We Are No Longer Alone (RP)


The Atalanta, a large space ship filled with 200 men and women, has just entered the system of Tau Ceti. Inside the ship is quiet but for the silent hum of machinery. 199 crew members slept dreamlessly in cryogenic tubes, only the captain was awake.

Henry Johnson entered the bridge to begin the post light speed checks. No ship had every traveled such a lengthy journey at the speed of light. It had worked though. For that Henry was relieved. The fact the ship even survived was enough.

Henry went through the checks mindlessly, thinking on his past. It was a relief for him to be away from earth. The planet had grown to chaotic from him. Sure it was peaceful. There had been unrest in the east, but those bouts always ended quickly. He also didn't like how it seemed like everything was run by the church. Centuries of working towards the separation of church and state abolished. Back in Henry's ti-… A beeping sound interrupted Henry's musing. It was time to wake the crew.


Matthew slipped back into consciousness. He opened his eyes to find himself suspended vertically in a tank filled with a warm liquid. There were tubes going up his nose and coming out other orifices and the light out side the take was almost blinding. Matt could not remember his name, or even any of his past, but he was not worried. Everything was fine in the tank. Suddenly though, two mechanic hands grabbed him from either side and the water drained. Fear flooded into Matthew as the the tubes were pulled out of his body. As he gasped his first breath of fresh air in 12 years Matt began to question everything.

"Who am I? Where am I? Please God, what is happening to me?" he shouted out loud. As spoke the word God things began to come back to him. He was part of the clergy. He had grown up on earth. Memories began to flood back in. His parents faces, childhood memories, going to church, Mars, the strange room there, the thing he should not have tou-…

"Yeahhhaarrhhh" Matthew wailed as a pain shot through his body beginning from his right hand. Clutching his hand as it throbbed, Matt saw the strange spherical tattoo on the back of his hand. It glowed. Everything had come back to him now. He was on the Atlanta on his way to Tau Ceti. He had just made it through the "post hibernation insanity" as the captain had explained it. Matt walked into the adjacent room and joined the others who had been awaken. The room was large and comfortably furnished. There was room enough for 100 people. The other half of the ships crew was either already preforming their functions on board the ship or in the officers quarters. This room was for the members of the ground team mission.

The room was slowly filling with people. In one corner of the room was a small galley where rehabilitation juice was automatically dispensed. A small line was already forming there. Matthew considered broaching a conversation with someone, but then he noticed the two guards on either side of him. "I had hoped to be rid of you two." He muttered to himself. Sullenly he took a seat and waited for an officer to come and give them their first orders.


Takio groggily stumbled into the big room. This was all still too much for him. He was confused and frightened. The large room and the people in it made things even worse. Some of his memories had returned but he still walked on the fine line on the conscience and subconscious. He stumbled around the room trying to find a grasp on reality until some one put a soft had on his shoulder.

"Here, drink this." The person said, "It will help. What you are feeling is quite common."

Takio took the cup and drank deeply. The liquid was thick and sweet. It calmed his nerves and left him in a state of euphoria. As his mind calmed and slowed the memories began to flood back and rode themselves.

"Thank you." He said. "My Name is Takio. What is your name?"
Chris walked through a long, luminescent hallway. He had almost no idea why he was here, and sure as hell didnt want to be there. The men who were escorting him opened a door and a bright colored room became into vision. The room was fairly large and wide, he supposed this is where he would stay until he figured out what was going on.

He looked at some of the people in this room, there were people from all different regions. He tried to remember why he was here and what he was doing. He decided to settle down on a white bench left of the room. "Not the worst that could happen. Am I right?" He looked over to the person sitting on the bench, the man gave Chris a cold, thoughtless glare

. Chris decided to not talk to any more people in this room. Chris decided to stand up and walk around. He looked behind him to see a window. Outside was a dark and vast nothingness. "Wait....What?" Chris stared, then he remembered, he was on a trip to a distant planet, the good byes he had said, the life he gave up in the blink of an eye, his family, his friends...But he knew it was for a good cause. Possibly.
Alex was sitting on a plain white bench along the wall of the cabin and breathing deeply. She knew what to do, though her mind was still fuzzy and she didn't know what was happening or why. But she knew that she needed to remain calm and focus on her breathing, the rising and falling of her chest with each intake of air. She refused to drink the concoction the crew were passing around. She didn't know why, but the liquid made her uneasy. And she was sure that this would pass in time.

