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Fandom Wayne Orphanage ( DC Universe )

(not sure what i am going to do with just wanted to get the idea on paper)



Name:Angelo Toussaint

Age: 21

Date of Birth: 24/07/1994


  • Laid-back
  • generous
  • caring
  • Charming
  • Cheerful
  • Borderline insane
  • Arrogant
  • Self-indulgent
  • Boisterous
  • Scheming


Reasons for being at Wayne Orphanage:

Program Participant: No

New to Program: no

Alias: Baron Samedi



Superpowers: yes

List of powers: Darkness manipulation, voodoo (or so he says)

Skills: Magic tricks, singing, dancing

Weapons/ Tools: Skull scepter.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
(not sure what i am going to do with just wanted to get the idea on paper)


Name:Angelo Toussaint

Age: 21

Date of Birth: 24/07/1994


  • Laid-back
  • generous
  • caring
  • Charming
  • Cheerful
  • Borderline insane
  • Arrogant
  • Self-indulgent
  • Boisterous
  • Scheming


Reasons for being at Wayne Orphanage:

Program Participant: No

New to Program: no

Alias: Baron Samedi



Superpowers: yes

List of powers: Darkness manipulation, voodoo (or so he says)

Skills: Magic tricks, singing, dancing

Weapons/ Tools: Skull scepter.
When I first saw this CS I thought he was gonna be da villain xD
I'm thinking of time skipping everyone earlier on in the evening. So the teams stand as follows

Mission Coordinator: Reinos

Undercover Mission Leader: Lucia Xavier

Avalin Obrantine

Masked Team Leader: Gwen

Chloe Silverton

Ivy Latimer


Connor Davidson

Anyone who hasn't chosen a team will be place into one automatically by the GM.

@Mercer Please read first post in the CS thread before we continue.
LaDyGrEy said:
Could we just have a little more time in getting to our rooms, or others trying to help each other?
The problem with more time is that, not all members of the RP can post as much as the others, some can do multiple posts a day and others can only do once a day. So I want to spare people reading walls of text so that they can catch up.

Also, there will be plenty of time spent inside the Orphanage, for training and socializing. In any case what can't be done in IC can simply be worked out in the OoC

I am figuring out peoples posting habits and schedules the last few days and I am trying to work out a posting etiquette for different situations.
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Mercer said:

Name: Jake Holliday (goes by Holliday)

Age: 16

Date of Birth: July 13 1999

Appearance Description: Jake is 6'2" tall and weighs 220 and is fairly muscular. He has thick dark brown hair which he always wears pushed up. His eyes are blue with slight hints of sliver. He has a scar on his cheek from a time he was in a knife fight. He always wears western clothing and usually a duster on on top.

Personality: Holliday isn't really the best at being a "team player." He grew up having to take care of only himself and prefers it that way. He is proud and will fight ferociously for what he believes in. When facing certain death he smiles and lets both guns blaze. He can be sarcastic and a bit of a smart alec at times. He also tends to not care about what others think of him. When ever he makes a friend he becomes incredibly loyal to them and would risk his life for theirs without any hesitation. Though he may not seem it, Holliday is actually very sharp. He can usually predict enemy tactics and solve problems with ease.


What is the difference between good & evil, hero & villain? I'd love to know the answer, but I don’t think I ever will. I’ve done things that would label me as both, and I’m not ashamed to say it. If you have a problem with my actions, realize that I could care less. Let me tell you just who I am.

Like most of my type I grew up in a small town on the border of Ol’ Mexico. My pa was a policeman in an area where the law was not welcome. See that’s the thing about “Super Heros,” They never have time for the simple things like a sheriff and his wife being murdered by the drug cartel. Or perhaps instead the 9 year old who managed to hide, only to see everything from the shadows. Let me tell you, that changes a person.

So what is a young man supposed to do, all alone in some desolate place not a soul to care for him? I didn’t steal if that’s what you’re asking. My dad was a big hunter and he had taught me everything he’d learned. At the age of 9 I was already a crack shot. So I lived a few miles outside of town in an old camping tent. I shot and cleaned my own meat, that’s how I survived. Don’t feel bad about it honestly you should envy me. Quail roasted over a campfire beats out McDonalds any day. I made a living too; the thing about small towns is that there is always work for a handyman. It’s a shame I didn’t grow up with a silver spoon, else I’d probably be one of the best engineers out there, but that’s life.

