• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Welcome to Ventura Rehabilitation Center! (let our adventure begin~)


I'd rather be in the jungle. <3



"Don't you have any more?"

A broken down blue Volvo came to a stop, the engine and brakes making loud noises. A young man and his mother could be seen bickering inside.

"I told you, Samuel," the woman began, taking a moment to light another cigarette, "I need the rest to get home."

Samuel simply rolled his eyes, and realized he wouldn't be getting anymore meth from his mother. It is unfortunate, but he had gotten used to getting his supply from her. He inhaled deeply, and refrained from looking into his reflection. The night before he had gotten so high, and couldn't resist looking at himself. Samuel chuckled, pretending to flip locks of imaginary hair as he got out of the car. He took long strides to the trunk, and grabbed his suitcase. Inside was everything he would need for his wondrous joinery at Ventura Rehabiltion Center. His body was tired, and his muscles ached... for he didn't sleep much the night before. While he wanted to complain about how he felt, a part of him loved the fact that he and his mother shared a crappy hotel together the night before. Besides, they traveled all the way from Germany.

His boots felt heavy as he walked back to say goodbye to his mother. She looked pale, but he was done telling her how she could do so much better for herself. Their relationship was always two-sided, for he wanted her to be healthier, but also had hopes she scored big with her meth dealer. He looked into her hazel eyes, and couldn't;t help but smile. "I'll make you proud," he began, resisting the urge to ask for a cigarette, "get home safely, and I will call you later."

The woman scoffed, and made way for the hotel. She needed to finish her bowl of meth, as well as finish packing. Samuel cringed slightly, ignoring the noises the car made as his lovely mother drove away, A part of him grew sad, but an even bigger sense of encouragement found its way into his heart. She always tells him how much potential he has, and that nothing should hold him back,

- X - X - X - X - X - X - X- X - X -

Now alone, the young man had no more drugs to turn to. No more cigarettes, and definitely no more endless nights of looking into the mirror. This was his favorite thing to do when he got high.

With a soft sigh, he turned to the rehabilitation center. The flowers and shrubbery were beautiful, but what was inside intrigued him more. A young couple passed him, and offered him a dirty look. He couldn't tell if it was how he was dressed, or if this was normal for people who lived in California. He shrugged, taking a moment to look down at his attire. He wore a simple green t-shirt, a pair of form fitting dark blue jeans, and tan boots. What was bothering them didn't matter, however, for his entire life awaited him.

The rehabilitation center was adorned with glorious furniture, and the lighting was simply marvelous. He was to wait for the others to arrive, but his attention was on the huge sign that stated promise of a visit to the beach. This is how the rehabilitation center planned to introduce everyone together. A fabulous beach trip! What more could they want?

Samuel couldn't wait.

erzulie erzulie xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx GoldenSlime GoldenSlime Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726 Pastry Pastry J Jules8008 @Lav koala koala R i v e r R i v e r SinisterFreak SinisterFreak apolla apolla

MY DEAREST FRIENDS, I APOLOGIZE. personally, I don't feel this is the best I could do, but I really do want us to have fun with our characters and how their journeys are to unfold.
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A yellow jeep rode up to the rehabilitation center, in the front of the car were two people, Billie's parent's to be exact. The female just sighed and rubbed her head. "I fucking told you, Bill. She needs help with... with everything. Yeah, the depression was one thing. But, but now, our baby daughter is obsessing over a fucking psychopathic freak! Don't you see the problem?!" The man was just quiet, and then, Billie piped in "Actually, Dahmer was mainly more of a necrophiliac, not a cannibal, as his name may suggest, however, he only consumed two of his victims. Get it fucking right!"

The girl grabbed her stuff out of the side seat, and threw the door open. She stood at the car with a cold, unforgiving stare, and briskly said nothing, as she heard the shitty car rumble away, she clenched her teeth and exhaled through her nose. Maybe, just maybe, she won't be fucking judged for her 'obsession' and 'illness', sure, he was a murderer, but she saw something in him, that she thinks, no, knows nobody else does. And with that, she slowly walked into the center, her arms flailing side to side like two useless bags of flesh.

