We, the Forgotten Characters and OCC

*isn't really mad and never was.* Madeyaluck! xD

Sea serpent it is. Sorta combines snake and lake monster, anyhoo. Right, I've got something to do right now, but I'll write a form ASAP immediately after.
Name: Rosalind Faire

Age: 20

Species: Kitsune

Human Appearance:http://crazzytoastanime.spruz.com/gfile/75r4!-!IDGJKE!-!zrzor45!-!RPIDSDMJ-OPIE-HHDJ-LOEL-QNRQHOEIIIFE!-!72y1nq/miyuki_speechless~yusuke_one-shot.jpg (She wore long flowy shirts or a jacket and bound her tails to her torso in order to hide her nine tails that don't go away when she shifts)

In her fox form:
http://garethhinds.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/kitsune2.jpg (she is supposed to have that many tails, I think that is part of the whole kitsune thing)

Crush?: None yet

History: Rosa's parents had been highschools sweethearts who got married and pregnant just a few months out of highschool. Everything was going okay, her father had a steady construction job and both of her parents took online college courses. One night the couple went out for dinner and were killed in a car crash. Rosa was merely two at this point and custody was given to her father's parents.

Rosa was raised by her grandparents in the mountains, away from society. They raised her to be self sufficient and gave her a top class education despite their distance from the real world. Her relationship with her grandparents was wonderful but as always everyone has their secrets. She had always ignored the way her grandmother occasionally disappeared into the woods for a couple of days mostly because it had always been that way and her grandfather didn't seem to mind. Her grandfather was the first to die, Rosa was 13 at the time and it hit her hard but she and her grandmother plugged along. Of course this meant her grandmother had to tell her where she was going on her daylong excursions and slowly the truth came out. The elderly woman was in fact a kitsune and the day she died Rosa would become one. It always passed to the next woman and that meant Rosa. Her grandmother explained the powers that came with the form and the importance of staying hidden, for people said the tails of a kitsune held good luck(I made that up). For years the two lived together but sadly one not the grandmother died in her sleep and Rosa gained her powers. She buried her grandmother and fled, for months she lived on her own but one day she was caught and brought to the dome.

Other: Nada
Name: Rune

Age: Unknown: at least 300

Species: Sea serpent

Appearance: His body is long and sinuous, like a snake's; but much larger. If he were stretched out flat, his length would exceed 40 feet and his width 4. His head is flat-topped, stark blue eyes on both sides and holes for ears. His jaw can open wide enough to eat just about anything, and he possesses teeth that can bite through most everything too. His body and head are covered in thin, green-blue scales, not metal-hard like his dragon cousins', but very sleek and aerodynamic. On his underside the scales lighten and thin even more, becoming more of one surface than many overlapping panels. His tail tapers down to a fin-like structure at the end. When he moves fast, his body straightens, but coils up when he is at rest. If he is swimming at the surface, he arcs up out of the water repeatedly. There is a large scar running down his right side near his head.

Crush: Who could a sea monster possibly have a crush on here?

History: Rune was an ocean-dweller, coming and going as he pleased. He was born and grew up in an old, wrecked ship with symbols carved on the exterior. He named himself after these. He was careful to avoid humans, but many sailors reported sighting him and his kin in many parts of the world and gave him many names, like Ogopogo and the Kraken. His race is long-lived but small; no more then 5 sea serpents ever lived at a time. His scar was from a fight with another serpent over a mate, which he lost.

His instincts urged him away from humans strongly, but one bout of foolishness led him into a harbor at night. A man spotted him, and shot him with a harpoon; enraged, he thrashed and cried out. Something in the harpoon affected him, and he blacked out very soon. When he woke up, he was in unknown waters, with one small island and a strange wall preventing his escape.

Other: The sea serpent's language is old and archaic, and very basic. It sounds a bit like a whale's cry, can get very loud, and is unknown to most species out of the water. A mermaid or other aquatic being could understand. They are sentient, but not especially bright. They know logic and emotion and confusion and empathy, but you wouldn't see one doing math. One special ability of the serpents is to cast images into someone's mind; often, this is the only way they can communicate.

Rune is remarkably fast and his jaws are powerful, but his scales are meager protection. For such an ancient creature, he is very unaccustomed to interaction with other beings. Because of this, he is rather trusting and won't bite anyone unless they make him mad.

I'd like for sea serpents to be a separate species from dragons, please. I don't think they bear too much resemblance. Maybe cousins, as I said in the appearance.
(Can do. Obviously, you're accepted, since you were one of the ones who helped me come up with this. And the response to 'crush' kind of amused me. While it probaby wouldn't happen commonly, nothing surprises me anymore, after seeing some of the strange pairings in anime and fanfics...and it isn't unthinkable for a dragon to fall in love with a sea serpent, since they're cousins. Seeing as Sage's is the only female dragon, though, it'd be up to her with that...)
Name: Elizabeth Luna Freenan

Age: 17

Species: Mermaid






Elizabeth was born on July 22, 1995 in Greece, although you might think she was Mexican. Her parents were quite high up in Mermaid society and until she was placed here she was practically a princess. Most of the people loved her even if she was a little rude and snarky sometimes. But she's always like that with new people. At age 12 she moved to Australia and enjoyed her five years there. About two weeks ago she was brought here. She has had a tough time getting to know people here and can't stand the fact they're surronded by a bubble.

