ineffective compared to the growing number of mutant monsters, robots and the like, his superb martial skills ever more challenged by the increasingly absurd circumstances he found himself in even with instruction in ancient ninja techniques. Things reached a maddenning new low when an entirely unrelated cosmic shakeup in his multiverse tore him from his reality and unceremoniously dropped him on Gladius III, but Hun will not be held back. The young fighter has spent two years finding his footing in this new world and adapting, growing in skill, seeking to rise to the top once more.

-Fist of Fury: Hun is a masterful martial artist, having synthetized his own style from his teachings in traditional kung fu schools, modern combatives and Foot Clan ninjutsu filtered through countless brawls. Easily on the level of the incredibly dangerous Ninja Turtles and clearly superior to famed vigilante Casey Jones (who could hang with the Turtles) even before his time in Gladius, The Purple Dragon employs an adaptive, free flowing fighting method which covers every engagement range as well as weapon work, isn't limited by rulesets and places a great deal of importance on practicality, though his own preferences and love for flair do often come into play.

-The Ninja Connection: Though not officially a member of the Foot Clan, Hun's collaboration with them earned him training in their ninja arts and he took to it like a fish to water. Despite being very distinctive and dressing in hardly stealthy outfits, the Purple Dragon is outstanding at escaping notice and sneaking about, capable of moving swiftly and silently in any given environment with ease. If a bunch of giant bright green turtles in color-coded masks, a human rat and a large man in a metal suit made of cutlery can be masters of ninja stealth, so can he.

-Limitless: Hun is very proud of his skills, but not to the point that he can't recognize the value in learning more. The gangster's freeform style and penchant for adaptation give him a great eye for examining other fighting methods and breaking them down, constantly adding to his own acumen and letting him improvise counter strategies with shocking celerity.

-Other: The Purple Dragon is quite agile and acrobatic, knows more than a fair bit about thievery, can work his way around simple motor vehicles and is surprisingly well informed on non-fistic matters. He's also an able survivalist and can sing, dance and mix drinks.

-The Dragon: Despite showing no outward manifestation of chi, Hun posesses clearly superhuman physical abilities as he fights on par with mutants and robots who casually blast through walls and cars, dodge laser fire and get into brutal brawls with eachother. With stamina for days, exceedingly fast recoveries and generally resistant against poisons, toxins and the like, Hun's main assets are his superhuman toughness and his incredible reflexes and speed, with a pre-Gladius feat being casually snatching weaponized hockey pucks going at well over 100 mph out of the air. The gangster is definitely strong for his size as well, though not a powerhouse, with his grip being particularly disproportionate.

-Empty Your Mind: A combination of his very rough life, cultivated tremendous discipline and personal fierceness have gifted Hun with a nigh unsurmountable mind. Trying to mess with it is as difficult as trying to fistfight him and The Purple Dragon's willpower is such that he can push himself beyond his limits and otherwise power through adverse effects and situations.

Adrenaline junkie, overconfident at times, carries no weapons and prefers not using them as a point of pride, does not and will not have magical blast powers.

Gear: Nothing really.
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Fandom: The Perils of Penelope Pitstop
Name: Sylvester Sneekly aka THE HOODED CLAW
Age: Middle Aged
Gender/Sexuality: Male, Moneysexual
Species: Human

Personality: Sylvester Sneekly by all accounts is a rather nice and well to do individual; he pays his taxes, mows his lawn and puts on his pants one leg at a time. But behind that seemingly mundane and kind appearance is the covetous creature, the fiend of fiends known as The Hooded Claw. As The Hooded Claw, Slyvester Sneekly is a rather sneaky and conniving individual who will use any nefarious schemes to obtain fortune, in particular that of his ward, his niece Penelope Pitstop. However he is not one for a mundane source of villainy, The Hooded Claw needs to show off exactly how menacing his machinations are and will not stoop to real simple solutions but will turn them into a Rube Goldberg Crime Contraption.

