Welcome to The Academy

Dustin made it back to his dorm.

He walked briskly into the kitchen and proceeded to make coffee.

What did i really think of these new students?...

The girl seemed shy and to herself.

Most girls are like that though. Im more worried about her musical skills.

Cant wait to hear her play.

The blonde boy seemed, eager. Up to the challenge even..MAC can be a cruel place, hope he is ready.

Amias, well, amias gave me a square so i guess he is alright.

But, something seemed off about all three of them.

Im not going to worry myself about it though.

I poured myself a cup of joe and headed out my room towards the music hall.

I just need to play my music and clear my head.
Sylvie realized that Amias was talking about her. "O-oh, I'm Sylvie." She said. "Sylvie Snow. Really weird name, I know. My parents thought it would be helpful for me to have a catchy name. Prodigies usually have catchy names, they said..." Oh no, now she was rambling... Her cheeks turned pink.
Jonny listened to the music. "Thats actually really cool" he said then he turned to Sylive "Hey at least you have a name people can pronounce Most people cant say my last name 'Coronado' Not 'Corol nado'" he said as he looking at Sylive trying to make here feel better.
She laughed a little. "I guess so." She listed to the music coming from the guitar. He was pretty good. Scratch that, he was REALLY good. Was everyone here this good? That worried her. Even though she was an excellent pianist, she always worried that she would fail, or that the people who happened to be better than her would make her feel inadequate. She needed to practice soon, or she was going to freak out. "Hey, uh.." She started. "I... Have to go. I'll catch up with you guys later..." She shouldered her bag and took off, stopping by her room only momentarily before dashing to the music hall. She let out a sigh. She hoped she'd have the place to herself. However when she got there, she heard someone else in the room. Crap, she thought. She peeked around the corner to see Dustin. He'd come here, too? Maybe he felt the same way she did: that she had to practice right now so she could prove to be the best later. Though she'd really hoped to practice in solitude. Suddenly she knocked over a music stand, and a pile of them fell to the floor. Cringing, she listened as the crashing echoed through the music hall. "Real graceful, Syl..." She mumbled to herself.
I was opening my violin case when i heard the crash.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw the new girl frantically picking up a music stand.

A few other people in the room rushed to help her pick the music sheets up off the ground and others (like me) sat and watched.

Yup, a true music major.

I smiled slightly and turned back to my violin.

"Going to be a great year."
"Well that leaves just us, huh? " Amias stated to Johnny.

"So what's your story, buddy?" His cigerette was at it's last drag.

Amias watched the girl leave, she was pretty but shy. It seemed like everyone was worried about something. Practice maybe?

His fingers still moved quickly on the guitar. Strumming an old Bob Dylan tune. He began to start singing, one of his favorite things to do.

Come gather 'round people

Wherever you roam

And admit that the waters

Around you have grown

And accept it that soon

You'll be drenched to the bone.

His voice picked up as he got even more into the song. He stared at the other boy while he played. Awaiting his answer.
Luna sat high above everyone in her favorite spot, an portion of the wall that jutted near the ceiling. She sat in the shadows, watching everyone, assured that no one could see her. She had been watching the front office for a while now, trying to find interesting newbies to research. Luna was on her third year at the academy; she had been let in early because of her extrodinary artistic talents. Luna liked it here, she had plenty of time to herself. No one ever bothered her, mostly because no one really cared, but that was just how Luna wanted it. She relished the time alone to draw to her heart's content.

All Luna's hopes were recognized when she saw a blond boy leaving the office with a girl. She could tell immediately that he would be good. Luna didn't usually like to get involved, but this time was different. This boy would be perfect material. She leaped silently down from her ledge, shocking the boy who was entering the door by nearly landing on his head. He began to protest, but Luna ignored him. She needed to talk to the newbie from the office. As she neared the boy and his companion she heard snippets of conversation. The girl was a music major, but that was useless information.

Luna cleared her throat. "Need to talk to you." She declared, staring the boy full in the face.
Yeah its pretty Bomby))

"Hail From San Fran but i come from Salt Lake." he started before he stopped

"Need To talk to you" Said a strange girl to him.

"What?" he stopped slightly confused and taken back he tilted his head forward while leaning back hiding his Soft Brown almost Golden eyes.

"Is everything okay?" he asked not sure how to respond to this girl standing in front of him now.
"Research." Luna replied quickly, 'I'm working on a project and you look like a good character model". She waved her right hand around, indicating all the other students around. "I've been waiting all morning for a good one." She poked him softly in the chest. "That's you".
Sylvie finished picking up the last of the stands, thanking all her helpers shyly. She walked away quickly so that none of them would see her embarrassed pink face. She finally found what she was looking for- a piano- and was happy to see that it was out of earshot of the others. Perfect! It was a secluded area of the hall, a room set off to itself. The room provided perfect acoustics for playing and clearly hearing each note, while also blocking out outside noise. Sighing and trying to calm her racin heart, Sylvie took a seat and began playing an improvised song, a sorrowful, lonesome melody that she put her everything into. It was something she'd been working on for almost a year now, and she was determined that it would get her in the Music Majors showcase.
I watched the girl quickly go into another room.

Where the piano was.

Ahhhhhhh, a piano player.

"Come on Dustin, we need to practice." said another student, a year my junior.

and practice we did.

the music we played, was beautiful. Everlasting. Soulful.