After I’d saved up a fair amount I bought a beat up old motor bike and a pair of sixguns. Now you’re probably saying, “Isn’t that illegal.” My response would be, “Ha, ha, ha, rules.” The thing was people down there knew began to know and even trust me. I made friends with some old timers who knew my father and were more understanding.

I made the best out of life, but by no means did I forget what was taken from me. Once I had my guns I practiced every single day. I became faster than any of the actors you would see on television. In fact the only people I knew could beat me were Jonah Hex (we’ll come back to that one) and a select few competition gunners. That’s when a handyman became the person I’m today.

It was a Saturday morning if I recall. I was riding through the town and I hear an alarm go off. Without thinking about it I just steered my motorcycle. I arrived at the bank just in time to see a group of bandits escaping with the cash. What do I do? Take a wild guess. I slammed the breakes and the bike screeched to a stop. That’s when I pulled my pistol and fired at the bank robbers. Even though they had full auto weapons they were helpless. I didn’t kill them, but they were wounded badly. In the end the cops wanted to arrest me as well. I ran of course.

To me it’s funny how people will label you good and evil. If someone did their research they would find famous lawman Wyatt Earp was one of the most crooked and corrupt people in the west. One the same note Billy the Kid, who is often thought of as a scoundrel, was one of the most righteous men of the time. So yes, I was an outlaw, but was I a villain? Frankly I don’t know.

So know you must be wondering about my slightly “unnatural” abilities. Well this is the part where it gets a bit strange. It was late one night and I was driving through the middle of the desert. All of the sudden there was a flash of light and the next thing I knew I was 20 feet in the air and the old highway had vanished. Needless to say I crashed to the ground below and it hurt. A lot. My bike was totaled so I left it, something I now regret. I wandered through the desert for a few days and that’s when he found me.

So as it turns out I traveled through time. I was back in the old west, almost a dream come true really. The best part was that the person to find me was none other than the legend Jonah Hex (told you we would come back to that). Apparently I wasn’t the first time traveler he had met, and he had even done it once himself (go figure). The only thing he couldn’t figure out was why I was still using guns from his century. I told I just like them better. He nodded and didn’t say anything more. I traveled with him for a bit, making sure to keep any knowledge of the future close to my chest. I even helped him bring in a few bounties. During that time he taught me how to handle a gun like he did. Still though it was a dream come true, I knew that If I stayed I could risk altering the future. I eventually met a Dr. Terrance 13 who was able to discern the anomaly and was able to re-trigger it through a one time only experiment. Before I left I hid a stash of treasure in a place where only I could find it. Then I was sent home.

On the return trip something went awry and I wasn’t sent to the exact moment I had left. Instead I was sent 8 weeks into the future (which worked out because I’d been gone for 9.) During this accident my body had been altered just a bit. That is how I gained my superhuman abilities.

With the lessons I had just learned from a legend and the mutations to my being, I was now untouchable. I also had a bit of cash at my disposal from my stash. What was I to do then, avenge my parents seemed like the obvious answer. So I got the supplies and in the middle of the night crossed the border and went after the cartel’s stronghold. It was almost to easy; they had big guns but lacked any significant training. That’s when I encountered guards from a different group, whom where in an entirely different league. Apparently Bane had a deal going with the cartel, just my luck. The good news was that he hadn’t been there or I would have been screwed. After a couple firefights and a few flesh wounds I was finally about to realize my dream of avenging my parents. I cocked the hammer of my pistol and slowly aligned the sights. Just as I was about to pull the trigger the freaking Martian Manhunter had to show up. It really wasn’t my night.

