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Futuristic What Makes Us Human- accepting a few more but not many so hop on in and send an application ~(6/8 taken)

I have like a moodboard for my character: Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software – Canva

Should I make a character sheet here separately as well, or is that enough?
That would really help me greatly. How interesting a mood board. I'm excited to check it out.
Just having something all in one place really helps. I don't mind how the information is portrayed. As long as its what I've asked for and its posted here. =)

ADDED: That was really cool and you certainly put time and effort into it. Once I have part 2 profiles up you can certainly link that into your profile.
Super neat. <3
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The profiles I'm asking for are just the first part. So, a rough sketch of your character. There will be a part two profile coming. This profile will be a bit more in depth. They will be posted in a profile thread once I have it up. These profiles are meant to help us bounce more idea's.

Please be mindful to have all different unique characters. If you really want to take the character application a step forward. Think of what sort of characters yours's will be for the entire story. Confidant? Romantic Interest? Villain? Savior? Marder? I really love it when people apply with a character that serves a specific purpose. Like " I want to stir shit on the space ship" or " I want to make a love triangle that results in a pregnancy" or " I want at some point for my characters death to serve a deep purpose." You can of course pm me with these idea's.

Though, I'm very like character oriented in my story making.

Also sorry folks may be a bit slow. My lower back is so bad my feet are tingling. Kind of used to it because I'm old lol BUT sometimes it does effect my typing. So if it says I'm on. My laptop may just be open. I can't sit for too long lol
Colony Candidate - Reference ID: 00014987
  • Name: Atlus Veridian
  • Age: 36
  • Weight: 198 lbs
  • Height: 5’ 10”
  • Nationality: South Canadian Republic - Pennsylvania Territory
  • Known Relatives: Wife, Alice Veridian (Deceased)
  • Colony Reference: Willing Volunteer

Biographical Information
  • Summa Cum Laude graduate from Johns Hopkins University
  • Medical Doctor, Surgeon Specialization
  • Left private practice to spend significant two years working in refugee camps with the Legion of Mercy in the years after the cataclysm.
  • Left arm lost in building collapse that killed several doctors including applicant’s wife.

Relevant Skills

  • Field medicine
  • Surgical skill
  • Published work in advanced infectious disease theory
  • Obstetrics and childbirth
  • Left arm replaced with prototype Neoterra Group medical prosthesis

Areas of Concern

  • Known history of alcoholism (in recovery, controlled with therapy and addicane treatments. Colony selection board sees no reason to deny applicant on this basis)

Applicant Status: Approved

Atlus does not remember much of his time before waking up in the pod. Initially there are only flashes and images that come to him in spurts. He retains his well ingrained instincts as a trained medical doctor, used to working under significant pressure, both from his time as a surgeon and his time working in the refugee camps. But the details of his life and identity are fleeting.

All he has to work from is a note he wrote for himself: “The past is the past. This is a second chance.”

I like the subtle political upheaval you have in your profile application. So like has Canada dipped into America? Could you elaborate on what you mean by that? Are you alluding to a war? I mostly find this interesting because no one would ever expect Canada to do that. However, war of 1812 does go humming in my head. You thinking a scenario like that? I'm jus so interested.
Name: Wolfgang Heinrich Schneider
Age: 24
Weight: 140 lbs
Height: 5' 7"
Nationality: American, (German formerly)
Known Relatives: Pieter Schmidt (Cousin), Ludwig Schmidt (Cousin)
Colony Reference: Scientific & Engineering Consultant

View attachment 827624

Biographical Information

  • Known for the Huffman-Schneider method, he's also the inventor of Re-Hash a one-time USB stick that would allow you transport data without any size limit through the use of limited reversible hash function.
  • Ph.D. from Princeton in Physics specializing in High-Energy Physics.
  • Studied Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Aachen.
  • Speaks English and German.
  • Wears tweed.

Relevant Skills

  • Complex system comprehension.
  • Mental arithmetic
  • Mechanical & engineering expertise
  • Good with computers
Areas of Concern

  • Multiple documented history of insomnia that lasted several days, sleeping pills must be issued regularly.
He remembered things necessary for the survival of the ship, his education and that his cousins are important. Why? He doesn't know.

So just clarifying. He was German before but gave up his citizenship to become an American? You think this would cause rifts in his family? I dunno just poking at things becuase you said his family is important but you can't remember why. Did they too all migrate to America or are they still in Germany. You don't have to answer things in here I'm just intreged. Just brain storming and if you don't have my answers that's totally okay.

Is there a specific arithmetic that he is good at? What makes him good with computers? What sort of programming can he do? It seems like he has a multitude of skills listed that can all be melded together. Sorry for all the questions just intrigued. I always ask a billion questions. *hides*
Wow, I'm posting a lot this morning. So, I just want to clarify with everyone. Me asking questions is NOT A BAD thing. It means I'm interested and want to know more. So, please don't see that as a negative or a shut down. I know in my own experience this has deterred me in the past. However, if it helps, imagine a small child with big wide eyes asking " Why why why? I WANT TO KNOW" It's just curiosity. I will very rarely deny a character. I really like to keep an open mind. Although, I also like my members having an opportunity to have a unique story all to themselves that adds to the dimension of the entire large plot. So that's all I'm trying to gather from all my why questions lol .