Billie, personally, couldn't wait to see other members and hopefully gain a new insight.

Location: arriving
Interaction: none yet

As the sun heated the inside of the car more and more Damien was starting to feel tempted to start bitching about the broken AC of his friend's car. If he wouldn't have been high he probably would have but as it was a soft buzz was making him less emotional. Somehow he had managed to convince his doctor to go to the rehab center with his friend. One last time he could get high before it would be almost impossible. Just the thought of it was making a cold sweat form along his skin. »Okay I am so making us another one« he said and took the hidden stash of weed from the dashboard. »do you really think its a good idea to go there high as a kite?« asked his friend and Robin gave him a look that told volumes. There was no way he wouldn't take the opportunity while he still could. It was bad enough they were out of pills.

Okay so he was panicking on a subconscious level and that was why he was so determined to get even more stoned, not that he would admit it out loud. He and Ben weren't that close. Actually they only hung out when Ricky had still been around. Before he could think more about it he shook his head and started smoking. The smoke filled the car and Ben had to open the windows to clear it »if we get caught by cops I will throw you under a moving car« Ben said and Robin rolled his eyes at him »you know you wouldn't, you like me too much for that. All trough it sure would solve a lot of problems« he said only half joking.

The trip continued like that for a while and soon the music was turned so loud the car was shaking and Ben and Damien were deeply discussing which colors fit better with black. It was stupid but it was distracting Damien and that was all that mattered to him. By the time they arrived at the rehab center they had calmed down and Damien was half asleep. Ben woke him up and with a grumbling series of complaints he stepped out of the car, got his things and sighed as his friend drove away. »Here goes nothing.« he said and walked towards the entrance.
Romana Azikiwe
Outfit: 1

Romana was by herself when she arrived. Well technically she had a bus full of people, she’s even managed to strike up a nice conversation with a little old lady for most of the ride. That was besides the point. Romana’s parents hadn’t come with her. The two of them were clearly embarrassed by what was going on with their daughter. They’d even tried to convince her not to go. She had stood firm in her decision, knowing that she needed help with her problems. It was one of those rare times when Romana had stood up to her parents. When she reached her destination the bus stopped and she grabbed her things. After saying goodbye to the little lady Romana was on her way.

The building didn’t look all that bad but she was still nervous. Romana wouldn’t have thought that she would end up in such a place ever. As she walked inside the young woman took a breath and went to sign herself in. She took a seat after she was done. Instead of taking in her surroundings Romana starred at her fingers. She tweedled her thumbs, feeling a little jittery. Before arriving she’d tried to cut down on the weed and the signs of withdrawal were starting to show. The lady that she’d talked to on the bus hadn’t taken her mind occupied.

Malik Feast
Mentions: Billie Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence , Samuel EricSings EricSings
Outfit: 1
Malik ran a hand over his head while he stared out the window. He watched as the rehabilitation center drew nearer. His friend placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a firm yet reassuring squeeze, to which Malik only glanced at him. Once parked the two of them got out. Malik being the stoic man that he was only pat his friend on the back when he hugged him. After a second he pulled away and dapped him out. “I’ll see you in a few months bruh.” He nodded to him. After grabbing his things Malik headed for the entrance. Upon stepping inside Malik looked around. The inside was nice looking, with bright flowers and nice furniture.

Malik took note that two others had arrived. Judging from their luggage they were new as well or maybe returning, either way he didn’t care. He walked up to the front desk to sign in. After he finished he walked over to on of the chairs and sat, placing his things beside him. Malik wondered if someone would come and tell him where his room was. He was new to all this so he wasn’t sure. The tall man sat with a scowl on his face.
Billie sat on the second farthest arm chair, placing her luggage down on the floor, her posture was quite slim and slouchy. Coughing into her fist, the girl pulled out a comic 'My Friend, Dahmer', a unnatural smile rested on the corn of her cheek as she glanced over the title, she flicked through and the pages wafted a minuscule breeze against her finger tips.

