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Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy(Always Accepting!!)

Should there be a school ball?


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Name: Luc

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Shinko

Tag: @Shinko Hiro

(oh god i keep messing up the order)

"... pshh. If you say so. I would rebuttal with how I don't believe you, but I don't think you're going to budge."

Laughing lightly, he playfully poked her cheek, seeing how she appeared flustered and broke eye contact. Of course, he doesn't get it, mainly since Ki is not being an overly concerned mother over him. At least someone doesn't seem to be making fun of him and calling him a creep.

It's, not like he'll completely disagree...

Breaking off from him being an overly sensitive, self conscious baby, he brought his hand to pat the top of her head. Before he could manage, he heard the familiar voice in his head reminding him
people actually have a sense of personal space! Jesus Christ, are you even aware if you're unintentionally flirting with someone? Drawing his hand back at remembering that, he awkwardly adjusted his gloves, keeping his gaze calmly settled towards her.

"Well, at least you looking flustered is better than you looking pained."
Name: Shinko Hiro

Location: History Class Room

Interactions: Amber and Luc

Blood began to rush to Shinko's face. "T-tch... You never told me your name." She jumped up and glared at him then noticed everyone averting their attention towards her. "E-Excuse me Amber and...Luc... " She ran out of the classroom.
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Name: Moka Hirabashi

Location: The nurses office

Interation: Setsuna & Serena

Tag: @djinnamon

As Serena put her in the tub of purified water and crushed lotuses she let out a loud shriek of pain that could be heard throughout the school and echoed through the hallways. The pain of the blight leaving her body was enough to have her pass out again but she stayed strong and shut her eyes as she blight lifted off of her body. When it was done Moka saw a glass of the purified water near her that had the crushed lotus's in it and she grabbed it and took a large sip of it. When she was done she dropped the glass and her body was lifted into mid-air watching as a bright light came from her mouth and her body was rid of the blight. When the process was done she was lowered slowly back into the water and she went to sleep. The whole process took most of her energy so she had to sleep to get it back.


Name: Quinn

Location: History

Interaction: Shinko

Tags: @Shinko Hiro

Quinn saw the girl run out with a frown. "I'll follow her. I think I can help." He said outloud. He just needed a chance to move around. And to help the girl. Hopefully he could help as he ran out after her.

"Hey! Are you okay?" He called after her, running down the hall.

Ender Egotarum


Location: History

Interaction: Ki

Tags: @Entarriance


Thin Ice

Glacial Blast

Arctic Boost


Gelid Crafting


Cold Aura

"Traveling was pretty fun, and you get to learn so much about anything you could ever want. I remember one time, I don't remember what year it was, now that I think about it, it was a really long time ago. I had the opportunity to watch an actual large scale battle between two different kingdoms with like swords and stuff, it was really cool. You should have seen me when I first figured out I had cool ice stuffs, I was spreading snow and stuff everywhere I went. I soon realized that that wasn't a good idea. I'm sure you can imagine the looks on some African tribal's face when they saw snow for the first time. I noticed a long time ago that I was seriously screwing with a lot of places ecosystems and I knew that I had to stop. But hey, i still got to help some kids in Midwest America have snow days every once in a while, so that's a plus."

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Name: Shinko Hiro

Location: Hallway

Interactions: Quinn

Shinko began to run faster then she stopped and started breathing heavily, the voices started coming back. She bent over and started holding her head and screaming. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!" She fell on the floor and started crying.
Name: Quinn

Location: Halls

Interaction: Shinko

Tags: @Shinko Hiro

"Hey! Its okay just breath." He kneeled down beside her, staring down at her. Gently he placed his hand on her head. 'Somethings interrupting her aura.' He frowned. "I can help." He whispered, slowly calming her aura. Hopefully she would fall asleep. But maybe she would still be antsy enough to be awake.

Name: Ki

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Ender

Tag: @The Endergod

Laughing at his little story, she brought her index finger towards her cheek, tapping it a few times. She tried to remember if she has actually seen snow herself. she did travel throughout the cities, but the constant pollution there caused it to snow ash more than anything else. It wasn't anything that she could, fondly recall, other than being frozen to death in that one occassion and drowning. Those were coldest things that she's experienced first hand, at least.

"I can't remember myself if I've ever seen snow before. You need to show me in some time, when we're not indoors.

So, he really is full-on Elsa here? Let's hope that he relies on his powers more than he does physical capability, because I'm in trouble here if he's able to blast ice to and fro. Remmebering that there's another class coming up after this, which was based on powers, she slightly tensed up. She didn't really have any, astonishing powers. If she was put in a situation where everyone had to duke it out with their abilities, she definitely was the first one out.

"You seem like someone who would enjoy ice cream. Snowcone manipulation is pretty convenient in the summer, if I say so myself."

Abel sighed, giving another glance around the room. The day is so...so dull. How to make things better. Better Better Better. Hmmm...."He looked to the siblings before him,and couldn't help but laugh. "Are you two alright? You seem pretty...well pretty not. Nothing. Why don't you two crack a smile. Honestly..."

