Welcome to The Academy

AS Jonny Stood in the door way he quickly realized that the air way from the windows to the door had swept threw the hall way breezing the Fresh sent seemed to pull people out of there room and out for an adventure. People passed once angry or irritated nor calm and smiling. Jonny grinned. He knew what the cause was and was happy to help them out. He would stay and watch as well but it soon he realized that his food was probably warm now if not cold. "Time to eat" he said as he walked back in to his room. However, instead of closing the door he left it open letting the air play with the curtains and sheets to dance in the wind. "what a day he said as he began to eat. Enjoying the plate in front of him.
(( I'm so tired I don't remember things I read xD ))

Amias piped up "Where's the fun in that? I figured it's more fun if I just wait for you to speak first. So where we heading? To get some food? Mind if I sit with you?" His cocky smile was stuck on his face. His hands were deep in his pockets with his precious guitar on his back.

"You know, you're really talented. Where did you learn? It seems like you play by ear, that's something my father taught me.. Before he went away."

Amias eyes looked around the room, avoiding eye contact as if something he said upset him.
She pushed the door open and started going across the grounds to where the cafeteria was. Sure, there was the option of eating in her room, but she hadn't gone to buy food so for now, cafeteria it is. She looked back at Amias, wrapping her arms around herself as she'd done earlier. It was something she always did when she was put on the spot or had to explain herself. "Thank you," she said. "Yeah, I just play by ear and improvise most of it... That song was something I'm working on for showcase..." She gave a small smile, pushing her brunette locks behind her ear. "I had private lessons. My parents have had me playing since age four, so I've had a lot of practice..." She shrugged. "What happened to your dad?" She asked when he mentioned that he'd left.

Yeah, im done with this bull.

I gather up my belongings, stand up and head towards the cafeteria.

My stomach was growling and i was tired of beef Ramen.

I walked through the cafeteria doors and go straight to the snack bar.

I get a tuna sandwich,a bag of backed lays, a big red and a snickers ice cream bar.

I take my plate and walk over to a rounded table where i sit and proceed to eat.

Luna would have written for hours, if not interrupted by the smell of food. Realizing for the first time how hungry she was, Luna put her things in her bag and slung them over her shoulder. She exited her niche, pushing the cabinet back in place before she left, and started towards the kitchen. She went in the back way like she always did. Luna went wherever she pleased and no one ever stopped her. Walsh, a third year in the kitchen, pounced on her the moment she entered. "How are you Luna? Do you want dinner--or just to hide?" Walsh was always like this. He was one of those people who thought that everyone should be his friend. He had made it his life's mission to get Luna to like him.

Luna laughed. "Just dinner, Walsh. But I might hide here later". Walsh nodded knowingly. "Of course," he chuckled, handing Luna a plate of food. "You can eat here if you'd like".

"No thank you" Luna replied, flashing him a brilliant smile as she grabbed the plate and headed back out of the kitchen.
After He had finished eating he cleaned up his kitchen and put things in there respective places. "Lets go on an adventure" he said to himself as he grabbed his kit slung it across his chest and was out the door. He closed and locked it tight. he tried to open it but it wouldnt give. satisfied with the security he turned and started of the smell of citrus and Bay still in the air around him. He was content walking A pace that calmed him form the seemingly overwhelming pace of this pace. He sighed as he walked from building to building. examining music rooms, library's, Art rooms, Ceramic classes. The place seemed to have it all. And just like the brochure had said they really were one of a kind. "its amazing how inexpensive the school is in comparison to what they have" he said out loud. He hid his eyes only after realizing that he he had said something out loud that shouldnt have been.
Amias had a distant look, "He died of cancer..A year ago. This is actually his guitar. He taught me everything I know. I miss hearing him play though, but sometimes when I play I hear his music instead of mine. He taught me to play by ear. I actually don't know how to read music. I just pretend to. But don't tell anyone." He grinned at the girl.

"Why are you so shy? You put up your guard when you're nervous, don't you? Come on, let's go enjoy some food. I'm sure they have something good here. We can talk more while we fill our stomachs." His stomach growled loudly.

Amias found the girls shy attitude cute. Her music entranced him, he was interested in hearing her play more.
"I'm sorry," she replied quietly. It was sad to lose someone you were close to, and she couldn't even imagine how hard it would be to lose a parent. "Oh, me?" She said. He'd done it again, turned the tables so she was the one under speculation. "I guess I've always been this way," she said. "I've always been more focused on school than people, so people usually assumed I was stuck up or that I just hated everyone. I just wanted to get into a good college and then a good career, you know?" She shrugged.

"I think that's the cafeteria over there, isn't it?" She nodded towards a crowded-looking building. "Guess everyone else had the same idea, too." She said. They walked into the cafeteria and she looked around. "There's an empty table, if we hurry up and grab some food we might be able to get to it before someone sits there."
"Sounds great to me, but we're not done talking just yet." Amias winked at her as he walked into the cafeteria, he grabbed a plate and piled it high with everything he thought looked good. His athletic build would fool you into thinking he ate healthy. The boy could eat. And that's what he did.

Amias found that they had cups of coffee served from a small counter. He immediately rushed to the table and grabbed a cup. His caffeine addiction got the best of him sometimes.

He set his tray down on the table and gently put his guitar on a seat to protect it from harm.

Amias gestured for the brunette headed girl to come sit.

"I guess we can hope for more to join us, right?" he had a small laugh from the comment. He was starting to think that he was the only person enrolled who wasn't shy.
Sylvie walked around, picking up a few things that looked good. They had her favorite soup, tomato basil, and she gladly took some. After grabbing some earl grey tea, she headed over to where Amias was already seated. "We can." She said, wondering if people would actually join them.

