Welcome to the School for the Mentally Unstable [Inactive]

"What did you say short stuff? Is that how you address Byakuya-sama? I'll show you to disrespect your superior!!" he says as he is feeling annoyed by this black haired individual.

He then looks at the kid sitting on the chair and yells "NOTHING!!"


Byakuya puts the nurse beside the kid on the chair and then goes and picks up the nearest garbage can.

He then throws it down the hall toward the black haired individual while avoiding the kid in the chair and the nurse.

"TAKE THIIIIIIISSSSSS!!!!!!!" he yells as he throws the garbage can.
The Garbage can proceeds to hit Chad, he is then thrown down to the ground with the tremendous force coming from the thrown object.

Chad lands on the ground, and with the momentum, rolls onto his stomach. A few moments pass before he slowly begins to pick himself up, as his arms shake and his deep breathing, He flips over to his side, and sits up, With his legs in front of him as he uses his arms as support.

He begins to chuckle as he wipes the blood from his lips. " Now.." He grunts " Thats a reasonable reaction, wouldn't you say ?" he asks as he attempts to stand on his own two feet.
(This reminds me of durarara, since your characters pretty much fight all the time in that show >.<)

Edgar looks down at the women holding her, though his weak form. "Please don't fight..!" He pleaded the screams of the child vivid in his mind. He watched, readjusting his grip on the women. He knew straight away the blonde boys little problem, it was slightly frightening.
Breathing heavy from throwing the garbage can he looks at the individual trying to get up and says "Hey do you need help? I could get a nurse or i could just help you up myself."

Byakuya starts thinking to himself "Who throws a garbage can at someone?" and then he proceeds to help the figure on the ground up.

"Hi, my names Byakuya Togami but I'd prefer it if you would call me Byakuya-sama" he says to the individual as he helps him up off the ground. "So who just threw the trash can at you?" he asks while helping the individual to his feet.
Edgar stared at the boy who's name was Byakuya-sama in misunderstanding, his eyes knitting together in confusion. "You do..." He spoke quietly referring tot he trash can, fearful he'd make him angry once more. He held the women's waist tightly and walked over to the two. His brown hair fell over one of his hazel eyes, his steps silent.

(Your appearances and everything! Are durarara pretty much haha)
(I Heavily based a Character off Izaya from the show Durarara, with a few changes. And a friend of mine thought it would be "So funny" To make a character similar to Shizou, Along with this hatred from this individual)

Chad begins to brush himself off as he narrows his eyes at this blond individual. "How delightful! Iv'e never seen this one before! an individual who likes to pretend he isn't responsible for his own action" he states in a very cheery tone, however, his voice then dropped to a very serious tone "How original of you"
Wren sensed the tensity in the area and looked over at the nameless fellow, feeling an irritated aura off him. "Don't get all serious or mad, we're all a little messed up here aren't we? Can we just forgive and forget?" Wren gave a shaky smile, hoping once this was finished someone would tell him where the front office was.
Chad looks at the individual, who he had struck a conversation with earlier. For a moment he had a very serious expression, tho it quickly turned into a smile. He then looks at the blonde character who stands before him " He has a point there Byakugan, or whatever." He says his name in a sarcastic manner. " We are all here for a reason, aren't we?" For a moment, he bursts out in laughter, and as it slowly fades away, he releases a big sigh, Well, i've grown bored of this situation, so I shall be taking my leave.

