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Realistic or Modern We're All Mad Here...


a disappointment

Dear Parent/Guardian

We dearly apologise for having to tell you this but your child must be taken away for testing at our facilities. They have shown that they need more intensive care taken over them in their current condition.

On Sunday the 3rd of March, we will have to come and take your child to Sunshine Institude for troubled teens. We once again really do dearly apologise for this, but your child is completely out of control.

Kind regards,

Veronica Sage, Head of institute.

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Isla shivered as the cold morning air hit her back. Her hair flew all over her face and she struggled to tie it into a bun.

Looking across the courtyard she saw all the different people playing their games and chatting their chats. No one really talked to her, not since she'd stepped up to the bully on her first day.

There was only one other new kid so far, with hair just as wackily coloured as hers. Phoenix, she thought his name was, she saw him sitting by himself and sat down next to him.

"Sooooo hi?" She waved at him.

@tomato modest

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Pheonix watched the other people in the courtyard with a sigh. He didn't see anyone who caught his eye here. It was boring and he was just entirely uninterested. He may or may not have been thinking of ways to escape, killing anyone he deemed it to be necessary. He then was approached by a girl he had not yet seen before. He smiled sheepishly. "Hello!"

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"It's Phoenix right?" She asked him, smiling at his sheepish expression. "I'm Isla!" She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, a nervous habit of hers. She laughed at the half conscious action.

@tomato modest


Phoenix nodded. "It's nice to meet you." He said, nodding. He then looked back out at the courtyard and huffed. "It's so boring here" He trailed off as he crossed his arms and slumped against a wall boredly. There truly was nothing exciting really. He wasn't insane, was he? Everything he had done was in good health, right?

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"Yeah it is... But not when someone tries to mess you up its not." She laughed and sent a glare over her shoulder to the person she'd had a fight with yesterday because they messed with her.

Celeste knew that girl was staring at her. She really wish she wouldn't, for she trying to focus on reading her new book she got. When she looked up at the girl, she flipped her off. She was still upset at the fact that she cut her in line at lunch. Not cool!

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Phoenix shrugged sheepishly. "Depends on what you mean by messing up. I've never let anyone mess me up, it's them who's messing themselves up." He said with a small grin. One that was almost terrifying, actually. And it was intentionally done that way.


Rose walked around the courtyard quietly. She didn't know why she was here, she didn't even do much. Well, she didn't mean to. She just couldn't control herself or her mind. She sighed and slumped down against a tree and pulled out a drawing pad. She then started sketching out a girl mindlessly. She felt like an outsider compared to everyone there. She wasn't insane, was she? She never thought about it. She tried not to think about it too much though.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/252462ffb3afc1c67514084163ec47be.jpg.5150a30444715f90429e450c8dbfaaa5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131853" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/252462ffb3afc1c67514084163ec47be.jpg.5150a30444715f90429e450c8dbfaaa5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (ack i would use my own drawings but i cant take a picture right now rip :') )



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Archer Austin Savage

He groaned in annoyance as he heard there'd be even more students arriving today, How many more kids were going to get left here just because their parents were too lazy to deal with them? He shook his head and sat on a bench in the courtyard wearing black pants a faded blue t-shirt and a dark leather jacket as he leaned back and looked at the sky "People are stupid" he said aloud though mostly to himself.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/f64e7ab5f38bdcfbd14e78b42b47f13d-d4be5zz.gif.d0a495e7709847d9923f8f69768e74ab.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/f64e7ab5f38bdcfbd14e78b42b47f13d-d4be5zz.gif.d0a495e7709847d9923f8f69768e74ab.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/f64e7ab5f38bdcfbd14e78b42b47f13d-d4be5zz.gif.d0a495e7709847d9923f8f69768e74ab.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/f64e7ab5f38bdcfbd14e78b42b47f13d-d4be5zz.gif.d0a495e7709847d9923f8f69768e74ab.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/f64e7ab5f38bdcfbd14e78b42b47f13d-d4be5zz.gif.d0a495e7709847d9923f8f69768e74ab.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/f64e7ab5f38bdcfbd14e78b42b47f13d-d4be5zz.gif.d0a495e7709847d9923f8f69768e74ab.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vex Alexandria Jones

She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe her parents would send her to such a shitty place, All she did was stab someone they didn't have to send her....here. Not where all the 'fucked up' kids are. At least in her mind they were anyway. She wasn't fucked up, was she? She wasn't even sure herself anymore. She sighed and checked herself in and took it all to her room before deciding to get herself and her rabbit some fresh air. She put a harness on the chocolate colored bunny and carried her out to the courtyard before setting her in the grass and holding the black and white houndstooth leash attached to the little black rabbit harness. She smiled a little bit as she watched the bun hop around and just slowly made her way around the courtyard. She was wearing purple skinny jeans with a black MIW tank top and her hair down with combat boots.




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Isla laughed. She poked her tounge out at the girl before turning and seeing the look on Phoenix's face.

"Nice face, how long did THAT take to perfect."

@tomato modest

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.bcb736048a66c7df611a5a027162c45a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131877" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.bcb736048a66c7df611a5a027162c45a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zoey walked over to a girl that was reading a book. She plonked herself down next to them and stuck out a hand.

"Hey, I'm Zoey."




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Musicomar4 said:

Zoey walked over to a girl that was reading a book. She plonked herself down next to them and stuck out a hand.

"Hey, I'm Zoey."



Celeste looked at that girl that stuck out her tongue at her. She makes her so annoyed! She was about to finish reading her book when a girl appeared in front of her. She introduced herself as Zoey... Celeste didnt know whether to respond or ignore, but nonetheless she spoke on instinct. "Hi... My name is...Celeste" she said as quiet as she could, but enough for the girl to hear her voice. "How... come you're talking to me?"


