Welcome to the Academy [Inactive]

A shot of emotion struck Aedon as Dray asked the question. After a moment, he glared up with a tear reflecting a glint of anger, "When your family is supposed to be the line that everyone looks to when darkness covers the world, you make decisions that you don't necessarily like. Yes my grandfather sent us there, and we would have won… if it wasn't for me."

Aedon put his head between his hands and sniffled, "When you're labeled the kids of prophecy, and everyone heralded you as the future saviors… you think you're unbeatable. If destiny says you'll save the world… you can't die until you do… right? Well I was wrong, and my brother payed. My brother saved my life in one of the most selfless moves available. Meanwhile I haven't done anything," Aedon emphasized his feelings by pounding on the lunch table. "I've spent my whole life trying to live up to the name and claiming to be everything I should be… but my brother was the kid of prophecy, I'm nothing."
Dray jumped as Aedon's fist made violent contact with the table. Her tray jolted and some of her corn had found its escape from the confines of her plate. "Hey, you're being too hard on yourself," she said softly, attempting compassion despite her uncertainty of the man across from her. "You shouldn't define yourself and your life based on what others say and do and think. You've been the only person here to talk to me or even acknowledge me. That right there shows me you're a nice guy. That's something, right?"
"You're still being too hard on yourself," Dray pointed out. "Did you know, psychologically speaking, if you think you are going to fail you set yourself up for failure?" She crossed her legs under her chair and bit her lower lip in anticipation of Aedon's possible negative reaction.
Aedon looked up in astonishment and swallowed hard. Then he waited for a moment, almost looking like he was going to get mad. "So you're telling me to believe in myself? Is that what you're saying?"
"More like you need to treat yourself better," Dray said. She would not make eye contact, but she could read his body language through her peripheral. It made her nervous. "You already believe yourself to be a lot of really negative things, and that's probably why you compensate with an ego. But you know, your ego is founded." She winced at her own words. Feeding an ego was never good, but in Aedon's case it almost seemed necessary in order to build him up emotionally. "You should focus more on the good things you know about yourself."

There was an entire chunk of conversation she omitted. Now wasn't the time to further prod into Aedon's personal life and history, especially since she was practically a stranger.
"An ego? Is that what you think I have?" Aedon started angrily. Then he hung his head, "I'm sorry, you're right. I'm a jerk. I just, don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm supposed to be such a great hero, but a hero of what?"
This situation was definitely not her forte, and it looked as though Aedon would snap at any given moment. Dray wondered if she should finish her meal and retreat. "Egos can be healthy," she added. "And there you go again putting yourself down. And putting way too much pressure on yourself." She quickly takes another bite of her sandwich, chews, and swallows. "Stop caring about being a hero. That's what you should do. You care way too much."
Aedon tuned in further when she mentioned that egos could be healthy. Then she pointed out he had put himself down again. Aedon dropped his head, more on the fact that he disappointed her. But he felt she was reaching into his soul and finding the root of the problem. "Stop worrying about being great? Just be who I am and greatness will come? You're right. I may never become a hero…" Aedon looked up to her again, "But with every great hero, there's a group of great companions."
A long sigh escaped her lips and she leaned forward. "That's progress, I suppose," Dray said. "You still need to just kick out the hero idea all together, though. Anyone who has ever been declared a hero throughout history has never called themselves that. They always live with the mindset like everyone else. Being a hero just happened to them. They never sought it out or intended for that title to come to them. Just live your life. Sit back with your friends and jam on your guitar. Have you ever been to a bonfire? Stop viewing yourself as a hero or future hero and the rest of the world like your side kicks or companions. Make some friends. Have a life." She shrugged and sat back in her seat. She wasn't sure if her philosophy would sink in, but it was worth a try.
Saria looks at the mad doctor she could slightly understand that he's a good person but he still hasn't believed he was really a good person and what he said is the truth she stayed quiet as her expression showed depression. He grab the doctors arm and looked away
Aedon listened, but was confused. Forget being a hero? Then he gave a look of sudden realization, "I've just got to be me. Eh, but what were you saying about a bonfire? I've never been to one."
Laughter escaped her lips at Aedon's realization. "Yeah, a bonfire is like what it sounds, but it's a social gathering," she said. "It's like...a large group of friends and you all meet up at night and make a huge fire and just enjoy each other's company. A lot of people add drugs or alcohol in the mix, but it's not required. I don't think the beaches around here allow it, but as long as you keep it contained it still works in any location. We should plan one and invite all the first years."
Aedon smiled. He liked fire. "Yeah, that's a great idea, let's get on that," he said halfheartedly. He was feeling better now, but that didn't change the fact that his brother was dead.
Dray finally relaxed in her seat and enjoyed her lunch as her fear subsided. It appeared as though the worst of what could happen had passed. "Do you know any good spots on campus for a bonfire?" she asked before biting into her apple. It was crisp, but disappointing in flavor causing her lips to downturn slightly with the thought of better fruit. "I'm guessing we'll need approval from...ah...the higher ups. Do you think that would be an issue?"
The corner of Aedon's mouth raised a touch as he thought. "I know a great spot. There's a huge amount of open space past the rec field. Maybe we could have it there. As for problems… I'll take care of them all." Aedon felt good about this. He wasn't bragging about how privileged he was at the school this time, he was just saying what he could actually do. Even if he was never going to amount to anything great, at least he could be something good for a few people.
"Awesome!" Dray said, excited for the prospects. "I'll see if I can get some food or drinks or something. Oh, and bring your guitar, too. Are we going to run into the others later, you think? I don't know how else to let them know."
Saria sighs at the silence and looks up in the sky wondering what she herself into will she even survive she looks at the others thinking what was wrong with them and she stood in silence her lips shut
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