Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

Yuuki saw a small crowd gathering around one of the other tables. Some of the people there were ones she'd seen earlier today, and a few were new ones she'd never met before. She wondered if she should maybe go talk to them. But then again, they looked like the 'popular' crowd... She wouldn't be a good fit for them. Just the thought of someone like her talking to the people from the Host Club was silly. She looked back down at her food, poking at it a little with her chopsticks but not eating it.

( @Lost in Paradise I'm feeling the same way right now /: It's been 5 pages and a whole one person has made a one sentence contact with my character /: I'll give it a few more pages but I might end up dropping too)
((I'm so sorry if your characters are left out, I'm just try to get our host club members gathered up, things will be way better once we get to after school, which I was planning to do after lunch.))

Serenity looked at Tamaki weird. "How does he know me? I just got here today. Is he your friend?"

Mori nodded, "I told him I had a friend coming."

Honey grinned, "and I said you were a distant cousin!"

Serenity shrugged. "Nice to meet you Tamaki" she said. politely. She spotter some girls eyeing their table and got up. She walked over till she stood between the two tables. "You two want to sit with us?" She offered, "you can be my guest, if they don't like it they can talk to me." It was. only her first day and her edge true colors were already showing. In all honesty she had come looking for an education, but also hoped to meet a guy who was like her. She could be a bit mean sometimes, but she was a little sensitive when she wanted to be.

[MENTION=3557]Jonny.Federally[/MENTION] are you still going to rp for this? I would really appreciate if you think you won't be here to let give kyoya to someone else?
Yuuki saw one of the girls walking her way. The girl stood between Yuuki's table and one of the others, looking between the two as she asked them if they wanted to sit with her. Yuuki looked at the girl from the second table, who was also sitting alone, and then back at the girl standing next to them. "Um... Sure," she said shyly. She tried not to seem hesitant or nervous, but then again she was about to go sit with the Host Club and friends. She picked up her food and walked back to where the girl had come from, quickly taking a seat. "Hi," she said to everyone. "I'm Tsukino Yuuki... It's nice to meet you all." Yuuki bowed her head politely, and before they could see her nervous-embarrassed blush, she looked down and started picking at her food again with her chopsticks.
Caid, hearing the introductions, walked over to the table of hosts and girls. Sitting down and laying his head on his arms, he eyed the strangers warily. He had seen them before - or something. "Hello." He greeted them. Whatever. Caid elbowed Mori. "Wake me up when lunch is over?" Without waiting for a response, he buried his face into his arms and promptly fell asleep.
(@♥Lost_In_Paradise♥, ....like a sir :3)

Tamaki looked at everyone who just came to the table and grinned "Yes! It appears our group is growing! This is great, isn't it you guys" he happily ate his food and looked at me "Don't worry Lya, you'll learn to love the world that is Ouran. It's glorious isn't it?" I looked at the others, it was strange, none of them were like Tamaki. Maybe Tamaki just attracted people of all kinds to him. I looked at Tamaki, "You started the host club thing, didn't you?"

Tamaki winked "Yes, I did. It was the greatest idea I've ever come up with." His eyes sparkled happily. I gave a small smile and cast my gaze down at my food "...called it" I mumbled mostly to myself. I looked at the other kids at the table, I know I sucked at it but I might as well try some...conversation "So any of you guys...new?", I looked at the kid who had just come by and fallen asleep, no use getting an answer from him, unless he talks in his sleep. I blushed, was I actually the only one here that felt so out of place, or were the others just as lost as I was?
The girl sitting beside Tamaki spoke up, asking if anyone else was new here. Yuuki shook her head. "No, this is my second year here..." She said. It was a truly surprising fact. Most people didn't know she even existed, and the few that do only know her as that weird girl that cosplays and refuses to wear her uniform dress. Yuuki used to get in trouble for it on a daily basis, at least until all the teachers just gave up and let her dress up. Yuuki knew the names of most of the people here, including Tamaki and a couple of the host club members, but no one knew her.
Serenity gave the remaining girl a smile, "you can come join us when you feel like." she offered, then returned to the table. she heard them talking about who was new.

"im new, i transferred in from a different highschool, although im now distant cousin with Honey-sempai and Takashi is a childhood friend i havent seen in a few years." Serenity pointed out.

"Takashi! i thought you said i was the only one who called you that." Honey made a pouty face.

Mori patted him on the head. "shes an old friend." and Honey shrugged, giving Serenity a smile.

Serenity chuckled, "anyway, to those of you who dont know, im Serenity, pleased to meet you."
I nodded and gave a small smile "Nice to meet you, I'm Lya." I shrugged "Been homeschooled most of my life, except for before I moved here, I went to middle school in America" I clamped my mouth shut, was it such a good idea to be so open about myself, what would they think if about what I said, would it be too weird? I clamped my mouth shut and ate some more food, looking at Tamaki to see him babbling some probably narcissistic stuff to other companions.

I looked to Hunni and Serenity. They were highly different from one another, it was strange to think the little blonde boy was related to her. Come to think of it, why was a little boy in high school anyways? Was he a child prodigy or something? She didn't feel comfortable enough to ask the question though so she kept her mouth shut.

(Are people still posting for this?)
((i am, i think we just need to call everyone back))

Serenity noticed Lya give Hunni a curious look. "we arent blood related. his fathers cousin married my mother." she clarified. Hunni stuffed more cake into his mouth and Serenity put her bookmark into her book and set it down, letting out a sigh. she was losing tolerance to the overly excited ranting of the rich students around her. wasnt anyone here calm? did none of theses rich kids have a sense of seriousness or was she just a killjoy?