((sorry for the short post))
Realizing he was in the clear he proceeded to the next building. As soon as he did though he relised it was empty he looked around till it cought his eye, a Clock, and from what it read it was lunch time. "guess everyone is out at the cafeteria right now." he said as he turned and looked down the hall thats when he say her. The strange girl that needed him for her What are was it again? He Thought hard Then with a snap of his fingers it came to him "RESEARCH" he said out loud
"So while we're waiting, let's chat a little." Amias smiled and stared at Sylvie. "So what makes you so shy? You're so talented, I'd think you'd have a bigger ego."

Amias grabbed his guitar and started strumming a little tune. He did this quite often to make people feel more comfortable.

"So can you sing? I've always wanted to do a duet with someone. Never have. So let's hear it, what's a song you know how to sing?"

The black guitar lined with gold flashed under the florescent cafeteria lights and the movements of Amias hands. Amias let the notes out gently and looked around to see if anyone else was watching.

"Don't be shy, no one's around." His small smile attempted to comfort
Sylvie as he played some chords he's heard the Shins play.
"Like I said," Sylvie replied. "I've always been this way. I'm antisocial because I was concentrating on other things." She took a drink of her tea, which was much hotter than she'd anticipated. "And no, I'm not that talented." She said with a small giggle. "The only place I sing is in the shower." She stirred some croutons into her soup before taking a bite. Croutons and cheese made everything taste better. Amias was playing some chords on his guitar, and while it was relaxing, she still couldn't come THAT far out of her shell. Not in one day, anyway. "How long have you been playing guitar?"

Dustin picked up his tray and walked over to where Amias and Sylvie where sitting.

"Hey guys, whats going on?"

He takes a seat on the far side of the table, to where he is looking at there face.

Still munching on his tuna sandwhich.
Sylvie greeted Dustin, hoping he'd forgotten about her embarrassing grand entrance into the classroom earlier. "Just talking..." She said quietly, dipping a piece of bread into her soup. "Seems like everyone is here." She took a bite and sipped her tea. "You play very well by the way." She looked at Amias. "Both of you." She gave them a smile.
"Since I was 4 years old. So roughly 13 years. My father taught me while I was young. You should have seen him, he was the best I've ever heard." Dustin sat down at their table.

"Thank you, don't talk down on yourself. You're amazing." He reassured her.

Dustin sat down at their table.

"Hey mate. How has your day been?" Amias smiled at the guy he met earlier.

The guitar sung out melodies.

"Care to join me in a song, Dusty? Your choice. You name it. Let's serenade this beauty." Amias grinned again at Sylvie.
"Seems that way" Jonny said as he walked up to there table. He stood there not quiet sure if he was welcome to a table full of Musicians and singers seeing as he was culinary and from the look around the Dinning Area it seemed that they broke off in to there own separate Majors. "Do you guys mind if i join you? he said "I already ate just waitng for some time to kill thats all" he asked his hand on his kit not exactly sure if he could take it off.
Jonny smiled and sat down "Thanks" He said "How about something with a little more kick in it?" he said in regards to the music choice.

"Im Thinking something that can get people moving." But then again im always looking to do stuff like that."
"Welcome, man. And Hell yeah I know that!" His fingers moved and began to play.

Said said

Said I remember when we used to sit

In the government yard in Trenchtown

Oba, ob-serving the hypocrites

As they would mingle with the good people we meet

Good friends we have had, oh good friends we've lost along the way

In this bright future you can't forget your past

So dry your tears I say

"Sing with me guys!"

Amias moved to the beat. The guitar sang. He smiled at the people at the table.

"I know you wanna join in Sylvie. "
Jonny Smiled as he softly sang along. It wasnt his major but like most music he knew it well enough to no destroy it with his own vocal rendition of it.

Jonny Began nodding his head to the rhythm of the song.
Luna walked through the school until she found what she was looking for, an old classroom that no one used anymore. She plopped down on one of the desks, taking her notebook out of her bag and beginning to nibble on her food. Luna began to jot down some more notes in her book, talking aloud as she went. She had a good few minutes to herself before she heard someone walking down the hallway. Luna perked up, already beginning to stuff her things back in her bag. The door began to open and Luna rushed out, nearl knocking over the girl who was entering the room. The girl threw her hands up. "Woah! Be careful!"

Luna could care less. She had places to be. Luna stuffed a piece of bread in her mouth and chewed as she moved on. She needed to bring her plate back to the kitchen. Luna was in a hurry and decided to take the quickest route, through the cafeteria. She shuddered. The mere thought of all those people made her skin crawl. But she had things she needed to do.

Luna entered the cafeteria, instantly hit with the a wave of heat generated by the crowd of people. She walked quickly to the kitchen, noting that Jonny and company were all sitting at a table together. She handed her plate to to the boy in charge of dishes, thanked him quickly and began to walk off. Out of nowhere Walsh appeared, beginning his 20 questions routine. Luna sighed, she would be here a while.
Sylvie finally gave in and started singing along with the two boys. If a non-music major was brave enough to do it, she could too. She started singing the song in a slightly higher octave. Her voice wasn't perfect but it was d*** close. She wished she could play this song in her own style. Maybe later she'd do just that. She broke into a cute grin as her voice rang out, complimenting the lower male voices.
"Pfftt and you say you can't sing." Amias continued to play.

The song ran it's course and ended. Amias had a smile that could be seen from miles.

I could get used to this

"So guys, what class is next? I'm ready to get this day done. What do you say we all go do something after school? I hear there's a mall near by."

Amias' fingers were calloused and beaten but he loved to play as much as he could. He loved hearing the music, it brought back memories of his father. Amias looked up as if he could see his father.

If only you could see this. You probably can, can't you?

He laughed a bit and looked back at the group.

"So what do you say?" the grin was glued to his face.

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