Backstory: Sylvester Sneekly was a normal man once, content with creating grand contraptions. But all that changed after the Wacky Races, in his ward one Penelope Pitstop obtained a massive fortune. Needless to say this looming amount of money was a beacon to Sylvester, who knew that there was only one sensible thing to do.

And that was to murder Penelope and get the insurance money. Of course doing it via a mundane way such as smothering in her sleep would not allow him the chance to gloat of his brilliance, so he needed to do it via drawn out ways.

Simple enough right?


For the Anthill Mob always seemingly was one step behind and yet ahead of him, as they were able to catch Penelope while she was in the trap and stop him. For years this song and dance would repeat over, and over, and over and over again as each time Sylvester Sneekly failed to enact his plan as the Hooded Claw. But perhaps this time things will be different as due to the results of his most latest trap, he was left somewhere very odd...

Devilish Dramatics - The Hooded Claw is a, well not officially trained but still grand, man of the stage and has a devilishly powerful presence in performances, which comes in handy in maintaining the different personas.

Terrifying Tinkerer - Slyvester Sneekly is a rather terrifying tinkerer of traps, and can whip up countless devious death-traps of all shapes and sizes as long as he has suitable resources. These traps range from mundane 'feeding to a man-eating plant' to operating a peddle-operated flying contraption with chompers on it. And to make these creepy contraptions Slyvester Sneekly is adept to finding and re-purposing items for the sake of villainous death traps.

Wicked Wheelman - As if this nefarious ne'er-do-well didn't already have enough aces and eights up his sleeve, he is also capable of operating vehicles ranging from the mundane to the extraordinary and has been able to pilot aircraft to operating heavy construction machinery.

Devious Dashing Dressing - Sylvester Sneekly is a rather sinister stageman who can speedily switch attire in a second's notice with but a flick of the wrist.

Perilous Performance - The Hooded Claw is so gifted in his ability of acting no one can tell that he is in fact Slyvester Sneekly (or whatever guise he was in before switching out) even if he switches outfits in front of a person or flat out says it.

The Hooded Claw will overcomplicate things and let his ego over-ride sensible decisions, bad eyesight warranting glasses as necessary to properly do tasks such as driving.

Gear: Slyvester Sneekly operates on a strict basis to basis set of plans; that is to say beyond his set of citizen and villainous attire he does not actively carry gear on him.

Companions: The Hooded Claw has two burly goons known as the Bully Brothers.

Quotes: "Heheheheh!" "BLAST!" "I'll get you Penelope Pitstop."
Goals: To collect the insurance money on Penelope Pitstop; obtaining lots of money.
Fears: Being removed from the insurance policy.
Names: James

Fandom: Fallout New Vegas
Age: 30
Gender/Sexuality: Male
Species: Human

James is generally a laidback person. At first eye he doesn't seem to be serious. Noticably having a love for playing the guitar. However, he will take a serious approach when he deems it required. He doesn't take too well with others authority of others, but knows when to comply and when to strike.

Nothing is really known about James' childhood. At one point, he worked for the Crimson Caravan Company. He left five years later.

What happened after is the New Vegas storyline, taking the path of Yes Man. Killing the major characters of all 3 major factions. Personally killing the president.

Skills: (fighting styles, good at driving, ect)
James is very good with revolvers and rifles. He isn't really woth the high tech laser and plasma weapons, in stead rellying on bullets.

Besides that, he is a good survivalist and a very good guitar player for someone from the Fallout universe.