@KaitWink, @Jonny.Federally, @Forks, @Lyrit, @♥Lost_In_Paradise♥, @skaterjuliet, @PoisonousKandy

Everyone come back! we havent even gotten to the good parts. once we get to the host club(which im skipping to after the lunch scene) things will pick up. pleeeaaasseeeee
([MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] yeah but the english version we often substitute for Hunni or Honey, because we're stupid and don't like to be traditional xP. JK, it's because it makes sense to us in our minds because he's such a cute kid. Besides, I knew the original was Hani, It's not like I'm making a mistake on purpose '3^)

(@<3Lost_In_Paradise<3 I'm pretty sure that didn't work but I have no idea how to spell yer name wif dah hearts, anyways, when you read this. AND I COMMAND YOU TO! xD I just wanted to say I love your avatar and sig, so cute!)
(Hani is correct. I just didn't know if anyone would recognize his name that way, now, where are all my host club memebers!?)
(presentz :3 It's too bad nobodiez else is D:, maybe you should get new ones if they don't respond within a certain time period?)

The twins walked over to Honey holding Chiro in each arm."if you keep eatting like that you'll get sick"Hikaru said pouting,"as long as your not sick Hikaru everything is fine"Koaru said pulling Hikaru close by his chin. Chiro was between the two and twiched,"can you two stop and take a chill pill get serious!"she yelled pushing there heads down.
Serenity looked over at the twins and friend. she seemed as irritated with the banter as she was. "well at least im not the only one who is irritated." Hani looked at her with puppy eyes.

"your not irritated of me, right Seri?" he asked, a speck of frosting on his face.

"i cant be irritated with you. all you do is eat cake." she picked up a napkin and wiped his face. perhaps she felt some sort of motherliness towards the tiny 3rd year.

((i want my Kyoya~ his character never gets taken, but now he is hardly ever on. i might give the roles away if people are willing to give them up.)
((sorry. I lost Internet for a while. But now I'm back!!))

Haruhi just sat there, eating the fancy food Tamaki had given her. All the noise in the cafeteria was annoying her. "This is exactly why I usually sit in the classroom to eat," she thought. Haruhi didn't want to join in on any of the conversation. She was more introverted than extroverted and usually just kept to herself.
Tamaki looked at the twins who had just arrived and appeared to be smothering that poor girl. Tamaki waltzed over to them "Now now boys" He waggled a finger at them and wrapped his arms around each of them "Save all that brotherly love for the host club, the fine ladies of Ouran love that kind of thing". He then noticed Haruhi being to herself and he felt something stir in him, so he went over to her "Hello Haruhi, are you not enjoying yourself, because you know I can make your whole entire lunch day better" he hovered his hand over his chest indicating that he was solely important for her enjoyment of the lunch.

"After all, it is my job, I am a host outside the host club as well."

I stared at Hunni some more, I knew it might be weird but I couldn't help it. "What is up with you kid, are you a genius or something why are you in high school and not, like, 1st grade?" I clasped my hands over my mouth. Why did I just do that? I'm such a screw up. Why couldn't I have just kept it in my mind.
Haruhi looked up at Tamaki with a skeptical look. She then looked around at everyone else, realizing that she might as well take up Tamaki's offer before she becomes bored to death. Haruhi sighed and looked back at Tamaki. "How can you exactly?"
Yuuki took a sip of her tea as she watched Tamaki waltz over to the twins. When she redirected her gaze to the brothers, she found herself looking right at Hikaru and blushing like mad. She was more than happy to pull her gaze away so as not to be noticed. *That girl is lucky,* she thought to herself. *She gets to spend every day with the one who will never notice me...* She sighed a little and shook her silly thoughts away. Suddenly Tamaki's friend blurted out something to Hani-sempai that seemed almost mean. She raised an eyebrow as she looked at the tiny third year, awaiting a response.
Hani looked over at the girl, and grinned "'course im old enough to be here, im a third year! i just really like cake. want to see bunbun?" he pulled out the stuffed rabbit he carried around with him. Mori nodded to confirm what Hani was saying about his age.

"Hani may be cute, but Mori told me stories of how scary it is when he gets angry." Serenity mentioned.

(i want to show Hani a little differently but im not sure how to do it. he has to have just slightly more mature moments right? they dont show much of him outside the playfullness.... just a curiousity)
I looked at the little boy and blushed, it was strange, I still can't believe he's a third year student.Tamki was talking to Haruhi "Well, what would you be doing without us, we have a lot of fun here" Tamaki brushed his fingers accross her cheek and his eyes sparkled in delight. I finished my lunch and threw it away "Okay, we'll it was nice meeting you guys" I got up and attempted to leave. Tamaki's attention shifted for a moment "Wait, Lya, where are you going". I looked away from them "I'm gonna go...see you at the host club later I guess..." I wasn't really sure if I wanted to go to this 'host club'. But if I said I was, I'd be left alone and not bothered so much. I walked away from the lunch table and left the odd group of people behind.

(When's lunch ova! Me wants to move awn! D:)
Hani waved at. Lya as she left. "Nice to meet you Lya-chan!" He ggave a cute smile.

Lunch went quickly as did the rest of the school day. After the last bell rang, Hani and Mori were waiting outside Serenitys classroom. They took her to the host club, and when she saw all the ruckus, she tried to leave.

"No way I'm sticking around with these noisy gaggles of girls!" But Hani and Mori wouldn't take no for an answer and shoved her straight into the room.
Yuuki was relieved when the awkward lunch was over, but as she walked down the hallway she could hear a lot of noise coming from the room where the Host Club was. She let out a sigh; she'd always wanted to go in and see what it was all about, but had always been too shy to do so. It sounded like everyone inside was having a lot of fun, but she couldn't bring herself to walk into the crowded room. She shook her head as to confirm her point. *Just keep walking!* She thought to herself. Looking down at her feet, she turned and started back down the hallway.

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