Welcome to the School for the Mentally Unstable [Inactive]


"Hey. Byakuya, calm down. Running around punching walls isn't going to do you any good. It will only bring more attention on yourself." she said holding his clenched fits, firmly in the palm of her hand, letting it go when she was sure he had calmed down enough and wouldn't punch the wall again. "Listen I'm not so sure why, you'll have to ask Brooklyn about that. But what I do notice that every time you get all pissed off you start to forget things and act as if you never lashed out." she told him as she began to make her way down stairs to the basement.
"I....I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me" Byakuya couldn't help but wince as his pain started to cease, "So who are you? I mean I'm flattered and all but I don't think it can cheat on my girlfriend, I have to get back to Emily!" He said as he walked down to a basement with this strange girl. "I am sorry but again can you lead me out of here, I have to make it to my girlfriend Emily, and even then I have to meet up with Saito" he said as he continued to follow this girl down the stairs "If you could please tell me where I am and where the closest exit is I'd really appreciate it" Byakuya was confused as to where he was and was also worried about leaving Emily with Saito. "Please, miss I just need to know where I am and how I got here, and of possible can you tell me your name?"

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The tomcat had been curled comfortably beneath Caedis's bed up until now, perfectly content to tear up the bottom of the mattress. However, Saito's voice was far too loud for his liking, and he hated when strangers entered the room uninvited. His tail puffed up as he leapt up onto the bed beside Caedis, where he proceeded to arch his back, twitch once, and hiss.
"Oh I'm sorry, and what are you? I've seen field mice scarier than you, now scram cat!" he said to the cat as he flared his eyes in intimidation, "Now where were we? Oh right, you were just about to show me what was under that shirt of yours" Saito said as he started to make his way to his new victims shirt. "Oh right, what has come over me, I'm terribly sorry about that, that side of me can be a real jerk" Saito loved playing head games with his victims and so he continued with his next game, "Ginrai can be quite pushy sometimes, I'm sorry if he did anything to you that you didn't like" he said with a big hidden smile going on in his mind. "I am so sorry if he scared you little guy, please for give me" he said holding his hand out to the cat, "Please don't worry, Ginrai likes to come out when it is most inconvenient" 'and when he wants some lovin hahahahahaha' he thought after his comment about his fake other self. "Even though he calls himself by my name, I have my own classification for him, that is Ginrai. Again sorry if i startled you, I dont want to harm you in anyway" he said as he thought (that isn't sexual). 'Hmmm, maybe i should get my self a girlfriend, or i could just take this girl by force and then have my way with Byakuya's new love interest' he liked that thought even more and would do everything he could just to see it happen.
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Oli stayed put, wavering for a few moments. At first, he'd had every reason to claw this guy's hand, but now, he seemed like a genuinely nice human. However, something about him still made the cat uncomfortable, so he let a soft growl rumble from his chest as he settled back into a sitting position and eyed Saito sceptically. He would give him a chance, but one wrong move and Oli would gladly shred his clothing. He had no doubt that he could chase him out if need be, for he often let his inferior stature slip his mind when defending (or trying to, that is) Caedis.
Caedis gingerly strokes Oli's ruffled pelt, "Don't worry, hun. I'm sure everything is alright" She removed her earbuds and looked up at the stranger in her room. "Pardon me, I don't mean to be rude in any way but what are you doing here...?" Caedis questioned the stranger hesitantly, pushing down all the panicked thoughts and critical voices screaming in her head. She looked down and saw that some of her belongings had been tampered with, and the voices and thoughts suddenly burst into riot. Half of her wanted to hit him in the balls and throw him out of the room, but something felt off about him... She grasped her head in pain, the screaming voices in her head were worsening her eternal migraine.
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Saito looked at the girl, a little perplexed about what to do, "Uhm are you all right? should I get one of the nurses?" he said to the girl trying to sound as gentle as he could "If you want i could get you some water" he said trying not to strangle her cat. Saito didn't like when he got girls that talked to themselves, "Uhm if you are having trouble with loud voices, just take a deep breath and imagine that the voices are gradually getting more and more silent until they are completely silent" he said to the girl as nicely as he could manage without gagging "As the Voices get quieter just imagine that they vanished, as if they never existed, thats what i do when i start to here my own demons talking in my ear", Saito wanted to stop being so nice but he had to manage this for just a while longer until he had a pawn to use as he wished until she was no longer needed.
"I-I just need to be alone for a little while... Could you please excuse me" Caedis stood up and made an attempt to leave the room, her head pounding like a jackhammer. She paused in the doorway and motioned for Oli to follow then headed out calmly as she could without saying another word to the strange man. "He doesn't know what its really like... It's not that simple..." she thought furiously, She tore through the corridors of the school looking frantically for a library, or really anywhere that might have a pencil sharpener. "The only way I can make it stop..." She began muttering maniacally to herself.

The blue-grey feline was relieved to be away from the strange human, for all the confusion was making him want to claw something, but he knew that Caedis didn't like it when he ripped apart her things. With a glimmer of concern in his eyes, he dropped off the bed with a soft thud and trotted hurriedly after his human, tail falling over his back as he moved.


