We Are No Longer Alone (RP)

Erryic had still been in a fog, of course, he never accepted the liquid from earlier, but he never did. 12 years is a lot different though, he hadn't realized he had been out for that long until it was too late. The pod was a blur. Was it a pod? A shuttle maybe...? At this point it mattered little, the blunt force of the ground was enough to get him awake, and that was all that mattered. "Damn... What is this... Vietnam...?" He joked to himself, remembering family stories of the war. Just those simple words were enough to make him cough, and with the crack of lighting, there was thick red liquid upon his tactical hand-guards. He wiped it on his vest then pulled what looked like an adrenaline shot from a holster on his leg, "My best friend..." and stabbed into his chest, seeming to make his coughs less severe until gone. He couldn't see well at all, but the land was 'familiar' in a sense. Even so, He strapped on the experimental 3PHase tac helmet on, pulled down the visor, and started the program. Suddenly, a type of night vision lit the jungle terrain up within the visor in a type of night vision spectrum he had never seen before, "Oh man... I love it when they give me cool toys..." He stood, and felt his gun, that felt about the size of an assault rifle, fall to his chest. He then started up his 3PHase Universal Combat Tacticians wrist series device, suddenly a projection of an AI woman stood above the device on his wrist, and he smiled, "Well hello..." He said, and the woman replied, "Hello Erryic Czechov... I am assured you know your objective... Shall I start up the program to track your friendlies devices so you can rally up...?" He smiled ear to ear, feeling the rush he got before any mission, only ten-fold this time, "Yes you shall... Yes you shall..." With that, the AI faded, and soon terrain would be located up his wrist in different colors, there were no maps of the planet, so this setting was his only option. He proceeded to the beacons that presented themselves on the wrist device, and did so with a smile.
Corvo let out a little smile and chuckled quietly,"Thanks for the help.I'm sorry if I was too...let's say...a mad man." he got a picture from Randolf's facial expression earlier when Corvo started an argument.Randolf had a look of a person who was staring at a mad man.In another moment,in a quick flash,he stopped talking too much.It could result as a burst of information from Corvo which he did not want.Randolf was kind yes,but he could never trust someone that quick.He would go through so many tests if he wanted to trust someone.

"Again,thanks for the help." he nodded affirmatively.He noticed Martines staring again at him for a matter of time.Martines pulled out a hilt of some kind.Releasing a blade atleast 3 ft.Corvo grabbed his own arsenal only looking at the simplest army knife and a personal defense pistol.He felt regret of what he picked.But he wouldn't dare go back to the armory to find a much more complicated arsenal with the creepy commander hanging around.
Takio had an arm full of emergency rations. He had only been allowed to use the really old ones for his job, but their would server, or not serve, just as well as any other food might. He had no idea if food from earth could even be consumed by the weird animals around the camp. Takio had laughed when he picked up the packet. "Dehydrated Ice Cream". The date was 1998! Theses things really could last!

Takio searched the camp looking for people who could help him. Preferably someone from the research team. Takio saw Corvo talking with a Medic and decided to go ask them.

"Corvo!" Takio said brightly. "I am glad you found a better medic. That sling looks much better. I am Takio Habe. Corvo and I met on our way up the hill. Thanks for helping him. What is your name?" Takio asked the medic as he gave a small bow. They talked for a bit then Takio broached the topic of the aliens.

"Martines wants we to go and study those weird animals around the camp. I was wondering if you guys would help me? Will you meet me at the west end of camp in ten minuets with any research equipment you might have. We need all the data we can get as soon as possible. I think we are going to leave soon." Some people were already packing supplies up. "Some protection just in case might be nice to. If you see anyone from the military ask them if you mind coming along."


50 miles north of Martines' group.


