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Fantasy Werewolf rp

Gee smiled and went and laid on his bed "I think I upset crystal"

Blake wrapped his arm around her shoulders "its what we search for"
Clay sat up and sighed. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "What the hell?"He stood up and went to the pourch.

Klaus heard it to and

Followed out he leaned on the pourch. Rebecca heard a noise and stood her hair raised and she was growling. Rebecca watched as a man walked up slowly to the house hands up.

Irish Ice Queen
Darien growled, he was ready to attack. Standing close to Rebecca he snarled.

Taylor heard the commotion and calmly walked out to the porch and looked at the man. She gave away no emotion though she was pissed at the intruder. "What do you want and don't walk any closer." She said cooly.

Jordan looked out the window and frowned. "I'll be back." He said to Gee then walked out on the porch standing next to Klaus.
Low battery if I got I'll be back in a few minutes)

"I teased her about nit having a mate..." gee confessed

Blake nodded " good" he kissed her head.

Crystal opened her eyes ans sighed sitting up on the sofa 
Angelo and Blake walked out "who is that?"

Gee frowned and followed him
Klaus watched the inturder and crossed his arms. Clay was at the front. He kept his distance and want to growl but stayed cool.

Rebecca felt Darien and calmed a bit.

The intruder held his hands up."I mean you no harm, I am a loner friend of Olivia's she said if I was ever in trouble to come here. Here she gave me this necklace to prove I wasn't lying. Ask her she will tell you." he says

Irish Ice Queen
Klaus nods and goes up. He sighed see Olivia asleep. He gently woke her. She rolled over and nods."hmmm?" He sighs"can I borrow you for a minute? "He asked sge nods. He picked her up and took her down stairs. Olivia looked over."Yeah that's Jeremy he is a loner. He helped me a while ago I owe him."She says

Irish Ice Queen
Olivia was in Klaus arms. He just held her like she weighed nothing. Clay was still holding the stranger back.

He sighed" Ill prove it. she has wolfsbane poisoning, no I didn't do it. Just the way she looks basically on deaths door. You need help cause water and sleep just keep it at bay. She needs the blood of the one who bit her. That I have."He says

Irish Ice Queen
Isaiah walks up Klaus. His eyes narrowed seeing he had Olivia. He growls taking her into his arms. He breathes in her scent holding her close. "Who's the intruder?"
Gilmoregirl12 said:
Olivia was in Klaus arms. He just held her like she weighed nothing. Clay was still holding the stranger back.
He sighed" Ill prove it. she has wolfsbane poisoning, no I didn't do it. Just the way she looks basically on deaths door. You need help cause water and sleep just keep it at bay. She needs the blood of the one who bit her. That I have."He says

Irish Ice Queen
Isaiah growls deeply. "Who bit her"
Blake walked back inside once the alphas arrived and went to Crystal. He picked her up and carried her to her room and placed her on her bed before walking back down stairs
Olivia growled at being moved it hurt a bit. She felt Isaiah and stirred. "Love."She murmured. She clung to her mate.

Jeremy holds his hands up."I did thats how she became one of you.look she said I could come here for help she owes me and I will give her my blood freely. Just don't kill me."He says

Irish Ice Queen
He walks over and gives Klaus the vile. He backed off again and waited.

Klaus gave it to him. He was pissed, but would not attack.

Irish Ice Queen
Taylor frowned keeping her jaw clenched as she waited for orders from Isaiah. She didn't like the situation.

Darien had calmed slightly but was still on the defensive.

Jordan stood beside Gee frowning
Gee crossed her arms "why do we keep getting people disturb us?"

Blake wrapped an arm around Taylor, to relax her a little

Jay walked out
Rebecca pushed into Darien side. She grumbled.

"Mine."He says. Jeremy kept his hands up.

Clay and Klaus were on edge still

Irish Ice Queen

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