Powers/Abilities: (super strength, super speed, ect)

Notable perks:

Mysterious Stranger
Heartless (Cannot be poisoned, healing items are boosted +25%, robots have -50% crit chance.)
Implant Y-3 (Removes any radiation taken from drinking an irradiated water source.)
Rapid Reload
Run 'n Gun
Hand loader
Shotgun Surgeon
Quick Draw
Unstoppable force
Whiskey Rose
Ranger takedown
Scribe Counter

Weaknesses: (Kryptonite, sunlight, a crippling fear of cows, ect)
He is only a human and can be killed like one.
Gear: (weapons, armour, vehicles, ect)
Lucky (.357 Magnum Revolver)
Ranger Sequoia (Hunting Revolver)
.44 Magnum Revolver
Maria (9mm Pistol)
Cowboy Repeater
.45 Auto SMG
Lever-action Shotgun
Red Victory Grenade Rifle
Salt-Upon-Wounds' power fist
Advanced Riot Gear, modified to have enough holsters for all four of his pistols and space for his rifles.

Nuka Cola
Wasteland Tequil
Purified Water
Sierra Madre Martini
Sunset Sarsaparilla
Super Stimpacks
Doctor's Bags




No specific goals. Just travelling across the wasteland.

Theme Song: (optional)
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Cerys-8 without helmet_3.gif

Name: Cerys-8 (pronounced s-air-iss eight), more commonly called Cerys

Fandom: Destiny OC

Age: 4 years since becoming a Guardian; hundreds of years old if you count before she was a Guardian and even an Exo.

Gender/Sexuality: Female, heterosexual

Species: Exo- a kind of extremely advanced humanoid machine where (in most cases) the mind, conscious, and personality of a person is taken from a human brain, wiped of any memories, and put fresh into the robotic shell. Now that person is close to immortal and isn't held back by a biological body, despite the fact they have little to no recollection of their life before becoming an Exo. Some are able to piece their pasts together over time, but others will never know. Sometimes not knowing is for the best. They can also eat and drink normal substances without consequences and even have a sex drive, despite the fact that Exo are robotic beings without biological, living body parts to do either. They somehow still do those things, though (the game just talks about its needed but they don't explain how it's possible for a robot body to do either, so I'm guessing they have artificial body parts to carry out both things). According to lore described in the game, these human drives were artificially added to Exo and needed to keep them from going insane. Without them, the mind will not accept being in a robotic body and could go insane, even becoming so corroded that it will kill itself. If the mind can still be saved after having a breakdown, they will be wiped and rebooted like before, starting over again while staying in its Exo shell. This normally doesn't happen if an Exo has been "reborn" in the Light of the Traveler, but all Exo Guardians have still been rebooted at least once before becoming a Guardian. It is speculated that the number behind their name represents the number of times they have been rebooted.
Exo - Destinypedia, the Destiny encyclopedia

She is 5'7" in height, and has the body shape of an average active human woman. She is wearing her Warlock armor here. When she has her helmet on, you would never guess that she is a robot rather than a human.

Personality: Cerys is usually rather quiet, preferring to observe rather than engage. But she is still open to conversation and is pretty relaxed and chill, especially if talking about a subject that interests her. She loves learning new things about subjects of interest, especially about other living beings and how they operate (even her enemies). Cerys, with her Warlock, knowledge-seeking nature, can often be found hidden from sight while observing peaceful creatures or enemies wherever she may be. She is a Warlock, and most Guardians of that nature love to sit and absorb book knowledge, meditate, even practice magic of sorts. Cerys, however, often gets bored with that, becoming too jittery to sit still and sometimes too preoccupied with troubling thoughts to sit doing nothing. For that reason, she prefers to be out in the field instead, distracting herself with more hands-on, rifle-in-hand Guardian activities. However, despite her more active Guardian lifestyle, she is willing to relax around others and have a good time with those she feels comfortable with. Just don't piss her off if you can help it. She holds grudges with an iron grip due to how many wrongs she's seen, and existing to constantly protect humanity from its enemies has made her potentially become violent when angry. Even without her firearms, she can be a dangerous person.

