Weapons of Mass Destruction- A Kindom Hearts/Organization XIII RP *Sign up*

Character skeleton

Name: Axel

Gender: Male

Species: (weapon/Nobody/other): Chakrams

Anything you remember before waking up: I'm awesome.

Appearance: (picture preferably, particularly if you're the weapons)

Personality: (particularly in weapon and/or other character case): awesome and smart, intelligent, whitty, and smart mouthed. Nice at heart, but can ge tmad quickly.

Attribute/Abilities: I'm awesome. Fire abilities.
((Omg!! this sounds so awesome! Kingdom Hearts is my most favorite video game series EVER! I would love to join this! ))

Name: Luna

Gender: female

Species: Saix's Claymore

Anything you remember before waking up: the beauty of the moon

Appearance: View attachment 7403

Personality: Luna is very quiet and shy, she rarely shows emotion and she speaks in monotone. She cares very deeply for her master. Although she is only a weapon, and therefor incapable of feelings, she is very dedicated and devoted to her master, obeying his every command without a second thought. Yes, it is impossible for her to feel, but she could easily fool any onlooker into believing Luna is in love with Saix. But if she has no emotions, how is it she that she feels this way? Luna is polite to everyone who is polite to her master.

Attribute/Abilities: Berserker form

@IndubitablyAli **may I please play Roxas as well??? He's my favorite KH character :3
I shall be Luxord's Deck of Card's

Name: Kaze Satomi

Gender: Male

Species: Weapon (Luxord's Deck of Cards)

Anything you remember before waking up: Luxord's Appearance and Face but not his name.

http://www.afchat.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/y1.jpg looks more white not greenish no staff instead he has a deck of tarot cards.

Personality: mysterious, a little shy, might not talk much, kind hearted, loves to fight sometimes.

Attribute/Abilities: can use the tarot cards as projectiles (they always return to him), can make a portal but only for himself (includes anything he is carrying, even a person), has the ability to sense peoples fate but cant share them with anyone but luxord.
Character skeleton
Name: Axel

Gender: Male

Species: (weapon/Nobody/other): Chakrams

Anything you remember before waking up: I'm awesome.

Appearance: (picture preferably, particularly if you're the weapons)

Personality: (particularly in weapon and/or other character case): awesome and smart, intelligent, whitty, and smart mouthed. Nice at heart, but can ge tmad quickly.

Attribute/Abilities: I'm awesome. Fire abilities.

I just have to say that this is possibly the funniest skelly I've ever seen. xD Axel IS awesome.
haha I know right xD He's lucky its funny or else i wouldn't have accepted it xD but i know he's good for the character, so its okay i'd accept him xD i'm that nice

[MENTION=1144]kaze[/MENTION], im gonna need a bit more info before you post, at least his appearance. axel got away with it cos he has a pic on the front page. And a personality too xD loveeeeee all
Character skeleton

Name: Geara

Gender: Male

Species: (weapon/Nobody/other) Nobody

Anything you remember before waking up: A hatred against a man with blue hair. Fighting a long battle, cutting down many foes. He remembers seeing flashes of light and darkness. He swung his blade until he was consumed by darkness. Pain spread across his body then things just went blank.

Appearance: (picture preferably, particularly if you're the weapons)

Personality: (particularly in weapon and/or other character case)

View attachment 7460Calm straight forwards serious
Name: Marluxia (Number XI)

Gender: Male

Species: Nobody

Memory before waking up: Drowning in the ever blooming darkness of course


View attachment 7781

Personality: He is rather manipulative, which means he will use anyone to further his own goals…by which he has a ferocious dedication to his own goals. He doesn’t pretend to have a heart, meaning that he does not want one. By that he rarely shows emotion, but when he does it is mostly through laughter, smirks or rage. He knows he is strong and he knows that he is a looker, so in truth he is rather arrogant…doing things simply to show that he can.

Attributes/Abilities: He has an affinity over plants, most noteworthy over flowers which he uses often…him tending to walk around with a cloud of petals around him simply for the heck of it.

Weapon...Graceful Delila
I am sorry Ali but I am going to have to drop this rp >< It has been some time since I have even played Kingdom Hearts and the Story has gotten a bit far. Not to mention my schedual is a bit.... >> Yeah. I really do think it is a good twist of the Kingdom Hearts story though. Keep At It! xD
hey hey, i've returned somewhat. If you still want me to be the baddie then i will. if not, well i'll jump up out of here.

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