Slowly, memories were coming back to her. Memories of years at school, of burying herself in books, trying to escape this world and the people in it. Memories of her first sunrise on Mars as a child, of the awe she still experienced when looking out at the stars. Alex, unnerved by this stream of memories coming back to her, looked around the cabin to distract herself. There were at least a hundred disoriented people in the room with her. Some were handling it better than others. Most were stumbling about like drunks, trying to organize their thoughts and remember who they are and what they were doing here. This sight was too familiar to Alex. She felt as if she had been in a similar situation before, many times, but her memories were still mostly closed off from her, blocked by some cloud of disorientation. She was finding this increasingly irritating, not to have access to her own memories and knowledge.
Chris looked at some people passing out some drinks. He wondered what it tasted like and requested one to the person that was passing them, once he got a cup of the warm liquid he sat down on a bench next to somebody and took a sip. He instantly felt warm and safe inside and he loved that feeling. He chugged the rest of the drink as fast as he could.

He sighed with delight and leaned back. He spoke without looking at the person next to him "Good stuff." He said looking at the ceiling. "You know why were here? Im pretty confused....i just had a memory flood....but I still dont know exactly why im on a ship...thats flying around for some reason." Chris looked at the person he seemed deep in thought.
Matthew Goode mused,

That strange room. One he had never seen before. And in the center...

"You know why were here? Im pretty confused....i just had a memory flood....but I still don't know exactly why I'm on a ship...thats flying around for some reason."

The voice brought Matt back into reality. "Oh, Yes." He said brightly, "You are on the star ship Atlanta on a mission to the solar system Tau Ceti. You have just been awakened after a 12 year hibernation. You must just be organizing your memories I expect. Everyone reacts differently to the post hibernation insanity."

He paused.

"Some people come back as totally different people it is said. What do you remember? Talking can help." Matt seemed to be a become nervous. He glanced at his guards.
Randolf finally wakes up and gets out of his pod and says "hey where am my"?Then some one gave a cup and told him to take a drink.Randolf toke a big gulp of the drink and says "thanks to the person".And then he toke a seat on the closes bench and continues to drink.Then he starts to get his memories back and says "oh yes I remember everything now.This is the Atlanta" But one thing was still not sure to him then he asked the closes person and asked "where are we going again"?But he was ignored so he started to ask everyone on where they are going.
"Uh...I remember leaving...thats about it" Chris said with a lost but still cheerful voice. "Do you know what we'll do once we get to this solar system. I just want to know why they have me here." Chris said.
As Matt went to reply the captain walked into the room.

"I am Henry Johnson captain of this ship and leader of the expedition you are about to embark upon. You all should still be very confused so I will make things simple. There are three groups of crew members on board this ship that make up the mission. The Military, Research Team, and Medics. If you are wearing a red uniform you belong to the military, if you are wearing a green uniform you belong in the research department, and blue is for the medics. We have just entered the orbit of Ketos and will prepare for the mission shortly when more of your memory has returned."

Henry then proceeded to name the crew mates and the drop ship that they would be assigned to. Among the list these people were grouped at ship 9 at the starboard aft end of the ship:

Charlene Ackerman, Erryic Czechov, Chris Fiorn, Mathew Goode,Takio Habe,John Jameson,Elisa Martines,Randolf Muller, and Alexandra Scott.

In parting Henry said. "Remember no mater the causes that may have brought you here you are making contact with an alien race for the first time in history. Stay safe and don't do anything stupid."

The crew members went to their designated spots at their own slow paces and began to board the decent ships.


Elisa Martines stood at the doors to the decent ship 9 and awaited the arrival of her pontoon. Once they had assembled she gave them their first sets of orders.

"When the ship lands the military forces will be the first to exit. Strangely it seems that the atmosphere is compatible with our own. You will not need suits. After the military makes a perimeter the research team will set up. If any thing is to go wrong regroup at the flair."

Elisa entered the ship and waited for the others to join her. Soon they would descend.
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The first sharp intake of a fresh air was almost like being born again. The long tubes exiting the holes and forcing her to breathe the air that was once familiar to her was a whole new experience. There was no more warmth, no more slumber, and here she was back in this cruel, disgusting world again. It was fuzzy at first, a tingling sensation prickling at every end of her body, as if her senses were booting up one by one. She could barely even remember her own name and location for that matter in this moment of time. The woman stumbled sideways, silk hair flailing across her milky skin as she padded the surface for a center of balance.