Ooh Ooh, can I play a Dragoon? In short, it's a dragon master (Mostly Humans, but there are others) with the powers of a dragon.
(Did you forget to finish your profile, Katherine? I understand having the 'other' empty, since people can sometimes mention everything important in the history, but your history's empty, too.

As for you, Jameson, do I smell a Scrapped Princess fan? ;) I'm sorry, but I have to say no to that one. I will accept a weredragon or werelizard, though, if that's close enough, since they're similar, but kind of also opposites [dragons are reptilian at birth, and can become humanesque, while weredragons are human-like from birth, and learn how to control their transformations into dragons]. If not, I'm sorry to disappoint you. :( )
(It's cool, and no I'm a "The Legend of the Dragoon" fan. It's a playstation 1 game. I'll think of something.)
(Ok, edited it. I know it's short and not very detailed but I couldn't think very well with my dad playing guitar in the other room. He plays very loudly. :P )
(Okay. You're accepted, then, Katherine. And I laughed at your reply to it, Nivrad. xD

Oh, okay, Jameson. Now that I think about it, I think dragoons are different in SP , anyway. I think the word 'dragoon' might actually be somthing involved with guns (like many things in SP...), originally, though. But, I'll keep a lookout for your character. :) )

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Lol. I know how you feel, Katherine, although mine's kind of a choice... I'm jamming out to my Rent Cd right, but it's making my read slowly. I'm enjoying it too much to turn it off, though!)
Alrighty, Thanks. I was wondering how exactly to start.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(OMG I'm not the only Rent fan now! Ok, I'm now thinking of making a Rent rp.)

--- Merged Double Post ---

(OMG I'm not the only Rent fan now! Ok, I'm now thinking of making a Rent rp.)
(No, I just extending on what I said before. I knew that's not what you were talking about. I was just saying, it's possible the name came from the same place, which would explain why I was confused...)
((hey what were you talking about with nivrad about dragons and my dragon girl being the only female))
(In his/her serpent's bio, (s)he said something about not being able to imagine anyone having a crush on a sea serpent, so I just said that, since serpents are cousins of dragons, your character was probably the most likely, but that it was probably true that nothing was going to happen. Honestly, I don't have much hope with the crush thing in general, but I added it, just in case.)
((oh ok. and anyone with a human form could lov someone else. so the dragon type thing isnt always true))
(I don't think Rune has a human form, though. It didn't seem that way from his profile. But, anything's possible, I suppose.)
Ah sorry then ^-^; Didn't see that till now. Alright then I'm signing up as well.

Name: Chloe Armegon & Jin Armegon

Age: Unknown, but both appear 19

Species: Shinigami

Appearances: Chloe's Human/Shinigami Form & Jin's Human/Shinigami Form

None, as of thus far

History: They're fraternal twins that had a bright future set out for them since birth. But on the night of their going away party for college an accident occurred leading to the siblings deaths. As their spirits wandered in the after life, Death decided to give them a second chance. A voice called out to them saying: "You two can live again in the world of the living, but at a price." The two agreed and were sent back to the world of the living. But not to soon after that they found out that they were no longer human but an creation of death. The voice called back out to them: "In return for giving you your life back on Earth, I ask that you do something for me. I wish for you to collect the dying souls of this world as a trade for keeping you alive". Since they had no other choice, the two agreed and discarded their previous lives as humans and created their new identities as shinigamis.

On a one of their soul collections, the two did not know that they were being watched by a strange person from the shadows until later they were captured and awoke on a strange island.

Chloe Other: Chloe is a tsundere type of girl with a very cold looking demeanor. She comes out as heartless and and a dictator type of person the only cares for herself and the mission, but deep down she's a calm and considerate (she only tends to show this to people she likes, who is currently only Jin). Her biggest wish is to be a human and live once more, but she knows it's highly unlikeable. She is very short-tempered and tends to be immature if she doesn't her way. She's not afraid to use force if necessary and tends to use her shinigami powers to be her backbone. Whenever she switches out of her human disguise, her hair lightens and rose petals appear. Her scythes name is Dahlia.

Jin Other: Jin is the complete foil of his sister Chloe. He's very laid back, sarcastic, and arrogant to the extreme. He likes to cause trouble and is completely immature even for his age. He's not very considerate for other people's feelings besides his sister's and tends to push people's buttons for enjoyment. He absolutely loves his life as a shinigami due to the fact that he can reach new horizons that he couldn't reach before (he was a well known parkour athlete before his death), but just like his sister, wishes to be human again. When he's doing his job he's still laid back, but when he's upset he becomes serious and a deadly force. He wears a cross on his neck to remind him and his sister why they do their jobs and why they are shinigami. There always seems to be a raven near him wherever he goes. When he switches out of his human disguise, his hair darkens and his eyes become red. His scythes name is Oreb.

I'm a guy, Rune doesn't have a human form, and why are you talking in parentheses? This is the OOC thread.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Eh. I sorta expected someone to notice what Rune did in the RP.
(Okay, accepted, Mnyuu.

What do you mean, Nivrad? I read all the posts, but both my characters are preoccupied right now. Honestly, I'd have probably talked to all the characters if I could have. And speaking in parentheses is just a habit. I think I do it so I don't forget when I do need to have them.)

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