Backstory: All Guardians, including Cerys, had a life before becoming a Guardian. However, they have no recollection of it unless they do some heavy digging into their past, because most had been dead for many years or even centuries beforehand and their memories have been lost with death and time. They are all revived by something called a Ghost, which is a small, sentient drone that is essentially made of a substance called the Light. This Light is supplied by the Traveler, the last entity keeping humanity and it's subspecies alive and safe from its enemies (usually referred to as the Darkness). Each Guardian has their own Ghost, which stays with them forever if all goes well, and it helps them keep their immortality through reviving the Guardian every time they die. Sometimes these Ghosts fail or the Guardian's Light is stripped from them, resulting in their permanent death without revival. That is rare, but it does happen since some places have enough Darkness (aka enemy forces) to make the Light too weak and corrupted to still work properly.

Anyway, Cerys was first revived by her Ghost, named Pepin, on the planet Venus. After that, she learned more about what its like to be a Guardian, honing her skills and growing in strength while killing small pawns and near-god creature alike. Basically, doing the normal Guardian thing, saving humanity from the forces of the Darkness.

Within her first couple months of becoming a Guardian, she befriended a young Hunter named Arjun. These two quickly grew very close, spending most of their time together. They were a good duo, completing many missions as a team and with others. Their Ghosts would frequently tease them that they were quickly becoming romantic, but the two Guardians always insisted (in denial) that, no, they were only friends. Either way, they were a strong pair who worked well together, teaching each other new tricks and building upon each other.

After almost two years of this friendship, it came to an end in the worse of ways. While on a mission against a dangerous enemy known as the Taken, both Guardians went down for a moment. The place they were in had weakened Light due to the throng of enemies, so this made it harder to be revived. Guardians and Ghosts alike often refer to these places as Restricted Zones. Guardians can definitely be revived there, but it takes longer and leaves more room for failure. Unfortunately, before either Guardian could be revived, the Taken consumed Arjun and his Ghost, snuffing out his Light for good. Pepin, Cerys' Ghost, was able to revive her before the same happened to them, and quickly teleported himself and Cerys out of the area as soon as she was revived. He was terrified, and also knew that Cerys wouldn't take the situation well once she saw her best friend's permanently dead body. And, of course, she didn't respond well at all.

Cerys was distraught after losing her best friend like that, especially since its so rare for Guardians to die. It really messed her up. In her angry sorrow, she wanted to go down and avenge her friend right then and there, but Pepin was somehow able to talk her down from it. Instead, a few days later she went down there with a few other Guardians she knew, aiming to complete the mission and gather the remains of Arjun. Unfortunately, by the time they made it back, it appeared the Taken had already cleared out their somewhat temporary base. Only a few stragglers and remnants of their base were left behind. Thankfully, Arjun's body was still there. Seeing it made Cerys spiral again, but she kept it together long enough to transport his body back to the Tower (basically the "headquarters" for Guardians back on Earth, over the Last safe City) with help of the others for a proper burial. However, she did make sure to keep his cloak and knife, both key things that mark a Guardian as being a Hunter. The cloak always stays in her ship, mostly untouched, but the knife stays in a sheath under her robes, attached to her thigh for easy access. She uses it sometimes when she's out in the field, especially when she needs a weapon other than her rifles, and it's not uncommon for her to be seen toying with it when she is bored or trying to distract herself from troubling thoughts. It is very uncommon to see a Warlock keeping a Hunter knife, but she doesn't care. It helps her remember her friend, and it is rather useful at times.

About a year later, after she had been a Guardian for a little over three years, Cerys experienced another hardship. However, every Guardian was slammed by it this time- they lost their Light, to a strong enemy named Ghual. He's part of a species named Cabal, a known enemy to Guardians and humans alike, and had created a splinter group known as the Red Legion. It's amazing he was able to capture the Light, since it has not happened before.

