welcome to the DWMA [Inactive]

Within minutes, Mitch had the whole meal eaten. He then whipped his face and leaned back on his chair, cleaning off his chopsticks. Then he sat there for a moment with his hand on his stomach. "Ready to go?"
Mitch tried to keep up, but he just fell behind. Thus Mitch just stopped and called out, "Alright, well goodnight guys. I guess I got to go to my own dorm now." As he turned around a corner and into his room, Mitch plopped on his bed and fell asleep. Actually, the quietness was nice.
Hecter smiled as Surota him walked into the dorm. "Finally sleep" Hecter said as he walked over to his bed and flopprd down on his bed. "Surota you might want to take a shower now you and had a long day." Hecter then closed his eyes, covered up, and fell fast to sleep.

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(Gah! Why is it this role-play I keep missing out on notifications for x.x)

Shouting? Emory hadn't even noticed, she'd been too zoned out. She looked around, wondering what the disturbance was. "Sorry Guild, I was a little too focused on talking to you. I uh... You know, I don't mind having you as a meister or anything, I just know Zero a little bit better. Anyways, is there a disturbance that we should go help out with?"

@deathfox6 )
Emory glanced around again, curious as to who Guild had noticed, before turning her attention back to him. "Do I talk too much in your opinion?" She asked out of the blue. He just... Guild didn't seem amused or enthusiastic about anything and Emory wondered if she was annoying him.
"yes" guild said coldly he didn't care about other peoples feelings he was a straight forward guy no matter how painful it is for the other person
Emory flinched even though she had seen that coming. Well, she had asked... strangely enough it didn't deter her from talking. She wasn't going to let Guild put her in a bad mood- even if he did sound emotionless. There was something there... Zero, though straight forward and still chilled in his own way, still seemed to not be quite so cold... to care a little more than Guild. Perhaps she was wrong for thinking so. "Oh. Well, I'd stop talking but it's kind of in my nature to fill the silence since I don't like silence. If you want to fill the silence with talking be my guest, I won't interrupt you."
guild sighed "yeah do whatever you want" he didn't look up at her why am I not drenched in her blood is it zero is he keeping me from killing her sigh for crying out loud
"You're no fun at allllll." Emory whined before she could think better of it. Realizing there was something about being around Guild that just seemed to throw off her personality, Emory tried to pull herself back together. "So uh... that place over there is the burger place. Am I covering the tab or are we paying separately or what?"
Emory nodded, deciding she'd pick something up for her dad on the way out as well. Finding that she actually had lost interest in talking Emory fell quiet. She beat Guild to the door, smiling at him while opening the door and giving him a teasing bow. She really missed Zero... she hoped he came back soon because this Guild fellow... she didn't know how to act around him but it seemed the longer she was around him the more afraid she was, as strange as that was.
Emory followed behind guild, placing her order as well. She stood next to him as they waited for their orders. Emory quickly became bored as he gaze swept around the room, a heavy sigh leaving her as she tapped her fingers against a table she had taken to leaning on. When Guild and her orders were up she jumped in front of him, grabbing both his order and her's, before bringing them over to a table near the window.
Emory slid into the booth across from Guild, waiting for him to sit and begin eating before picking up her own burger. "Guild... if I'm so troublesome for you then why don't you just tell me to go away?" She ended up asking, again without thinking before hand.
"You don't even need a weapon... not with your black blood." Emory said, miffed. "Is that the only reason you're keeping me around,t hen?" She asked, looking at Guild seriously. For whatever reason, it was ok if Zero kept her around only as a weapon... but if Guild did, then quite honestly she wanted to leave.
"sigh black blood can only go so far a weapon and amplify my soul energy and if you combine the 2 well its on op weapon for sure"
"Well I hope you realize that I'm pretty picky about when I turn into a weapon." Emory lied, crossing her arms and facing Guild. It really bothered her that he was being like this... she wasn't used to Zero's face making those kind of expressions... Emory didn't know if Guild would be a bad guy in any sense but just in case he was, she made a mental note to herself to get a rundown on the situation before helping him-unless he was Zero, of course.

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