Welcome to The Academy

Jonny smiled as he watched Luna cross his field of vision. He watched her enter the Kitchen and head in the direction of the pit.

"I dont really have class we just finished registering today." he said looking at his watch "But im free for the rest of the day actually. Finished unpacking my room and getting that all squared away."
Luna quickly swatted away all Walsh's questions. She noticed that Jonny and friends were now singing. How quaint. She walked quickly toward the door, determined to escape; the crowds of people were already making her woozy. Walsh matched her hurried pace, overtaking her and blocking her way a few feet in front of the door. "I need to talk to you" Walsh declared.

"I...don't..." Luna tried feebly. She was dying to get out. The people were making her I horribly nervous.

Walsh cut her off. "No isn't an answer. Come on." He grabbed her hand and practically dragged Luna over to an empty table right next to the newbies. "You don't like me." Walsh began.

"I--it's not" Luna stammered, trying desperately to get away. She was beginning to feel like the walls were closing in and crushing her.

"I don't understand why not," Walsh continued, taking her hand and giving her a meaningful stare, "After all, I like you. A lot." Walsh's words were utterly wasted on Luna. Memories flashed before her eyes, bringing pain and fresh tears with them. She felt like water was filling her lungs. She had to get out. Luna grabbed Walsh's hand, her nails digging into his skin.

"Let. Go." She hissed, her voice barely controlled. Walsh looked concerned, but he obeyed, throwing his hands up in the air. Luna stood up, shaking her head and covering her ears in an attempt to dispell the memories. It didn't work. Her whole body shook violently, like something was trying to tear it apart. Luna could tell she was slipping. Her sanity at this point was questionable at best. She had to get out. She ran towards the exit, nearly running over several people as she went. Everyone watched her as she left. She had been far to loud not to have been noticed. She ran down the hallways, not sure where she was going, not caring either. Somewhere, anywhere, she needed quiet. She needed control.
Jonny watched Luna leave the kitchen he tried to wave her over but it seemed that maybe she was in a hurry. after she left the kitchen however a young man chassed after her out. Jonny still singing began to sing softer now seemed to concentrate more on them then the crowd that had developed around them. Jonny's leg dropped when he saw him grab her by the arm and pull her down to a table close to them. He didnt look at them But he could tell A few People from the crowd were watching them.

So he likes her and she refuses him is that it? He thought to himself when he realized that there was no music ho looked at Amais. "Hey do me a favor" he said as he got up following Luna. "Keep the crowed here. I have faith" he said as he stared at the guy who had upset Luna he followed past him searching for Luna who seemed to have vanished.
Luna ran blindly, leaving a trail of startled students in her wake. She didn't know where to go. And then it hit her. The drama room in the abandoned wing. No one ever went there. She ran in that direction, finding the drama room and pulling the door open. She climbed hurriedly up to the rafters, nearly falling to her demise in the process. She sat still, trying to control her breathing and heart rate. She memories that had been consuming her swirled around one last time and began to fade, leaving a dull ache in their place. The tears continued to rush out, although a little slower than before. She hugged her knees to her chest and rocked back and forth. She began to queitly sing the lullaby that had calmed her since she was little. The haunting melody echoed around and filled the room. Luna sighed and continued with her song.
Jonny followed the path of bemused students. Till it ended then he started asking around a few people pointed him in the right direction.

Thats when he heard it. He sighed "gotcha" he said as he stood at the door. Maybe i should leave her alone. he said

he turned to walk away but his sisters words rang in his head and he sighed leaning against the door.

Then he realized the door wasnt locked and at swung inward not outward. Unable to catch himself he fell back on to his knife kit and in to the dark room.

"God D*mn it" he said as he sat up he hit his head and checked for blood "That hurt" he mumbled to himself.

As he feel silent he heard the soft smooth sound of the lullaby. "interesting" he said as he just sat down and listened not sure what to do next.
Luna heard a crash below her. She stopped everything and looked down. Jonny was on the floor in front of the doorway. He looked a bit shaken, but overall okay. Not wanting to be seen, Luna scooted back into the shadows. She pulled her knees in tighter, making herself as small as she could. She sat silently, determined to stay silent and hidden. But her humanity got the best of her.