@Sayuri Tokage
Name: Shinko Hiro

Location: Hallway

Interactions: Quinn

Shinko began to shake and she opened her eyes. "Th-Thank you..." She got up and looked at him.
Name: Quinn

Location: Halls

Interaction: Shinko

Tags: @Shinko Hiro

Quinn frowned and looked into her eyes. "Your aura is disturbed. What is wrong?" He asked. Her aura did have a strange tinge to it.
Name: Shinko Hiro

Location: Hallway

Interactions: Quinn

"Well... I read people's minds but ever since I came here I could hear all of their voices... It feels like a million people are whispering in my ear... Except some are screaming. I-It's driving me crazy..." I say under my breath, looking at Quinn. "It didn't used to be like this..."
Name: Quinn

Location: halls

Interaction: Shinko

Tags: @Shinko Hiro

Quinn frowned and touched her head again. "It does seem so. I might be able to help with that. I can help you train you aura, so you can control whose minds you hear. Or silence them for now." He smiled slightly, hoping it would work.

Name: Luc

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: No one

Tag: No one

Gritting his teeth as he watches her run off, only to have his roommate chase after her. He laughed with self-deprecation towards himself, seeing how these events chose to turn.

"... if only this was like 5 years ago. Oh how I was damned so at birth."

Finishing his line with a line from Oedipus Rex, he chose it upon himself to stop trying to talk to people. Everyone he spoke to so far apart from two people, either hated him or ran away from him, which was ironically what he wanted ages ago. He didn't want to interrupt Ki, who was leisurely talking to male with blue hair. Moving over towards the windows, with bright light shining through it's panels, he pulled out a small book that he kept inside of his typically unbuttoned vest.

Maybe reading a few tragedies will be a better change of pace..
Name: Shinko Hiro

Location: Hallway

Interactions: Quinn

"R-Really?!" She smiled brightly. "That would help so much, please do it." She stared at him, holding onto the piece of hope he gave her. She wasn't sure that it was gonna work but still, it could work and she might as well give it a chance.
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Name: Quinn

Location: Halls

Interaction: Shinko

Tags: @Shinko Hiro

Quinn smiled and closed his eye concentrating. He focused on her power slowly tracing it to her mind. Attempting to nullify its affects on her. His hands statted to glow, and he breathed deeply.
Name : Lairen and Sairen Kyrenei

Location : History Classroom

Interactions : @Mistory1997

Sairen's staring was getting out of hand. Or at least, that's what Lairen thought. He's never seen his sister take such interest in someone other than him. He rolled his eyes before his attention was drawn to a voice behind him, which he found out had come from the orange haired boy. As requested, he let out half a smile. "She doesn't smile." Sairen broke her attention away briefly to glance at the other boy, who she didn't really view as interesting, before her eyes returned to the darker haired boy. She couldn't seem to figure out why she wanted to stare at him so much, but it's not like staring ever hurt anybody. Her eyes even followed to him as he sat down and began to read. At one point in her staring, she even thought that talking to him wouldn't be so bad, but thankfully she stopped herself. She always got too nervous talking to strangers.

(Should I tag people who I stare intensely at?)
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Name: Shinko Hiro

Location: Hallway

Interactions: Quinn

Shinko closed her eyes, feeling a warm sensation. "Hmm..."
Name: Quinn

Location: halls

Interaction: Shinko

Tags: @Shinko Hiro

Quinn pulled back and opened his eyes. "Did it help?" Her power seemed particularly stubborn, but it did subside. He just hoped it subsided in her mind.
He smiled. "Oh? Is that so?"He let his eyes roll to the sister, a grin crossing his lips. A moment later his hands covered the girls eyes." Its impolite to stare. " he chuckled, looking to the brother."she Doesn't smile, huh?"

@Sayuri Tokage
Name: Shinko Hiro

Location: Hallway

Interactions: Quinn

Shinko nodded slightly. "It did... Thank you!" She smiled warmly. "I owe ya one..." She giggled slightly.

Name: Luc

Location: History Classroom

Interaction: Sairen

Tag: @Sayuri Tokage

While he was reading, he had an annoying feeling in the back of his head. He couldn't determine it exactly, but it definitely was familiar. Raising his gaze from his book, the moment he did, he made direct eye contact with a girl with red hair and golden eyes. However, it was in that exact moment that someone else blocked her vision, breaking off that eye contact. Was she staring at him? Maybe it was just because he mumbled something to himself. He was going to attempt to wave at first, but it seemed like they were occupied with their own things. Looking off to her side, her brother seemed to be sitting next to her, well, from what he could tell with the same colour hair and golden eyes. He did consider talking to them, though they seemed rather occupied with the blonde male in front of them both, unaware that at least one of them was thinking of the same thing.

And he wouldn't want any more people running away from him, that is.
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Name: Quinn

Location: halls

Interaction: Shinko

Tags: @Shinko Hiro

Quinn smiled and felt his cheeks warm. "Yeah I hope it doesn't get in the way of things, I mean snuffling your powers for the moment." He said quickly, looking down. Slowly he stood up and held out a hand.
Name: Shinko Hiro

Location: Hallway

Interactions: Quinn

She looked at his hand. "Wh-what's your name?" She grabbed his hand, pulling on him slightly, and getting up.

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