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Fandom Wayne Orphanage ( DC Universe )

@Geek with Me


All right then, I will start the Event Mission. All those who have not placed their character into a team have been allocated randomly,if you want to stay out of it however let me know before you post in IC.

Now, posting during a mission is a bit different. I want all to have an equal share so I'll be placing a rule when posting in IC during events such as these.

I call it a posting cycle, never checked for a real name.

I have seen many RP's with lots of posts due to groups actually 1x1 for lengths at a time.

On the other hand, waiting for everyone to post can be bothersome due to inactivity or RL stuff.

So to combat each of those major issues, the posting cycle has been made.

It's simple, wait for 2 people to post before posting again.


A person posts

B person posts

A person can post again but has to wait.

C person posts

A person posts again!


We want all to have a share during events such as these. But when you're in the manor, there is no such rule, that's more just fun interaction and minor character development.

I'll have plot post up soon
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KathleneWilliams2121 said:
Hey @Shin Positron Laser can one of the villains be Mizuki's old master from when she was a child? I think it would be good character growth but what do you think?
Your character is on Lucia's team, outside the restaurant dealing with small fry guards. Instead of her master, it would be better if she recognized some of the thugs as former students or dropouts? Then she'll start to wonder about what her master is doing, and that confrontation can be for later.
theunderwolf said:
her master could still be mentioned, Gwen or some other student could note a style similar to lucias.
Don't you mean mizuki's?

Anyway one more thing I forgot to mention

Undercover team, is dressed like plain civilians, cause costumes would draw attention

Masked team, dressed in dark overalls and masks :P
[QUOTE="Shin Positron Laser]Okay good to know. Your team will just go beat up some thugs on the street.

I'll do a big post tomorrow to catch up ^^~
Whoa, whoa, whoa, backup. Superheros in coveralls? No offense but they aren't really suited to combat. Last I checked most of the people on the masked team already have their own costumes. Cant we use those? I won't argue it further than this but I do believe you should reconsider the outfitting at least for the masked team.
Mercer said:
Whoa, whoa, whoa, backup. Superheros in coveralls? No offense but they aren't really suited to combat. Last I checked most of the people on the masked team already have their own costumes. Cant we use those? I won't argue it further than this but I do believe you should reconsider the outfitting at least for the masked team.
My reason for the cloak and danger appearances is because they are not full fledge heroes, costume vigilante's or the like.
LaDyGrEy said:
@AyyyLmao @RiddleWrappedEnigma waiting for you post?
I'm leaving on Sunday and getting a little worried mission won't finish.
I think it's safe to say that @RiddleWrappedEnigma is not participating in this RP anymore. I can't even remember the last time he posted.

Also, don't worry about the time constraint I gave. Time constraints are more of a guideline as to what I have in mind. But we can play things out longer. If I feel we've been too sterile in posts during a certain event, I'll change it up and post a timeskip.
If there is a place, I would like to apply.


Name: Zar'Ket

Age: 10

Date of Birth: Some time around July of 2005

Appearance Description: A completely Black Silhouette that has a soft white glow to it, shaped like a human child

Personality: Kind, passionate, energetic (after meals), quiet, and understanding. Also abrupt, withdrawn, emotional, insecure, and unpredictable.

History: Zer'Kel is an infant for his home planet. Both his parents were ambassadors to other worlds, and was on their way to a family outing in Earth's branch of the milky way when the young alien grabbed the ship's power cords by curiosity. The ship destabilized and came crashing down into Earth's atmosphere, where he alone survived thanks to the absorbed energy. One of the old justice league members was tasked to the site, and Zar'Kel was found. Though juvenile and

Reasons for being at Wayne Orphanage: Exposing him to human culture as a means of fitting in, and to be a part of the program.

Program Participant: Yes

New to Program: Yes

Alias: Blackout

Costume: None, but has access to a device that mimics a human form.

Superpowers: Yes

List of powers:

Absorbing and nearly any kind of powering energy. (ie: Light, heat, and kinetic, excluding life, mind, and emotional energy. Bludgeoning him does not inflict harm, but slicing or piercing does. There is also a limit based on his size of how much energy he can store.)

Doesn't need to breathe, eat/drink, or sleep.

Has ability to adapt to any environment as long as there is a powering energy somewhere,

(Note he can loose this energy via external conductors. ie: he has electrical energy and he is in water he looses it. He has heat energy and it is cold he looses some over time. He has light energy and it is relatively dark he looses some over time.)

Skills: Can sense nearby or overly large sources of power with ease.

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