Everything was so.. dark, cloudy, and very hard to see through; like a pair of goggles with condensation covering the insides of them. She was a woman, but of what? Was she a slave? A soldier of a soon to be war? Pondering over the vast darkness clouding her thoughts, she took her head into her hands, massaging her temples in soft circles. "Ch.. Char.." she sputtered, extending her fingertips and recoiling them a few times. "Char..lene..Charlene."

In that sudden moment it seemed like the rest of her entire livelihood rushed back to her roots. She was a woman with a background of engineering and physics. She liked to tinker with things.. figure out what made them tick. Break them and then fix them, just like she had been. She was twenty five, a woman of great intelligence in that small shell of hers. Although.. her past was still blurry.. but hadn’t it always been that way? Her mind was like a camera, snapping shots of this and that. All she could recall were the sights she had seen on Mars and looking up to the night sky to the stars. Wishing, she could be up there with them.

A soft breath of air filtered through her soft lips and she took a seat on one of the benches, rubbing her eyes wearily. Charlene was hoping the rest of her well-being would return, but this state of emptiness had always been apparent in her world. Is that why she was here? To gain importance in this shitty universe? She was an engineer, on a ship with many other members; she had to be here for a reason.

A soft pat on her shoulder made her look up with furrowed brows, and the strangers held a cup, containing a liquid in what he said would, “help”. Charlene was never the type of person to accept handouts, more so especially in this type of situation but she felt it deemed necessary. Tilting her head backwards, she took a cheekful of the liquid and inspected the peculiar taste. It was thick, very sweet and sent a wave of soft radiations through her senses. It calmed her. If it hadn’t been for it, she would’ve been in a state of panic, but she sank back, pressing her head to the wall and letting out a long sigh. “Thank you.” she whispered, rubbing one of her brows.

The talking around her seemed to come to a halt and it didn’t phase her. She enjoyed silence like a lonely friend of hers. But when she seen the Captain before her, stating the reasons why they were here and their orders they had to follow, she sat up at full attention. This was her duty, she had finally figured it out. A sudden click in her realization made her, well, herself. Emotions and memories were now out of the picture, it was time to get things started. She had her uniform and knew her ship, it was only a matter of time before she met her peers. Taking a deep breath, she stood onto her feet and began to make her way through the sea of people, trying her best to avoid social interaction.
(or Wednesday i can post on Wednesday to schedule)

Chris boarded the ship and looked around. He was surprised at how...battle ready it looked for a transport ship. "You guys get attacks often? This seems like an attack ship if you ask me..." Chris asked Elisa. Chris decided to ask a feq more questions regarding the mission "Also, wheres our weapons...we are in the future...uh kind of the future...so what kind of cool stuff do we got for me to screw around with?" Chris wondered what his position was in battle.
Randolf was walking too his designated ship.It's taking him longer then he wanted.The reason for that is because hes been thinking of what his old friend Mathew told him before he went to sleep.He finally got on the ship and he noticed that everyone looked ready for a big battle.Randolf says "have no fear your medic is here" then he started to look through his equipment to look for anything that looked like a revolver that he uses.After a few minutes he finds a pistol and says "this would do nicely".He puts the pistol in his holdster then he started to look for somewhere to sit.
The ship zoomed towards land. There was little talk in the back. Everyone was nervous at this monumental step in history. They knew nothing about the planet other then the fact that the atmosphere was breathable, surprisingly, and that the natives was civilized in some way. There was a very dense cloud cover so they did not know what to expect. The little ship rumbled as it broke the atmosphere and fell towards Ketos.

Eight ships entered the atmosphere, but only 5 landed safely. Two of them crashed due to a storm and one went missing with out a trace. You are in a ship that has crashed beneath a storm. You have been thrown from the ship but are relatively unhurt. Up on a hill someone lights a beakon and begins to wave it.


There was a flash followed by a great rumbling blast and Takio found that the ship was spinning out of control. With a terrible screeching the hull ripped in half and went flying. Takio's chair mediately shot towards the sky and opened a parachute. As he floated down he was pelted with rain. It was hard to see anything, but the occasional flash of lightning shows a dense forest beneath beneath him. There is a hill to the west and a river to the east that flows south into a large valley. Takio thought he might have spotted a mountain that looked like a massive tower in the distant north.