Exhaling, the girl divulged into the comic, leaning far too forwards for comfort, it soon dawned upon her that she was with another person, and flicked her grey speckled eyes up against the lad, the once stretched out smile, now a small, timid peek. She waved and nodded in his direction. "Hello...what are you in for?"
“Once again...welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring." Bram Stoker, Dracula. Starting off this journal entry, #23, Day 23 at the Ventura Rehabilitation center has left me with this quote. Bram Stoker said this as a means of welcoming, to Coppola, an unfortunate guest to enter Dracula's home. I'm pretty sure he died. Anyways to end off this journal entry, a few new guests will be joining me in this forsaken and horrible journey to freeing our spirits from a trapped, gothic, castle. Usually I keep track of the people that I meet so that when the day comes, I will be able to remember these... Great. Times. Here.



He closed the book, Putting his hand on the leathery front of the journal, he tied the straps that hung loosely around the journal together, and put it in his row of neat books. Chance didn't smile. He never smiled. Standing up and putting his shoes on, some new sneakers he got from the store that he saved up from his dealing, most of it was taken away when he was sent to the feds, but overall he had a good amount of money saved up. He looked around his bleak yet full with tannish color around his room. It was one of those basic rooms they would get for you at the center. Everything was neat, and tucked away as he was instructed to keep it. Of course he would instruct himself to keep it, he would never want his place to be as filthy as his old home once more. His desk was riddled with lists, photos of the center and the beach, and some clutter. "Hopefully I'll make a few acquaintances today." He said aloud. Butterflies shot up his stomach and his hands shook lightly, he calmed down, using a breathing technique to de-stress himself. "No panic attacks today, no panic attacks." He told himself. After a bit of "chilling", he exited his room and came to the front of the rehab center, saying hello to some of the people there, and the clerk. Some people were already standing in the lobby and looking around as if they were nervous, or angry? "Hi..." He said, not really thinking about what to say. He looked at this blue haired girl, it was more of a teal then a blue, but he felt like he's seen her before. His eyes trailed to the other woman, and a very. Fuckin'. Tall. Person. He took a step back to look at the guy, but soon he saw a few other people that he might become friends with.

erzulie erzulie Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence R i v e r R i v e r EricSings EricSings
Billie looked up as she heard a familiar voice, she looked around a bit, until she locked her grey eyes on him. Her mouth open, she stood up, the comic in her hand, she squealed and ran up to him. "Oh my God, Chance! Do you remember me? I mean, hopefully you do, because that will just be fuckin' sad." Billie rambled, her fingers crumpling the comic somewhat, she smiled at him, her eyes bright and gleeful in an odd way.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in, like, ages!" She leant upon the counter, clearly dumbfounded that she had saw him, and she just exhaled deeply. "My parents finally caved...hah." She chuckled, her laugh a low, gritty sound, as if she smoked twenty packs a day since she was five years of age.
Chance put his hands in his pockets, "I almost didn't recognize you... Some things changed. I'm doing good." He said "Hah... Yeah it's been awhile. I haven't seen you in a long time. More like- a Month?" He sighed, "I'm just supposed to hang out here and greet the greenies. If that makes sense." He muttered. He breathed in deeply, coughing hard.
"Yeah, yeah...can I have a hug? I mean, it's okay if you don't want to, though. Also! Jeffrey Dahmer's house is up for sale, and... and I just wanna live in it so bad, and I got very angry about the demolition of Oxford Apartments, I mean, I know it was necessary, because you know. Head in freezer, penis in freezer, hydrochloric acid in barrels... but eh, I can't help but feel negatively about what they did..." The girl rambled still, her hair was freshly dyed teal, and wore her classic Jeffrey Dahmer sweatshirt, sighing, she nestled into the fabric and coughed into her hand. "I've got some interviews of his on VHS, if you'd like to watch them?"

