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Fantasy Welcome to the Freakshow







Main Act:



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Jayden Carrma









Main Act:

"Ladies and gentlemen, on the stage, you will see a comely girl. In just a moment a miracle will be preformed before your eyes. A blanket will cover the cage and when the blanket is removed, a wolf will sit in her place!"



Kimidere. Bow down to your queen. Why? Because. She is extremely superior and loves feeling such. She enjoys arguments and adores winning them. Though she is very blunt, she is also extremely polite and proper. It's easy to make her cry. Just curse, or insult her appearance in some way. If you want to see her blush, you need not do more than touch her. She considers simply touching(especially the opposite sex) a very dirty thing.


When her ability became to hard to control, she ran away. Looking for money, she joined the freaks.



Name:Billy "the pit" Winchester





Main act:everybody put your hands together for "The Pit" this boy will eat anything no matter what a knife,a bowling ball,a bullet fired out of a gun no matter his teeth will shred it and his bottomless stomach will never be filled<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.fc33413b2c551d8488babd664086e2a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119692" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.fc33413b2c551d8488babd664086e2a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Clearly without the headphones) Personality:billy is incredibly peppy and happy all the time he absolutely loves being in the freak show all the disrespect and jokes are made worth it when the people cheer and look at him as though he were a wizard he loves the attention

Bio:Billy ran off to join the freak show at the young age of fourteen his abilities had always been there as long as he could remember his parents used to tell him that when he was teething he would take bites out of the furniture and the house itself he never lost his baby teeth either they just got bigger

Since joining the show he's never been happier he doesn't have to worry about anything and he has a steady supply of "food"

Other:never gains so much as a pound and doesn't eat actual food



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(He also wears a old pair of black pants.)

Name: Croc

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Crocidile man

Main Act: "lady and gentlemen I present to you a creature that not human but not animal but a hybrid. This creature can lift object five hundred pound in weight and wrestle blood thirsty crocodiles with ease. I present to you the mighty Croc!"

Personality: Croc is not that bright... at all. He barely knows how to read and many concepts go straight over his head. He also act scary and tough to hide his weakness, which easy sense he is huge and has sharp teeth. But he is really a nice person and care a lot about others even when he doesn't show it.

Biography: Croc was simply left on the door step of freak shows owner. Croc was just left there in a basket with a small crocodile tooth necklace. So he was basically raised in the freak show.

Other: He only eats meat and fish.
Alphaius said:
Name:Billy "the pit" Winchester




Main act:everybody put your hands together for "The Pit" this boy will eat anything no matter what a knife,a bowling ball,a bullet fired out of a gun no matter his teeth will shred it and his bottomless stomach will never be filledView attachment 266381

(Clearly without the headphones) Personality:billy is incredibly peppy and happy all the time he absolutely loves being in the freak show all the disrespect and jokes are made worth it when the people cheer and look at him as though he were a wizard he loves the attention

Bio:Billy ran off to join the freak show at the young age of fourteen his abilities had always been there as long as he could remember his parents used to tell him that when he was teething he would take bites out of the furniture and the house itself he never lost his baby teeth either they just got bigger

Since joining the show he's never been happier he doesn't have to worry about anything and he has a steady supply of "food"

Other:never gains so much as a pound
ChazGhost said:

(He also wears a old pair of black pants.)

Name: Croc

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Crocidile man

Main Act: "lady and gentlemen I present to you a creature that not human but not animal but a hybrid. This creature can lift object five hundred pound in weight and wrestle blood thirsty crocodiles with ease. I present to you the mighty Croc!"

Personality: Croc is not that bright... at all. He barely knows how to read and many concepts go straight over his head. He also act scary and tough to hide his weakness, which easy sense he is huge and has sharp teeth. But he is really a nice person and care a lot about others even when he doesn't show it.

Biography: Croc was simply left on the door step of freak shows owner. Croc was just left there in a basket with a small crocodile tooth necklace. So he was basically raised in the freak show.

Other: He only eats meat and fish.
Shadow said:

Name: Moon Legna

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Species: Unknown

Main Act: "Everyone gather 'round! Here we have a flying man with the wings of a bird! But that's not all.....He also glows different colors! Come on, show the lovely people."

Personality: Moon is a very shy, private person and prefers to communicate without using words. He never seems particularly happy or sad....In fact he doesn't show much emotion at all. Secretly, he hates being a freak for 'normal' people to gawk at. However, he doesn't know what else he could do, since it's impossible for him to really fit in. As detached as he usually seems, he cares deeply for the people who are nice to him and isn't afraid to stand up for them or himself.

