We, the Forgotten Characters and OCC

There are several characters on the beach, though, and sea serpents can be very loud when they want to. *shrug*- whatever.
(Well, Honovi's kind of looking right at him right now, though he doesn't actually see him, since you said he could only be seen in his current position if you were looking for him. Do with that what you wish. :) )
Name: Aella Boyana

Age: 17

Species: Were-tiger

Appearance: View attachment 1753 She is a white siberan tiger when she changes, but a temper filled red-headed girl with pale blue eyes when in human form.

Crush: Not yet

All Aella knew about her Father when growing up was that he had red hair like her and that him and her Mother were no longer together. She knew nothing of her...unusual powers and lived a slightly normal human life up until she turned seven years old. Her Mother showed her nothing but affection until one day at school when she got into a fight with another kid, her temper got the better of her and before she knew what was happening she was suddenly seeing through the eyes of a tiger cub as it tore the child she was recently fighting with apart. Of course there was a massive uproar in the neighbour and many panicked, confused people were calling police, military even getting ahold of the government if they could, all because of this 'freaky shape-shifting child' Aella and her Mother had to run from their home, from everything they knew. After they had gotten away Aella's Mother began drinking to deal with her depression and became distant and cold from her child. When Aella turned 13 her Mother finally explained Aella's race and powers to her, explaining that her Father was also a were-tiger and that he left her Mother for fear of hurting her. When Aella turned 15 she arrived home to find that her Mother - after years of taking drugs and drinking non-stop - had finally commited suicide, she left nothing for Aella, not even a note to say she loved her. For about a year after that Aella lived wild until she was captured and taken to the island.

Other: Aella often has vivid flashbacks of her old life and is also one of the few who have been on the island for quite a while because of her good survival skills and her tendency to only look out for herself, since she had no-one else to worry about.
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You might want to read over the past posts to figure out where everyone is... I would put a summary here, but my character doesn't know anyone's names so I'm not paying attention to them. xD

There's a "village" on a beach, where four characters are currently. The sea serpent, the selkie in human form, the shifter in human form, and the weretiger in human form. Four other characters, two of them twins, are elsewhere on the island. One character is being followed, unknown, by the other three. I don't remember where anyone else is. Put yourself in wherever.
(Hm...the character sounds interesting, 14hca14. Sure, I'll accept it. But you accicentally posted the dragon picture for both forms in your last post, so you're aware. ;) )
Name: Maris

Age: 200

Species: Sea Serpent Dragoo thing/Mermaid

Appearance: Dragon form:http://www.testriffic.com/resultfiles/18697sea_serpent_jpg_rZd_86916.jpg

Mermaid Form:http://chinadailyshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/mermaid11.bmp

Crush?: Idk maybe Rune but who knows

History: Maris lived in the colder waters of the Pacific ocean where she hid in the fields of long seaweed. If she felt sailors were catching on she merely shifted into her mermaid form and hid even more easily. Instead of distrusting humans she merely had a healthy respect for the foolish creatures and watched them from a far. Maris understood how detrimental their behaviors could be yet she remained fascinated.

One night she slept lazily in the curls of seaweed, where she thought she was hidden. Suddenly a bright light and the sound of buzzing copter blades roared above her. The water was disturbed twenty boats and than a sharp pain roared through her back as she was shot. After that everything went black. Maris awoke later in the dome.

Meheheheh in a meheheheh way. We already have a mermaid, and two dragons, and a sea serpent. I felt mehehehehish that now he have a "Sea Serpent Dragoo thing/Mermaid."
(Oh. That's not what I thought you where mehehe-ing at, but yeah. I figured we could allow a few hybrid/mix/inbetweeners here and there, since they're not exactly one thing or the other...could be interesting.)
Find another character, strike up conversation, start a plot.

Really. We need plot-starters. Someone could go evil and stir up trouble, or some natural thing could be the problem, or we could dive into the meat of the matter and find a possible way to get out. We could find a new area, like a secret passageway on the island, which leads outside to another place completely unexplored (which wouldn't be good for Rune or the sea-dwellers, but... -.-) or a secret passage in the water, which would be very, very interesting. You'd have to recruit a sea-dweller to help everybody get out.
(True. I was kind of waiting for everyone who already joined to post, so that nobody would get left out, but I don't think we're getting any more newbies anytime soon, so we can start figuring something out. Concerning the escape, I'm open to discussing how we can make it go down. I do have a default idea, if it gets that bad that we need a quick escape, though. But I'd prefer an escape with some plot, if possible.)

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