The girl asked, her grey eyes sparkled with some type of interest and opened her lanky arms, almost waiting for a hug. "My parents think I'm 'sick'. All I have to say is W H E E Z E!" Wheeze is a thing Billie says to substitute bullshit, and always finds it more amusing to say wheeze than an actual swear.
Chance's eyebrows pressed together. "His house... Is on sale? Why would you buy that place!" He said, shifting his shoes. He was wearing a light jacket, a tank top that has a bunch of stripes on it, some jeans and red sneakers, the iconic red "vans" all the rich bitches wear. "I don't know if we have T.V. here, let alone a VHS player." He looked around, trying to find a single screen. "Yup, I haven't been to the whole of this place... Not yet at least." He muttered. He hugged her, awkwardly feeling some eyes draping over the back of his neck in layers. He only talked to ONE. NEW, not even new. PERSON. "If we weren't sick we wouldn't be here." He said sadly.
mentions: Samuel, Billie, Damien, Romana, Malik, Chance
The only word that came to mind when Arden first stepped out of her Uber was "uncomfortable." Then again, there was always a reason for her to fell uneasy. Even the journey to California left thread of small scars, but that was expected since it was practically summer and she was covered from head to toe.

Wavy locks covered the sides of her face, masking what little fat she had. She wore a long sleeved shirt that was a light cream, paired with black leggings that were one size too large. What made her stand out even more was that fact that she wore a pair of white Birkenstock sandals and a long brown cardigan to finish the look off.

Would the flight have been easier if her brother were with her? Possibly, but even he wouldn't have been able to stop the stares. She might as well have been naked with how people were eyeballing her. It didn't help that they'd still stare at her like a circus freak if she wore weather-appropriate clothes since she was skin and bones.

The Uber driver helped the young women retrieve her suitcase and backpack from the trunk, and she thanked him quietly. After struggling to drag her luggage up the stairs, she stopped to put on a pair of wide-rimmed glasses. The last thing Arden wanted was someone to notice the dark circles under her eyes.

Once she was inside, she notice a small group of people already occupying the lobby. Her doe eyes scanned them and she concluded they were either new like she was, or they were unfortunate souls that were returning. Whatever the case, she nodded her head slightly at them and made her way to the front desk in order to sign it.

When she sat the pen down, a wave of nervousness and nausea suddenly engulfed her. Her dainty hands shook as she dragged her way to one of the chairs, immediately sitting down and covering her mouth as she tried not to vomit. Arden wasn't even anorexic, yet her body had developed the habit of forcing food out every time she ate.

"I shouldn't have eaten..." She mumbled quietly to herself, recalling the snack she had in the plane and the candy her Uber driver had offered.
"...Do you have to ask me. Why? Why I would live in a place like that, well, let me tell you, sir! I'm Crazy."
Billie turned her head to the girl practically dragging herself in, she intrigued the female, and tilted her head, a small smile on her face, she blinked and gazed at Arden, her eyes slightly diluted, she turned her attention back to Chance. ". . . Would you call me ill? Because, I sure wouldn't. I'm just... eccentric. That's a word, yeah?" She said as she placed the comic book down, and winced as her head pounded
Moving the teal hair out of her eyes, she turned her head back to Arden, and moved back to her chair, sitting on it with both of her legs curled up underneath, she tilted her head and just stared at the female. "So, are you like, dying or something?"
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Evie Hardison
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Against the wall on the opposite side of the entrance stood Evie. Her normally ice blonde hair had turned to a more golden blonde while she was here, which she thought made her look more approachable. Resting bitch face aside, she was still easily recognizable and the talk of alot of tabloids. She wasn't going to live down her freakout any time soon, and whenever her face appeared on the tv screens here she immediately turned them off.

Truth was, she was just slightly embarrassed by the situation. Now that she was on a dose of medications the doctors swore was going to work, she had the time to sit and think of what she'd done, and cutting her stomach on stage was not a smart move. No wonder she'd ended up here. But she wasn't going to let that stop her from doing what she enjoyed. Obviously she was here to get help, but it wasn't as though a week would make her perfectly okay again. She was still struggling.

Lifting her gaze as people walked in the doors, she studied them, wondering what they were in for. Not everyone's story was public like hers had been, and while she didn't have any trouble asking, today she wasn't feeling particularly sociable. Her counselor had made her come down here to greet, but he'd left, so how was he gonna know if she did?

