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Fantasy Welcome To Rapture

"Uhu and what is that"He scanned the odd stranger white shirt, tophat, brown vest, golden luger, black pants,skull mask,and a wrench he was pretty odd looking but maybe he could trust him.
"People call us Splicers... because of the mutations and that things... " John would look at the other man.

John would slightly move his left arm, revealing a hole in his shirt, on his shoulder a medium-size crystal.
"Huh so this will count as a splicer"He pulled his hood and to show his teeth and eyes"Anyway what do splicers do" Rin asked
"Oh... yes... anyways... Splicers around here do what they want to do..." John would grin as he grab his Golden Luger, spinning it around his finger.
Rapture was no place for a child to be alone, the city that had seemingly been a dream brought into reality was now a nightmare full of monsters. There were no children in Rapture, at least not anymore splicers, machines, and normal humans had seen to that. Still the halls echoed with kid’s footsteps and always these steps where fallowed by thunderous foot falls. There were no children in Rapture only monsters that looked like children.

Vi stood in the large room, the room was well lit almost blindingly so, the ground and stair ways were made from carved marble and trimmed with gold, all about the roof long white sheet were held up by gold rings. In this beautiful room of marble and gold slept and angel on the floor as all sleeping angels were. Vi walked up to the sleeping angel and behind her stops a knight dressed in ornate golden armor holding a huge glowing lance in one hand. Vi kneeled next to the angel and saw its unspoiled beauty and raised her long needle plunging it into the shoulder where the heart was.

Red almost glowing liquid flowed through the needle into the bottle at the end. This was the way the world was a paradise, or at least it should be as Vi came back to herself the programming vanishing.

Not real it’s not real not real ” she almost chanted her voice mutated sounding very unlike any child’s should her eyes glowing “ It’s not real, it was never real ” She continued as all around Vi the world flickered between paradise and a nightmare. As Vi chanted the room shook and small bits of broken things lifted off the air higher and higher as the world flickered, then slammed down as the world became the nightmare it really was.

There was no longer a beautiful angel on the ground, but a deformed human in a mas, no longer was the room well lit or bedecked in marble and gold, and no longer was Vi accompanied by a golden knight. Now she was back in the dark ruined room splattered with blood and followed by a monster that had once been a man. Vi panted heavily it was hard to come back to reality it was hard to not hide from the truth, that she had been turned into a monster.

Vi looked at the red liquid in the bottle and started to drink it, some things she couldn’t fight but the illusions she could fight those. She had once been a human girl, she had once been a little sister, but now vi knew she was growing into something else, something powerful.

Come on Mister bubbles we have angels to find ’ She said starting to wander off, with the monster only able to give off loud whales as it followed her unthinking, and unquestioning though the city, it’s only thought her safety, it was a Bid Daddy and it lived for the little sisters and that included Vi.
"Huh so what are you trying to do"Rin said grabbing the chain sickle and wrapped it around his hand looking him with dark eyes.
There were many places only a little sister could get to, little holes in doors, and vents just for them. These hidey holes also let them get around unseen and un molested by the feral splicers of the city. Some splicers in the family were behaved they didn't attack little sisters but many more were wild an crazed those that made the little sisters seemed to know this and thus the vents and door holes had been made. There were of course dangers to these pipes while a little sister could go in and out with ease a big Daddy couldn't and thus a Little sister was without protection.

Vi had climbed into one such vent hole having found the door locked and planning to open the door from the other side for Mister bubbles, though the door could be broken by him with some effort the bounces were strong after all but doors were good they kept the splicers away for a time so best to leave them up. Of course coming out of the vent Vi found she had picked the wrong time to open the door as there were two splicers here and she didn't know if they were family members or wild. Trying to stay quiet Vi start to fiddle with the door that sealed Mister Bubbles from her hoping the two would not see her.

@Raidenxp @AtlasTheShapeless
"I will get some money of the vending machines..." John would turn, as he notice the little sister closer, watching.

"Oh... hello there." John would tip his tophat slightly, then fixing it back on his head.
" Shoo go away." Vi said not exactly polite but few expected the little sister to be so, most were nearly as mindless as the Big Daddies that watched over them if you weren't and angel then they didn't care. Vi was not one like that but sometimes she was close at least these splicers didn't seem to be the wild variety so likely they wouldn't bug her more, unless they were then kind that were polite at first they were crazy Vi knew that they couldn't be predicted ADAM was a hard temptation to resist.
"Alright then... but let me help..." John say, as he "charge" his hand with the Electro bolt, charging a small generator nearby, the door with the Big daddy opening.

"Have a nice day." He tip his hat again, as he walk off, going towards any Vending machines or Gatherer's Garden to loot money or ADAM.

("Sane" splicer)
"Uh what am I chopped liver"Rin said annoyed"And also who are you"he pointed at the little sister staring at them.
John would walk back.

"Leave her alone please... you don't want to mess with the Big Daddy's..." John would look at him, fixing his hat again.
One sane and one stupid splicer, well that was an odd combination, and she guessed the sane one thought her another of the near mindless brain washed children in the halls and the stupid one just seemed to not even know what she was. Most little sisters couldn't really explain what they were they were far to lost in the illusions to really understand or care what most said.

" I'm a little sister and this" She pointed at the big daddy " Is Mister bubbles" She said and the big daddy let out a whale moan and it's lights went yellow warning the splicers.
The big daddy started to move to be between his little sister and the splicers but a small hand in front of him stopped a monster that could tear though walks of metal with ease." it's alright Mister Bubbles their friends" Vi said looking up and the diving helmet that served as her guardians face. It let out another whale moan and it's lights turned green and it stepped back.
John would turn to the other Splicer.

"Pal, lets get out of here before he want to kill us..." He whisper to him.

John turn to the Little sister and Big daddy.

"I'm sorry for bothering you two in the gathering, good bye." John would tip his tophat again, as he calmly walk off, humming the song 'Rise,Rapture,Rise'.
He thought about what that splicer had mentioned. But could he really believe the dirty creature? He wasn't sure if he wanted to. Never was buisness as it seemed. Ryan reached his office, at a rather fast pace, and returned to his desk, putting his lips to the microphone. "My dearest Rapture... We have been through trials, and tribulations... We have... survived our fall... but with the sweat of our brows, Rapture can become your city once more. I say down with the damn 'family'! Who are they to show you a righteous path?! There is no GODS OR KINGS... Only MAN. And you... are each a saviour to this fair city."

The broadcast once more ended in a static buzz, Ryan leaning back in his chair to light a cigarette.
"Yea whatever im coming" he said annoyed about how they ignored him"Hey wait up Cat in the Hat"Then he started to catch-up to John
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John would grin, as he keep walking.

"There we go..." He stop by a Gatherer's garden, hitting it with a wrench multiple times before it dropped two bottles with ADAM. "Catch." He throw to the other splicer one of the bottles.
Andrew Ryan sat back in his chair, observing Rapture through his cameras, and various technology. He narrowed his eyes toward two... intelligent splicers communicating. He rubbed his chin with his knuckles, and frowned, taking a puff of his cigarette. Inhaling the nicotine infused smoke.

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