Violin,Chello,Saxophone and Trumpet all blended together wonderfully.
Jonny eyed her "Me?" he said doubtfully "what kind of research do you need exactly?" he said not exactly sure what she needed from him for "But if you needed something im more then happy to help you out if you would like" he said checking his watch "Im free for the day as far as i know" he said as he softly palmed her finger and pressed it lightly away from him.
"I'm doing some creative writing right now. My main character--is sadly flat. I need someone to model him off of. You fit the role, so I need your help" Luna explained patiently. She felt that such a simple thing shouldn't need explanation. But, I suppose that's a newbie for you. "Also, I don't need you right now. But I will--later" Luna smiled, happy to have found what appeared to be the perfect muse. "I'll be seeing you around" She declared, turning and walking off. The hallways parted for her as she went on her way.
"Flat?" he said softly he thought for a moment "guess its alright i suppose" as she walked off "so later it is" he said as she walked off "This is going to be more interesting then i thought he said as he walked to his dorm room. he unlocked the door and took a look around. A complete and total sty. "Lots of cleaning." he said as he put together his stereo system and plugged in his iPod and pressed play. Of Monsters and Men began with Dirty Paws he turned it up enough to be able to hear it but not loud enough for it to be obnoxious. As he started he placed his kit on the counter and began unpacking the kitchen and what ever else it entailed.
Sylvie hated the giant window in the room. It was the one thing throwing her off. She kept glancing out, distracted by all the other Music majors. Trying hard to focus, she continued playing for another hour or so before her stomach started grumbling. "Such bad timing you have, I was just getting into it..." She grumbled back. She stood from the piano, glad she didn't have to take the time to gather her music sheets--she had only used music sheets a few times since she'd begun playing piano. When she was a kid, she used them for practice, but at around 6 she began improv and learning by ear. She found it much more soulful when you made things up yourself.

Sylvie exited the room, closing the door quietly behind her, and was grateful to cross the hall without another disturbance. She walked into the hall to go look for the cafeteria.
"Well I'm gonna just drift along, catch you guys later" Amias' hands made a gun as he walked away from the two.

His feet guided him to the music room. It wasn't his type, it was more of a concert hall.

Guess I can deal with it.

He sat himself down next to Sylvie. He listened to her play beautiful music.

"That's absolutely beautiful. Much like yourself. " Amias winked at the girl and started to play his guitar along with her piano. The sound was so vibrant and beautiful, Amias started to tear up from how wonderful it sounded. His thick black hair started to wave to the beat. His hands gently moved and his foot began tapping.

She's good. Really good. Better than I am.

His thoughts raced as the time passed.

(( Shoot, I'm late again. Oh well, Let's say that was before she left. And now continuing: ))

The girl got up and walked out, heading to the cafeteria, Amias decided to follow her.
Practice ended.

The music stopped.

Reality resumed.

I left the music hall and headed for the courtyard, there i found a bench which i promptly sat at.

I pulled out my book and began to read.

Drowning out the world.
"There" he said as looked around the kitchen.

Empty Boxes broken down and stacked pictures paintings and Designs on the wall the Tv set up.

He was done. It was short sweet and simple. And something that took almost two hours. an acheivment in his eyes it usually tool all day to do this.

He walked over to the window and opened them all. a cool refreshing breeze blew threw the rooms. and then thats when he felt it.

Insperation, a drive, some unknown force inside him drove him to the kitchen where he began to fill the room with the scent of citris and Bay leaves.

"This is going to be good" he said smiling half way threw his dish.
Alice sat in the Art room, stroking the brush gently across the palette in front of her. Brilliant colors of pink, green, yellow, orange and green flowed across the paper, creating a gorgeous picture of a pink flower sitting gently in the bright sunlight. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and she looked up.

"Very good, Ms. Kendrick. You're mother made a good choice on sending you here." Her art teacher said, flashing her a friendly smile before removing his hand and taking a few steps back. Alice nodded, turning her gaze back to the beautiful painting.

"I'm glad she did." She said in a soft voice, adding the finishing touches to the painting before completing it. When she was done, she cleaned her paint brush at the sink and put away her paints.
Just as Jonny had finished the final touches of his plate there was a knock at the door. "Jonathan You have mail." Said a voice at the door

"Just a minute" he said as he put the plate down and walked to the door opening it he found a guy standing there holding a box and a couple of letters.

"here you go boss" said the man "Names Micheal I work in the mail room. Just sign this and ill be out of your hair so you can eat." he smiled

Thats when he relisead it. The Aromatics from the dish had drifted from the room to the hall way and was quickly flooding the entire building.

Jonny smiled "Thanks man appreciate it" he said as he signed the slip and took the packages.
((lol yep late again, and she was playing in a private room haha oh well))

Sylvie turned to Amias, who had followed her from the music room. She turned back to him, stopping. He looked like he was just following her, so she decided to wait for him to catch up. "You could have asked me to wait for you," she said with a small smile.
Luna found herself in yet another of her private niches in the academy. This time, a person sized gap in one of the walls of the creative writing classroom which she had shoved a cabinet in front of. She dropped her bag on the floor in front of her and pulled out the composition notebook she had been using to write her story in. Luna was all to eager to write, enthralled with this new material. She had been right about Jonny. She always was, though. All the words she had been storing up since first seeing Jonny spilled out on the page. With each word, her character began to take a new and wonderful shape. He was Micah, shy and quiet, filled with a strong warmth. Taking from Jonny's qualities, he became bigger, better, like nothing Luna had ever created before. Her imagination ran wild, taking her to new and shocking developments she never could have seen. Chills ran down her spine. This was going to be amazing; she just knew it.
Dustin set his book down on the table infront of him.

He reached down into his bad a pulled out some homework that he still had to finish.

Math. I hate math.

I began to work on it, or really, struggling through it.

Students passed by, most not saying anything. Some would ask me when the next concert was or would start small talk about music in general.

When they left, i continued with my work.

Dying a little more as the time flew by.

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