(A little more explanation first. The last safe human city, known as the Last City or simply The City, is surrounded by a wall, guarded by the Guardians, and has the Traveler sitting above it. The Traveler is this enormous white globe that hovers in the air directly over the City and provides the Guardians with their powers. No one is sure where the Traveler came from, but it is almost a god to the Guardians and residence of the City. When it first showed up for Humans to see, it helped humanity so much that it greatly enhanced life for humans, such as tripling life expectancy and increasing the advance of technology, helping to create many things (such as the Exo, who back then were used as either soldiers or a step toward immortality for civilians). It also changed other nearby planets to make them inhabitable by humans, allowing for an environment and atmosphere they could easily live in. Some planets it has done this with are Earth's moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and some lesser known moons and planetoids known as Titan, Io, and Nessus. Humans were able to go almost everywhere in the Solar System thanks to the Traveler. This time in human history is known as the Golden Age. Then, the advancement of the Darkness stopped the Traveler in its tracks, making it hunker down to one spot on Earth and leaving the humans essentially helpless as the Darkness tried to take everything. This time in human history is known as the Collapse. The area the Traveler stayed in was the last safe place for humans to be, despite the fact some people still live far beyond its walls. This place is now the City, and the Traveler's Guardians are now it's demigod-like soldiers protecting the people residing there. The Guardians first started showing up after the Collapse, and at first they were ruthless with no direction before gradually becoming more organized.

Ghaul was able to take the Light by storming the City with thousands of his Cabal soldiers, construct a sort of "cage" around the Traveler, and restrict its ability to give the Guardians their Light. After that, all Guardians were resorted to being normal people, no stronger than civilians, weak as heck, and easy to kill. Ghaul's plan was to take that Light to use for himself, making himself invincible, while destroying the last human city and their Guardians at the same time. There were still some civilians and other Guardians spread out around Earth that he couldn't directly touch at that time, but he still made the remaining humans and Guardians easy pickings since every Guardian across the galaxy lost their powers no matter where they were.

Many people perished in the attack, both in and outside of the City, but Cerys was one of the lucky few who made it out. After a lot of work, Ghaul was finally killed and the Light was restored as the Traveler displayed it's first attempt of an attack on its enemies in many years. It was a depressing journey (it made me so depressed to play the beginning of the campaign because it was really sad), and staying alive was not easy, but the Guardians eventually pulled through, even with help from some mortal humans.

Many adventures and missions happened after then, and a year later, it's present day for Cerys. She has been a Guardian for a little over four years by this point.

Skills: Mainly with firearms because most of her day-to-day activities involve them. She is also skilled at absorbing knowledge like most Warlocks.

Powers/Abilities: Basically any of her Light abilities, like rechargeable Super attack, grenades, strong melee, healing rift, shielded armor, and ammo for her weapons that spawns from the death of her enemies.

Weaknesses: Her biggest weakness is the fact that the Light is the only thing keeping her immortal. Without it, she is hardly stronger than a normal human, can't be healed as fast by her Ghost, can be easily killed, and can no longer be revived by her Ghost. Her Ghost is still alive even if the Light is weakened or stripped, but he can't heal her as fast and can't revive her if there is no Light at all. For this rp, I will make it so the Light is weaker where she is due to distance and different dimensions. This means her Super won't charge as fast and won't be as strong, same for her grenades and melee, and she only gets a few revives before the Light is exhausted altogether and she's dead for good. Not that I want her to die at all, but her powers are crippled so she isn't op or anything. She's mainly down to her rifles, knife, sword, and shields provided by her armor to boost its strength. She shouldn't rely on her Super, grenades, and melee attacks. Cerys also has a third ability called a rift, that she can summon to heal herself very quickly once it is charged and dropped. The rift basically looks like a somewhat large circle of white light on the ground and lasts for a few moments. The longer the user stands in it, the shorter it lasts. It will also give her an overshield if she is in it long enough. However, it'll be the same as the other abilities, where it isn't as effective and doesn't charge as fast. On a more mundane level, Cerys also has a minor problem with memory, especially long-term stuff. It's not super uncommon for Exo to deal with due to having their mind wiped once or more in the past.