Like I said. Part two profiles will be a bit more detailed and formally accepted.
Lunchbox Lunchbox Glad you caught that! What I imagine is that America's growing political divide caused the Union to collapse into a number of smaller nations. In order to preserve economic wellbeing, some of these nations confederates with established political powers. The American northeast became a Canadian province.
Lunchbox Lunchbox Glad you caught that! What I imagine is that America's growing political divide caused the Union to collapse into a number of smaller nations. In order to preserve economic wellbeing, some of these nations confederates with established political powers. The American northeast became a Canadian province.
LOVE IT <3 I'm super observant *sly smile* its a blessing and a curse :P
So sort of a Nunavut situation here * nods* I approve. But I believe it would be called a new territory. Provinces are governed by an ancient British Act from the eighteen hundreds, Good ol colonialism. Territories are governed by government.
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So just clarifying. He was German before but gave up his citizenship to become an American? You think this would cause rifts in his family? I dunno just poking at things becuase you said his family is important but you can't remember why. Did they too all migrate to America or are they still in Germany. You don't have to answer things in here I'm just intreged. Just brain storming and if you don't have my answers that's totally okay.

Is there a specific arithmetic that he is good at? What makes him good with computers? What sort of programming can he do? It seems like he has a multitude of skills listed that can all be melded together. Sorry for all the questions just intrigued. I always ask a billion questions. *hides*
Oh right, well I thought he lives in a family of scholars basically. I would say due to those three's relatively high intelligence, they're socially a bit distant and actually exhibit some signs of social apathy. The cousins are important moreso because in my mind they're also engineers/scientists who contributed to the construction of the ship and their knowledge will be crucial to the ship's survival, it's less of a familial tie I think.

Mostly PEMDAS with 4-5 digits numbers, if we're talking about the mental arithmetic. As for the non-mental arithmetic and the computer, he'd be good at the field that's related to Re-Hash I would say. So cyrptography, low-level machine programming, discrete mathematics, linear algebra etc. I was about to write down that he's one of the developers of the ship's FTL communication system and his main focus would be the maintenance of the comms system and the further development of it.

If I'm honest I think he's quite villainous lol, when I made the character I certainly think there's a secret conspiracy he's supporting which he would not share with anyone. Being the engineer in charge of comms would give him a perfect view of what kind of information going around the ship
thank you for posting an interest
things are just organically coming together but I'm just about to make a main page soon
So sort of a Nunavut situation here * nods* I approve. But I believe it would be called a new territory. Provinces are governed by an ancient British Act from the eighteen hundreds, Good ol colonialism. Territories are governed by government.

You know what, I almost wrote territory and then second guessed myself. Ha ha.

I suppose it doesn't matter since earth is a dustbowl by the time this RP starts, but I like the flavor.
Just a quick question, how advanced are the body modification? Things like neural implants and the like, or more basic, such as robotic prophesies?
You know what, I almost wrote territory and then second guessed myself. Ha ha.

I suppose it doesn't matter since earth is a dustbowl by the time this RP starts, but I like the flavor.

Right I agree. Keep things simple. Lesson learned always go with your gut instinct lol :P
Just a quick question, how advanced are the body modification? Things like neural implants and the like, or more basic, such as robotic prophesies?

My character has a bionic arm *shrug* I think it seems that we are chill with that kind of thing.

Lunchbox Lunchbox can correct me, but it seems like the book is open for people's ideas.
Just a quick question, how advanced are the body modification? Things like neural implants and the like, or more basic, such as robotic prophesies?

Yes, there can be modifications. Though, this is a survival role play. So I mean, what good is something magic like in space?
I'm very glad I lurked you because I feel like I know where you are going with this . The technology will be more advanced then you know what we see today. Some fantasy based of course because we have not explored an exoplanet. But things will still remain pretty science fiction based as in the future is already heading there. Enhancements may be a part of this role play but they serve very little purpose to surviving on another planet. Usually if there are replacements of any kind its goal is survival. It wont really be star wars like. No forces. No telepathy. Things will be very much science base.

Until and unless those things need to be manipulated for survival. There is also the conflict of possibly running into another humanoid species on this planet so there has to be a level of kowtowing. Humans will soon discover they are not super powerful.
This also goes for DNA enhancement and play. I mean we know humans are already working on genetic modification and cloning and all that jazz. It's possible so it could be possible in this rp too. =) I mean think of science today but enhanced a butt ton but not out of the realm of reality
My character has a bionic arm *shrug* I think it seems that we are chill with that kind of thing.

Lunchbox Lunchbox can correct me, but it seems like the book is open for people's ideas.

Well, not a complete open book. In order for this to have a survival feel then it can't teeter into being an all powerful force. But your guys bio arm shouldn't be a problem. =)
Yeah yeah, see I just went back to reread to be sure but there wan an accident so bam replaced arm. Makes complete sense =)
I wasn't thinking anything along those lines, more like pain suppression and interfacing with more complex weaponry.
I planning to balance my character's augmentation with the fact that it causes him a degree of discomfort and it is a constant reminder of the event that killed his wife. I think the key to keeping such things from becoming OP is to make sure they have drawbacks that actually hinder characters either physically or emotionally.

It might also be worth exploring the idea that enhancements like this would be pretty difficult to repair if they malfunction on a new world.
I wasn't thinking anything along those lines, more like pain suppression and interfacing with more complex weaponry.
But then again see. You run into it conflicting with the adventure survival feel. I feel like pain is going to be a big part of this role play. Physical and mental. Weaponry may be certainly more complex than today but how many weapons do you want floating towards an unexplored exoplanet. I mean I think weapons in space is kind of dangerous *scared face*. So, I'm going to say no pain resistance or super advanced weaponry. There may be great advanced medical gadgets since people are there to stay well till they reach their destination. =)
These are all great questions that help me gather what I should put on the main page of the role play. It helps me know what information to put up. =)
I planning to balance my character's augmentation with the fact that it causes him a degree of discomfort and it is a constant reminder of the event that killed his wife. I think the key to keeping such things from becoming OP is to make sure they have drawbacks that actually hinder characters either physically or emotionally.

It might also be worth exploring the idea that enhancements like this would be pretty difficult to repair if they malfunction on a new world.
Literally just read my mind lol

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