Matt came to in the hull of a smoking ship. He was a little battered but otherwise uninjured. I am lucky. He thought. Matt got to his feet and oriented himself. Half of the landing vessel had skidded through a dense forrest of strange blue luminescent trees. The trees had a shiny black trunk that were very hard and smooth. They were perfectly cylindrical and straight for a bout 10 feet then the trunk split into for even sections and branched out wards. Those sections split as well and so did the next sections, until the branches where pencil thin. Blue and green scaled vines hung from the trees. The vines moved! They writhed around feeling all of the strange and alien things that had crashed landed here.

The other crew members were frightened. Many of them were injured as well. Matt went to work organizing the medical equipment and began treating people. The group was small so it would take no more then a few hours patch everyone up. The machinery on the ship was very high tech and still in working order. Matt could preform even the most complex surgeries here.
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Corvo quickly agreed to Takio as he approached the split ships to find something useful.

He moved on and pressed forward to find things that might be useful for their research.Luckily,he found 20 shivs from the bits and pieces of the ships and a high tech pocket knife.He placed the shivs in a shoulder bag's pocket he found recently.And his pocket knife on his own pocket.

He found a scientist who was briefly injured and can barely move.Then he saw the scientist's lab equipment with about 20 test tubes."May I borrow your test tubes? I'm going to need them in our research." he asked firmly.The scientist gave a nod and agreed.Corvo smiled slightly and went back to Takio and the others.

"I found a pocket knife, which could be useful if we need to open something from within the organisms.Shivs,if we need to carry out blood or fluid samples.And test tubes, for the liquid."
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Erryic got close to the "camp" when a ping went off within his helmet. Suddenly the woman AI voice said, "high adrenaline, high testosterone alien on the locater, it is producing aggressive brain wavelengths and the echo projection details it as being a larger life form... I'm switching your gear over to defensive combat settings and am now loading your gun... The signatures show that the creature appears to have a harder skin, does a high velocity, high caliber, anti personnel round sound suitable?" Erryic flinched to a low crouch and whispered to the AI, "Sounds great ma'am, suit me up and load me up... Do I engage, or do I try to avoid it...?" The helmet pinged again as another AI female voice engaged the suit process, soon, his vest was now a full suit of what resembled the lightweight TECHtonic 91473 plate series high guard armor. It even reassembled his helmet to a full face and neck piece. Finally, the AI he knew spoke again, "Your orders are to engage immediately, this creature is potentially a great threat to the camp... It may be a scout so I can't be precise on numbers, he seems to be the only one in the area... I'm switching you over to to a first person map, you'll have to navigate by sight from here, but you'll see him in T minus 3... Okay it's up... Loading your guns heat monitor... Look to the left of your sights, is there a negative ten point one one percent within a projected panel...?" Erryic agreed and asked if the settings could be changed to a gradient green with a tactical point guard font and the AI changed it over. "Okay Erryic, you should stop firing at around ninety five percent, and the release clip button is your Krypton coolant. It should have it ready in around two point five seconds... For ninety five percent, you should have forty five seconds of continuous fire... Anything else?" Erryic gave a negative and the AI faded as he jogged to his target. He loaded about thirty seconds of ammo into the skull of the thing as it charged him. It skidded to a halt to Erryic's feet as the extremely loud suppressive echo and sonic flare barrel fire died down. His helmet deconstructed to a collar as he spit on its body, "shoulda ran..." He said, as he dipped his fingers into an extremely thick glowing blood. He rubbed it between his fingers before turning on his wrist light to see an indescribable monstrosity. He looked up and saw camp lights and headed into camp and looking around.

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While he was standing near Takio,the scientist that Corvo talked to briefly called out for his name,"Corvo! I forgot something!"

He approached him quickly and spotted the scientist holding a device that looked like a voice recorder.The scientist handed it out to him,"This thing is an audio log.Make sure to take some entries regularly on your researching journey.I might need them." The scientist informed.He played with the same model many years ago.Fortunately,he still remembered how to use it,"Thanks,I could use this for information and stuff.Don't worry I'll take care of it."Corvo replied as he walked out and stood up in the center of the crash landed ships.He turned on the audio log and began to start an intro.

