Weapons of Mass Destruction- A Kindom Hearts/Organization XIII RP *Sign up*

Name: Larxene

Gender: Female

Species: Nobody

Anything you remember before waking up: The darkness flooding in, and noware to run

Appierence: View attachment 7158

Personality: Before infected, as Arlene she was sweet and harmless, but through being introduced to the harsh elements of darkness she is now bitter and insainly evil.

Attribute/Abillities: Lightning/Teleporting
Omg [MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION] I totally forgot about this potential RP. We have so many people, but I'm sure a lot of them have forgotten too, so you should start it soon or people might lose interest
This is an organization XIII rp. the weapons are the organization's. read the first page. there is a list of characters
Go on the wikia pages and get information. The character list for this rp is on the FIRST page of this thread. Look through.
Vulpine, The Graceful Assassin

Name: Vulpine

Gender: Female

Species: Weapon -
Graceful Dahlia (Master: Marluxia)

Memory before waking up: The disgust with her Masters defeat and Destruction.

Appearance: View attachment 7333

Personality: Vulpine is a Prideful weapon that is cunning, clever, deceiving and unpredictable. Her playful nature allowes her to appeare less threatening and gives her the oppertunity to Surprise her enemies. Shes at times childish and quite lazy but only in the presence of pleasent company or a possible victim, tricking them to believe shes harmless. Although Vulpine enjoys the rush of battle she doesn't always fall victim to that simple pleaser. Calculating and smart shes wise enough to pick her fights. Knowing when the Odds are in her favor or if Fleeing is essential to survival. She has a cocky since about her but has learned not to let Foolish Pride cloud her judgement.
Though at times even her good since of judgement is over powered by her smug behavior. Vulpine also takes interest in attractive men, flirting with them if they gain her Approval. She sometimes uses this flirty side of her to either undermind them or trick them into falling for a trap. Like her Master shes learned to be twisted and conniving, fooling those around her. But because of her Masters failure she has no intention in joining with him or allowing him to use her powers. She veiws him as weak and incompetent, being done in by his own foolishness. Vulpine was disgusted with him and finds him unworthy of her power. Her new life in this unknown world is uncertian, her goals conflicting with one another. On one hand she wants this new life for her own, to take back the Pride that was once stolen from her. But on the other she longs for a sence of belonging. To either have a new Master or to be in the company of another that makes her feel whole.

Attribute/Abilities: Unearthly Speed, Acrobatics, Razor Sharp Claws and Teeth, Animalistic Fury, Keen sence of Hearing and Smell, Summon forth a Scythe to use in battle, exceptionally experienced in Hand-to-Hand Combat, Nature Based Powers that exceeds her Masters.

(I see the Sign-up is sort of off topic, hopefully my Biography will still be veiwed and Approved. ^^; P.S. I apologise for any mispelling.)
Do you need any help advertaising for the Rp? I just know that you did say that you needed more people to join. Im sure if the rest of us joined together and spoke up about the Rp it'll deffidently started getting more memebers. Lots of people love Kingdom Hearts. Just mention it in the Shoutbox, Im sure you'll get a few peoples attention.
Name: Lindworm

Gender: female

Species: weapon

Anything you remember before waking up: Noooothinnnnggg but her master


Personality: She is sarcastic and loyal, she is that girl that doesent give a sh*t. SHe is fearicly loyal to her master and very bitchy to everyone else.

Attribute/Abilities: Wind, and same master.
You know...I've had the urge to let my inner Xigbar out. And ladies and gentlemen...We need organization members. What,no Saix? No love for the berserker with the big effing sword!?

Name: Xigbar,formerly Braig

Gender: Technically,none. However,it appears and sounds like a man in the late thirties.

Species: Greater Nobody

Pre-Blackout Memories: A deal with an old man...And Roxas' face.

Thin,lanky. Right eye is patched and scarred,and he wears his black hair,now greying,in a ponytail. Like all other members of the Organization,Xigbar wears a heavy black robe,fastened with buckles,belts,and zippers. The robe acts as protection while traversing The Lanes Between.

Personality: Xigbar is always a cool and collected person,and very confident in his abilities,and rightfully so. He's Number II for a reason. Keeps a close working relationship with Xemnas,almost as if they were co-conspirators.

Abilities: His trademark abilities are his almost unnatural accuracy,and his ability to warp space to his whims. His warping of space can manifest as teleportation,walking at impossible angles,or curving what shouldn't be,like his shots or a lance. Furthermore,he commands the Sniper Lesser Nobodies,which share his abilities,but in a much more minor degree.
Absolutely accepted, obviously xD The rp's started already, but not much is happening so feel free to join in xD
FYI,many of the members of the Organization command Lesser Nobodies. Let me list the ones I know...

- (I) Xemnas: Sorcerers

- (II) Xigbar: Snipers

- (III) Xaldin: Dragoons

- (IV-VI) Unknown

- (VII) Saix: Berserkers

- (VIII) Axel: Assassins

- (IX) Demyx: Dancers (I hate them. SO MUCH.)

- (X) Luxord: Gamblers (Also pure evil)

- (XI & XII) Unknown

- (XIII) Roxas: Samurai

- (XIV) Invalid Entry
(You convinced me...)

Name: Saix

Gender: Male

Species: Nobody

Pre-Blackout Memories: A boy called Lea.


Personality: Saix is quiet, cold and dark in both his speech and manner. He looks down on those who are weak and emotion, preferring to use it against them. In battle however he can become a truly savage beast with no equal.

Abilities: He wields claymores with incredible force and power, proving his worth as second in command to Organization XIII and during a full moon he can go into a berserk state that increases his power ten-fold!

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