Huffing, she crossed her arms over her white t-shirt clad chest. Grey sweats adorned her bottom half, along with a pair of flip flops. Her hair was thrown into a messy bun, and her lips were pursed into a thin line. Today was not her day.
Code by apolla apolla
image.jpegOut of the windows of a small, red Chevy blazer, Living Dead Girl by Rob zombie was blasting out. The radio was lowered by the driver of the vehicle. "Alright, Gore," the deep voice of the driver confirmed. It was Gregorio's best friend from high school, Kyle. "Looks like this is your stop." Gregorio sighed heavily, almost grunting, and fixed his hair. "Trying to meet a nice man." Kyle joked. "In this dump? I don't think so," Gregorio spoke in a soft, light tone. He grabbed his small bag from the back seat and set it on his lap to make sure he had everything he needed. "This place is good for you, what's wrong with it?" Kyle asked. Gregorio closed his bag and looked at Kyle a little annoyed. "Because it's just going to be fake counsellors telling you to stop one addition and start another," he answered. "This place is going to be filled with morons who are too weak to stop whatever the hell they're doing." "And one of them is still in my car and hasn't opened the door," Kyle chuckled. "Screw you, get my luggage down," Gregorio smiled and ordered. He placed the small bag over his shoulder as the two walked to the back of the vehicle. Kyle grabbed the black luggage and placed it upright on its wheels. Gore hugged Kyle as the tall man was getting back in his vehicle. He watched as his best friend, the guy who saved him, drive off from the center.

Gore turned to see the building where he'd remain for awhile and headed towards the front door Walking one foot in front of the other as his hips slightly swung side to side. Before he reached for the door's handle, he looked at his reflection for a split second. 'Boy, I sure look welcoming,' Gore thought to himself. The black Iron Maiden shirt, fitted black jeans, and black military boots were definitely a friendly approach topped with a stern face looking almost mad. The door swung open with his touch and he made his way inside. Walking with his shoulders back, he only looked ahead to the front desk where he'd sign in. Avoiding eye contact with anyone, he still used his peripherals to see the other guests. After signing his name, he took a seat that was closest to him and not too close to everyone else. Gore crossed one leg over the other and grabbed a compact mirror from the small bag he carried to check his dark eyeliner. 'I feel like I should have put on lipstick,' he thought to himself, 'but maybe that would be too much.'
Carmen shifted uncomfortably in the seat of the blazer, his gaze glancing toward he rehabilitation center. "Can't you stay with me...?" he asked in a soft voice, glancing at his best friend with a sad gaze. Arnold shook his head, looking at the other male. "You know I cant. You need to make new friends, ones that can help you get better and you can help them get better. You can't rely on me for everything Carmen. You need to get out there, on your own," he said gently, placing his hand on his friends shoulder. "You're going to be fine in there, I promise. You are safe here," Arnold said, glancing toward the building. "Let me get your bag," Arnold said, stepping out of the vehicle and pulling the bag out of the backseat.

"I got it," Carmen said, moving around the vehicle after he got out. He took the heavy bag, blowing out a sigh as he looked at the building. "Will....will you at least come visit me?" Carmen asked, looking at his best friend. He was the only person Carmen has ever trusted...the only person Carmen has ever loved. "Of course I'll visit you. Hey. Good luck in there," Arnold said before pulling the smaller male into his arms and hugging him. "I....I love you, bro," Arnold told him, offering a sad smile.

Carmen bit his lower lip and stepped back after the brief hug. "I love you too, Arnold," he said softly. He knew it wasn't the love you would expect between a homosexual male and bisexual male. It was only a friend love, the type of love between brothers. Carmen sighed gently and looked toward the building, tugging his sleeves down and heading into the building. Looking around, he moved close to the wall to be away from all the people. He turned his gaze on the ground to avoid all the stares. The boy knew at least one person was staring at him. He always got strange stares in his direction. He tugged his jacket tighter around his small frame, biting his lower lip as he stayed against the wall, his amber eyes on the floor. He was beyond terrified.