"Uhh,today we crash landed in a planet suitable for life.I think there was 300 of us,I was one of the people who were lucky and survived.My name is Corvo Collins.My arm left shoulder is broken and luckily I found a guy to take care of it.I am now in a safe area...atleast for now.Commander Martines is in charge of the team.We spotted many creatures along the way.Arachnids of some type.We are still gathering as much as many people as we can.There are still others out there.We are preparing for a research travel.I have shivs and test tubes,a pocket knife,a pistol and a blade." Corvo slowly hit the power button and the audio log turned off.

He then sat down about 3 yards away from Takio and waited for the others to prepare.Still,Martines was looking straight at the eye of Corvo.He was filled with nervousness and approached Takio with a big pat in the back,forcing Takio to move slightly and purge into a dark area where Martines could not see them."Takio,could you please tell your creepy friend to stop looking at me? She looks like she wants to kill me." Corvo moved is head away from the dark slightly.But Martines was still confronting him with eyes steady as a tree.He rushed his head back in the dark area,"She's still looking!".
"My friend?" Takio replied. "I wouldn't call her that. She is my commander. Besides she doesn't look that friendly anyways. Takio looked across the camp and the Commander was indeed scrutinizing them. "Maybe she doesn't trust you. you were a little tenacious during your first encounter…" The silence that ensued made the moment more awkward.

"Anyways, lets find out what we can about these aliens." Takio approached the edge of the forest at the crown of the hill. The soldiers had managed to make a haphazard perimeter fence with debris, rubble, and broken branches from the crash. "We can get started before Randolf comes." Takio said as he stooped to and examined the broken branch. He took out a long scoopula and took a sample of the strange gooey inside of the branch. The bark was smooth black and hard. He put the sample in a vile and retuned both items to a medium sized case he carried. "I guess we should check out these alie....." Takio was interrupted loud gun shots down the hill. All at once the creatures began to cringe and writhe in pain. Then, instead of being curious, the strange conglomerated alien were afraid of the humans approaching them.

Takio glanced at Corvo wondering what to do when another noise broke the silence. "GUWWUGWATR GUUUUJHHHHHHHHHHHH" A hideous noise came from the forest. Down the hill in the forest Takio could see something rustling through the trees towards them.

"I hope who ever fired that gun gets here soon." Takio said.
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Erryic looked around the camp, finally he called out, "Hey, glad to be home too sweethearts! I need some damn scientists! Got a big guy back there, damn thing charged me and might as well get some friggen samples offa that thing!!!" He finally walked into the camp and saw a grunt, "You're not on patrol, put the damn safety on before ya shoot your manhood, now is there a-", a strange noise was heard on the hill and Erryic grabbed the grunts shoulder and brought him to a crouch, "Come on man, you gotta think like we are in hostile territory, nobody likes us, and they'll probably ambush ya if ya let your guard down..." Erryic realized he was being rather irritable with this guy, he didn't look old enough to even drink. He patted the top of the kids head, "Just tryin to look out for ya man, I would prefer no casualties due to preventable causes..." Erryic pulled a large caliber pistol and a few readied clips, "On me kid, I assume the the lab coats are up there, so consider this your initiation gift, lets go..." Erryic handed over the pistol and the clips. "Now lets move it..." He said, but the grunt just stood and said, "But sir... What about my superior...?" And Erryic smiled, "Consider yourself the red headed step child, I just adopted ya kid... Besides, I don't see anyone else..." And with that, he took the grunt up the hill with no problems. "Hey, lab coat, where's everyone at, I got a specimen down there, and my boy here needs a role mod-" he looked at the mans face and remembered him, "Ey, Takio... Alright, someone I don't have problems with yet... Cool... Any intel on the area, what was that noise, and I didn't see anyone really down there... Of course, I didn't get a welcome home hug down there, and I didn't pay for a tourist pass, so..." Erryic smiled as he talked like a smart ass and patted Takio's shoulder as he scanned the area.