He looks at the man who's name remains to be stated, smirks at the individual, then calmly says "It was great talkin' to yah"

Chad quickly turned around and began to skip down the hall to a new destination, as he hummed a song, that did not sound as tho it was on beat.
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Wren watched the odd man fade away down the hall, his tune taunting. Once he was out of sight Wren turning to Byakuya and was about to address him but instead sighed in irritation. "What was your name again?" He smiled embarrassed. He didn't want to do or say anything that would frustrate the man again so chose his words carefully.
Brooklyn walked down the hall and into the t.v. room, her book in hand. The room was mostly empty except for a few other students sitting and watching a football game. Brook never really understood the sport. She sat down on the small chair right next to the window. The sun shined and warmed her pale skin. She curled up in a ball, pulling her knees to her chest and opening the book. Reading from where she last left off.
Byakuya after watching this individual skip away from him after he'd helped him looked at the boy holding the nurse and says "You should really get her to a hospital", gets up and lights another cigarette and says to the same boy "Is there a television set in this building?"

Hoping for an answer he sets off following signs in hopes of finding a T.V..

Byakuya starts thinking to himself "Okay, so I've missed class, tried to help a guy up after he got hit by a trash can, and some how before all this I have no recollection of what I've been doing for the past 2 hours", then he sighs and says out loud "I wish I knew where anything in this building actually was!!".

Byakuya then proceeds to find the T.V room "Maybe I'm just over thinking things" he says while walking down the hallway, "Maybe i just need to find someone here with any common sense".

He then takes another puff of his smoke and continues walking toward the TV room.
Wren with no where else to go followed the confused boy, "um I'm sorry but do you know where the office is...or nurse?" The women moaned as he readjusted her body in his grip. Wren bit his lower lip his own expression lost, and helpless. His black jeans where a little loose around his boney hips as he followed the man. Just stop! Wren winced at the familiar voice, his skin paling.

At first when hearing the new pair of footsteps enter the room Brook didn't bother to look up. Yet Hearing a familiar voice Brooklyn pried her eyes away from her book and looked up and saw a familiar boy. It was the boy from earlier who protected her from the nurse. He looked a bit... frustrated... or maybe confused. She debated weather or not to go over there and speak to him... but he probably doesn't even remember her.
Chad continued to skip threw the halls, humming a tune, of what sounded to be like randomized notes.

Eventually, as he was going about his little stroll, something from the corner of his eye, in one of the rooms he passed by, immediately caught his attention. Chad then came to a stop, and took a few steps back. He poked his head into the door frame, to confirm what he saw. What caught Chad's attention was nothing more then the Games Room, It wasn't anything special, just a room full of a variety of characters, both Students and Nurses alike, playing board/card games. But what really intrigued him the most, was the individual sitting alone at the chess board. Who appeared as tho they have been sitting there, Waiting for an opponent, waiting to see if there was anyone out there, who could match his brilliant tactics.

Chad proceeded to click his tongue, and make his way up to this individual.
When Byakuya entered the room, saw in the corner of his eye a girl that looked familiar to him, which he thought to be a little strange seeing as how he had no friends here and didn't want to make any knowing what kind of place he is stuck in. He sits down in a couch not to far to the girl and lights up another cigarette. He just sits back puts his feet on the table and looks up at the roof and then says "Kid, I thought I told you to take the woman on your shoulder to the front desk!"

He then still bugged by how familiar she looked but he didn't know why, so he thought "Why don't i ask her why she looks familiar", and he then says to the girl that was reading, "Hey hows it going I'm Byakuya Togami but you can call me Byakuya-sama, so why do you look like you know me but when I look at you i can't remember where I've seen you!"

He was seriously bannoyed by this thought so he got up and walked over to her and said asked her "Hey i needs to talk to you, you got a minute?"

He was going to find out who she was even if it killed him

Brook looks up at the tall boy and away from her book. Was there some possibility that somewhere in him he remembered her? The spark of hope excited her. He was the only person here that treated her like an actual human being. "Um yeah," she finally said, her voice quiet. She closed her book and sat it down beside her.
Wren took a step back fearful that the man may get angry again, but he didn't know where the front desk was...He turned around walking in a direction hoping to find the front desk. "Where...where.." He murmured to himself, to remind himself of his task at hand hoping for once he wouldn't forget. The women moaned as he strolled through the hallways, "I'm sorry...please forgive me..." He pleaded, go go! Rang through his mind growing in amplitude as he continued in search of the room.
Taking a seat next to the mysterious girl he says "Hie, so i told you my name, whats yours? Its better than saying *hey you* and *you* all the time". He takes a final puff of his smoke and puts it out on the bottom of his shoe. "Hey its okay if you don't want to tell me, I came over first and interrupted your book, Its really okay if I just know that you're wiling to talk to a smoking *pretender* like me" He says trying to sound as polite as possible, trying not to scare her away.