Mentions: No one.
People started filing in now, he saw a few people, especially one girl, named "Evie Hardison" from the news. This quickly spread with him, and he decided that now was a good time for a break. Talking to people wasn't that stressful for him, but the overall stress from the day, the anxiety can take over quite quickly. He walked over across the room and admired some paintings, only to take out his carry-on journal and began scribbling down some thoughts.

Entry Continuation (#23)
Evie Hardison is here. Bee is here. I looked at the sign-ins list and the following have entered: Malik, Carmen, Gregorio, Arden, Romana, Damien and Samuel. I feel... Odd as if I need to start doing more breathing exercises. However, the feeling of comfort is... Mutual. It's not like I have to go into the panic room and calm down, and it's not like I'm fine. Is this a new level of anxiety? Of meeting people and talking to others? God... I wish I had a cigarette right about now. Maybe medical marijuana is my next pursuit once I get out of here.



Chance shut the book, tearing off the page he wrote on to later tape into his book. This place is starting to feel like a prison... He thought to himself. All the new people coming, not talking to each other, some people knowing one another. It's... Different. I should write a take on this. He leaned against the counter, seeing a pen with a sharp edge to it. He bit his lip. "Tempting." He sighed, The desk clerk eyeing him. He put his hands up and walked away. Who am I to think I could use that as a shank? He laughed, Another one to the prison list. He laughed, positioning himself so that he could see the crowd, yet his eyes were down so then he wouldn't have to talk to anyone. He never smiled, but he laughed. Something that he couldn't seek to find control of. C wanted to talk to Evie, see if he can find any dirt on some teen celebrities. But in this case, he just needed a break.
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Billie huffed and wriggled around on her seat, she pulled out a VHS tape and sighed. It was 'Return of the Jedi', and just simply held it, the rough corners scratching at her fingertips slightly. "I watched Return of the Jedi with Dahmer", this caused her to laugh and scratch her arm. On her pale, thin hand, all her knuckles were scraped raw red and began to pick at the scabs, grunting slightly.

Sighing, she rolled her head over the top of the chair, and let out a heavy sigh, her grey eyes watching the clock go by, she whined and huffed, clearly bored out of her mind. "There's no WiFi here, how am I gonna keep check on my Boy's house, huh?!" She practically yelled, her voice breaking, and with this she scowled and curled up in the chair. Pastry Pastry
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: Outfit. But also this and this

Interactions: No one

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"God, I have never expected our journey to be this long." Khampengs voice was fairly quiet, ut she was a very quiet one, which Alamea also recalls from her early childhood. Right now, both Alamea and Kahmpeng - and, of course, her dog Marshmallow - were leaving Los Angeles International Airport. As of now, most people ignored her. Well, besides some weird looks both received. I mean, to be fair, Alamea had a lot of things she carried with her. Dog, luggage, surfboard and a sail. Before leaving her old rehab, she begged them to already sent it to Ventura, but they said they can't do that. Too much money. Damn it. "Too much money, my ass." Alamea mumbled infront of her, quiet enough for Khampeng to not hear it.
When they approached the parking lot - Khampeng had ordered two Ubers -, her sister came to a sudden stop. "Well, sister. Here is where our ways depart. I have a meeting in Los Angeles. I do not want to be late, so..." She had a faint smile on her face, befre Khampeng suddenly hugged her. "Good luck, big sister." Alamea had a fairly emotionless face when her sister hugged her. She followed her sister a bit until she saw both of the Uber-drivers. In a fast pace, her sister disappeared in her car before it took off. So, naturally, she went to the other car. She knocked on the window before he plled down the window. "Um, hello? Are you Scott by any chance? my sister ordered an Uber for me, to Ventura." The driver looked at her like he already knew what was in Ventura. He sighed before saying "Yeah, i'm Scott." He left the car and helped Alamea with her luggage. Bag in the trunk, board and sail on the roof. Alamea decided to sit behind her driver, next to her dog. As soon as the closed the door, the driver took off.