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Takio stared at the missionary who had just walked up. "You are the one who fired those shots?" Do you realize you have just showed the creatures of this planet that we can be dangerous?" 
The noise in the bushes grew louder. What ever was coming was going to be there soon. Takio turned to the men with the guns. "I think we should try not to provoke what ever is coming yet. Don't shoot it until we are certain that is the only option. Remember, we are guests here."
Erryic crouched and pointed to his recruit and signaled him to stay low, "You heard him, safety off but I do not want you to engage anything or anyone until my word..." He gave a motion to patrol, "Right now, patrol only, no intimidation, our first sign of dominance is to inspect our guns... Just a display... Now, civilian posture..." Erryic stood around and held his gun to his side with one hand. "So, Takio... What's the deal here...? I mean, you have anything on this place yet?" Erryic asked in a 'nonaggressive' manner.

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The rustling in the bushes stopped near the tree line. Takio could hear strange gurgling noises from the trees but saw nothing. Takio's heart was beating heavily, but he maintained his composure.

"Unfortunately, we don't know much yet. The aliens we have seen have been nonaggressive. After we heard your gun fire though. It is like all the animals here felt the pain of being shot. They have been frightened ever sense...Then this thing came." Takio pointed. He could still nothing but heard a deep breathing from the forest."

Takio made sure that Corvo was recording the aliens noises. They could be important.

"Should we approach what ever is in there?" Takio asked the others. "It could be dangerous..." Takio was lost in thought for a second "...But the scientific possibilities."
Erryic exhaled, "I 'strongly dislike' you doc... Alright kid, just keep me in sight, you stay within viewing distance if I need your attention..." Erryic began to walk towards the breathing. "Alright, I haven't a a clue if you understand..." He slowly put his gun down the brought his hands to his helmet slowly and removed it and set it down as well before continuing. "I am... A warrior for our people... I am here to protect them..." Erryic slowly sat on his knees, "I was... Scarred... Your friend seemed aggressive..." Erryic now held his hands out, displaying that he had no weapons, then showed his hands in a surrendering manner. "Please accept my apologies... I may be a ruthless warrior in combat... But I do care, I have a code of honor. I have a family to take care of as well... Please, show yourself, let me do this right." Erryic looked back to the grunt and shook his head to display no fire as rustling ahead. Erryic squinted forward, hoping to get a glimpse.

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Through the Alien forest, ran Marchus, his rifle on a sling across his shoulder, what a chaotic few hours! first he wakes up with an insane splitting headache, then he's on a shuttle on the way down to the planet, then all hell breaks loose and on the wild descent, he was thrown from the Shuttle... good thing he landed in what looked like a giant swamp, that broke his fall, but he has no idea what diseases he might be carrying now, but he has no time to worry about that, the more immediate threat is what's behind him, it seemed his impact made him land on this creature's nest, and it is pissed off!

Seeing the flares in the distance gave Marchus an idea, pulling up his rifle, he set the fire mode to "flare"

Turning around, he aimed his sights at the creature's eyes and fired, the Flare round hit the creature in the head, shocking it and sending it running, Marchus lowered his rifle, panting.

"Non-Hostile approaching!" he yelled as he came close to the clearing with the rest of the humans, upon arriving he holstered his weapon and approached the Captain "Sir, Lieutenant Marchus Draynor, SoA Correspondent and military staff, reporting for duty sir, I apologize for the unprofessional entrance sir, I landed on a creature's nest and had to drive the mother off with a flare shot sir, it was either that or put it down"
Corvo slowly turned on his audio log as the creature's massive entrance broke the safety of the hostile environment.He saw 2 new people join in the area.Ignoring them,he stood up steadily and gestured everyone in the place to stop moving.As he raised his hand,the creature began to breathe aggressively again.It was his mistake to stand in the center of the area and record the creature's voice.If the creature was strategic like a wolf,the creature would later target Corvo as the leader of the pack,"Hope this creature is stupid." he whispered as he stepped backward to Takio and the others while recording his audio log.