Takio landed in a tree and quickly unbuckled his seat belt. He climbed to the top of the tree and surveyed the surroundings. On the hill to the south he could see a large fire and half the ship. Takio climbed back down to the chair and took the emergency survival kit out of the bottom before jumping to the ground. He opened it to check out the contents:

  • Small rations for a week
  • One low energy stun gun(strong enough to paralyze a human or horse and slow down a bigger animal)
  • A machete
  • A high tech compass
  • Sample collecting kit
  • A small backpack

Takio holstered the machete and stun gun and took everything else in the back pack. Before leaving he opened the compass. It had a small screen on it that showed the demographics. Valley south, river east, hills north, and hill to the west. Over the hill was a flashing red "X".

"Handy tool." Takio said as he put it away. Looking up at the hill Takio thought he could see some shapes moving around. "Good place to start." He thought.

As Takio walked towards the hill there was a rustling in the bushes. He jumped back and grabbed for his stun gun. Strange brown animals crept shyly out of the bushes. They were hairy and looked like giant spiders with fat legs and no body. They had ten legs that looked almost like arms. There were six long scaly fingers at the end of large scaled hands on each of the ten arms. There was a glowing mound on the top and perhaps a mouth on the bottom.

Takio jumped back holding a shaking arm in front of himself, clutching the gun in a hard sweaty grip. The creatures stopped. They didn't seem to have eyes to see Takio but he knew they could sense him all the same. Takio got the impression that they weren't hostile. As he walked on the followed, keeping there distance. There were about a dozen of the strange things. Takio heard rustling in the bushes as he walked and saw shadows of much larger creatures. He moved faster hoping not to be noticed.
(I'm sorry if I popped up.Could you tell me where the sign up is?)

Corvo saw a dark figure moving slowly towards a hill with a beacon.He held his broken shoulder and pressed towards the person hoping the person would help him.He scanned the area and spotted arachnid-like creatures wandering off.He guessed that was why the person was moving slowly.

Corvo thought he could persuasive on his approach to make the person help him.Moving quickly he saw the person's arms raised holding a gun "This could get dirty," he said as he walked towards the person.His hands shooked and decided to present himself respectfully instead of popping out of a bush and say 'hi'.

Corvo raised his hands up high and rushed through the person's view.
Chris gazed in awe as he saw half of the hull be torn from the ship with a horrifying screech. "That wasn't supposed to happen...correct?" He said as one of the members tossed Chris a backpack. "Should have all you need in there, Including a parachute!" The man said. "I've always wanted to go skydiving..." Chris said as he jumped out of the huge hole. It was dark, cloudy and stormy from above. Chris dove into needle form until he eventually saw land below. He spread himself out to make himself as wide as possible. Once he felt the need to pull the chute he did. He slowly drifted down to the ground and landed in a small patch of field. "THAT WAS SICK!" He yelled looking around. He saw a person waving flares around wildly. "All i need....well....I hope he was right on that one." Chris started to head towards the flares.
(The sign up is here. http://rpnation.com/index.php?threads/we-are-no-longer-alone.14139/

You had better read up on all the characters so you are not lost later. After you post your character you will be given some extra info to help the plot move a long.) 
The man popping up out of the bushes with the group of strange creatures startled and frightened Takio so much that he almost yelled. The aliens were so eery in the similarities they had with humans that Takio thought he had come face to face with the dominant Ketos life form. He relax when he saw it was another crew member.

"Holy Buddha you scared me!" He said harshly at first then softer as he saw the man cradling his shoulder. "Looks like you are in pain." Takio jogged the short distance back to his parachute and cut a section off with the machete. This he fashioned into a sling around the mans arm. It supported the broken collar bone and hung off the opposite shoulder. "That is the best thing for it." Said Takio. "Don't move it for a few weeks and you will be fine. It's going to hurt like a biotch though every time you lay down or stand up. If the head surgeon on the ship survived he might be able to fix it better. There will be pain killers at the ship at least."

Takio and the man, Corvo he had said his name was, reached the top of the hill with about 3 dozen strange creatures passively following. They were all made in conglomeration of strange human like parts. They were twisted and deformed but oddly efficient in certain tasks: jumping, swinging from trees, rolling, eating (perhaps), digging, some even flew. Some had skinny mutated bodies, while others were fat and grotesque.

There were all ready a few military members making a perimeter around the hill and setting up defensive and surveillance devices. The rain beat down much harder here, but the planet was strangely warmer then earth had been and the rain was not too cold. Takio covered his eyes from the wind and walked towards the direction a military grunt was pointing. He entered the half broken hull and found Commander Martines perched upon a pile of weapons of all sorts.

