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Fantasy Werewolf rp

"Olivia! She's poisoned. An intruder shot Crystal. One of my only scouts. And for some old reason I feel more scents in my territory"
Blake growled " yeah well I know about Crystal. Olivia should have checked the water" he sighed "more scents? Maybe we should move on..."
"That's what I want but we don't have enough people to attack. I plan on sending Aaliyah and some scout to look for more territory"
Olivia had woken she was feeling only slightly better. Olivia shivered and made her way to the bathroom. She puked and sighed feeling a bit better. She went don hearing Blake and let out a growl wolfsbane has no scent when its been put into liquid."She snaps. She slowly walked over to her mate she was still feeling super run down.

Clay looks up seeing Olivia walking down. Klaus head flew up."woah to soon for her to even be down here. "He says

Irish Ice Queen
Blake nodded " Crystal won't be able to. She's pissed off about something, and her leg hasn't put herbin a better mood. I can go with aaliyah but I have a feeling Angelo will want to as well"
Blake growled at her "no disrespect but if you hadn't been having a strop and ran off isaiah wouldn't have been preoccupied and maybe Crystal, my sister. Wouldn't have been shot. Why don't you think about that."
Olivia snapped with that she turned jumping at Blake pinning him to the ground. She was snarling. Her lips curled up, she was not playing around. "Never question your alpha. I didn't do that to your sister, so don't blame me."She snarled


Irish Ice Queen
( I know, I don't know what happened :( )

Blake growled up at her "you need to sort your attitude out alpha. I'll question you all I want if I don't think your fit to lead"
( I am sorry. )

"And you need to sort yours, and is that a challenge. "She snarled. Klaus had changed, along side clay."okay guy's not now. Olivia your not feeling well. " they lead her away from Blake. Back upstairs. Olivia collapsed on the bed. Clay and Klaus get her comfy and walk back down."really provoke her wjen she still has wolfsbane in her system. You know it makes the wolf irritable and off."klaus said and changed back with his shorts on. He held out a hand to Blake.

Irish Ice Queen
(thanks xD oh well I guess ill have to use this for now, at least I had another e-mail xD )

Blake took his hand and stood up. He frowned "I wonder sometimes if they are to young to lead a pack, I don't particularly want to be alpha but if it my sister is getting hurt because of it then I will step up and challenge them. for the better of the pack" he said seriously. "Now, if you don't mind I have to go check on crystal." he said walking to the living room and sat beside her.

Crystal was staying in her wolf form since she was stronger and would heal quicker in it. She opened an eye sensing Blake walk in and sit beside her "what's wrong?"

Blake shook his head and sighed "its nothing" 
( oh fall I added made that RP http://www.rpnation.com/threads/big-house.66821/ you guys can all join if you want too :) )
Taylor had sent Lyric out to scout for new territory down south. After Lyric had run off she laid on her bed pissed off. "Damn hunters." She mumbled.
Taylor glanced at Blake. "Causing trouble with the Alpha's? Sometimes I swear this pack fights all to often." She sat up and sighed. "How's Crystal?"
Blake sighed and sat down beside her "she pinned me down. I just said she shouldn't have run off in a strop" he sighed. "I think shes better, shes stressed though"
Taylor gave a nod. "We are all stressed, I have Lyric scouting down south... These damn hunters Blake. I just want to kill them though who know I don't like killing for revenge or just out of anger with no meaning. It isn't good to wage war with them."
Blake nodded and kissed her head "I know, don't worry. It'll be fine, we'l sort it. we have some of the best warriors around" 
Gee went into Jordans room "hey, Beast boy"
Clay and klaus walk in and lounge on the floor. Clay hit Klaus, klaus hit back and they laughed. They were worse then twins. They were really good guy friends being the oldest. Clay sighs and puts his hands behind his head.

Rebecca woke and growled slightly. She stood and stretched. She yawned with a huff and nudged Darien gently.

Irish Ice Queen
Taylor sighed and leaned on Blake's shoulder. "Peace is all I ask for."

Jordan looked up putting a shirt on over his head. "Hey wild one." He said smiling.

Darien looked at Rebecca and nudged her back before standing up.

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