Biography: He doesn't really remember anything before he showed up in the freak show's main tent begging for a job. As hard as he tries to remember, nothing seemed to help so he eventually accepted this life.

Other: He can turn his glow on and off; each time he does this, the color of the glow changes shade. The first time it happened (that he can remember) the glow was white then slowly became blue and now it's mostly light green.
Accepted :)
Name: Kevin Clark

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Human



Main Act: Come one, come all to witness this young man vanish right before your eyes. And then reappear in a different spot on stage or beside you or maybe even behind you. Theirs no telling where he will come from.

Personality: Kevin is a very confident and cocky person. But he is also protective of his friends and very intelligent but tries to hide it.

Biography: Kevin grew up in a very abusive family. His two older brothers would always beat him up and pick on him for being smart and would also do things to get Kevin in trouble. His dad was no better who was a drunk and would use Kevin as a butler and punching bag for anything that was wrong. And Kevin never knew his Mother she died when he was really young. Then one day when Kevin had a really bad day from his brothers doing everything they can to belittle, prank, and beat Kevin up and then when his dad got home he even added more to it. Kevin had enough of it locked himself in his room. All he wanted was to be far away from this place and then suddenly he was sitting in the middle of a park. From their Jack went to join the freak show to make a living.

Other: Just to be clear his ability is to be able to teleport
HollowForce said:
Name: Kevin Clark
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Human



Main Act: Come one, come all to witness this young man vanish right before your eyes. And then reappear in a different spot on stage or beside you or maybe even behind you. Theirs no telling where he will come from.

Personality: Kevin is a very confident and cocky person. But he is also protective of his friends and very intelligent but tries to hide it.

Biography: Kevin grew up in a very abusive family. His two older brothers would always beat him up and pick on him for being smart and would also do things to get Kevin in trouble. His dad was no better who was a drunk and would use Kevin as a butler and punching bag for anything that was wrong. And Kevin never knew his Mother she died when he was really young. Then one day when Kevin had a really bad day from his brothers doing everything they can to belittle, prank, and beat Kevin up and then when his dad got home he even added more to it. Kevin had enough of it locked himself in his room. All he wanted was to be far away from this place and then suddenly he was sitting in the middle of a park. From their Jack went to join the freak show to make a living.

Other: Just to be clear his ability is to be able to teleport
Accepted :3


He has a moderately well shaped stature. He has short black hair neat and tidy, his small and handsome face revealing an unswerving determination, far exceeding what a person his age should be able to muster.​

Name: Tang Yuhao

Age: 17

Gender: M

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Species: (Human) Demon Spiritualist.

Main Act: "everyone be warned, this person's eyes can see everything!. Nothing catch within his gaze escapes notice! Watch as he dodges the unthinkable!"

Personality: quiet, at times distant and not much of a talker. Although, despite this he is kind towards others.

Biography: Tang was born into a family of Spirit manipulators who could materialize their spirit essence into a corporeal form or infuse the 'avatar' into a body part. However Tang was born with the unnatural ability (even among demon spiritualists) To both manifest an 'avatar' and infuse it into his eyes. Although due to religious views, Spiritual manipulators became known as demon spiritualists due to the 'avatar' or more commonly referred to as 'demons'.

Tang's 'demon' is known as Daydream or for short simply called Day. Daydream is a highly intelligent 'demon' who possesses profound wisdom and on its own is quite useless for combat. However, when Tang infuses Daydream into his eyes. An ability called gods domain is activated in which Tang can see everything as if through the eyes of god and is able to instantly take everything in. This ability combined with Tang's martial arts makes him nearly impossible to hit and can even dodge a bullet fired point blank at his heart.

Tang was labeled a devil by a religious sect and imprisoned for a major part of his life. At the age of Fifteen, he was released on the condition that he never return home. Afterwards, Tang wondered aimlessly through the world until he somehow found himself apart of a freakshow. Now he hardly talks to fellow performers (unless he is spoken to or feels his input is needed) and has a tendency to skip his performances every now and then.



its like an ocean if it had a galaxy contained within and his hair also changes from black to blue.

(also, when not fused into Tangs eyes. Daydream sits on Tang's shoulders or head.)
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[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]


He has a moderately well shaped stature. He has short black hair neat and tidy, his small and handsome face revealing an unswerving determination, far exceeding what a person his age should be able to muster.​

Name: Tang Yuhao

Age: 17

Gender: M

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Species: (Human) Demon Spiritualist.