Her joruney was pretty...well, boring. The driver and her bareley talked. He didn't even ask her name. alamea didn't care. Shortly before arriving at the Rehab center, Alamea glared at the beach and had to contain a loud screech. Oh my god the sea is so beautiful! Like a small child that just spotted candy, she stared out of the window. Until the car came to a full stop. "Already paid by your sister. Hurry up, I have an appointment in an hour!" Wow. Rude. No reason to be so impatient. Quickly, she and her dog left the car, grabbed her luggage and equipment and just milliseconds after getting her stuff, the car took off with screeching tires and drove off. Her eyes were fixated on the car, before she rolled her eyes and turned around to Ventura. "It's an eerie feeling being here again, aye Marshmallow?"A bit hesistating she was, she doesn't want to be in rehab again. But she knew it was the best for her, so she started moving into the Rehab center.
The doors were already open, so she entered the building and already spotted a few other people. Out of the corner of the eye, she spotted the words "Beach Visit". Or something along those lines. she placed her luggage on the wall before going to the reception. "Good morning. My name's Alamea Sayasone. Got transferred over from Remoor Rehab." The receptionist looked fairly bored, before checking the list and saying "U-uh.". So, is she registered now? She guessed so. She turned around to her luggage, grabbed it and went to one of the free seats, where she placed it down again and sat down. While waiting, she patted her dog. Sometimes, she is patting Marshmallow for longer periods of time. Weird.​
Billie flickered her eyes up at the new one, her head turned and a massive smile crept upon her chapped lips "...Hi, new person!" She exclaimed, and waved her hand at her, then soon enough, got up to retrieve her comic up off the counter where she had left it. Her eyes examined Alamea and her grey speckled eyes widened, and intently gazed upon the female, occasionally opening her mouth partially, and licked her lips.

"... So, why you in here for?" She said, as she gripped the comic, almost possessively, and looked the other up and down. Billie was an odd individual to say the least, though really enjoyed to look, examine, people's features and some times sketch them, though, she wasn't going to walk back to her bag and get out her sketchpad and pencils. She exhaled deeply, and raised an eyebrow. "Cute dog, may I pet him?" Her voice was soft and gentle, her voice barely above a whisper.
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: Outfit. But also this and this

Interactions: Billie ( Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence )

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Alamea was staring at the wall for about a minute, before a voice made her look around the room. A...faint, but familiar voice. She looked around the room for about half a minute until she fixated on a woman with blue hair. Wait, wasn't that...she forgot her name. Something like Bill? Last time they met was about three or four years ago, maybe even less. But she totally forogt her name. Nevertheless, Alamea still smiled when she spotted her old friend. "Ohh, long time no see! Whgat I am in for? I got transferred from my old Rehab to Ventura. I still can't deal with my prosthetic, and also because of my schizophrenia, I still don't trust a lot of people, and they hope Ventura is able to integrate me more. Don't ask me, the old Rehab had far worse patients than me, yet I get transferred. Weird. But hey, before they sent me off they gave me a psychiatric service dog, Marshmallow. And yes, you may pet her." she paused before she stopped petting her dog. "I mean I am not mad that I got transferred. The old hospital we both were at was in buttfuck nowhere. Looked like it came right of a horror movie. And you? Why are you here?"​
Billie smiled gently, and fussed Marshmallow, exhaling deeply, she pulled away from the dog and cracked her back. "Uh.. well, a lot of things, I suppose. The only one my mother told me was my 'odd' infatuation with Jeffrey Dahmer, though I really don't see a problem with it." She said, her voice low and cold, inhaling, she ruffled her teal hair and held her comic even more protectively, and sighed. "His house is up for sale, and there's no goddamn WiFi here, well, none that I know of at least, and I just wanna get his house. Though, I heard that PETA is gonna occupy. They better not, I swear, if they do, I will just... ugh!" She exclaimed, clenching her fist until it turned to a pale white and clenched her teeth. "Fucking PETA..." J Jules8008 .