"Haven't had time to organize anything yet." Said Martines. "But you can rummage through the pile and look for anything you can use. If you pass it by me I'll decide if you can take it or not." Martines was very stern.

Takio bent and began going through the pile of awesome weapons. "Its going to be a hard and long journey now." Martines said above him. There were large rifles that Takio could never use. Pistols of all sorts, grenades, knives, and strange weapons Takio had never seen before. Takio settled on quite an outlandish design. He wondered what the creator had been thinking when he made this weapon. It was a metal bow staff that seemed to have a barrel at one end that must shoot something and something flat and clear at the other end that Takio couldn't figure out. Takio found some shells that seemed to fit in the bow staffs barrel. Takio found a door in the center of the staff where he could load five shells. Sadly, Takio could only find three.

"There is more ammo at the other ship" Said the commander. "We will make for there when we regroup. In the mean time get some of the research team together to find out what those strange animals surrounding our camp are. They look like something out of a horror movie." Martines said dryly. Takio shuttered as he thought of the strange things once more.

"O-o, OK" He stammered as he left the broken plane. Planning on approaching the first member of the research team he could find so he didn't have to be around the aliens alone.
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(My character post is already in,I have to cope with the story even if you didn't accept me. But I hope you'll like it :)

Corvo saw all the deadly weapons and figured their journey will encounter many fights.At first he didn't know what kind of arsenal he should pick since he is not much into brutal force.He took the simplest weapon of all,a pistol and a knife.Of course,the pistol needed rounds.So he scanned the area for more mags but nothing.

Just like the man he met,Takio,only found a few shells.But never did he hesitated.After all,he didn't have the blood of an agressive soldier.

A commander of a ship was staring at Corvo as he picks his weapon of choice.He glanced at the commander nervously a few times.But then he raised his pistol and chuckled awkwardly,"Not much really into guns,honestly" he said nervously hoping not to start a conversation.He headed towards his new friend hoping he had answers about what was happening.
Randolf also jumped out of his pod before it crashed.His first thought was "Holy sweet mother of god" and he repeated that same thought a dozen or so times until he finally landed near a small lake."Well now I don't want to that any time soon"he thought to himself.Randolf then started to look around and noticed two thing's.One the flares on the hills,and two he noticed a few creatures that had ten arms he counted."i believe now is the time to head for the flares" he thought and he started walking.

During the walk up he noticed the creatures that are following him."I hope these things stop following me" he said to himself.About after a five minute walk he finally made it to the flares.One of the soilders told him "grab a gun from the pile and some ammo,because we are leaving soon"."Alright"."And one more thing" he thought."Is any one injured"Randolf asked the soilder."As of now no"said the soilder."But its good that we have medic that's highly trained,helps the morale a bit"then said."Great to know soilder"said Randolf then he headed to the pile of weapons.He pulled out a revolver and he said happily "well its nice to see the future hasn't change much".Then he pulled out what looked like a shotgun and he said "well its not my usual taste but at least I don't really need to aim just need to be close".

Then he started to look for ammo and he found six shells for the shotgun and he found ten bullets for the revolver.Then he was given a med-kit and the soilder that he talked to a few minutes ago told him "you can't be a good medic without one of these"."Thank you"Randolf said."I'm ready"Randolf told the soilder.He thought "well at least I actually made a friend,that's a shock".
Corvo eavesdropped around the two soldiers talking,one that recently just arrived,and the commander of the ship.He heard the new guy ask if anyone was injured,expecting the commander to say 'yes'.But what he heard was a very heavy negative reply.His eyes opened and tongue ready to offend the commander.It was as if the commander never saw Corvo judging from the time the commander was staring straightly to him.

He saw them both rejoin again after a few minutes.Then he rushed forward to the commander,"Pardon me,sir" his face filled with disgust and anger,pointing his finger to his injured shoulder.

"If you do notice,commander,and I know you did.My shoulder his broken by the crash and you simply said no," he glanced to the person holding the med-kit quickly,"when this guy over here asked if there was someone injured!" he bursted out a loud voice over the commander,"Luckily my friend,Takio,had some training in the field and patched this up." his voice cooled down slowly,"I'm sorry if I disrespected you,sir.But I have to defend myself too."