"Some kind of creature has entered our safe zone.A few seconds before it came there was a gunfire by this stupid survivor and somehow alarmed all the aliens in this planet.Some became afraid,some became aggressive.Alerting them that we can be dangerous,thanks to some douche bag in the forest.We can scare this thing or kill it.It's the creepy girl's choice.But for the mean time,we should wait for this thing to leave or attack."

he recorded his voice quietly so that nobody can be offended and the alien wouldn't be more alarmed.

He noticed the new guy holding some kind of a high tech helmet as he scanned the area.He got closer to the person as he spoke inspiring words to an animal,"Nice words of wisdom,man.But I don't think that's gonna work." he chuckled as he glanced at the helmet.The helm's nightvision might help in tracking the unexpected guest in the party,"Hey,switch your helmet to nightvision.I need to know what we're facing here." he said to the new person.

He turned his audio log off.And glanced at Takio.If the Commander didn't trust Corvo,then so will he.He waited for Takio's orders instead of Martines.He knew he couldn't persuade this type of creature.All now depends on their strategy.
(Extra short post just for Corvo! Jk... Kinda...)

Erryic looked back slowly to show an irritated look at Corvo. He then smiled and made four gestures slowly, first pointing at the helmet, a nod, two fingers pointing at the helmets visor, then, as he turned to face the jungle, two fingers towards it.

(I know it's short but it's a simple reply for Corvo...)

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Kenshin, having finally woken up from stasis, fell to the floor in a jumble of arms and legs. Kenshin slowly stood up and took a few seconds to get his bearings and wait for the insanity to kick in. It hit him like a ton of bricks, his entire life flashed before his eyes and he swooned with the shock of it all. The memories of 30 years of life, not exactly a small amount. Still swaying, Kenshin made his way to where his equipment would be, small stuff most likely, they would be given proper weapons if the need arose. Kenshin grabbed the last backpack of small gear and did a quick inventory of the items. "Not much, but it is what I have for now, ill make due." Kenshin thought upon finishing his inventory. "Everyone else seems to have left the ship, looks like we crashed also. My karma has been good to me today, namu Amida Butsu." Kenshin replaced all his equipment, shouldered the pack and left the ship in search of personal and weapons, whatever he could take. Kenshin climbed down the wreckage of the ship to find a few weapons still lying around, a small pistol, a simple assault rifle and a solid combat knife in its sheath. Kenshin quickly belted on the knife to his left side, the pistol to his right and took the assault rifle and held it at the low ready. Each weapon he charged and placed on safe so he was ready to shoot if needed. Kenshin looked around, surveying the surrounding landscape, realizing he had no idea where anyone had gone off too he dropped his bag and rummaged through it to find the compass which luckily also had a kind of GPS on it that could also track the other compasses. "I truly am lucky to have found this, my karma is favoring me today, namu Amida Butsu." With that taken care of Kenshin took off in the direction of the other compasses in order to find the rest of the crew. As Kenshin approached the crest of a hill he slowed down and dropped to a prone position so that he could slowly crawl to the crest and observe the land below without being spotted. Kenshin noticed a small group near a jungle and decided that they might need another person to provide backup. Kenshins military mind kicked in and years of training asserted itself. Kenshin, having observed nothing immediately dangerous, broke cover and bounded his way from cover to cover, sparse as it was, to reach the pair by the jungle. Kenshin stopped his bounding just before the last rush he would have to make to reach the pair. Kenshin saw they were using hand signals and decided against calling out to them, instead he dropped back down to a prone position and crawled the last 10 meters to the cover that the last hand signals had come from. When Kenshin was close enough he proped up to a low crouch and walked the remaining distance. "The name is Yamato Kenshin, religious researcher and infantry from the Atlanta, looks like you could use some help" Kenshin told the man who appeared to be in charge. "Also, you can call me either Kenshin or Taka, take your pick"
(We desperately need your creature's reaction,noremac.)