Location: Lobby
Interaction: none yet

Damien had taken a bit longer to actually enter the building. He felt tempted to just turn around and run, of course, he decided against that idea and hurried to enter the building before he could have changed his mind. He needed to do this so he wouldn't end up like Ricky or at least figure out a few things. Sighing he entered through the doors and went to sign himself in. As he stood there he smiled a small smile "No turning back now" he said to himself as he joined a group of people in the lobby. He leaned on the wall a few steps away from the others and smiled.

Putting his headphones on he turned on some music to keep his mind occupied and took a look around the room to see who else was there. Not that he expected to know anyone of course but he was still curious about who he would be living with for the time he was staying here. As his eyes skimmed the crowd he at first went right over them all but then stopped and looked back at what seemed to be a familiar face. When he saw the dog he was sure he had seen her before. He also noticed she was talking to someone so he only waved a little to let her know he hadn't forgotten her before continuing to focus on his music and looking around. He wasnt too far away from the rest but he kept to himself at the moment, he might not be high anymore but he was sure if some of them were addicts they would have noticed a sign or two that he had smoked that morning. Which he had to admit was a stupid idea now that he was sober, but why dwell on things like that? It had calmed him down, distracted him and that alone made it almost worth it.
Billie finished her conversation with Alamea, and shuffled back to her seat. Deciding to go through her bag, she dumped a whole lot of VHS tapes in her lap, and organised them from Jeffrey Dahmer related, and well, all there are is Dahmer related, and sighed. "I should have brought more... different VHS tapes, well. Not that I mind watchin' my Boy, but eh..." She trailed off, and placed them in a small pile, and eyed Damien, her eyes now wide and almost looked as if she was going to tear him apart, leaning back, she tilted her head and smirked. "Hey there, buddy..."
Carmen timidly glanced at the others in the room, shifting on his feet before he looked around. Surly there was a bathroom or somethi-perfect. Carmen quickly headed toward the bathroom and slipped inside, shutting the door behind him. Breathing out a shaky breath, he stepped back from the door and looked around the one person bathroom. He can be alone in here, without being stared at. The thought comforted him. His heart race slowed back down as he walked over to the sink, turning on the faucet of water. Running his hands under the stream, he cupped them and let the water fill his hands before he brought his hands to his face. Sighing, he shut off the water and grabbed a towel, wiping the water off.

How was he supposed to survive here? Carmen couldn't even stand in the lobby without freaking out. He leaned against the sink, keeping his eyes away from the mirror. He's seen his appearance too many times before, he didn't want to see it again. He was genuinely disgusted with how he looked... That's why you're here. Carmen shook his head and stepped back, sliding down the wall as he covered his face. He didn't feel right here, he didn't feel safe, he felt alone.

You need to... "make friends," Carmen muttered, finishing the thought out loud. He knew it was true. He did need to make friends. But how? Everyone here would judge him, think he is disgusting, hate him. Won't they...?

Interactions: None
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: Outfit. But also this and this

Interactions: No one

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Alamea gave a faint nod while listening to Billie. Wait, Billie! Yeah, that was her name. Stupid brain, can't remember names. Parents are sometimes weird.But alas, they only want the best for their kid, and weird behavior puts them on high alert. For a inute, she just stared at her equipment, before looking up again. She doesn't recall Billie having an obession about a serial killer...maybe she was already obsessed with him when they met first. But back then was a hard time for her, so she can not be sure. Shortly after Billie left again, Alamea mumbled "PETA is garbage." She faintly remembers when someone from PETA - she can't recall what rank he was, but probably a hier animal. But she still remembers when he marched in and demanded to talk with the boss of the Rehab center. The PETA guy protested against service animals, even when they are helping humans. And not quietly, loudly. The hospital was occupied by PETA fanatics for days, until the entire staff team grew annoyed of them and threatened to call the police. Thats when the finally left us alone. From time to time, they still sent the staff passive-aggressive letters. Why I know that? The staff hang them up on the billboard for everyone to read. Like a "Joke of the Day". Redmoor Rehab was very animal friendly, we had a lot of dogs - some from home, some are service dogs, but also cats. No one really minded, and if someone has an allergy they get moved into an extra wing, where no animals are allowed. Kind of revolutionary, if you ask Alamea.​

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