Main Act: "everyone be warned, this person's eyes can see everything!. Nothing catch within his gaze escapes notice! Watch as he dodges the unthinkable!"

Personality: quiet, at times distant and not much of a talker. Although, despite this he is kind towards others.

Biography: Tang was born into a family of Spirit manipulators who could materialize their spirit essence into a corporeal form or infuse the 'avatar' into a body part. However Tang was born with the unnatural ability (even among demon spiritualists) To both manifest an 'avatar' and infuse it into his eyes. Although due to religious views, Spiritual manipulators became known as demon spiritualists due to the 'avatar' or more commonly referred to as 'demons'.

Tang's 'demon' is known as Daydream or for short simply called Day. Daydream is a highly intelligent 'demon' who possesses profound wisdom and on its own is quite useless for combat. However, when Tang infuses Daydream into his eyes. An ability called gods domain is activated in which Tang can see everything as if through the eyes of god and is able to instantly take everything in. This ability combined with Tang's martial arts makes him nearly impossible to hit and can even dodge a bullet fired point blank at his heart.

Tang was labeled a devil by a religious sect and imprisoned for a major part of his life. At the age of Fifteen, he was released on the condition that he never return home. Afterwards, Tang wondered aimlessly through the world until he somehow found himself apart of a freakshow. Now he hardly talks to fellow performers (unless he is spoken to or feels his input is needed) and has a tendency to skip his performances every now and then.



its like an ocean if it had a galaxy contained within and his hair also changes from black to blue.

(also, when not fused into Tangs eyes. Daydream sits on Tang's shoulders or head.)

Accepted. Join in when you want.

Hi! Sorry, I'm new I didn't realise that there was this section to fill out. I will do so now! I hope it's okay!

Name: Bailey

Age: 21

Gender: F

Sexuality: Bi

Species: Human

Main Act: Camouflage/Chameleon

"Roll up roll up! Now you see her and now you don't! It's BAILEY! Watch her disappear before your very eyes! But she's not invisible! She's a CHAMELEON!"

Personality: Bailey is quiet and rarely talks, she often just listens and dream of one day having friends and people she is comfortable enough around to talk with and laugh with.

Biography: Bailey is a little older than most in the Freak Show, she joined after having never really finding her place in the world. And she needs money and food and a place to stay.


Cooper said:
Hi! Sorry, I'm new I didn't realise that there was this section to fill out. I will do so now! I hope it's okay!
Name: Bailey

Age: 21

Gender: F

Sexuality: Bi

Species: Human

Main Act: Camouflage/Chameleon

"Roll up roll up! Now you see her and now you don't! It's BAILEY! Watch her disappear before your very eyes! But she's not invisible! She's a CHAMELEON!"

Personality: Bailey is quiet and rarely talks, she often just listens and dream of one day having friends and people she is comfortable enough around to talk with and laugh with.

Biography: Bailey is a little older than most in the Freak Show, she joined after having never really finding her place in the world. And she needs money and food and a place to stay.


Name: Ras Silas Gideon

Age: Unknown

Gender: bigender

Sexuality: bisexual

Species: Unknown

Main Act: "Step right up, ladies and gentlemen! Come and see things your eyes won't believe! some say it is an alien some say it is stranger some say it is not of this world we will not conform to the masses, whether it scorns or whether it attacks us, watch as it defeats beast, man, and monster alike, come one, come all, welcome to the freakshow!"

Personality: Although it is known to be a violent fighter, Ras's actions tend to be for the best. Ras lives for battle, and enjoys a good fight more than anything. It even holds back in an effort to make any fight last longer. It claims injury and death are nothing but the price one pays for a good fight. Despite its tendency to be brutal, Ras usually stops a fight if it's opponent is too injured to fight back, claiming it is not interested in fighting "weaklings who can't fight anymore", and it does not feel obligated to deal a death blow to anyone who cannot fight any longer.

Biography: Ras is an almost complete mystery, no one knows where it came from, how it came to be, or where it was before. The only sure thing they do know is Ras in much much older than it looks.