Primary Weapon- rapid-fire rifle that is good for almost any occasion to protect oneself
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Secondary Weapon- (good for taking down enemies with shields) mid- to long-range rifle, where three bullets are shot at once per trigger pull. All other pulse rifles fire three bullets per trigger pull but at slightly staggering times that the user can easily feel, whereas this unique pulse rifle only feels like it's firing one bullet per trigger pull. It's good for head shots and accuracy from a distance. When it kills an enemy, it sends off a few small balls of the "void" element that bounce away and cause small explosions a few moments later. Decent for crowd control of weak enemies. Weakens larger, stronger enemies that come in contact with the explosions.
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Heavy Weapon- a sword, that can be used for swift, strong swings and strikes to an enemy at close quarters. The user can also choose to slam the enemy hard with the sword, using both hands. This slows down the user but also causes more damage to the enemy.
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Armor: Cerys pretty much only wears armor, with her outfit above being said armor. Her gauntlets and Warlock Bond we hard to see from above, so here's a better picture
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Sparrow- (light, fast vehicle that can be summoned on command and is only used for quick travel; will make less available for the rp and only use if approved)
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Ship- (small, single-person craft used for fast transportation to another side of the planet or to another planet in the Sol System altogether; will make almost completely unavailable for the rp, so it will only be used if there is a good, approved reason to use it; I'll add a picture if I end up using it for some reason.)

Pepin, her Ghost. She is always with him as long as they have their Light, and often times he isn't visible because he can disappear when not needed (it's sometimes said that Ghosts go to their Guardian's "back pack"). Pepin tends to stay hidden and safe in there unless he absolutely needs to show himself. Cerys is the one who game him this name since some Guardians choose to name their Ghost (despite the fact they grow a mental bond anyway), and she chose it because it reminds her if his rather light, happy, and peppy personality. He always tries to make a situation better than it really is, doing his best to keep Cerys from going off the deep end. However, he doesn't shy from being blunt with her to make her realize something about a situation, using facts and logic to help her through things since that's how a Warlock's mind tends to work. He also sometimes gets flustered and nervous if a situation becomes heated. His shell (outer pieces floating around his "eye") is orange with yellow ans white accents. Sometimes he also has small bits of sparkling light trailing off him as he floats around due to the kind of shell he's using.

Quote: 'Why be a soldier if you're not willing to observe and learn about your enemies? Without that knowledge, you won't truly know how to efficiently beat their dumbass.'

Additional Informational Links:
Warlocks- Warlock - Destinypedia, the Destiny encyclopedia
Ghosts- Ghost - Destinypedia, the Destiny encyclopedia
The Traveler- The Traveler
Stormcaller Warlock Subclass- Stormcaller
Enemy and other races in this universe- Races - Destinypedia, the Destiny encyclopedia
Destiny 2 Opening Cinematic-
(adding this for those who don't know much about the Destiny universe and wanna see stuff about how Exos act and talk, Ghaul attacking the City, losing the Light, all that jazz)
Names: Sister Gwynine Ellina
Fandom: Warhammer 40,000
Age: 21 (Standard years)
Era: 41st Millennium
Gender/Sexuality: Female, Asexual (?)
Species: Human

Personality: Years of schooling in the Schola Progenium combined with the close, respected bond of her ‘adoptive’ father figure and throughout her service to the Adepta Sororitas has lead to a soul not many or few ever encounter in the Imperium. Above all else, Gwynine is faithfully sworn in her affection and adoration to the God-Emperor of Mankind. When there is time to set aside and His Will permit it, Gwynine holds a caring, respectful attitude to the common man, woman and child; more often than not going out of her way to ensure their protection and safety if not show a rare side of herself engaging in conversation. Much like the Salamanders in terms of morality despite never actually having been to Nocturne, Gwynine has shown a deep compassion for Mankind; striving for self-preservation so that she may continue to protect the innocent from falling in battle. Gwynine believes that whatever happens to her is His will; and she will fight to the end to ensure it be properly carried out to the utmost efficiency of her being.