"Um... My name is Brooklyn, Brooklyn Ryne," she said introducing herself to the boy again. "You told me you wouldn't remember but I didn't expect it to happen so soon," she said mostly to herself looking down, but then looked back up at him. She decided it would be simpler if she just explained it to him now. "You were sitting with me earlier in the cafateria. Then you also saved me from the nurse when she was hitting my head against the wall," she informed him waiting for his reaction.
Riley walked into the room where she could see other people.

Wait. Were these people real? Or were they made up, like her sister was?

She walked up to a girl and guy who were talking. (Brooklyn and Byakuya)

"Hi. Would you guys mind helping me out?"

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Wrens steps picked up as the women's pain seemed to intensify, and was about to turn the corner when he nearly ran into a doctor who's name tag had the title Dr. Michaels printed in black bold letters. He caught the sight of the nurse on Wrens shoulder and turned towards him, "did you do this to Ms. Lizzy?" His voice held the tone of accusations as he eyed Wren up and down. He opened his mouth about to answer when he was cut off by the doctor, "Joy...probably one of the most broken ones here, but I'd never think you'd go and attack others." He spoke into a walkie, his words inaudible. Then took the nurse off Wrens shoulder cautiously, keeping his eyes on Wren as if he'd go on a killing rampage.

Just as the nurse was leaned onto Dr. Michaels shoulder another man appeared beside Wren. He was much larger compared to Wren and his boney structure, and when he reached out and gripped his forearm with much strength he knew he wouldn't get away from him if he ever tried. Wren didn't quite understand at first what was happening but it beg came clear his eyes widening as he began to stutter.

"I-I-I didn't d-do it.." The doctor just walked in the opposite direction as the strong guard yanked Wren forward and back down the hall he came from.
Byakuya looks at Brooklyn and says blushing, "Hahaha well if i told you about my rage-nesia then we must have been really close, huh?"

He then asks Brooklyn, "So.....I saved you from a psychotic nurse huh? Thats sounds like me. I hate seeing people hurt and suffering. I only hope that I didn't hurt you as well?"

Byakuya then looks at the new girl he knows he definitely hasn't seen before and says "Sure, what do you need help with?"

Byakuya then looks at Brooklyn and says "Hey if you ever see me and i don't remember who you are or even just your name, you can hit me, and then you can just tell me how we met and I'll believe you"

He gets up to help the girl that asked him for help and says back to Brooklyn "See ya around" and proceeds to try and help the new girl in front of him.
"Oh, I just need to know if you guys are real. I mean, I see a lot of people that aren't." Riley smiled sheepishly.

She reached forward and poked Byakuya. When she felt her hand collide with proper human skin, she sighed. "Sorry about that. And thanks. I'm Riley."

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Byakuya looks at Riley strangely, "You don't get out much do you?" and then asks Riley, "would you like to take a walk? I'm still kinda new here and so far the only nurse I really know I Simon and he doesn't talk much, so i was wondering if since im here for the time being anyways having friends might not be to bad"

He then looks back at Brooklyn again and says "My room number is 101, if you want to talk some more just meet me there tonight"

He then looks at Riley and asks "So where can I find the gym in this place? It is still a school right?"
Riley shook her head."I have schizophrenia. It makes it hard for me to talk to people."

She smiled at Byakuya. "Yes, it's a school. Come on, I know my way around."

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