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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Name: Quinn

Location: Halls

Interaction: shinko

Tags: @Shinko Hiro

Quinn looked up at her. He mever realized that she was taller than him. Then again most people were. "Im.. Quinn. And you are?" He asked quietly.

Ender Egotarum


Location: History

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

"I never really liked snow cones, you'd end up eating all the flavoring stuff in like a minute and then just have a ball of tasteless ice. However, you can never go wrong with ice cream, my favorite flavor is Cookies and cream, what might yours be?" Then Ender heard the magic words "I can't remember myself if I've ever seen snow before." he got a very mischievous look on his face before turning to Ki. "I could make it snow right here right now if you'd like." He said while smiling.

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Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : History Classroom

Interactions : @Mistory1997 @Entarriance

Sairen, who was now blinded, panicked. She waved her hands in from of her face before grabbing onto the mans hands, trying to pull his hands away. She wasn't used to skin to skin contact with anyone besides her brother. Lairen immediately stood up and grabbed the males hands, slowly lifting them off his sisters face. His face still had a smile, yet it wasn't a pleasant one. "Please refrain from touching my sister so casually. She doesn't like it," Lairen said, resting a hand on Sairen's head. Her sight was back now and she let out a soft sigh of relief, though she was still a bit shaken up. Her eyes glanced back at the dark haired boy, who was now looking at them. Caught off guard by this as well, she quickly averted her gaze down, embarrassed to have been caught staring.
He only grinned."course, course. All you need to say."he waved it off, that same grin still plastered on his face.He released a sigh, sitting back once again.his hand tapping repeatedly on the desk. So full of energy and all he could do Was sit here. What a bore. Oh well...

@Sayuri Tokage

The bell has rung

Second period is starting

Power Controlling Class is about to begin.

All students make way to your second period class.

Name: Ki

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Ender

Tag: @The Endergod

"Hmm, I'm more of a minty-type of person. But I'm really into cookie-dough~"

Recalling the last time that she ate ice cream, which was sure a while ago, let's just hope the cafeteria here would have edible deserts. She recalled the distinct, sweet flavor on her mouth, and it was one of the few good memories that she had.

"Oh, I know you can make snow right here and now. But if I was a teacher, I wouldn't want to be able to make snowmen in my room. Well, kinda."

She would prefer it if it was done outside. After all, if there was a straight out blizzard in a classroom as big as her dorm, the teacher might not like the joke as much as she likes it. But it was a nice consideration, and she smiled. She's never smiled that much in a conversation before, so it was an invigorating experience. Thinking about any other questions she could ask to the god of ice himself, something popped up to her.

"Wait, don't you struggle with taking showers or swimming in PE or something? Wouldn't you straight out freeze the water?"

She heard the bell ring at that moment, and stood up out of her desk. Oh god, power controlling class, won't this be fun. Looking towards Ender, she wanted to talk with him as they were walking, slowly inching her way towards the door, as if waiting for him to catch up.


Name: Luc

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Sairen

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage

Watching as she briefly panics, it seems like any means of physical contact with her would probably end with her brother executing him. And Ki executing him after he's been executed. Duly noted. Though, maybe...

Pushing himself away from the window-sill off to the both of them as the blonde haired male returned to his seat. Maybe he's safe to talk to them? Ineptly scratching the back of his neck when he approached the two, he did his best to smile his usual "prince-charming" look.

"Don't mean to intrude , love, but you seem awfully observant in me. I was just wondering if I've done something weird..."

Hearing the bell ring, it seemed that his question was interrupted. But hey, maybe he'll get an answer if he waits a little bit! Just, a little..

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Name: Quinn

Location: Halls

Interacting: Shinko

Tags: @Shinko Hiro

Quinn's head snapped to the side as the bell went off. "Oh second period.." he mumbled in surprise, brushing off his pants.
Name: Shinko Hido

Location: Halls

Interactions: Quinn

"I'm Shin.. Oh... I got to go, bye!" She ran off to her next class.
Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : History Class

Interactions : @Entarriance

With the other male taken care of, Lairen let out a breath and turned to his sister. "You okay?" He asked her, to which she let out a nod. After a moment, Sairen had decided to lift her head. The day seemed to be full of surprises as the male who she had been staring at appeared right in front of her. Lairen, who stood behind her, gave a small smile towards him. He didn't give off a terrible vibe. Sairen's heart was about to jump out of her chest as the man started talking, her nerves on edge. The bell gave the final push and her nerves just gave out. Her eyes started to water and she tried to hide it with her hands. "Ah... uh," was all the came out of her voice, shaking terribly. "She's a bit shy. I'm sure she'll answer you eventually. Give her a bit of time, okay?" He said in a friendly matter. Lairen enjoyed seeing his sister get embarrassed. He found it to be unbelievable cute. "But if you'd like, perhaps you'd like to come to class with us? I'm sure she won't mind."
The teen let a wicked grin spread across his lips,as he was on his feet imidiatly, walking for the door, his bag slung over his shoulder"this should be abit more emu speed..."