Char wandered through the halls, as she had - embarrassingly enough - forgotten where her room was located. Whilst wracking her brain in search of answers, she forgot to watch where she was going, and - even more embarrassingly - bumped into someone (Caedis). "Oops, I'm sorry!" she apologized instantly.
Caedis went silent, the voices went silent. She looked up at the girl in front of her not fully aware of what had just happened. "W-what?" she murmured. She looked around very confused, then looked behind to her see whether or not that creepy guy had followed her. "Can I help you, you look lost."
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A breath of relief escaped Char's lips a little too loudly to sound normal - social grace wasn't her strong point, to say the least. "Yeah, I forgot where my room is." she explained, a little embarrassed.
Saito confused on what just happened looked around the empty room "Was I just rejected? Thats not possible because i would have killed her or r***ed he by now!" he was now very angry, but not at the girl, it was at himself. "Why didn't I stop her when she rejected me?!" he asked himself, 'Because you're in love' said a very kind and to him very annoying voice, "Aweh that must be it....NOT!!! There is no way I could love anyone but Emily, he may have forgotten her but I still love her and thats all that matters", 'But your heart is ready to move on, and so should you!' said the voice in response to his answer. "Just shut up, nobody asked you for your opinion! Now buzz off before i make you disappear!" he wasn't going to lose to an old imaginary friend about something he would not let go.

"All right now where is that girl, she and I haven't finished talking!" he said as he walked out of the room with a very fake but very convincing concerned look on his face.
"Oh, well it's okay I bet everyone loses their room at some point here. Come with me I'll help you find it" Caedis friendly responded putting out a hand and turning in the direction of the rooms. "You must be new here too, My name's Caedis"
Saito stopped moving toward the girl(Caedis) as soon as he saw the other person there with her, "Maybe i should take a different approach with this" he said as he made his way to the doctors lounge "Hey doc where are ya, I need you to do something for me, you know for old time sake" he said as he walked toward Dr. Green with a malicious smile on his face. "There are 2 people I need you to gather for me, actually make that 3" he said as he explained what he wanted the doctor to do "I want you to gather up Brooklyn, Byakuya, and a girl with a strange cat, they are all going to be my play things so i need you to gather them up in one place and leave me some tools as well, I need them to have a little fun with them, thats all NOW GET TO WORK!" he yelled as he told Green what to do.

"If thats a-a-ll y-y-you want I...can get o-o-one of my nurses to g-gather the other 2 but the one with t-the cat w-w-will be a little trouble finding" Said the doctor as he panicked in front of Saito. "Dont worry I know exactly where her room is, just look there when ever you get the chance, I'm sure she will be there sooner or later" said Saito as he laughed with an evil grin on his face. "I-I-I-I understand now please let me prepare my lord, I will do anything if you promise not to hurt Emily anymore, please as soon as you are satisfied with my work please, tell those goons you control to send her home! I can't stand my daughter being halfway across the worl in the hands of criminals!"

"Don't worry Doc, if you just keep to our agreement, your daughter is as good as home, but you understand that its only going to happen if you cooperate! Got it? Good Now get to it, that is unless you want your daughter to end up dead!" he said as the doctor scrambled out of the room to do as he was told.

'Shit...' Jade said looking at the boy in front of her. She couldn't help but feel a bit bad for the boy. She sieghs, "I'm Jade, your in a mental institution school." She told him and kept walking. 'Shit, how am I suppose to make him remeber'

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Byakuya looked at the girl with a strange look, "Uhm thats impossible, I should be at an amusement park with my friends right now!" he was concerned now and couldn't help but panic "I have to find Emily, she always tells me that we should leave Saito be alone for a while but I always thought of him as my best friend, but now i think she might have been right!" he said to the girl with a look of panicked anger in his eyes. "Anyway I need to get going, I cant leave her with Saito for to long or else he starts to get really cling, almost like he might kill us if he didn't get his way..." he said as his head started to have a strange shooting pain, "Ow, my head, anyway yea I can't leave them alone together for to long, i am supposed to meet them at the amusement park in 20 minutes" he said to the girl as he followed her, "I got a text saying he needed to meet me there and that Emily would be there to, he said it was important!"
"Um Byakuya..." Jade said not knowing exactly how to tell him that we were after Satio and that she had heard him say that Satio was the one to kill Emily. "Satio is here..." She told him. 'Okay I'm just going to come out and say it' Jade thought to herself. "Okay so everytime you get really mad and you forget things. You've been at this school for a while and we are after Satio right now... I'm guessing Because of what he did to Emily," she said trailing off at the end.

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"He did what to Emily, that b****** has crossed the line! I'll kill him next time I see him!" Byakuya lost it when he heard that Emily was dead, but what made him even more angry was the fact that it was Saito that killed her, "Where can I find that son of a b**** Gr33n? I need to teach him what it feels like to have his own throat slit!" he said as he cracked his knuckles. "The faster I find Gr33n, the faster I can end my own life and join back up with Emily in the afterlife" Byaluya was set to get rid of Saito once and for all, but after that living was pointless with out Emily, at least thats what he felt, "Hurry, help me find him and then I can watch him bleed to death just like he made me do with Emily!"
Jade was violent, god knows Jade is violent, but she was a bit worried when Byakuya was talking about that. But Satio did deserve what was coming and she didn't know if she could even stop Byakuya if she wanted to. Brooklyn was going to have a lot to sort out when she gets back, she wondered how she will feel about the whole him going to be back with Emily. 'This should be interesting...' She thought to herself. "We have to talk to doctor Green first, to find out where Satio is," she informed him.

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"Come out, come out where ever you are Gr33n! I'm gonna find you and smash your head into the wall for what you said about Brook!" Byakuya's head started to hurt, "I will make you pay for what you did to Emily!!" he said as he brushed off his pain and replaced the feeling with anger. "Hey girl! Where are we right now! Tell me where i can find a bunch of easy targets, people that look like they can be easily picked at till they snap" he said to the stranger Jade who had introduced herself to him, "I'll appreciate this later if you tell me where a place like that might be, and maybe, just maybe I can end this and get Brooklyn out of here", His head started to pound again, "Once this is over I can finally rejoin Emily, after I kill Saito and save Brooklyn" his head would not stop hurting, nor would his questions about who this 'Brooklyn' girl was and who she was or is to him.

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