As the new person gestured precisely,Corvo's face began to sprout a confusing face.As if he understand what the man was gesturing,he pretended that he knew what the man was talking about and gave him a nod.

Slowly,he took his pistol out of his tucked in polo and readied the weapon.With his hands shaking,he placed his finger just about 1 inch off the trigger for safety.He looked around the squad of survivors and soldiers and saw their weapons readied and hot.

"Show your face..." he said as he glanced at the man beside him,"...kindly..." pumping a finger or two on his eyeglasses.Each time the creature breathed heavily,he feels a burst inside his body.He patted his shoulder bag 2 times and felt his test tubes and shivs inside his bag,ready to give some samples on this creature.

"Whoever fired that shot is dead." he said angrily not realizing that it was the man with the helmet who fired it.
((oh, also forgot to mention this before, i apologize ahead of time if i take a long time to respond, being in a completely different timezone sucks, but ill be back in the states soon, deployment kinda sucks, but hey it could be worse))
"You did well." Martines said to Marchus. "It is best not to provoke anything on this planet unless we can gain from it. We are leaving as soon as the research team reports back. Find some weapons if you need to then go assist them. There was a loud noise coming from their direction just now be on your guard."


Takio gasped as the creature stepped into his sight. It was hideous. What was most frightening was how human it looked. Legs, a torso, and a head. Ten fingers, ten toes, and two nostrils. Even the muscle structure was familiar. If it had looked less humanoid then Takio would not have been frightened. What the f*ck are we dealing with here? He thought.


The grotesque alien stopped three yards from them. Noiselessly in surveyed them.

"It's…It's…" Takio stammered, then paused. No one could speak.

"How is your shot?" Takio muttered to Erryic. He gave Takio a looked that said 'don't ask dumb questions.'

"Take it out…I want it." Takio's eyes gleamed with desire.

(Remember that everything my characters say or tell anyone to do is entirely optional. Even the secret info/objectives I sent everyone is optional. Also all the art I am going to most lkely use comes from here. http://www.playwithknives.com/. I only use the pictures I find on google images.)
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Corvo overheard Takio and Erryic talking as the gigantic hybrid came out in the open.It was stable,he felt that the creature was somehow observing them on how they will react.For sure,this creature had a brain inside its horrific-horned head.While the duo was planning on an attack,Corvo paused and waited for the alien to make a move.The alien had horns,and a disturbing appearance but it still had a brain.

He raised his hands and interrupted Takio's conversation with Erryic.The alien would react more wild and aggressive if hurt.

"Don't shoot..." he whispered slowly to Takio,"This thing will kill us if provoked...I think." he paused again and waited for the creature's reaction.

"We should wait for the creature's reaction.We don't know if this thing is invulnerable and might have gangsta friends out there.If shot,more will be alarmed and they're gonna hunt us down and kill us." Corvo glanced at Takio while slowly placing his hand back to his pistol,"It's your call,Takio."

(So does the creature have the same size of a human? Or a lot more bigger?)
"Everyone... Keep our guests attention... We wouldn't want to be rude hosts..." Erryic nodded to Takio and made a few noiseless clicks on his arm device, occasionally glancing up at them, finally a small click was heard, "Hey! Uh, lucifer! Check this out!" Erryic called out, arm already extended as the thing turned to him, a bit scared or something. A small pressure release sound could be heard, and the beast went limp. Erryic collected his things and walked over to Takio, patted his shoulder and said, "It's not dead... Let me know when you want me to put it down..." He said as he spit in the direction of the creature.

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"What did you shoot it with?" Takio asked.

"Shot it with a Blackout... Paralyses, blinds, inflames the vocals... More or less... I just made it a vegetable for about a day..." Erryic replied.

"A day! That is perfect...But who knows how long it will last on something like that..." The creature was larger then a human, about eight feet tall. "I could dissect it now, but if we can keep it sedated until we get to the other crash site Matthew should be able to do a more thorough examination and keep it alive." Takio said.