Ender Egotarum


Location: History

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

Ender hears the bell and see Ki get up and walk towards the door. He slowly gets up from his desk and hurries after Ki. "Well yeah, but you find ways to get around situations like that. I just need to get really, really, really hot water, and it won't really freeze, it'll just get kinda lukewarm and then you can do whatever your heart desires with it." He says after he catches up with her. "Something tells me that you're not really fond of the whole "Power Controlling" thing."

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Setsuna walked into the room and looked at the Moka sadly. " Keep her safe. " Serena said causing Setsuna looked at her and shake his head. " She doesn't want that. " He said and Serena ruffled his hair. " Then convince her , ever since you two were toddlers you have been the best of friends. She has always protected you so its your turn. " Serena said before pushing Setsuna towards the door. " Now get to class. " Serena said and Setsuna nodded before leaving to go to class.

Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: The nurses office

Interation: Setsuna & Serena

Tag: @djinnamon

Moka was going to be in a deep sleep for a while now. SHe began to drift off into a dream or more like a memory of when she was young and her father would train with her throughout her years. Teaching her how to be strong and a great leader in battle. Moka was just a young little girl when she had met Satsuna and his sister. She was playing in the garden when she came to visit her mothers sister one spring and she wandered too far from the garden and met a little boy by the name of Satsuna. Moka was pretty nervous when meeting him and she tried to run off back to her parents when she fell and hurt her knee. He had patched her up and told her everything would be alright. Moka's dream began to fade off after an hour later when she woke up. She heard chatter in the room and turned her head to the direction and saw Satsuna walking out of the door. Moka had a small headache but her fever had dropped as if there wasn't even one running through her body. Moka was still a bit weak, but it was second period and she didn't want to be late for class but she knew in the state of conditions that she was in she couldn't get up from bed for a while since her body was still soar and plus still regaining it's strength.
Serena turned around and smiled at the girl. " You should get more rest . "she said. She walked over and placed a gentle hand on the girl's head. " How do you feel. " She asked kindly and politely with a hint of a motherly tone.

Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: The nurses office

Interation: Setsuna & Serena

Tag: @djinnamon

"Where did Setsuna go, I want to thank him." Moka said calmly as she leaned back into the pillows. Moka was very tired and it showed, she looked as healthy as ever but she was tired. Moka looked to the Serena and smiled,"Thank you," Moka said and blushed feeling embarrassed that Serena had to undress her since she was so weak.
Name: Serena Gregory

Location: The Nurse's office

Tag: @sprouhtt

" He went to class, you can thank him later. " She said as she sat on the bed. " Now tell me how you and you're welcome. " She said until she noticed the blush. " Why are you blushing , we took baths together along with Setsuna before when you were younger so what is the problem now? " She asked with a giggle
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: The nurses office

Interation: Serena

Tag: @djinnamon

"I know but it's so long since then," Moka said to her as she sat up. Moka didn't want to stay laying down so the only thing she could do now was sit up in bed. Moka brought the pillow to her back as a cushion. "I'm feeling alright, thank you." Moka said as she put her wet hair behind her ear. Moka had the covers over her body which was still bare without any clothes on. "Uh where did you put my clothes?" SHe asked Serena.
"True. " She said as she got up and grabbed Moka's clothes before giving it to the girl. " You should rest , i'll leave the room so you can get changed. " Serena said as she left the room and went to the staff bathroom.

( its Moka's chance to escape @sprouhtt )
Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: The nurses office

Interation: Serena

Tag: @djinnamon

Moka watched as Serena handed her the school uniform that she was wearing from before. "Alright," Moka said as she watched Serena leave the room to go to the bathroom. As stubborn as Moka was she got up from the bed almost falling over but she regained her strength and didn't. Moka was still weak but she knew she couldn't miss combat class or the school would notify her parents and the least she could need right now is her father yelling at her and her mother telling her how stupid she is for leaving on such horrible health. Moka put her clothes on and pulled her knee high socks up and she put on her black shoes and she grabbed her backpack and staggered off towards combat class.

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