Other: Ras's wings and tail are extremely sensitive

Description: Ras wears a long black and hooded trench coat, which keeps its appearance almost completely obscured. Red, glowing eyes can be seen under the hood and from the sleeves milk white hands with black nails are visible, it doesn't wear shoes nor socks and as such it's feet can be seen with the same white skin and black nails, apart from that all of its appearance is obscured.
Ras said:
Name: Ras Silas Gideon
Age: Unknown

Gender: bigender

Sexuality: bisexual

Species: Unknown

Main Act: "Step right up, ladies and gentlemen! Come and see things your eyes won't believe! some say it is an alien some say it is stranger some say it is not of this world we will not conform to the masses, whether it scorns or whether it attacks us, watch as it defeats beast, man, and monster alike, come one, come all, welcome to the freakshow!"

Personality: Although it is known to be a violent fighter, Ras's actions tend to be for the best. Ras lives for battle, and enjoys a good fight more than anything. It even holds back in an effort to make any fight last longer. It claims injury and death are nothing but the price one pays for a good fight. Despite its tendency to be brutal, Ras usually stops a fight if it's opponent is too injured to fight back, claiming it is not interested in fighting "weaklings who can't fight anymore", and it does not feel obligated to deal a death blow to anyone who cannot fight any longer.

Biography: Ras is an almost complete mystery, no one knows where it came from, how it came to be, or where it was before. The only sure thing they do know is Ras in much much older than it looks.

Other: Ras's wings and tail are extremely sensitive

Description: Ras wears a long black and hooded trench coat, which keeps its appearance almost completely obscured. Red, glowing eyes can be seen under the hood and from the sleeves milk white hands with black nails are visible, it doesn't wear shoes nor socks and as such it's feet can be seen with the same white skin and black nails, apart from that all of its appearance is obscured.
Accepted :)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.6d388288e6b61c4332a807eecc6d64c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120850" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.6d388288e6b61c4332a807eecc6d64c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Evelyn 'Eve' Brooks









Main Act:

"Ladies and gentleman, please take at least 5 steps back and give a 'warm' welcome to Eve! Ladies, hide your husbands from this spawn of Satan, she will steal them in the blink of an eye. She's a seductress, she's a man-eater, she's a succubus! One of God's fallen angels if you will, she took a bite of the forbidden fruit. Watch as she controls fire with ease. Give it up for Eve! "


Given she's a succubus, she's a flirt by nature. She desires to wreak chaos all over the world, she's the type of person who likes to watch the world burn. It is commonly mistaken that Eve is evil, however even though she considers it 'Eve-il', she does have boundries and a few people she holds dear. Eve is reckless, wild, and a daredevil, usually only bringing trouble to her doorstep and literally a waving red flag. The succubus can be extremely immature, ditzy, and childish for a sex-crazed demon. She's passionate about her job and her lovers, Eve is highly respected at the freakshow due to her power.


Initially, she came from Hell to wreak havoc across the earth and sleep with every man, however she was too young and weak then. The freakshow took her in, more for the safety of everyone else than for her own good. Most of her powers were restricted there, and she was taught how to not be evil, even though she never has done such a great job at not being evil.




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Ballerina said:
View attachment 269177

Evelyn 'Eve' Brooks









Main Act:

"Ladies and gentleman, please take at least 5 steps back and give a 'warm' welcome to Eve! Ladies, hide your husbands from this spawn of Satan, she will steal them in the blink of an eye. She's a seductress, she's a man-eater, she's a succubus! One of God's fallen angels if you will, she took a bite of the forbidden fruit. Able to contort her body body into that of a fiery, hell-like dragon, breathing fire and destroying everything in her paths. Watch as the objects around her spontanously combust just by her staring for mere seconds. Give it up for Eve! "


Given she's a succubus, she's a flirt by nature. She desires to wreak chaos all over the world, she's the type of person who likes to watch the world burn. It is commonly mistaken that Eve is evil, however even though she considers it 'Eve-il', she does have boundries and a few people she holds dear. Eve is reckless, wild, and a daredevil, usually only bringing trouble to her doorstep and literally a waving red flag. The succubus can be extremely immature, ditzy, and childish for a sex-crazed demon. She's passionate about her job and her lovers, Eve is highly respected at the freakshow due to her power.


Initially, she came from Hell to wreak havoc across the earth and sleep with every man, however she was too young and weak then. The freakshow took her in, more for the safety of everyone else than for her own good. Most of her powers were restricted there, and she was taught how to not be evil, even though she never has done such a great job at not being evil.

She seems a bit OP. One power only, please.
ThePumpkinQueen said:
She seems a bit OP. One power only, please.
Got rid of the dragon part and spontaneous combustion, changed it to fire manipulation since that's a little less OP is it good now?

