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Fantasy Welcome To Rapture

"Sofia lamb... Dreadful woman. I suppose we should better get going hm? We have much to discuss" he said, before cutting out. Only a low static on the microphone. He grabbed his cane, a golden tipped, oak one to be exact, and stepped out from his office.
Ryan had a... strangely quiet journey to the Sofia Lamb Free Clinic. His shoes clicking on the tiled floor, with a sense of authority.
Finally entering the clinic he noticed the splicer leaning against the wall, and fought himself from insulting the dirty creature. "And what is so important you drag me out here?"
"Well... Atlas planned a meeting with the 'Rapture Family', on Dionysus park, where he will show up..."

"And you have the opportunity to kill him..."

"And... about the supply line, medical ones? Suchong, weapons? Brigid, i don't know how she manage to get them."
He paused slightly, a cunning smirk curling hus lips. "It IS a tempting opportunity..." if he disposed of Atlas, the only ones whom would then dare oppose him would be the Rapture Family.
"Oh... anyways.... i will be there.... with the Family..."

"I stay on the RF as a double agent."

"I'm working with a guy named 'Jack Wynand"
"Fine, but i expect updates, and your unwavering support. Of course you'll be rewarded much more handsomely than anyone else can offer... But for now, i must remain 'neutral'. Getting my hands dirty is... uncultured. I'll be making plans of my robots, and other assets" he nodded
You notice a note that he left on his chair.

[On the note: My name is John, find me on Fort Frolic when you need to]
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He picked up the note briefly reading it before letting it fall to the ground, wiping his fingers with an hanker-chief. Go to him? No. He was not some commoner who was bought amd sold.
Awaking in a familiar looking apartment Rin gets up"Huh what happened"He got up and looked around then he found two black pistols and a sickle.Then he came to a mirror he saw pale skin,white hair,extremely sharp teeth,and two eyes that have black slits and all red outside the pupil.He found a doctors mask to cover up the teeth and a trench coat at full length with a hoodie to cover his face.When he was done he the collar and hoodie up and kept the trench coat open.

Escaping the apartment Rin walks around only seeing machines and splicers.Soon Rin found a upgrade machine so he put the sickle inside. A few quirks later "DING"Then the sickle comes out not just clean but with a chain attached"Awesome"Rin yelled the other splicers heard and started complaining rin got annoyed and left.Later rin found a bank and robbed all the money without anybody noticing as he was walking Rin found two plasmids he took both of them and got eletric and telekinesis then as Rin made his way toward the train station he encountered a big daddy with a little sister though the little sister waved at Rin as he waved back.Rin was getting tired so he found a place to rest and fell asleep.
John would grin. "I guess i can have a train trip." He mumble, as he run off to the train station (Can't remember the right name).

When he arrived there, he notice the sleeping/dead splicer, he "charge" his hand with the Electro Bolt with enough eletricity to wake up a sleeping person.

He touch the splicer arm and the eletricity quickly reaches his body.

(Non-lethal, only enough to wake somebody up)
Opening his eyes Rin jumped up feeling shock run through him as a reflex he threw a barrel at the person with telekinesis to see if it would hit them."Whos there"he yelled before he threw the barrel.
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Andrew returned to his office, swinging his cane with a whistle. The tune ringing down the abandoned corridors and hallways. Once this city was a thriving centre of science and art! Yet now, his jewel was a sunken ship. A... strangely beautiful wreck. The water that surrounded them, a prison. Was it really? He had made it this way after all. No one would be allowed to leave, yet who would want to? This city... this heart of buisness, was an amazing feat of technology! He was at the forefront of one of the most brilliant and best! Ryan Industries after all... was not built in a day.

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