Corvo glanced back at the man with the kit,"Hey,you a medic?" he slowly let his breath out,"Can you fix this?"
As Chris got closer and closer to the flares he noticed that some people had already regrouped. "Dont worry! Im not dead!" Chris yelled sarcastically. "Could use something to keep me from dieing though....." He said as he approached the broken hull of the ship. He looked around. "Do we have a plan or are we trying to figure one out?" He said looking at the insane amount of weapons, Chris was trying to think of what would suit him best. "You have quite the armory here....Got anything light weight, easy to use, and helpful in all situations...like a knife....something like a knife." He said eying the artillery.
Corvo another person approaching the armory.He was a 2 meters far and because of the dark deep night,Corvo barely saw him.He was outlined in a figure.So he didn't see his face from afar.He again glanced back at the person he was speaking to who was Randolf which he saw his name on his uniform,"I'll talk to you later,Randolf." he said as he makes a step for the armory and giving off Commander Martines a rude look.

As he approaches the figure in the armory,he suddenly notices the man was somehow a dangerous person to be with judging from its hair style.Corvo thought not to mess with this man.So he left him with a respectful walk towards the landed ships.
Randolf was looking at the British man like he was a mad man.Randolf thought that this was british because of his accent.Randolf thought "this crazy for yelling at the officer like that".Randolf then snapped out of his train of thought and said to the brit and said "Uh yes I am Randolf Muller at your service".Before Randolf asked what was wrong with him he noticed the mans shoulder was broken.

But before Brit left for whatever reason and followed him."hey get back here" he said.He followed the Brit until he stopped at the landed ships.Randolf finally stop the Brit and said "ok sir your shoulder is broken so you need medical attention as soon as possible"."Now follow me to somewhere to sit down so I can fix your shoulder".
"Oh,good you noticed!" Corvo let out an uprising tone sarcastically.He followed Randolf walking towards somewhere he doesn't know.While the long walk,Corvo thought of talking to him so they'll get a lot more closer.Talking was one of Corvo's powerful weapons,he can persuade or even get secrets out of anyone only by the use of his tongue.But to Randolf,he seemed to be a kind man to be with."Medics are usually very helpful and smart people." he thought to himself as he began opening his mouth.

"I'm Corvo Collins,by the way." he introduced himself with somehow a serious voice,but to get more closer to Randolf,he needed to give a joke."But I'm not at your service" he chuckled and turned to look at where they were going.
Randolf chuckled a little bit then he says "Hello Corvo,ok sit on this bench and I'll see what I can do".Randolf then started to examine the mans shoulder.After about two minutes of looking through his he found out that he can't do much.Randolf then told Corvo "alright here's the situation,since all of the actual equipment is on the other side of the which is I don't know where it is here's what can do".

Randolf then pulled out some painkillers and a new sling then says "I can give you some painkillers and give a new sling it won't do much for now but that is all I can do till we can get the proper equipment".Randolf then gave Corvo some painkillers and then started working on Corvos sling.
Martines smirked as the injured soldier flew off his handle. She had noticed the sling on his shoulder and deemed the shoulder as fixed as it could be at the moment. When the hull had ripped in half all the medic,al equipment and ammo had been on the other half. Martines had saw it fall towards the north. The young man with a broken shoulder would have to wait until the other part of the ship was located.

Martines was brought back to reality by another person entering the tent.

"Do we have a plan or are we trying to figure one out? You have quite the armory here....Got anything light weight, easy to use, and helpful in all situations...like a knife....something like a knife."

Martines felt like laughing. There was a mound of awesome weapons, some of them the public had never even been told about, and people wanted pistols and knives. Ha. That was ok though. Her 5 direct subordinates should be enough protection anyways.

"Knives? Sure. We have some basic knives of all lengths, and a few special ones." She held up the hilt of a knife. She did something with her thumb on the side and a a foot of blade shot out. Another motion and the length doubled. "This sweet baby is a new one. Straight from a weapons research facility on mars. It uses an extremely strong and light man made alloy and a very thin telescoping blade. Each segment is so small that the blade looks solid. You can control the length on the side of the hilt. Three feet is it's max length. There are several of these guys if you want one. There are also some pistol knives and other such items."

The scout looked a little shocked by the high tech blade.

"Yeah...The military budget for this trip is pretty high. We don't know what to expect. The creatures we have seen are docile enough, but I for one feel better being heavily armed." She patted the large and scary looking gun next to her.

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