"Are you alright?" She called down softly, still refusing to move.
Jonny sat in the chair he waited for a moment. "Yes" he said softly looking at the rafters

"Im more concerned with you" he said softly "Are YOU okay? You seemed..." he paused looking for the right word.

"Upset" he said softly "I know its none of my business but i was just wondering." he said softly.

"Its a Corodado thing as my dad would..." he stopped he realized he was rambling so he stopped all together not finishing the thought.

He looked up and scanned the entire room. He knew she was above him just couldnt tell where.
Luna instantly regretted asking about him. Now she had to respond. "I'm...fine" She attempted feebly, her voice catching on the last word. She loosened her grip on her legs ever so slightly. "The people...were...a bit...much" She sighed, her voice was still completely out of control. "Crowds...bring back things...I'd rather forget". The memories flashed once again and new tears sprung forth. She shivered and began another calming round of her lullaby.
Jonny sighed. As she began to sing agin her mechanism he thought to himself he sat there quietly not saying much he just leaned back and stared at the ceiling.

After a few moments he decided it was best to try to distract her. "Tell me about your character" he said gently "your flat one as you put so well" he said smiling

"Im not going to lie thats the first time someone has ever said that to me" he chuckled as he recounted the days event
Luna's lullaby was interrupted by Jonny, asking about her character. Luna wasn't quite sure she wanted to disclose information about him to Jonny. But he was helping her. She figured it was the least she could do. She released her knees completely, leaning back against the rafter. She drew in a deep breath, racking her brains, trying to figure out where to begin. She let out a deflated little chuckle. "Well, he's a lot...like you, actually". She stopped for a moment, realizing that she was beginning to feel better. "I was struggling with him, because I didn't like him. Or understand him. He was warm and kind and maybe a little bit lost. I was supposed to like him. That made it hard. He was vital, pivitol. So I needed someone I could like, or at least not hate. Someone like him."
Hobby smiled not sure what to say. "Yeah deffinay a first." he said

"Bif why did you have to like him? Never heard of a writer aactually doing that for them."

He sat in his chair thinking about it some more. Is there anything I.need to do or just roll?"

he wasn't quiet sure what he needed to do for her but he wanted to help.

He enjoyed helping people. almost as much.as he.enjoyed being in a kitchen.
Luna thought for a minute, trying to put her feelings into words. "All my other characters like him; it just makes since that I should too. I can't really convey everyone else's feelings if I don't share them. I mean, how could I write about liking him, maybe even..." Luna trailed off, she wasn't going that far. Those were feelings she herself refused to ever possess again, let alone talk about with this almost-stranger. "As far as what you need to do... I don't really need too much. Just be you," She paused, thinking over exactly what she might need from him, "Well, actually, I might need you to do certain things sometimes. And you might want to be prepared for some strange hypotheticals". Luna laughed, a real laugh this time, one that tinkled like windchimes. She thought about all the questions Jonny might be receiving in the not so distant future. The mere thought amused her thouroughly. She swung around on the rafter so that she was facing him. She supposed her could see her now, in the air high above him, or at least her feet, anyway.
"Well sounds interesting enough" he said.looking up with a slight smile.

He liked her laugh there was something about it that made him baby to laugh along with her.

"My aunt always cursed me that way" he stuck his tongue out at her and winked.

"Can I at least know his name?" He asked her "sense everyone seems to like him in all."
Luna smiled. She liked Jonny. He was definitely the right choice. "Micah," She said in a dreamy tone, her eyes going starry. There was something about him(Micah) now that was very appealing. Just the thought of him filled her with a warmth that hadn't existed before.
"Micah" he said almost a bit jealous of a fictional character "makes me a bit jealous not going to lie"

He said slyly "although i don't lie I'm happy your not upset yet" he looked down and pulled off his glasses and a cleaning cloth from his coat pocket

"May I ask what originally brought you your inspiration?" he asked her
"For the story or Micah?" Luna asked, not quite understanding the question. She contemplated coming down from her perch on the rafter, but decided it best to stay where she was. "If you mean Micah, I wanted someone who everyone likes, but no one really understands. He's always kind to everyone. He plays by the rules, never out of line, never questioned. He just seems like a nice guy who has everything together. And he is-kind of. He's lonely, I think. And a bit sad. But no one will ever know that." She paused for a minute, gathering her thoughts and sealing Micah away for the time being. "If you're talking about the story, this could take a while". She laughed again. Talking about Micah made her feel free. Like he was a real person and her world was coming to life. "Sometimes I feel like I could slip away and go there" She mused softly, not quite realizing that she was speaking aloud.
Jonny listened to her as he polished he.glasses and slipped them back on.