Abel Truth


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human

Main Act: "Come one come all to see this young man lift everyday objects, with nothing but his mind! Watch as something as simple as a card become as dangerous as a bullet in the hands of the one, the only, Abel."

Personality: Abel reeks of mischief and deception, and as a long term conman, he seems to be very skilled in the art of persuasion. Despite his rather skewed moral compass, he does have a sweet and playful side to him. He goes by the idea "Shoot now and ask questions later" and hates being called the term "Freak".

Biography: Abel has been home schooled for practically his entire life, especially when his parents found out about his telekinetic abilities. He's been kept in a bubble, away from others his own age until he turned 18, when he decided to leave his home and join his first freak show. Being new meat in the show, he feels somewhat insecure and paranoid at what the others might think about him, especially because he doesn't physically appear like some of the other main acts.

Other: Can only move things a he might be able to lift normally, but can toss them with the force of a truck.
MisterUniverse said:

Abel Truth


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human

Main Act: "Come one come all to see this young man lift everyday objects, with nothing but his mind! Watch as something as simple as a card become as dangerous as a bullet in the hands of the one, the only, Abel."

Personality: Abel reeks of mischief and deception, and as a long term conman, he seems to be very skilled in the art of persuasion. Despite his rather skewed moral compass, he does have a sweet and playful side to him. He goes by the idea "Shoot now and ask questions later" and hates being called the term "Freak".

Biography: Abel has been home schooled for practically his entire life, especially when his parents found out about his telekinetic abilities. He's been kept in a bubble, away from others his own age until he turned 18, when he decided to leave his home and join his first freak show. Being new meat in the show, he feels somewhat insecure and paranoid at what the others might think about him, especially because he doesn't physically appear like some of the other main acts.

Other: Can only move things a he might be able to lift normally, but can toss them with the force of a truck.
Accepted. Join in when you can.

Name: Xanecka Blackwood

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Neko

Main Act: "Step right up Ladies and Gentleman, have I got a surprise tonight! This here lady not only has the features of a cat, but she can replicate herself enough times to fill the world! Watch and be amazed as she goes from one to one-hundred!"

Personality: Is very dreamy, shows up when she pleases, says things that don't make much sense, takes things from other characters (only things she knows they won't miss), people assume she's trouble, which she is, but is also understanding about feelings. Resourceful. Introverted unless she finds someone either just as out there or odd as she is.


She was taken into a lab at very young, around 5-6, though she doesn't remember. Xanecka was tested and experimented on the day through the night. Eventually, an FBI agent found the laboratory. At age 12, She was the first of her kind, still adjusting to her ears, tail, and teeth, Xanecka was an outcast. She started testing magic with witches, and lived with one for a year, before the witch turned on her and gave Xanecka a potion to try and make Xanecka disappear. The witch made just the opposite thing happen, She gained the powers to replicate. When Xanecka learned about the freak show, she found it and the freak show took her in. She has trouble trusting people there, and due to her past has a scattered mind that many people don't understand. She lives in her own world though, and sometimes people can get a glimpse of it, but their understanding of her mind usually fades soon enough.

Other: ...
[QUOTE="Alex In Hell]

Name: Xanecka Blackwood

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Neko

Main Act: "Step right up Ladies and Gentleman, have I got a surprise tonight! This here lady not only has the features of a cat, but she can replicate herself enough times to fill the world! Watch and be amazed as she goes from one to one-hundred!"

Personality: Is very dreamy, shows up when she pleases, says things that don't make much sense, takes things from other characters (only things she knows they won't miss), people assume she's trouble, which she is, but is also understanding about feelings. Resourceful. Introverted unless she finds someone either just as out there or odd as she is.


She was taken into a lab at very young, around 5-6, though she doesn't remember. Xanecka was tested and experimented on the day through the night. Eventually, an FBI agent found the laboratory. At age 12, She was the first of her kind, still adjusting to her ears, tail, and teeth, Xanecka was an outcast. She started testing magic with witches, and lived with one for a year, before the witch turned on her and gave Xanecka a potion to try and make Xanecka disappear. The witch made just the opposite thing happen, She gained the powers to replicate. When Xanecka learned about the freak show, she found it and the freak show took her in. She has trouble trusting people there, and due to her past has a scattered mind that many people don't understand. She lives in her own world though, and sometimes people can get a glimpse of it, but their understanding of her mind usually fades soon enough.

Other: ...


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