We Are No Longer Alone (RP)

Erryic heard the commotion after wandered into the camp and sprinted into the small crowd, "Move! Get the hell out of my way! CLEAR THE HELL OUT AND LET ME THROUGH!!!" He called out, finally shoving the last person out of his way. He looked at Corvo, the liquid, then at the oozing... Thing... That was on the table, "Damn it Corvo... The blackout was in its blood stream and apparently it's blood is corrosive..." Erryic said as he frantically dialed his wrist gear. Soon enough he held his hand out, palm facing the ground, and an AI crouched over Corvo. "It's Corvo, I don't know anything else, should be in your files... Shot the thing with blackout and he made an incision... I believe it's blood is corrosive... He probably has blackout in his system..." The AI calmly examined his body and seemed to scan the alien, "Blackout could kill a rhino... You know this Erryic... Fortunately, he's not a rhino... And fortunately this will subside in a few hours if he is treated... The blood is not corrosive either... It's symbiotic... From this point on, no more experimental surgeries on unknown life Erryic... You will be in charge of presenting the research team with the genetic calculator slash biological organics scanner, since you are too incompetent to check the small details... Do I dare bring up your objective back in the Middle East when you were a covert spetsnaz...?" Erryic looked around like he hoped everyone within radius hadn't heard the AI speak out loud. "Nope, that's it, I have the shot and the device, will check in later..." Erryic looked over and saw Takio and walked over to him, handing him the shot of Medi-shot and the device, "This area should be evacuated, everyone that doesn't have a highly advanced and expensive suit needs to be near the thing... You heard that the blood is symbiotic... The shot will stop all of it, it just won't be as fast as simple wounds... Scan the thing, treat Corvo, then it's body is going bye bye... This one isn't worth the risks..." He said to him lowly before patting his shoulder, "Just try your hardest not to let Corvo be my death sentence... Nor his..." He walked to a stool in front of a nearby tent and took his helmet off, mumbling something about this not being worth the money.

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Kenshin sat back, obviously ignored as the confrontation with the massive horned creature unfolded. Probably would be best to let them handle this situation on their own. When all was said and done, the creature captured and restrained Kenshin left with the group the what he assumed was the rest of the survivors. As Kenshin approached he saw a woman who had an air of authority and confidence. That woman is probably the military leader of this group, he might be able to tell me more about what is going on and who I report to, better go and talk to her. Kenshin made his way over just in time to hear her name, Martines. Kenshin snapped to attention and threw up a strong salute "Mam, Yamato Kenshin reporting for duty, I was delayed in waking from stasis but finally managed to make my way over here." From off to the side Kenshin heard the unmistakable sounds of a small struggle, Kenshin ignored it, he was reporting to who he assumed was an officer of some variety and his military mind demanded unshakable attention be placed on her and no where else.

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