"Thats actually pretty cool but I'm talking about the story." He said

I need to leave he said.she pinned me a lot better then most people

Jonny stood up and stretched he looked at his watch and sat down

he thought hard on how to leave. Trying to firgure out how to leave the room with out drawing attention.

"My sister used to say the samething about the books she read.

she would have loved the adventures" he smiled
Jonny's response interrupted her reverie. "The story...hmm." She thought for a minute, noticing him check his watch as she did so "I think that would take a bit too long." She smiled, leaping gracefully down from her perch. She landed on her feet right in front of Jonny. "Perhaps another time." She said, almost singing. She walked towards the door, beginning to leave the room and then stopping. " See you around. I fear I have some things to smooth over." She called over her shoulder as she left.
"And here I was enjoying the conversation." He cooed back to her as he waited for here to leave

He checked his phone. nothing go firgure. sense his sister was in a different timezone he figured she wouldn't hit him up.

"An interesting conversation for sure" he sighed as he looked around the room shot .it was a nice quid place away from everyone and bark

it was unique in its own way.
Luna didn't really have anything to do, that was a lie so she wouldn't waste anymore of Jonny's time. She knew that unlike her, others had things to do. It was true that she would have to smooth things over with Walsh, bit she would avoid him and the cafeteria for as long as possible. Luna walked slowly down the halls of the old wing. This was her domain, nothing happened here that she didn't know about. She began to imagine her world unfolding in front of her. It became real. She could reach out and touch the people.

(from here on is in Luna's head)

Micah walked beside her, smiling broadly while telling her about something he had done last night. Luna smiled. She loved listening to Micah talk; he was such an eloquent speaker. His voice, oh his voice, was amazing. It sounded like the winds and the waters and other things yet unseen. Micah finished his story with, "You should come too next time".

"I don't think so," Luna sighed, wishing that perhaps she could come with him, "You know how I am". And Micah did know. He knew her best of anyone.

Luna wished that he could be real. If her was--well, maybe things would be a bit different. Luna didn't want friends; such things were pointless. But perhaps if someone who understood her, a real Micah existed... Luna shook her head. Micah didn't exist. No one would ever be quite like him. And besides, she was doing fine without him.
Amias wasn't paying much attention and just noticed it was just him and Sylvie.

"Well.. So much for that. What do you say you and I go to class?" Amias smiled at Sylvie and stood up. He extended and hand to her to help her up.

"And if you feel like it, we could go hangout after school."

Amias looked around the cafeteria

everyone must have left while I was focusing on the guitar

(we are still in Luna's head)

Luna danced through the old halls. Micah accompanied her, laughing at her good naturedly. She stuck her tounge out at him. He began to sing. He was a wonderful singer. She stopped everything and listened. His voice blended in with the surroundings and made everything more beautiful.


Luna sighed as she reached the end of the hall. She dispelled Micah and headed back towards the main wing. She hurried to her classrooms, collecting all the work she would need for that semester and stuffing it in her bag. She was leaving the last classroom when the teacher spoke to her. "The office wants to see you today". She sighed and headed in that direction. She thought they had given up on forcing her to attend classes two years ago.

She entered the office and was ushered to the councilor's room. He stared at her, giving the impression that he had been waiting for years. "Sit down Miss DeClair" he gestured to the seat on the other side of his desk. Luna gave a slight bow and sat down. The man went on talking. "You are here because I want to talk about your situation." Luna sighed, they had had this conversation countless times. "Mr. Clark," she began matter of factly, "You know full well I am unable to enter a classroom setting. I have a condition." She used her trauma to her advantage often, although she really couldn't cope with classrooms. "It was agreed upon my enrollment that I would do my work by myself. Are you breaking your half of the deal?"

He looked sheepish, "Of course not my dear. I just thought...". Luna got up and left. She would not waste her time here any longer.
Can we still join? I posted my character, Chantelle on the application-y character roll thing, so just hoping that I can still do it :DD

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