Backstory: Abandoned at birth into a middle-class dwelling and placed under the foster care of a Drill Abbot, Gwynine began to learn the teachings of the Imperium as soon as she approached the age of comprehension. Essentially getting a ‘head start’ among the rest of her peers, Gwynine spent her childhood years physically, mentally and emotionally being conditioned by her adoptive ‘father’ prior to being inducted into the Schola Progenium. The young Progena displayed an exceptional prowess of physical, emotional and mental discipline as she continued to hone her skills through numerous trial and error; practicing not until she could get it right, but until she could never get it wrong. Identified as being a prime candidate for the Adepta Sororitas, she was later transferred from her schooling into the Convent Primoris, and sworn under the Order of the Sacred Rose for her notable patience, perseverance of faith, and tactical military discipline.

It was only after her ceremony of becoming a Battle-Sister did Gwynine learn of her parent’s fate; the two Naval Officers perishing aboard the Lunar-Class cruiser Redemption during the Orphean War. Rather than give into a festering distraught, the young warrior channeled her interpersonal grief into a dark hatred toward the enemies of the Emperor, swearing to deliver each killing blow by Bolt or Chainsword as the Emperor’s own Angel of Death. Gwynine was persevering in her service to the Emperor across the multiple battles she had engaged in during her two Campaigns; her fierce prowess in close combat as well as the will to persevere through her undying faith earning her the honorable promotion to an Elohiem in the Sisterhood. Her last Campaign would ultimately be the War of Faith; where she was deployed to the planet of Kaurava I in response to the Warp Storm originating in the system. As the Immaterial energy wreaked havoc on the communications to and from Imperial territory; no-one but Gwynine knows of the horrors she had witnessed during her service on Kaurava I.

Skills: Adeptas Sororitas of the Orders Militant are renown for their skills in combat; as they are solely responsible with the task of eliminating any threat posed to the Imperium, The Emperor, and Mankind.

Powers/Abilities: Gwynine is not an Astartes, and has no superhuman augmentations to speak of.

Weaknesses: Plasma, flame or magic-based weaponry can and will easily affect her. Ballistics up to a .50 BMG will be stopped by the ceramite armor; repeated hits with a .50 caliber weapon can cause staggering, disorientation, bruising and fractures.


Godwyn-De'az Pattern - The Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolter is the standard pattern of Bolter used by all of the Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas since their formation in the 36th Millennium. This pattern has been in use by the Sisters of Battle since that time because it remains more reliable and more potent than any other pattern of Bolter developed for use by the Sororitas. The Godwyn-De'az Pattern is designed to be used by a normal human and thus is much smaller than an Astartes Bolter. This pattern of Bolter is designed to make use of the Sarissa as an attachment. The Sarissa is a vicious, curved, bayonet-like blade that can transform the Godwyn-De'az Bolter into an effective close combat weapon even as it retains all of its ranged functionality.

-Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolt Pistol: This custom Pistol is just as blessed, customized and decorated as a Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolter. This weapon uses the same .75 caliber high-explosive kinetic ‘bolt’ round as the standard Astartes bolter does. The slug uses a ‘mass reactive’ fuse; designed to detonate inside the target prior to burrowing deep within, leaving little chance for survival.

-’Emperor’s Fury’: This custom Chainsword is based off the ‘Hell’s Teeth’ pattern used by the Lamenters; sporting an all-white casing with a silver trim along the edges, complete with gold-painted carbide teeth.

Companions: N/A

Quotes: "I am the shield that barricades the weak; the guardian of innocence. I am the slayer of evil and all that threatens Mankind; for my Father-Emperor has decreed such of his daughters to be."

Goals: As Gwynine is a warrior of the Sisters of Battle, her only purpose is to fight under The Emperor's servitude. However, figuring out what lies within the Multiverse and how to adapt might not be a bad secondary objective.

Fears: Gwynine fears failure, and dreads losing those close to her should a bond form. Even though she knows no fear, there are things in the void of the Multiverse that will test her resolve, her loyalty, and her character.

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