We, the Forgotten Characters and OCC

Don't forget; there is a huge invisible dome surrounding the island and surrounding waters.

If you want specifics, Rose, and if you haven't already joined, there was- first- several characters in different places.

Soon they congregated to the beach where the small village of kryptids is, because of the appearance of a sea serpent. Another group formed somewhere else; they haven't done anything yet. As of now the group consists of two characters who seem to be inactive.

Soon, Beast- who transforms into a beast over which he has no control- appeared on the scene and wounded a few characters. He, in his human form, is still there.

When the sea serpent and the threat of Beast left, the crowd on the beach dispersed; but there are still some characters there. The only other major event so far is Rune and Maris, sea serpent and sea dragoo, who discovered an underwater tunnel that leads to a huge cave. The kitsune Rosa had found her way in the cave through an aboveground entrance, and there is a mermaid-type creature in there as well.

We're thinking of making the cave an exitway out of the dome, but only after some other strife happens. Feel free to start a plot.
Is this still accepting

what time line is it set in

Name: Codera Lucifer Di Hylion

Age: 452

Species: Anaconda/Werehuman


Crush?: On himself? yes!

History: Once the pet of an demon slayer that was cursed to be the vessel of the Devil's son. A snake is what he was, that was all he was. Then one day he was cursed by one of the demons his master killed and the snake was believed to be killed by the curse. The snake had actually just been cursed with years of sleep. He was forced to sleep for almost 300 years and when he awoke he found his old master, and before he had reunited with his master he found a way to turn into a human using old magic, but he had found that his master had replaced him with others. This angered the snake and caused him to hate life in general. The snake was a lost soul and he found power through the Devil. The Devil granted him power as long as he swore to kill his old master and release the Devil's son locked with in his master. The snake lives to this day hunting for his prey and killing any others in his way.

He skilled in combat, stealth and strategy. A truly deadly adversary. He has total control of his transformation between human and snake. He knows common knowledge of language and adapts faster thanks to his animalistic instincts.
Name: Brianna Lee Johnson

Age: 19

Species: She is a Silver Dragon, but has a human form.

Dragon form: View attachment 2180

Human Form: View attachment 2181

Crush?: She doesn't have one yet :P

History: Her family all died off when she was very young, so she hardly knows anything about them. She's lived on this island for a very long time and knows practically every tree and rock in sight.

Other: Her eyes change colors depending on her mood.
(Sorry for not replying soon enough; I kept forgetting to check this board... >///< Anyway...

@Original: If you're still here, I'll consider your character. It's set in the current time line.

@Lost: I'm sorry, but all the dragon slots are taken. You're welcome to make another character if you want, though. Just check the first post to see what's still open, or you can make a suggestion if there's something else you might want to be that I don't have on the first post. :) )




When in werecobra form he has scales and he always has slit eye of a snake

Crush?:none yet

History:Zane grew up with a family that was like him so he learned at a young age how to controll the changes and now can change at will. he was taken from his family but doesn't remember anything else.

Other:Zane is snakelike in all manners including his interactions with others
You're accepted, Centy! ^-^

And sorry, PostIt, the Fae characters have been taken. :( You can be something similar, like an elf or dwarf or something. (I know those are crappy suggestions, but you can be something else, if you can think of something better.)
Oh, okay. It'll be nice having another person in the RP again. I was starting to get scared it was goign to die, since Fire and I both had writers block. D:
Moony, I'm pretty sure this is the rp I saw that was 40 pages long...but I can't remember. Think I could jump into it without too much trouble?
[MENTION=1658]Rhi'a[/MENTION]: Yeah, I don't think you'd have too much trouble jumping it. We're still kind of it the pre-plot stage right now, although I might try to push the plot a little more if we get more people. :/
Yay! I'll get to making the profile ASAP.

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I swore to god I was only going to make two...

I'm making three ^_^ "

Siren ok?

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Also, can I take a dragon, or is that too...much?
Although, I'll be cutting my 3 down to two...I will definitely make a demon ^_^

I am having way too much fun ^_^ "
Yup, siren would be okay. And I want to say 'no, the dragons are all taken', but I highly doubt anyone who left is coming back, so I might allow people to take abandoned slots from now on...
See, the way my mind worked, I created a song dragon (just don't ask...)...

So, it's a toss up for siren or song dragon, cause I don't wanna get the f/m ratio too badly out of wack...cause both would be girls.

So just lemme know if you'll allow it. Working on my little demon boy.

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Or at least, I'm trying to (freaking fairpoint, however, has other plans...)
Hmn...I don't know...you can do the dragon, if you want. I'd kind of like to see the siren, though, personally.
(wtf iPhone...) anyway, I was posting that i'll make the siren when I get home. The siren will more interesting and unique ;)

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I don't even know what I was trying to say when I typed part of that...

EDIT: nvm, I got it...)
Name: Benoni (it means ‘son of my sorrow’) “Richard”Avery

Age: often appears in the guise of a young child, maybe 10 years old, but isreally over 100 years old

Species: demon (I have no way to make this more specific, mostly cause I’munsure of the different types of demons.)

Appearance: Child: View attachment 2804

Adult: View attachment 2805 he can sprout wings and grow claws, but that's the extent of his physical changes.

Crush?: yeah, right...

History: Born in the land of humans, Benoni quickly grew disgusted with them.Why? Well, mostly because they had an odd dislike of the magical beings, andthey also hunted and killed each other. Demons…well, they have some form of anhonor code. Or at least, he did. That was how his parents raised him: to betrue to his race, his family, and himself. Of course, he killed humanssometimes, but don’t most demons? In the attempted capture of his parents, theywere slaughtered, and Benoni was added to the island’s population. He prefersto take on the guise of a child to appear more innocent, and also because theform is slightly more comfortable to him.

Other: Has powers of fire manipulation and shadows, and is skilled withkeyboard instruments (i.e. piano and organ).

Explanation of his random nickname: He once went on to a computer, and browsedsomething called the internet. He discovered a comic called Looking for Group, and the undead warlock named Richard intrigued him. So, he often lies to people,and says his name is Richard Avery.

Name:Aliah Marie Smith

Age: 20

Species: siren, a creature both woman and bird, with a lovely voice. Sometimes,they are mostly bird with only a woman's head, and sometimes, they simply havethe wings of birds. They are sometimes seen depicted as mermaids. For thepurpose of this roleplay and my character, she shall be a woman with birdwings.

Appearance: View attachment 2806

Crush?: nunca (as in, Spanish/Latin for none)

History: Aliah lead a simple life with her mother, near the ocean. Of course,her father was some poor sailor her mother dragged off, and later drowned. Theworld is a cruel place, though, and her mother one day disappeared. Soon enough, Aliah was captured and taken to the island of the forgotten.

Other: Like all sirens, she has a voice which can hypnotize men. (it’s never been tried on a woman…)

Quick Personality: calm, extroverted (though not excessively so), and usually demure and gentle

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