Rose looked up from her notebook and saw a girl playing with a chocolate brown bunny and smiled. She watched it hop around and soon to stop being an awkward antisocial weirdo and wondered over to her. She looked down at the bunny with a little giggle. "
It's so cute." She mumbled sheepishly. "What's it's name?" she asked, looking back over at the girl awkwardly as she pushed her bangs out of her face


Pheonix shrugged. "What? Oh, it's kinda just a habit." He mumbled sheepishly as he looked down at the ground and crossed his legs and arms. He didn't know why but he looked creepy sometimes without even realizing. It was rather odd to him really.

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Vex Alexandria Jones

She watched as a pretty cute girl walked over and looked at the bunny, She immediately felt nervous as she watched her and blushed lightly "Freyja" she said quickly in response to her question and felt her heartbeat pick up anxiously when their eyes met for a moment "I'm new here..." she added very quietly as she looked away and squatted down by the bunny to pet her and looked back up at her "You can pet her, she won't bite" she offered

@tomato modest

Archer Austin Savage

He decided to head back inside as it was becoming boring in the courtyard aside from a couple of girls and a rabbit talking. He got up and wandered inside past a couple of people including a rather cute guy. He shook his head to get the thoughts to go away. He wasn't here to get laid. Probably. He was here to be 'fixed' of whatever needed fixing, He wasn't even sure himself anymore, It'd already been a year and so far nothing was accomplished other than him feeling less and less motivated to do anything.

Mention: @tomato modest @Musicomar4

Archer walked past and Isla stood up. "I-I have to go. Nice meeting you!" She called to Phoenix as she ran up to Archer.

"Hey Archer! How's the shooting been going?" She mimicked firing a bow.

"Yeah I'm talking to you! Cause your so cool!" Zoey laughed. "So what book are ya reading?"

She leaned over the girls shoulder to see.

"Oh... umm Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" she said with a soft smile. Celeste was glad to know that someone else had an interest in her. "Its a really good book, actually."


(I was legit just reading that book xD )

"Oh I love that book! Dragons, death, love. The whole shebungle!" Zoey smiled. "But philosophers stone is a much better read. Don't you?"


Rose nodded and smiled sheepishly. She pet the bunny and giggled a little at how soft it was. She looked over at the other girl as she did so. "Oh, I've been here for about a week or so." She sighed and sat down, her legs laying together on her left side. "What's your name?" She asked. She would be glad to actually make a friend here. She didn't know why but she was slightly scared of some of the people there. Well, this was practically a mental hospital, so that was to be exprected, probably.

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Archer Austin Savage

He internally facepalmed at her mimicking a bow though he did stop and turn to her with an unamused look on his face "Yes, Isla?" he asked with a sigh as he ran his fingers through his own hair and glanced at the boy she was speaking with shyly

@tomato modest​



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Celeste nodded her head at the response. "There are a lot of other good books that i have read.... including these two." she said and gave a soft smile.


Rose smiled at her sheepishly. She blushed lightly. "I'm Rose." She mumbled. She didn't talk to people like this often, if anything people came to her. And still that was very rare, because she normally stayed in the shadows. She watched the bunny quietly. "I didn't know we were allowed to have pets, my parents wouldn't let me take mine"




"C'mon! How's it going, it's been too long!" Isla skipped along with him.


"Awesome! I love this person right here!" Zoey yelled to the courtyard

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Vex Alexandria Jones

She smiled a little bit at learning her name before stiffening at her next sentence, Suddenly feeling nervous and ashamed of needing a service animal "Oh...She uh," she started and looked away "She's a service animal" she finally admitted shyly as she clicked her tongue and the bunny hopped over and climbed on her chest. She placed her hand on the bunnies back and scratched her face with her free hand

@tomato modest

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/cloud_divider_by_aries0ram-d7i1n8i.gif.a1ea66e051e8fa00b963e1f39b1d4fad.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/cloud_divider_by_aries0ram-d7i1n8i.gif.a1ea66e051e8fa00b963e1f39b1d4fad.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/cloud_divider_by_aries0ram-d7i1n8i.gif.a1ea66e051e8fa00b963e1f39b1d4fad.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/cloud_divider_by_aries0ram-d7i1n8i.gif.a1ea66e051e8fa00b963e1f39b1d4fad.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/cloud_divider_by_aries0ram-d7i1n8i.gif.a1ea66e051e8fa00b963e1f39b1d4fad.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/cloud_divider_by_aries0ram-d7i1n8i.gif.a1ea66e051e8fa00b963e1f39b1d4fad.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Archer Austin Savage

He sighed at her enthusiasm and found it vaguely annoying, But that's probably just because he's a bit of a 'party pooper' "It's been since yesterday, Isla" he said as he watched her and shook his head "So who's your friend?" he asked, figuring he'd use this to get an idea of the rather cute guy she was talking to because who knows, Maybe he'd get lucky.




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Celeste's eyes opened wide at the girl. As much as she like talk to her too, she did not need to shout it across the entire courtyard! But nonetheless she didn't mind. It was better than being a loner. "Oh my goodness you don't need to tell the whole world as well," she chuckled.

Fluer exited her room for the first time this day. There was too much noise for her liking at the moment, but if other people were going to be loud... Well damn so will she. She walked down the hall and looked at people as she walked. She wasn't going to be social unless she had to be. Meaning she was going to wait for someone to speak to her instead of speaking with others first.

Maranialovas Leighsten

Swinging her legs back and forth from her perch on the brick stand Maria was sprawled out, fiery strands of crazed hair strewn out around her. She had been laying there for the past twenty minutes, humming songs from Phantom Of The Opera-- Currently the track seemed to be Past the Point of No Return. The act could be considered insane within these walls-- and odd outside of them.

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