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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern We Are the Apocalypse (w/ a twist)


RPer who hasn't RPed in a long time
  • Below you will find my character sheet for my character. You may use it for your own character sheet, but you can use any type that you'd wish. Once I look over your character, I will give you a "LIKE" and that will be your acceptance into the RP.
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  • Pixiv.Id.869102.full.982908.jpg

    Name: Callum Evert

    Nicknames: Cal, The Walking Grave

    Gender: Male

    Age: 8 (physically), 18 (years alive)

    DoB: October 18th

    Race: Cursed One (formally Human)

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Black w/ red circles

    Height: 3' 8"

    Weight: 20 lbs.

    Fear: Loneliness/Abandonment

    Other: Callum is very skinny due to barely eating anything for the last 10 years, so he's almost looks like a walking corpse. His skin is very pale (almost white). Upon his back are protruding bones likes a reverse rib cage and 10 long, thin arms with each a rotten corpse or skeleton within its grasps. His clothing only consists of a pair of shredded shorts that are too big for him. They are held up by a dirty, old rope.


  • Name: Mona

    Nicknames: Mona Lisa

    Gender: Genderfluid

    Age: 23

    DoB: Nov 20

    Race: Human, Scavenger

    Hair Color: Dark Brown

    Eye Color: Light Blue

    Height: 5'6"

    Weight: 120

    Fear: Being at a loss/Not knowing what to do and Forgetting something

    Other: Mona has large burn scars on their hands and forearms due to their crazy experiments and not caring for them selves during dangerous situations. Their nose is slightly crooked from some scuffle and never healed in the right place. The top of their left ear is cut off cleanly, and those who do know them like to joke that they did it to themselves. Mona sports wiry muscles and an intense resting face, although their personality is quite the opposite.

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  • 1653d6c12243857ed01a541c04009533.jpg

    Name: Dana Wildman

    Nicknames: Red, 'cause of her hair.

    Gender: Female

    Age: 20

    Race: Human (Hunter)

    Hair Color: Dyed red

    Eye Color: Sea green

    Height: 5'9

    Weight: 138 lbs

    Fear: Failure

    Other: Dana has a large tattoo spanning from one side of her back to curling slightly around her waist. It's inked in jet black, though looks dark grey due to fading over the years.

    Her hands are calloused from years of labor, and are almost always covered in little scrapes or bandages wrapped around slender fingers. She puts little thought into clothing, so her usual attire is just whatever she has on hand plus her signature boots. End-of-the-world couture.

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Name: Marco Adams


Age: 16

Family: Little sister(alive) mother(dead) father(dead)

Nicknames: Quiff-o

Race: Human (scavenger)

Tools/weapons: hammer, steampunk-like goggles.

Hair: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'4

Weight: 133 lbs

Fear: Death

Other:Dating Kailey, looking for his little sister.


Name: Kailey Helens


Age: 15

Family: Mom(dead) Dad(Dead)

Nicknames: Flower Crown, Blue girl

Race: Human(Scavenger)

Tools/weapons: Metal glove, spear

Hair: Dyed Blue

Eye color: Bright Blue

Height: 5'2

Weight: 121 lbs

Fear: Spiders

Other: Dating Marco, looking for his little sister.

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