"Don't worry doc... Any ammo is an AI based... Hard light projectiles... They aren't real, but they do the same damage if not more... His brain essentially is on standby... If need be, I might have something in the device to track his systems and levels... Some state of the art, multinational, experimental crap here doc..."

"We have medical equiptment for that. With all of us we should be able to carry it back to base. There we should be able to rig up something to make transporting it easy."

"The suit, doc..." A few pressure hisses were heard as well as computerized noises and the sound of whirring machinery. Erryic heaved the creature onto his shoulder and put his helmet on, "see, no problem doc... C'mon grunt!" Erryic was wearing a metallic combat suit of some sort. Takio had heard about them, Japan was the lead manufacturers. They amplified your physical abilities and had loads more other functions as well.

We should wait for the creature's reaction.We don't know if this thing is invulnerable and might have gangsta friends out there.If shot,more will be alarmed and they're gonna hunt us down and kill us. Corvo's words echoed in Takio's head. Maybe he was right. How long will this thing be out for? Are there more? Can they become immune to being sedated? Takio's head buzzed with questions. I am doing this for answers. He reassured himself. 
Martines was surprised to see the research team come back with an alien that looked like some sort of demon. "Who is responsible for this?" She barked.

The asian man, Takio was his name, stepped forward. "Me ma'am"

"The decisions of the research team lie in your hands. I can't stop you but know that your actions endanger the entire group." Martines was stern.

"I realize that, but we need to learn as much as we can in order to survive. This is necessary risk."

"Lets hope that is true. Load that thing up and lets move out." A soldier came in towing a large cart. It had wheels fixed to extendable legs that could bend anyway possible. It even had a device that allowed it to float in the air for up to 5 hours. It took 24 hours for its batteries to recharge.
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Gryphon stays near one of the members of the crew that didn't exactly make it out of the crash in the best possible shape. A small scattering of supplies are at her side, that that she'd managed to get together before the jump. A long incision led down the right side of his chest and leg, bone peeking through in some areas with blood still trickling out of the open wound. She pushes her windblown short hair from her face, pulling it back into two messy, loose pigtails as she gets a small spool of good surgical thread and a needle from her kit. "This is going to hurt." She tells the unconscious man, talking to herself slightly, as well as him. She thread the needle, commencing to sew up the wound.

(Hope this is ok.)
Corvo was silent for minutes.The alien just fell to the ground when projectile hit.He couldn't believe how weak the creature was.A streak of questions banged quickly into his mind.What would happen if Erryic hadn't took the shot? Is the creature really paralyzed?

The research team was preparing for a convoy with the alien.Thinking it would be dangerous for the alien's body in the hands of the guests out in the open.Like he said earlier,there may be more of them and they might be ambushed.But this time,Corvo didn't tell what dangers might be lying out there in the open to Takio.He's afraid it would result again as false.

All the members of the party were busy and had to prepare who knows what.Corvo was really interested in the weak muscular creature.It acted passively in front of uninvited guests.He walked towards the alien lying in the transport.Slowly grabbing his shiv and a test tube.He quickly dashed the shiv on the alien's skin and burst it's blood not only to the shiv but also to his hands.

The alien blood quickly spread to Corvo's hands.But this was not an ordinary blood.This what color is the blood Noremac? substance rushed through Corvo's skin delivering a very dangerous blast to him.And the last thing he knew was he was in the ground and could not move.His eyes began to drop heavily but Corvo tried to control it.The big drop alerted all the crew members and rushed through Corvo.He had done a very bad mistake.And he might not live to see tomorrow.His eyes suddenly closed and he still could not move.He can still feel the liquid in his hand paralyzing him hardly.Then his thoughts began to blank his mind and Corvo was paralyzed hardly while hearing the voices fade from his ear.Last thing he heard was "Help!" from a familiar voice.

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