He knocked me to the side like a rag doll and then apprehended everyone around. Apparently the justice league didn’t want this particular deal to go through. When he found out I wasn’t affiliated with either gang from someone I had knocked out he came and interrogated me. I told him everything there was to tell. He asked me if I had any regrets and I told him I had none. He asked why and I told him that these men had none for my parents. I suppose I had reminded him of Dick Grayson in regards to our pasts. I consider myself to have a sense of justice have stood up in the past for those who have been in need like I had at the bank. My methods however were just a bit distasteful. I believe he thought that with the right push I could be a help to the world, but with the wrong push I could be a blight. He decided to take a gamble and move me to the Wayne orphanage. That way Id be pulled from the dark path I was walking and on to a better one. I’d like to say that I’m grateful, but it was either that option or jail time in Bell Rev. Perhaps I can change into one of the more Jolly singing cowboys who save the day. Worth a try at least.

Reasons for being at Wayne Orphanage: Martian Manhunter pressured him into joining. It was either "work for 'justice' or go to jail because you just singlehandedly invaded Mexico". He wasn't really eager to see how far J'onzz was willing to go to enforce his treat. Soooooo yeah, save the world it is. Could be fun, right?

Program Participant: ish

New to Program: Yes

Alias: Holliday


Superpowers: Yes

List of powers: Not really super but ok,

  • Enhanced reflexes and reaction Time
  • Enhanced Speed and Agility (not necessarily super human but he could leave most olympians in the dust.)
  • Heightened Senses.

Skills: I got mad skills

  • Worlds Fastest Gunslinger (Accurate as well)
  • Great with machines, both piloting/driving as well as maintenance.
  • Highly intelligent and great with problem solving

Weapons/ Tools:

  • Twin Colt 45. Revolvers
  • Colt 1911 modified to be full auto
  • Colt 1911 standard
  • 1873 lever action rifle
  • Tomahawk
  • Bowie Knife
  • Ketchum Grenades
LaDyGrEy said:
On Sunday, it's sad to say but I'll be going to Wales...no wifi, nothing...
I will try to post.
How long will this be?

If there is any catching up to do, I've put the appropriate links in the Overview Tab.
LaDyGrEy said:
A week.
I know sad times.
I was aiming to get the event done before the weekend so that there would be a bit of time in the Orphanage again. Hopefully we can do that. Don't worry you'll be able to catch up.
Mercer said:
So does my character look ok?
Sorry I got a few things I'm doing at the same time. I needed to check the wall of text in your history to make sure it does not conflict with the DC universe lore that I have made up. CS is approved. Just wondering whether to keep you a new recruit or existing member, trying to see which would be easier as an introduction.

Maybe someone who's been part of the program for a month, given his loner attitude, he was just off doing his own thing the morning everyone came by.

lol for some reason all the existing members are troublemakers,... don't know how my character puts up with this.
Ha that works for me. I'll show up that night with a cigar and a flask. As far as which team I should be on I don't know. My guy would be an incredible frontline soldier but he could also be the invisible sniper. Perhaps he could go back and forth between both?
Mercer said:
Ha that works for me. I'll show up that night with a cigar and a flask. As far as which team I should be on I don't know. My guy would be an incredible frontline soldier but he could also be the invisible sniper. Perhaps he could go back and forth between both?
I will be time skipping all characters to about 3-4 days in the RP later today or it could be tomorrow.

As for team, given his skills, the Masked Team.
If it's tonight, then 9 hours from when this post was made, just before I sleep.

If it's the next day it would be 30 hours from this post.
@KathleneWilliams2121 done.

Time is running short.

Mission Coordinator: Reinos

Undercover Mission Leader: Lucia Xavier

Avalin Obrantine


Masked Team Leader: Gwen

Chloe Silverton

Ivy Latimer

Jake Holliday


Connor Davidson

Eira Anderson


Nicholas shaffer

Jake Plains

Lawrence Barnes
Would it be possible for Holliday to become the vice commander of the masked squad or a sub squad leader?
Mercer said:
Would it be possible for Holliday to become the vice commander of the masked squad or a sub squad leader?
Well technically, Lucia and Gwen are the subcommanders of the mission. My character coordinates their efforts for each team and those two are leaders of their respective teams. Also since Holliday's been there a month only, I would not think to have him in that kind of leadership role especially considering his personality.

@theunderwolf, umm, it's private convo I'm having with fallen angel since she's on an undercover mission. secure channels and all that. Gwen and Lucia are senior members not instructors. So I modified your post in IC

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